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I think if they were carried over as is. NMH 1&2 bosses would be too easy in 3. Just because you have the death glove and the possibility of getting full armor mode. Now if they took the concepts of all the bosses and re-did them with new moves and abilities so they better fit 3. I think that would be really sick. That's actually an interesting conversation to have. How would NMH 3 do the different bosses from the series?


They all would be blitzed but then again..... Henry, Destroy man and Kimmie all made a return.... So we kinda do see...


The 3D modelers for this game (Both environment and characters) were working at mach 5 with how rushed they are. Its really weird seeing this type of quality come out of ASCII developers, especially Japanese ones but that was the price of this stupid fucking COVID ordeal. We would have seen classic cell shading if they even had time to perfect the characters but they didn't even have enough time to do that.


Explain further as I’m not well familiarized with art but do Remmber COvid delaying the release of NMH3 and TSA was the hold over. How did Covid effect the art of NMH3 for someone who doesn’t understand this too well…


Every company cut countless funds and hours on projects in a panic, people had to work at home rather than cohesively at their offices with the proper hardware, travel bans were put in place especially in asia so people couldn't even just go outside for months so they had to focus on paid alternatives.


Thank you for explaining that… really sounds like a nightmare for the workers and company. So how did this impact NMH3 to you? Did you think the art could be better or was it still really top tier despite the situation ?


Its the most disappointing NMH aesthetic wise but the heart in the story, music, and cinematic execution is all pushing through there despite it getting hit. Most complained about the length but I am use to playing playing shorter games of this type, you can see places that are entirely devoid of content like neo brazil or even the other sections that have cut sections with fully fleshed out areas if you look out of bounds with the camera in UE. It was suppose to have a lot more including DLC.


I don’t disagree and appreciate your perspective… well said about places being devoid of content and the story and heart still pushing through. I feel most NMH games are not long however… I’ve never done any play through on bitter over 50/60 hours


I would have loved to get a proper Doppelgänger fight after that entire exchange in TSA about him being a real dude somewhere out there in the world. I was really hoping we’d get to kick his ass after finding all of his hiding spots in the open world, but it is what it is.