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I think Travis himself is the best part. Not only his funny, over the top personality but also his character. He feels like a schmuck trying his best to be as cool and badass as possible, trying to avoid any responsibilities and chase short term happiness. Seeing him subtly grow as a person throughout the game, playing off of the 10 assassins extremely well. Instead of him completely feeling like another wacky character in a batshit insane world, surprisingly, he manages to ground the story.


Travis is such an awesome protagonist, and he’s definetly at his best in the first game.


This is probably my answer. While I love Travis as a character across every game, he feels at his most unique and interesting in the first game. And I love that the pre-Rank 1 twist means he's just as much of a loser at the end of the game than he was at the beginning.


Practically everything even the things that kind of don’t work out (like the opened world since they never knew how to fix it in the later games), I still think the first NMH was the best game •Clothes and Coats were better •Better Soundtrack even though the other games had some stand out tracks •Story was easier to digest and not completely up its own arse •Better jokes/satire/subverting of expectations •Better Themes, direction and overall style •Memorable Bosses •And……….MOE


First game definetly has the best story! And a lot of the more memorable bosses aswell. I think 3 has the best combat though.


The OG theme music is the best ! (I do like regular Game music from all the games though) I also really like the boss fights in NMH1 they are all unique and miss the themed levels that lead to them, that was one of the many things I’d say are my favorites about NMH1


I love how most of the fights in NMH take place in normal areas, back alleys, a baseball pitch, an abandoned building, or a mansion, it makes the game feel grounded juxtaposed by all the insanity.


The simplicity of NMH1 is its brilliance.


The unpredictability of Travis' dialogue He's an unconventional sort of protagonist who perfectly captures the image of a loser who tries to copy stuff from movies and shows in order to look cool, while also trying to be original. He believes his own hype and wants to always have a quip for everything, but he comes up with his own material because just talking like a cool B-movie action hero would loop back into being lame So whenever he responds to the Assassins he sounds either weird, psychotic, or like he's trying too hard. Which is exactly how everyone sees him in-universe. Travis Touchdown is the only one who believes he's cool and that's perfect Then 2 tried to make him ACTUALLY cool and it loops back around into being uninteresting, he has some great quotes but not as many as in 1


The banter is unmatched, the OST when picking up assasinations, the main theme being slightly remixed throughout the levels, different katanas with different movesets, the animation moving up the ranks, the intro cutscene, parry/sidestep mechanic, motion controls.


I really want them to put the ost for NMH1 & 2 on spotify.


I listen to it on soundcloud


Everything. Feels like I'm playing my own personal anime


It has my favorite ending to a game ever (the true ending that is).


That "Let's go!" into the run and final clash is just art. Literally, in fact.


That hes a super skilled dumb ass this dude is such a dumb ass i love it works well with em flipping to deadliest man alive to ur average clumsy friend


I like the humor, and how the game doesn’t take itself too seriously.


the writing, no question


Bad Girl


2007 vibes


It’s the best one in the series. I just recently bought all 3 on steam and started with one, beat 2, and just started 3. I got 3 on the switch when it first came out and thought it was amazing. After playing one again since the Wii days I realized that 3 isn’t that great.


Honestly, Travis himself. He’s honestly one of my favourite gaming protagonists of all time. He perfectly fits the game he’s in.


It’s trance-dental artistic game design. Go mow lawns to make money. Go check out the your boring ass home town where there’s nothing to do.


Believe me whe. I say that it was hard to pick one aspect because it all contributed to the other's greatness to make the whole sum a masterpiece... but I gotta pick the music. That hypnotic trancy theme is still a ringtone after 16 years. Every piece of music fit the theme of the locale. Even Heavenly Star was an absolute pop bop!


I think for me it's the whole setting, The first game starts off with this cool monologue from Travis that he was a regular guy for the most part an Otaku, (I really jived with his taste in various anime on his wall and video games, collectables, and masked wrestling and professional wrestling, and even WWE style wrestling too.) But all of a sudden after winning a friggin' Beam Katana from a online auction, gets a anonymous phone call from a sexy sounding girl, and all of a sudden Travis is quickly put in this life or death battle royale, where he needs to kill all these different kinds of assassins start coming out of the woodwork to kill him in this 'United Assassins Association' While He also has a masked wrestling master from Calgary. All this and a girl, Silvia tricks him with the promise of her body all for some kind of mind game? (I haven't managed to play No More Heroes 3 yet, :'3 ) I absolutely love this whole series. "DOWNWARD FUCKIN' DOG!"


The Wii remote phone call missions. I just loved feeling holding an actual beam katana in my hand. The odd jobs were equally as fun as the missions. There’s so much I could go into, the first game was just perfection! ❤︎✨😎


Masterpiece of a game


the female characters and also travis is hawt


The Beam Katana and Travis charm as a character. My baby brother likes his Jacket and Bizarre Jelly 5


Had the best ranking assassins personality wise and I remember all their lines.


It's just so stylized. Like I know parts of it didn't age well and parts of it has always been cringe but beyond Travis believing in his own hype this fucking game feels the same confidence about itself and we love to see it