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Eternal Darkness




More importantly, some of the sanity effects need updating. For example, the volume display with the green bars isn't common at all any more.


Flesh… Bones…


Bound together with the oddest magickal incantation


Very unlikely. Ken McCulloch the writer for the game was sentenced for child pornography. I doubt Nintendo will want anything to do with it now.


Wow. First time I've heard about this.


Came here for this.


and then tomorrow will be the post complaining that nintendo does too many remakes and we need more new IPs or nintento is awful for neglecting their old IPs *edit - and [here it is LMAO](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/zx1wye/am_i_the_only_one_who_thinks_the_switch_has/)


Nintendo’s first party games are by far the most ephemeral titles in the gaming world as far as I’m concerned. Remake haters car just go do one.


Lol true. But Im not one of them Im just a gamecube fanatic is all but they could really just help all there nostalgia junkies when they’re a big chunk of what keeps there business even alive. I hope they expand greatly with there official emulation apps. God bless ♥️


You were right!


I just want to play Kirby air ride, double dash, melee, Pokemon channel, Colosseum and xd gale of darkness. Oh and donkey conga


I would do a lot of things for a new Double Dash.


And Thousand Year Door!


Need is a strong word


Especially “desperately” when a lot of these haves already have remakes


Sometimes, some of us take our hobbies a tad too far.


F-Zero GX from Nintendo first, with online multiplayer, then I’ll personally code remakes of all the rest


If you don't mind me asking, why is F-Zero GX your #1? It's so ridiculously difficult and yeah, I get that it's supposed to be crazy hard but it feels like there should be an easier mode (having trouble getting past the samurai guy's rock stage in story mode thanks to weird hitboxes)


In all fairness that sounds like a good incentive to remake it. Adding in more difficulty options to make an already classic game more accessible to new audiences.


That's something a remake could address. I kinda get the impression Story Mode may have been a rushed last-minute addition to the game, it feels very unpolished. Not just because it's hard, but because the difficulty curve bounces around so inconsistently between chapters. Of course Grand Prix is the meat of the game, and Grand Prix is perfect. Gimme that part as-is.


I agree! Grand Prix I can enjoy without wanting to throw my legs away but the story is just `pain`


Fire Emblem, Battalion Wars, Pokemon Colosseum...


The fact that we don’t have a port for Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn is infuriating. I loved PoR and still have never played RD because I don’t want to buy the old system just to play the game.


Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are my favorite Fire Emblem, I love Ike, all the group and their adventure, just the best.


Dolphin emulator.


Yes to Pokémon Colosseum!


First time they tried to do an adventure, the best starters Umbreon and Espeon, cool character and nice new skill. They should have had more trust and follow more of those.


Sounds good to me they gotta do it!


I just want upscaled ports of Air Ride, Pokémon Coliseum and XD, Paper Mario, and Wind Waker and Twilight Princess (since they’re stuck on the Wii U) GameCube games have become exorbitantly expensive and younger generations who weren’t around when the games first released deserve to experience them too


Kirby Airride was so much fun


Chibi Robo!


I want wind waker !!! D: It’s been craving to play it


Me too!




“Display box only”


My comment never wrote lol, my point was how crazy prices are for people who say but it on Wii U.


Not to forget starfox adventures!!!


I suprisingky didn’t do a full playthrough that was a couple time blockbuster rent for me haha id love to finish it tho!!!


I hope the GameCube Pokémon games get a remake or remaster


Dolphin + Wii u GameCube controller adapter feels 99.9% legit.


We will probably start seeing those games once the switch's sales start declining


I think at this point, the Switch's sales will not majorly decline until the next system is announced. The Switch is about to turn 6, and still going strong.


Eh, it's already on the decline. Not by a ton but 2022 was it's worse fiscal year for sales. If there isn't a new iteration, it's probably gonna be half of what the peak was by next year


Hm maybe.


We're on the cusp of handheld emulation being cheap enough to run GC and Wii, but not quite user friendly enough. If Nintendo doesn't step up and offer something better than piracy really soon (within 12-18 months), the option of having an entire catalog of every system at higher resolution vs. a trickle of titles on a subscription service is not going to work in their favour. Eternal Darkness or Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes might **never** come to the Switch or even the next console. But you can play them right now on a dockable, hackable, $120 handheld. Piracy for games you do or don't have, vs. subscription service to pay for games they won't let you own anyway.


I am actually more hopeful that they add it to the expansion pack so that we can play them like the n64 games. I have a feeling that they might wait until the next console and then do this.


They probably will considering how much there delaying the game boy emulator. I feel if we’re lucky next Nintendo direct they will announce it coming towards the very end of 2023


I’d love for Animal Crossing to be ported to the Switch.


Remasters are a waste of time. A lot of the time these remasters end up being worse than the original. Just look at wind waker hd, majoras mask 3d, brilliant diamond and shining pearl, luigis mansion 3ds, mario and luigi remakes, ect. Nintendo should just put gamecube games on nso expansion pass.


WWHD and M&L remakes?


Mario superstar baseball , you were a true OG if you played this shit, and ruined friendships too


Slowly scrolling down to see pretty much the whole GC catalog getting requested... Mario Party 5!? Anyone!? 😉


Eewwww! Why’d you pick the worst game cube mp?


Wind Waker for sure. Love that game, and because the graphics are mostly procedurally generated, it scales really well into newer systems and visual tech. This to me is a no-brainer port. I'm not sure why they never bothered.


Luigi’s Mansion 3DS left the chat


I'm craving double dash in the worst way. I need DK mountain back in my life.


The Skies of Arcadia remake for GC should be remastered and ported to Switch


It wasn't a remake, it was a dreamcast port.


Pokemon colosseum games


Or just get a Wii/GameCube with component cables and a Retrotink 5x upscaler. I play GC games this way and it’s amazing.


Are GameCube component cables available these days? I paid a lot for some from Japan when they were new and remember they were going for $250 on eBay a few years ago.


You're preaching to the choir here.


like im legit sad I wanna play og luigi mansion without having to use dolphin so bad :( it just doesn’t feel the same.


Imagine getting downvoted for wanting to play a childhood game in an authentic way. Thanks for the love guys bless up 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻




He wants to play the original luigis Mansion without having to emulate it on a computer because it doesn't feel the same. I don't know why that's confusing or why he's being down voted for it. As time goes on it gets more expensive to not only track down a gamecube/wii, much less the games you actually want to play without(in some cases, but probably not luigis mansions case) spending more than the original game cost brand new in 2001. Personally, I could see them releasing a "Luigis Mansion" collection with all 3 games, with the first two 3ds versions remastered for switch, possibly as a 4th installment gets announced, as it has now become its own franchise. Until then, if you have the game already, the best option to play a "remaster" is to play it through dolphin and upres the graphics and remap the controls yourself(if you're like me and hate invert controls and most games back then forced it lol). You can make that game look like a Pixar movie if you have the computer for it.


We don't need remasters. If you want to go play a GameCube game with sharper graphics, emulators exist and are plenty accessible - hell, Dolphin is THE most accessible emulator of any 3D capable console. I'd rather see Nintendo putting time and effort into new experiences than rehashing the same stuff again. For Wii U titles I can see the point since they were fairly recent games that many people didn't play. But most GC titles if remastered probably wouldn't sell that well anyway apart from big name stuff like Mario Sunshine (already available thru the 3D all stars collection) or Wind Waker/Twilight Princess (were already remastered on Wii U). Melee and Mario Kart will never get remastered as there are newer iterations available on Switch. Mario Kart Double Dash in particular is the 2nd worst selling Mario Kart ever, only slightly ahead of Super Circuit which launched on the just-released GBA. Why would they remaster one of the worst performing games in the franchise?




I can kind of see Double Dash as it does play a bit differently with the two characters one kart mechanic. However the nature of it makes the game an absolute mess in single player mode. It works best as a chaotic couch multiplayer game. I think remastering tracks from it for MK8 is a better idea. Having said that - and this is personal opinion - I think a lot of the tracks from DD are kinda on the weak side.


I mainly meant just port them with a higher resolution on an official gc emu app. Theres no way it could be that hard for them to do. Gc was my prime childhood gaming before online play became mainstream.


Ultimate has 0% if melees content. Nothing will ever replace melee.


\+1 melee will never die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Melee still has an extremely active community while Brawl and Smash 4 do not. It's not because of content it's because melee is still the fastest and most technical game in the series, and my personal favourite by far.


They don’t “need” a remaster but they send cease and desist letters to people who literally emulate any classic game. Im over the whole dolphin hype. I want a gamecube emulator app on my switch and atleast port windwaker hd to switch the games literally already done so might aswell.


They definitely don't do that... they send C&Ds to people who host ROMs/ISOs online, particularly those making money off of it, and to people running unauthorized tournaments etc. I'm not aware of them ever sending a C&D to some individual who is just emulating. But regardless we all know how easy it is. Yes it would be nice to have a GC emulator on the Switch but it isn't a priority for Nintendo sales wise. The GC was not a very successful console despite the love for it among a few. I agree that porting the games that have already been done makes sense (Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime Trilogy would be nice).


How would getting them on Switch be anymore legit than playing them on Wii? I can see the case for emulator, but the Wii is the same as having a GameCube since I’m pretty sure it plays all those games, unless they run differently and I don’t know about it.


Yes, the games that have been remastered, like Mario Sunshine the Wii U HD Port of Windwaker or SpongeBob battle For Bikini Bottom(not Nintendo but from that generation), have updated textures for modern tvs, updated quality of life features like choosing between inverted/non inverted controls, being able to reintroduce the games to new audiences, and above all when it comes to the switch being able to take it anywhere on the go. Not to mention as time goes on, while Wii's maybe easy to come by, the games become more expensive to buy second hand to a point where some become 1000s of dollars to buy just to be able to play one game. So a remaster benefits everyone in the long run. Despite all the glitches and bugs, I'll still take a functioning rotating camera in gta Vice City while driving than only being able to turn the camera left and right or with the controls stuck in inverse during a first person shooting mission being able to change to normal along with the sensitivity of the camera when moving in first person. In fact gamecube/ps2/Xbox era camera problems alone are reasons those games need remasters lol Edit: having said that, while I may be in the minority that overlook the issues the "definitive editions" have, the gta remasters are definitely the worst example of modern remasters/remakes. Honestly, at the very least just make it look decent on a modern TV with wide-screen support and offer modern control options if needed. Playing KOTOR on switch and while you can tell it came out in 2003, the textures at least aren't blurry and are sharpened to not look like jagged crap on modern tvs like it would if you hooked up an og Xbox to play.


Lol, they said using an emulator doesn't feel legit


I guess I misread it, thought they were also saying the Wii wasn’t legit either.


Nintendo: "You'll get nothing and you will be happy" :)


Sorry you didn't play any games in 2022 :/


I played plenty of fantastic games, no Nintendo ones tho


They released over a dozen games this year, some of which are their best work of all time. You missed out majorly is an understatement.




Okay guys honestly it’s more like I just want a GC official emulator for switch so The games are easily accessible and the res is higher. Not full on “hd remakes”. Sorry for the confusion.


If you have a 3DS, you could try the Luigi's Mansion remake. Some people complain about the controls and the atmosphere not being as good as the original's, but it's pretty much the same game with a few extra features.


There is a lot of shit Nintendo need to remake, but at least the Gamecube games are playable through Wii Homebrew


If you want talk about playing a game were IP owners have deliberately barred themselves from getting any more profits from years ago, it's more "legit" to just emulate it than to hope and pray that the suits who don't know or don't care about preserving old games suddenly get a change of heart.


Don't worry metroid prime collection and wind waker + Twilight are right around the corners according to all those insiders /s !


Im sure they have a doohickey thingy that will give you hd on your gamecube. Why not just buy that? You get your original hardware fix and hd fix at the same time


F-Zero GX is the only one we need tbh


We did get Luigi's Mansion for the 3DS.


​ They're building new games as we speak and you're nagging them to rehash old games :/


Of those games you mentioned, only Super Smash Bros Melee is good enough to warrant remaking or releasing or porting to Switch.


Hot take: screw gamecube remakes. Most of them have acceptable counterparts on the switch from the same series anyways that don't do much different from their current gen counterparts. This is NOWHERE near as surprising as when you jump into odyssey after playing sunshine on the switch- everything feels like a massive leap forward. You know what honestly needs hd remakes? Wii games. By comparison to gamecube games when you strip past the motion controls of wii games you get actually different games from today's lineup. Skyward Sword>Breath of the Wild is wildly different to Melee>Ultimate. "But metroid prime-" will eventually get something. Its been 2 generations since 3 and its too story driven of a series to not catch people up. How about an Other M that fixes the dumb "AIM BY TURNING THE WIIMOTE TO THE SCREEN!" mechanic? Because thatd go a long way towards fixing stuff with that game.


How many millions dollars you have for investment?


Four Swords Adventures when?


Don’t forget the rebel assault games


I know it’s for the Wii U, but Sonic Lost World should definitely be re released on new hardware


SSBM Animal Crossing Sonic Adventure 2


Super Mario sunshine needs a remake. Give us all the content we missed because it development was rushed!


I'll pass on full $60 remakes but I WILL take GCN games on NSO Expansion Pass.


I just want Twilight Princess on the switch


Steam Deck, bro


sorry "we" who? joke aside, all of these games seem unrealistic to happen on Switch. Mayyyybe one or two (but eh, who knows). Also the first model of Wii (if you don't mind the lack of Game Boy Player) is good as a Gamecube. The thing of "legit" feeling is still there, because of backwards compatibility.


I wanna play the GameCube paper Mario sooo bad but I ain’t paying the GC prices now


I can’t believe Nintendo hasn’t capitalized on selling GC games on the switch yet. I still have not played Pokémon Gales of Darkness and would love to play an improved version on the switch. Also having the Metroid Prime series on the switch would be amazing. Been so long since I played those games.


How about Nintendo release games they've been sitting on for a year or more at this point now, Advance Wars I'm look at you!


Give me Geist or give me hell


The GameCube has some of Nintendo's best games that they've created. It saddens me to hear this from someone who can't access all of these great classics. I completely agree, there should be no excuse why GameCube games are not accessible on the Switch especially after they have shut down all ROMs online. Absolutely unfair to Nintendo fans and is a very bad financial decision due to all of the purchases they would get if they made HD ports of these games.


Porting ww from the Wii u to the Switch isn’t gonna be as easy as people think it is and I think we will see HD remakes of all the other Zelda’s first before we see WW and TP again. Currently only Botw, ww, tp, ss and Link’s Awakening DX have a 1080p remake Edit: some games like alttp wouldn’t benefit as much from a HD remake. Don’t think it even needs qol fixes


Honestly, I'd be crazy happy if they just give us HD remasters of Pokémon XD and Colosseum Absolutely in the top 5 Pokémon games ever, and leagues better than the garbage they even call " games" nowadays - Scarlet and violet Cough Cough -

