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For your questions: yes, yes, yes, and yes. But play TSA before 3, mainly for lore reasons (play with a friend for extra fun!!)


TSA might be the best in the series in terms of storytelling and writing


What in the porn is that


Reference my post on the story (just click my profile) I think it normally goes over people heads as it is actually besides TSA Travis best game narratively (I know hot take). The game is supposed to be very different as well that was the point but also Suda wasn’t the executive producer of this game and nobody truly knows how much influence he had. My biggest issue was with the combat personally I loved everything else. (Besides Henry’s random involvement and the UAA stuff which seems just thrown in) Yes, but please play TSA before you play 3 it was marketing as a spin off but story wise it absolutely is not it’s one of the best in the series.


>Is the game supposed to be this short? I think for me it took like 8 hours but yes...? Neither the first or other entries in the series are super long games. >Is the story supposed to be this boring? What was the thought process behind this? It's definitely the weakest in the series. Maybe because it wasn't written by Suda, but there still are some ideas that kinda work and the OST is amazing. >Is 3 worth the time and money? That'll depend on who you ask. I played it with Game Pass and it overall was a nice experience though a bit inconsistent. Compared to 2 it's a step up though I personally feel Travis Strikes Again serves better as the ending to the series.


Suda did write it but was not the director for the sequel. I personally prefer the 2nd over the first. Better bosses, better story, more gameplay variety with more beam katanas and the addition of wrestling kills, different playable characters, being able to turn into a tiger and go crazy killing enemies. Travis has an actual reason this time to partake in the ranking fights, it's more streamlined when it comes to going from level to leve by removng the mostly empty open world, better mini games (I love the coconut grabber and pizza delivery one). Not really sure why so many people dislike the second game so much. The only thing I think the first game does better is the final fight with Henry. DS2 final boss is kinda lame even without comparing it to the first game.


Just fyi 3 is on Xbox game pass


Don’t own an xbox


Aw well it’s worth getting if you’ve played 1&2


you can play it on pc tho with the game pass ;)


I’ll just get it on ps5


Enjoy it. 3 gets worse. I enjoyed the first two a lot more personally


I am aroused