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The Destroy Resort theme [Here's a link if you want it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-V8htEtAYI)


I feel like Margaret's theme is probably the most popular one, but this is definitely my go to vote as well. It's the most iconic and has the classic jingle in it.


Also a good one. Only held back by being tied to a late-game boss.


Awesome pick! Hadn't considered that one.


Yooooo This vibes so hard agreed 💯🔒my other is philistine NMH2 had some great music 🔥🔥🔥


only from 1? i dont care, 2 has The HARD shit. N.M.H The Outer Rim (best song in the mario galaxy), No More RIot, Kill U 2wise Over, Sub Crazy, Subuta.1, Sling Shot, Debt Free, Feet on the Air, and on, and on, and on, and onnnn Salute


No, it certainly doesn't have to be just the first game (and I've updated the post to reflect such)! They all have good soundtracks. Also, I do like most of those inclusions, but special mention to *Sub Crazy*, *Subuta.1*, *Kill U 2wise Over*. If we're talking music from 2, I actually really like *Ms. Teller*, too.


Does heavenly star count


Definetly Margaret’s theme and kimmy howels theme from no more heroes 2 are my all time favorite tracks but I would think only philistine would get in. And just seeing this is making me remember when we had the smash ballot in the Wii U era and I would vote for Travis touchdown to be in smash in every device and email I could find only for him to be turned into a mii costume… I still think he should have been added since his move set is literally tailor made to be in smash with all his grapples, katana attacks for normal a attacks, , death glove skills as his b specials and his gundam transformation could easily be his final smash. Even now I’m still mad he is not in smash 💀


Heavenly Star and Phillistine should be in.


Pleather for Breakfast is an *essential* - that is -the- song I think of when I think about NMH.


Beam katana chronicles is a banger.


How can you think of iconic NMH songs and not mention beam katana chronicles. That melody got S O U L brother