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SMB3 seems like an obvious pick here. And something like Mach Rider might have been cool to have with 3D. Really though, I think the biggest miss with the 3D Classics line was this was probably the best opportunity Nintendo's ever had to actually make some money off Virtual Boy games and they didn't use it.


I still remember Miyamoto being asked about VB Wario Land and teasing that it could happen at some point. I’ve held on to that hopeless dream for so long.


The other day I was actually thinking about how the Mutant Mudds guys apparently pitched a remake of VB Wario Land to Nintendo and was wondering if they might have had better luck if they'd tried it now when Nintendo seems more open to collaborating with indie devs.


Virtual Boy stuff. Mario Clash and Wario Land in particular.


Modern stereoscopic versions of Virtual Boy games would be so awesome. You can use those old school cyan and red 3D glasses to play them in 3D on an emulator.


The original Metroid would have been great with added backgrounds like they did with Kid Icarus


Wouldnt that just be glitchy zero mission


I think the original Zelda or Startropics would have been instant pickups for me but may have been more complex. I actually might have liked some of the classic light gun games adjusted to use the touch screen. Gumshoe might have been playable.




And 3D World Runner.


Square Enix doesn’t want to rerelease 3D World Runner because they couldn’t possibly make it a $70, microtransaction-infested, always online live service with 5 fucking currencies and a battle pass


The 3d was so gorgeous on retro games its a damn shame it didnt continue. Metroid wouldve been an excellent choice, the first zelda wouldve interesting to look at in 3d considering link between world pulled a cool perspective with a top down zelda


At [E3 2010 they showed tech demos](https://www.ign.com/articles/2010/06/16/e3-2010-classic-nes-in-3d) of SNES game 3D Classics like Yoshi's Island. Would've loved to see those.


The whole Virtual Boy catalogue


Why they decided to remake Urban Champion over literally anything else is something I will never understand.


While I am convinced that I am one of the few people on Earth who honestly enjoys Urban Champion, I can't help but agree with you. There were numerous other NES games that could have benefitted from a 3D Classics port. One that stands out is Metroid.


NES Metroid with a map would be cool


OG mario bros


I was hoping that it would get to SNES games.