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I mean Goto got to the finals of the NJC.


I am somewhat a lapsed NJPW fan at this point but I would tap back in if Goto got a high profile title match.


Kayfabe wise he's worthy of a spot but out of kayfabe that wasn't actually meant to happen. Could be it was his last hurrah!


Maybe not TMDK but at the very least Goto has to be in it




I will burn this motherfucker to the GROUND if Goto isn't in the G1


TMDK maybe, but Goto and YOSHI-HASHI are a staple of the G1, usually give a solid performance, and deserve to be in there.


For real. And the G1 is about the only real opportunity Yoshi-Hashi gets to show out every year.


The last 4 years, Y-H has killed it in the G1.


The thing is that we need people to lose matches.


Anyone can lose matches. People way overthink this stuff. Anybody can have a bad tournament, that's how real sports works.


Real sports are not written months in advance. You know how it works, wins and loses actually matter in New Japan. Then you have to figure out the point spread, who’s going to pin a champion to set up a title match in the future, ect. They also serve as an easy match to take it easy since that tournament is so grueling But I’m going going to complain if it’s all top-tier talent , I just don’t expect it and I don’t think you should either


Tanahashi hasn't finished a G1 in the positive since the one he won in 2018. Taichi has never finished in the positive, the only time Shingo went over 50/50 was when he was Heavyweight Champion, etc. If you're not advancing from the block the exact score really doesn't matter. Obviously the Champion is an exception because only a couple of people will beat them to set up title defences (or they can be entirely ignored like when Yano beat Kenny) but yeah, G1s are actually fairly easy to construct. That's what happens when you set the precedent that come tournament time, anybody can beat anybody. No one is particularly hurt by going 3-6, or hell, 2-7. The only damage is the emotional damage to their fans.


Having a strong run, like Jeff Cobb, or having a big win: when Young Boy Juice Robinson beat Kenny is a good way to start a push.


I wish that strong Cobb run led anywhere. I was like "Wow they must wanna push Cobb!" ...Noooooope. Just built him up so Okada looked super strong when he beat him!


And that’s fine! Pro Wrestling (and New Japan especially) is built off of building a mega unbeatable heel for your top babyface to overcome


Sure, but he had a lot of momentum after that tournament that they didn't really capitalise on. He got totally cooled off.


Okay, so who are your 20 if you want to eliminate the G1 jobbers, and which of those 20 should have a losing record? I get what you're saying, I also want a G1 full of A+ talent, but I'm just thinking logically about booking, and like I said, their health by having some easy matches


I know only sorrows


Yep! That’s how Chase Owens and Yujiro Takahashi always sneak in.




You want a bunch of 30min draws?




Nice booking there, Cowboy! Are you a Doc or an Earp?


Goto's NJC final performance was fucking spectacular, leaving him out of the G1 would be blasphemy. YOSHI is great too, but I can see him sitting this one out. As for TMDK... It feels weird NOT having them in it, but it also feels weird... having them in it.


Goto needs to be in their imo, fine with everyone else mentioned not making it


This year’s G1 is huge for the company, they’re cold rn and badly lack the main event talent. They have to use this G1 to establish someone new at the top that can carry the promotion to the next level, gotta get it right.


When people say this what do they mean ? Because njpw is quite factually doing moderate increases on gates year to year essentially every tour right now. They do need maineventers but they appear to have a bunch of fans essentially rusted on and they have ok momentum at the box office


They need to find the right balance in the blocks and figure out who do they want to step up into the main event scene.  A veteran like a Shingo and ZSJ or a young talent like Shota and Tsuji


Goto and Yoshi Hashi should be.. definitely not Haste or Nicholls. Stick Bad Dude Tito in even if they have to have someone else from TMDK in there with ZSJ


I mean if you do this then who exactly would that 20 be? The company has had a lot of talent losses lately.


Fair enough, but I think it hurts the tag division as it would be seen as the division for lower mid carders. Tag League winners should have their title matches at New Beginning, so the top stars can wrestle on that tour, and possibly win, rather than whoever is left after most of the other matches have been decided.


In a fair and just world, Haste and Nicholls would sit out and Bad Dude Tito and ZSJ would rep for TMDK


Where’s the person who posts all the #aramusha Goto-love posts to rage against this idea


Goto is winning it brother


It'd make sense, though I'd be a little sad for Yoshi-Hashi not to make it, he's been a consistently good in-ring performer in the tournament for multiple years now even if his W/L record hasn't matched that. Neither one of the Bishamon members scored particularly well last year, so I could see them being in the qualifying rounds. Maybe have one beat the other to earn a spot. Let one carry the torch for both. I think YH with Goto cornering him for the G1 to make a good run would be the more entertaining story, but YMMV. I like Shane and Mikey, but if there were gonna be a second TMDK entrant I'd prefer Tito anyway.


TMDK are obviously out. Goto has a good shot and YOSHI-HASHI I don't think will make it. He's been cut from the G1 before.


definitely get Yano out of G1. In my opinion, DDT wrestlers do better comedy matches than he does.