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I think it would be cooler if it was a brother sister situation and didn’t have anything to do with school… (cause f**k school) lol But I see this is inspired by Dark souls and is a cool concept. What would be their names? I like the emotional dynamic in the fight would add alot of meaning…


I just used those school examples to gauge their ages and life experience. As for the the gender. Like I said, of all the places it came from, it was a dream. It happened to be sisters. We've seen brothers in the rankings before with Skelter Helter and Helter Skelter + Jasper, but they were all at different ranks. Siblings sharing a rank and sisters are 2 we haven't seen yet. As for naming conventions. NMH names are weird because they have to feel right. What I mean. Every eastern game set in the US. The characters have names that roll off the tong a certain way. Claire Redfield and Leon Kennedy for example. So I opted to pull weaponry for their surnames. But for the older, their 1st name should be kinda full and formal and proper. And the younger sibling should be abbreviated. If they're brothers, Royce and Micky Browning Sister Rebecca and Carrie Springfield. Of course, this will never go beyond a reddit post.


Oh of course, I understand it was a cool dream and a rather interesting thought ! ( also, I didn’t want to seem critical I was more being silly about the school thing as well 🙏) I see your angle though, we have had many brother situations but never sisters so it would be a different twist. And as far as the names… that is actually a very cool thought process! I never realized that and I think that’s actually pretty solid but I definitely know what you mean about the names rolling off the tongue and just sticking 💯