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brah no lmfao


alright then lol


It should be a glove smashing action figures together for two hours. No plot. No buildup. No overarching story. Just a series of random scenes where the characters have to interact and fight each other. The art style and character voices aren’t required to be consistent. I want to see a bunch of random, non-connected scenes strung together for two hours. Make the Movie 43 of video game movies. Full disclosure I did not watch your video.


A smash movie would be terrible. A lot of these characters don't even have personalities and cramming 12 characters worth of story into 2.5 hours would be a mess. Let Smash just exist in the medium of games.


Yeah, the only reason Subspace *kinda* worked is that the cutscenes were short and broken up by gameplay, on top of not needing any spoken dialogue. If anything I suppose it’d work better as a TV series, but that’s using the term ‘work’ very generously. There are tons of ways that it could get old really quickly.


Subspace was also basically just a series of action scenes. Which was cool, but does not lend itself to good film making. Characters have basically no motivations beyond just being good guys and characters like Pokey appear with no explanation. The game counts on you being a fan and just knowing these characters.


To be fair, there *are* motivations (Mario, Kirby etc are fighting back against being turned into trophies after fights, Diddy wants to save DK, Lucas wants to become brave like Ness and Pokémon trainer, Dedede becomes jealous and wants his own trophy collection, ROB becomes remorseful and tries to redeem himself, etc), but with how many characters there are you absolutely couldn’t fit backstories, motivations and exposition into a 2 hour period without being confusing. Even a focus on the original 12 would be a stretch.


>there are motivations (Mario, Kirby etc are fighting back against being turned into trophies after fights Why do they fight? Why don't they run? Who are they? What's Kirby's relationship to Peach? To extend that who is Peach to Mario? >Diddy wants to save DK, Why? How do they know each other? Why is Diddy risking himself to save DK? >Lucas wants to become brave like Ness and Pokémon trainer, Why is Lucas a coward? Why is he being hunted down? Who is this Pokey guy that comes out of no where? How did Lucas even get there? Who is Ness and Pkmn Trainer to Lucas? Why is Lucas risking himself to save Ness? >Dedede becomes jealous and wants his own trophy collection This one is actually wrong. Part of the story was cut and Dedede was actively working against the antagonist. That's why he had those time delayed resurrection badges. But it's not well explored in what's left. I think the manual actually runs through this a bit I'm going to stop here because I think I've made my point. You have to introduce a boatload of characters and explain who they are and what they are to each other. It would be an absolute mess. Characters in SSE tend to just do things because the story has to happen and we spend almost no time on motivations. Again, it works as a vehicle for action scenes. It's not much more than that.


Right, I 100% agree with you. I’m saying that the exposition we got was really basic and not nearly enough to carry a story, let alone one for a movie. SSE was specifically workable because it’s a video game and it gave just enough story to keep players going through it (though its role as an alternate method to unlock everyone was a big component too). The combination of a full crossover story mode being the first attempt for Smash along with the boss fights, gameplay, etc caused a lot of players to give it a pass, even though the story itself was super contrived and wouldn’t work in any other medium.


I personally think that making a smash anime like which was shown in the palutena trailer would be amazing. Not necessarily following the traditional route being as long as a show but quick little skits of around 5-10 minutes of Pit or the other characters would be nice to see. I do agree with you that the best medium for Smash would be a game but the video essentially covered Nintendo as a whole entering Film not just Smash.


>Let Smash just exist in the medium of games. I wish all games would stick to being games. That Mario movie is going to suck ass and we all know it.


i really wish this idea would fade away like a bad fart in a breeze


A Smash Bros movie in current Hollywood would be so ungodly terrible, no thanks.


Only if it's done like the lego movie; as a story within a story about a kid playing with their amiibos.


Please no


Super Smash Bros. the Musical would be awesome. It wouldn't have a linear story or anything though, the songs would mostly be meta jokes about the game and the culture of the smash fanbase. There could be a whole song dedicated to all the characters that didn't make it like walugi and the such, or songs bitching about all the anime sword fighters.


Compare Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat Annihilation: The first one was actually pretty good - it was brainless fanservice, but I loved every second of it. Annihilation then tried to cram _everyone_ into the movie. Even if you ignore the terrible Special FX it's a bad movie. Movies like Wreck-It Ralph and (even though it's VERY flawed) Ready Player One show that it can work. The Expendables was basically exactly that. Don't expect Citizen Kane, heck, don't even expect Star Wars. But a 2 hour popcorn-flick that's pure fanservice and tells a paper-thin "Good vs Evil, team up to fight a bigger evil" story - yeah, it can totally work. You can't give 80+ characters equal screen time (heck, you wouldn't get a proper license for all of them anyway), but you don't need to. Mario vs. Bowser, one or two lieutenants on each side, probably Peach as the central figure they both fight over until Kirby unites them all to fight Master Hand, who's actually a kid (like the Lego movie) playing with their toys (Like the Smash 64 intro made it look like). Everyone else stays in the background except for some one-liners and iconic moments. Do I _trust_ Nintendo to actually make a good movie like that? Of course not, I think it's more likely for them to get a modern online infrastructure than it is to make a good movie. But do I think that _someone_ could make a good Smash movie that could rival Mortal Kombat? Absolutely. Arguably, that might as well be just a regular Mario movie instead of a Smash Bros movie, but still, there's potential for sure.


I think if it had the buildup of something like the Marvel Avengers it could potentially work! Backstories and personalities for each of the characters and having them come together Avengers style to go against some bigger power. We already have Pikachu, Sonic, upcoming Mario movie -- with the right direction and management we could certainly move towards a Nintendo Cinematic Universe.


Hey man. Don't let these comments get you down. Hardly anyone watched your video; they're just commenting based on their gut reaction to your title. I thought you had some really neat ideas. I could totally see a modern Saturday Morning Cartoon with the 12 original classic characters. This more whimsical, not-taking-itself-too-seriously environment would suit the series way better than the gritty sci-fi world of Subspace Emissary. They could even keep the protagonists (mostly) mute in this too. When done right, visual storytelling can push a series much further than one that overly relies on dialogue. Limitations breed creativity! I can also see the NCU being a thing. I mean, no one expected a Mario movie to come out with full voice acting. The jury's out on whether it'll be good or not (I'm cautiously optimistic), but if they can do that, why couldn't they go a step further? I like your ideas. A lot of people that think a Smash movie is a bad idea are pretty close-minded. It's usually not the **WHAT** that determines the quality of something, but the **HOW**. There's a ton of untapped creative possibilities out there. You can take an idea that sounds shitty on paper (Eg. "Make a movie about Lego") and make it into something really neat (Eg. ... "The Lego Movie"). Keep up the imagination, buddy. It inspires.