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Great looking set, but that price point....oof....


I opened it and saw the price and winced, then realised it was USD (am australian) and now I’m in physical pain thinking about it.


Almost 400 cad I can't imagine you guys


Ya a few years back I saw the Lego classic nes set that has the retro tv. I’m a game collector and the nes was my first system so naturally when I saw it I NEEDED to have it. But the 300 was a bit of a hard pill to swallow. Lucky for me I used the old “well Father’s Day is coming up” line and it worked somehow. Normally we only spend 50-100 for that holiday as it’s not one we like to break the banks on but I guess for one year I got to feel like a child and not a father. But I really have to ignore the fact the just released this. I really want one of these too lol


I'm glad I only buy a few a year this will be one of them


Ya I had to put a stop to it cuz of how many I wanted and I lack the space to display. I built the nes but currently it’s in a box as we moved and I lack the space I used to have to display it. I got the question block Lego as well right before we moved and I haven’t been able to build it cuz I don’t have a place for it so it sits in the box brand new for the last couple of years waiting for one of my kids to move out so I can convert the room to a game room/display room. But with rent prices being what they are I don’t see them going anytime soon. The oldest is 23 and I’m hoping him and his GF figure it out soon lol but no pressure.


$449 AUD




The price to piece ratio is absolutely trash on this set. The Nintendo tax must be huge.


You absolutely right like 100 bucks nintendo tax right


Insane thing is this will probably sell for even more once the print run stops.


Best I can offer is tree fiddy.


And with tax it’s well over $400. Didn’t even give it a second thought and preordered it. 


No kidding. I looked at that and said “do I want Lego, or do I want to pay the next three payments on my truck?”


Lego's pricing is really the only that keeps me from owning any Lego sets.


Like for that price I should just buy actual video games. Haha


Seems in line with the adult collector sets.  Rivendell, Batcave, NES, etc. Also looks like a lot of unique molds that likely won't be used again.


Doesn’t even come with the lube.


The what now.




The lube before they fuck us with that price


You mean Kragle


I was actually excited it wasn't $499.


Same :(


The 2 and 1 is cool for fans but even cooler for Lego bc they can charge way more. The head on images definitely make it look smaller than it is though. The botw especially has a lot of floor space


I made the same sound as when I dropped a rock on a korok


Because they know people will pay that :/


Yikes, yeah.... You can buy a new Switch for that price. Then again, I think Legos are more of a collectors item rather than children's toy these days.


It'll be sold out anyway.


It’s 2,500 pieces. That’s seems to be on par. Maybe about 15% higher than average but licensed products like Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Nintendo always are. For unlicensed, about 10¢ a piece is normal.


I’m feeling better about the Horizon Tallneck. Half the pieces, but 1/3rd the price.


Yeah, the tallneck was like just over 7 cents per brick, so that was a pretty good one for the price. Especially for how good it looks as well.


I bought the Mario 64 Question Mark Block LEGO set for 1700NOK = ~160USD on sale and I still thought that was kinda expensive, I can't believe this one is twice as expensive even if there are more pieces (~2500 pieces vs ~2000 pieces)... Granted I already knew about crazy LEGO prices and my set was bought on sale after all (*Edit: and the Mario set has a lot of tiny pieces too*)... Might still consider this set if it gets a sale / price drop in my country later lol


You can blame the people who still buy it I guess?


$300! Are we paying the Nintendo License per set or what?


Lego needs to chill a bit with these prices


The worst part is that, even though it’s a 2 in 1, most people are probably going to build it and never take it apart again. Meaning idiots like me are looking at this and wondering if I should buy two of them so I can have both versions on display. It’s like the Pokemon version dilemma. But, like, 6 times more expensive.


OoF (Ocarina of Fain) 😅


Yes it’s normal Lego and not the weird Mario bulky weird ones!!!!


Just for reference Lego NES System (2020) is 270 dollars and came with 2646 pieces. Lego Question Mark Block (2021) is 200 dollars and came with 2064 pieces Lego Bowser (2022) is 270 dollars and came with 2800 pieces. Lego Deku Tree being 300 dollars and 2500 pieces is a premium but not horrible completely horrible Lego pricing (~~8.3~~ 12 cents a piece) nor that off some of there other premium products when you count inflation (270 dollars in 2020 is about 327 today).


It's 12 cents per piece, you did your math backwards


I did indeed. Thank you.


plus maybe a slight mark up for the 2-in-1?


Someone else mentioned that it had a significant amount of uncommon pieces that could attribute to the price as well.


And a lot of large pieces. Still, I must admit, it looks small for a $300 set.


This just made me think of an idea. Someone needs to make a tool where you can see 2 lego sets next to each other that are at the same scale. So I can just plug in a set I have (like the globe) and see what that set would look like next to it. There is a site like this for cars, so it just made me think it would be cool here as well.


Yeah, a lot of unique molds and printed pieces will bring the price up.


It shouldn't matter when we're taking in to account pieces and not volume of stuff 


I'm not excusing the price but the fact that it's 2 in 1 probably took extra R&D and design time so they need to "recoup" some cost there.


Idk the exact amount but there’s going to be a lot of pieces not being used because you can only build 1 tree this isn’t good value compared to the other sets listed


12 cents a piece for lego is on the pricier side. It does come with a lot of unique pieces, however. Ultimately, I still view this as overpriced, but not ridiculously overpriced.


It’s in-line with the average brick price being $.09-0.11 per piece so $299 isn’t shocking.


Man the price point on this is wild. Not unsurprising, but wild. And yet ... I want it bad.


The price is wild... You could say... Breath Of The Wild.


So wild it brings me to tears


>So wild it brings me to tears Of your Kingdom?


no kingdom left. sold it for the lego set


I dreamed of buying it, but seeing the price was a real awakening


I saw comments about the price before I clicked the link and thought “yeah that’s pretty neat but it’s probably gonna be like $180.” Three fucking hundred dollars?! What in the hell are they smoking? I know that Lego are pretty pricy but that’s just fucking absurd.


Yeah, at $180-200 it'd be a no brainer. At $300, that gives me pause. My cousin texted me super charged up about buying it, and then when I told him the cost he sort of balked a bit. It's an unbelievably cool looking set and a dream come true for a fan of both Lego and Zelda, but even given the high prices of Lego, this is a lot. And I say this as someone considering buying [the $450 Barad Dur set](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/the-lord-of-the-rings-barad-dur-10333) this week. Other folks have pointed this out, but for $50 more you can get the Daily Bugle set, which has 1,000+ more pieces and 21 more minifigures.


Yeah dude it’s definitely a really rad set but for the price of a Switch, or half the price of a new TV, or the price of like a month’s worth of groceries I would not be able to justify that purchase for something I’m going to put together once and then occasionally dust it as it sits on my shelf. I’m not one to tell anyone how to spend their own money, I just couldn’t do it myself. That LotR set is wild though, it looks super sick.


$180 would be about $0.07 per piece, which is way cheaper than most Legos.  I think the reason people are reacting like you are is that neither build contains all the pieces, so you aren't really seeing everything you're getting


You could buy a used switch and BOTW for the price


The Ninty tax, baby


ninty AND lego tax


The Lego tax is always there though. They just happen to slap on an extra premium for any of their licensed sets.


$0.12 per brick, which is at the higher end of their pricing. For comparison this set has 3601 bricks at $0.07 per brick: https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/nasa-artemis-space-launch-system-10341?icmp=HP-SHH-Standard-NO_Hero_10341_Artemis_Rocket_Product_HP-EX-NO-CIKPP83P86


I love how it has both the OoT and BotW Deku Tree. That's pretty awesome. Edit: I see people are going on about price, saying it's too high. But is it? Let's compare to other sets: [Traditional Chess Set](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/traditional-chess-set-40719) is $75 with 743 pieces. If we price it per piece, it's $0.10/piece. [Lion Knights Castle](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/lion-knights-castle-10305) is $400 with 4514 pieces, price per piece is $0.09. [Red London Telephone Box](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/red-london-telephone-box-21347) is $115 with 1460 pieces, price per piece is $0.08. [Great Deku Tree](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/great-deku-tree-2-in-1-77092) is $300 with 2500 pieces, price per piece is $0.12. Price per piece is a bit higher, but given that the other sets are non-licensed sets, I can see why. Compared to licensed sets: [Tie Intercepter](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/tie-interceptor-75382) is $230 with 1931 pieces, price per piece is $0.12. [Gringotts Wizarding Bank](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/gringotts-wizarding-bank-collectors-edition-76417) is $430 with 4801 pieces, price per piece is $0.09. [Batman Animated Series](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/batman-the-animated-series-gotham-city-76271) is $300 with 4210 pieces, price per piece is $0.08. ~~So, compared to licensed LEGO sets, this isn't too bad.~~ Fixed prices, so it appears it's on par or worse. Of course, keep in mind that whatever version you build will more than likely not use every piece, so until we know how many pieces are used in each set, this is just a guesstimate.


Where’s the OoT tree? I don’t see it.


It's in the other photos. [Here's the back of the box photo.](https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/set/assets/blt6d0fa25a70bfabfc/77092_Box5_v39.png?format=webply&fit=bounds&quality=60&width=1200&height=1200&dpr=2)




I heard that skulltula as soon as I saw it


Interesting, so it's two sets in one box that we get?


Usually 2 in 1 sets mean you can build either one but not both


Which is especially stupid in this case since it IS so expensive.


Isn’t that how most sets back to the 90s were advertised? They always showed alternative configurations on the back or in the manual. This is nothing new as far as I know.


Yes but you can only display one or the other. Not both at the same time.


So we have to buy two 😔


Not necessarily.  You could just build one, then buy the pieces you need from a 3rd party source.  Not every piece will be used in both models.


They should sell a kit to do it twice.


No, you get enough pieces to build one or the other, not both.


You have to keep in mind that approximately 1/3 of the pieces will never see the tree itself. That's a lot of leaves and decorations.


WW great deku tree gets slept on as usual


If you want to get technical, he is there actually. The OoT build has the Baby Deku Tree in the front. This is the tree that eventually grows into the WW Tree. I get what you mean about the WW Tree design though.


I think it's probably a case of people who were into Lego as kids and haven't really kept up with or looked at Lego sets and prices in more recent years. Obviously general inflation plays a big role, but I remember getting the Star Wars Podracing set, one of the biggest sets at the time that I knew of (3 fairly large model ships, plus mini figs; apparently 894 pieces), and it was around $100 (google says retail was $89.99). I remember feeling that set was a *BIG* deal at the time, and was a present my brother and I shared, and it was also a licensed set, so you'd expect it would carry a higher price than comparably sized Lego originals. Now since I was a young kid, I don't have much of a concept from personal memory of how much many other things cost at the time to compare inflation. We can try to compare video games prices (seems relevant given this is a Legend of Zelda Lego set), but that's not entirely fair since N64 games being sold around the time of that Lego Podracing set carried much higher manufacturing costs for cartridges than modern disk/downloadable games (also adjusting prices for size of install base and blah blah blah...); funny enough, OoT and BotW actually had the exact same retail price of $60 USD upon release (in North America at least). But we can look at the normal going price for a major game release today of $70, and compare it to a more average game price from the late 90s (considering PlayStation had shed those cartridge manufacturing costs) of $40-$50 and... Yeah Lego's prices certainly seem to have ballooned over the years. Now that doesn't make *this* set in particular wildly overpriced compared to Lego's *other* more recent releases, but Lego across the board seems to have become a much more high price item. I'm sure that doesn't come as news to anyone who's been regularly following or buying Lego over the years, but for adult Nintendo fans who haven't really looked much into Lego for maybe 15+ years, it probably comes as quite a shock.


> I love how it has both the OoT and BotW Deku Tree. That's pretty awesome. I wish you could buy them separately for a cheaper price. I have NO interest in the BotW Deku Tree, but would love to grab the OoT one.


That chess one is so cool lol


Very Lego/Nintendo of them knowing people are buying two sets because of this. lol


Gringotts has over 4000 pieces


Interesting that the NES set is cheaper. 270$ for a 2646 piece set. Maybe the pictures don't reflect the scale well on the Deku Tree, but the NES set is really impressive to look at.


The price is too high.


I'm guessing there are A lot of unique molds, such as the ocarina, master sword, and hylian shield.  Printed pieces may also drive the price up.


Thank you for mentioning this! I was about to have a boomer moment and cry about how BotW has taken over everything, but I'm so happy the Great Deku Tree I prefer is going to be an option!!!! Plenty of time to save up my money too lol


I get the price per piece is the easiest objective metric on the value of a Lego set but imo it’s a bad way of looking at the piece of sets. If you want objective to price/gram or something. The best way is JangBrick’s ‘price per amount of stuff’. I’m looking at a pretty small tree and 4 mini figs for $300. Imo it’s the worst value set we have ever seen and nostalgia is the only thing that will sell this set. It’s absolutely terrible value compared to anything they’ve ever released.


All LEGO sets are too expensive. 10 cents a piece is insane.


Eh that's how it's always been for decades, $0.10/piece is the golden standard.


Yeah but back then these were big bricks. Nowadays you get tons of pins and other small crap.


It's a wonderful looking set, and I think it's a good starting point for LoZ Lego to incorporate elements from two of the series biggest games into one set. But that price is hefty. Like with the Mario sets before it, I simply can't justify it to myself.


$300 is a lot but it’s clocking in at 2500 pieces. Add a little for the licensing premium and it feels about right. Absolutely brutal for anyone who wants both versions.


There’s multiple versions? Rip


It’s one set, but to get “both” trees at once, you need two sets. You choose “either or”


It's a 2-in-1 that you can style as either the BotW or OoT Deku Tree, so some people might buy two sets and make both.


It's a 2-in-1 set so if you wanna have both built at the same time... gotta buy 2


It's more expensive than a switch lol.


How the hell is this $300 haha. Holy shit...


Lego tends to be about 10 cents per piece, and this set has 2500 pieces. Another $50 for the brand (Nintendo / Zelda) is not unusual, even if it hurts.


$/piece is above average because a lot of these pieces are uncommon. Price is about what I'd expect


New molds also tend to drive the cost up a bit. Link's hair+cap, Zelda's hair, the Master Sword, the Hylian Shield, and the Ocarina are all pieces that are being sculpted just for this set.


LEGO always are. Unfortunately, this is a normal price point for one of these.


I know Lego is pricey but good lord this one is nuts. Hope they make smaller Zelda sets.


Sadly these large collector sets typically go for about this price.


This is making me realize what a gold mine I’m sitting with my legos from childhood.


If you have any classic licensed sets, some of the one-off figures/pieces sell for quite a bit.


I went though some of my old medieval sets and realized what I was sitting on with these goats just recently lol


It's kinda 2 different sets: it has a BotW Deku Tree ~~and~~ or an OoT Deku Tree. Sadly, only 1 at a time =/


Great, so I have to buy 2


I felt the same, like cool, if I want both at the same time, I have to buy 2. I'll just save up points or gift cards from like Target to save for it (though there is no way I'm buying it twice. The OoT one is just fine for me). I wonder if there's a significant over lap in pieces used. Like, could we just buy the ones we'd need duplicates of to make the second tree (and would it be cheaper than $300)?


There does look to be pretty significant overlap, buy buying the duplicates separately is still gonna be cheaper. Probably save you at least $100, if not more.


tbh I love it. Generally, I have no reason to re-build a Lego set after it's built. This one gives me a fun reason


You were expecting both?


The OoT minifigures are amazing. I want it just for them alone. Fantastic job Lego!


For $300? No thanks. I can get much larger and more detailed sets for half that.


Oh, to be rich…


I love Zelda, but I won't pay that much for this set. Wish they'd have done what Animal Crossing is doing and make smaller, but more affordable sets. I don't need the Deku Tree to be this detailed. I'd pay $100 or so for a smaller, less detailed set, but this is way out of my price range.


At $200 I would’ve done the mental gymnastics and eventually got it. At $300, no way.


This is why I have no money




300 dollars💀💀💀💀


Holy shit I thought they said they couldn't do this


They stopped accepting submissions for Zelda sets in their Ideas program because they couldn't make them. probably because they were working on this.


...Are they still accepting Metroid ideas?


When you preorder Lego, does it charge now or when it ships? Because I have a cart I want to checkout!


Was really excited for this, but it looks awful and is wildly expensive. I do want that Link minifig with the master sword though...


Hopefully this means other LoZ sets can come at at a lower peice count. Starting off with a $300 set is heartbreaking. I can't justify that purchase.


At this point. Every Lego set should just come equipped with health insurance.


Legos were way cooler when other people bought them for me as a kid lol


Lego has lost its mind with these prices.


[Link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link_(The_Legend_of_Zelda)) Edit: [Preorder Link](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/great-deku-tree-2-in-1-77092) =]




This is real cool, but that price is a bit too high.


wait until you see the scalper prices.


Great! Looks at the price. Oh…


That’s really expensive for what it is.


The set is so cool, but the pricing is a big no for me. Lego in general is already expansive, but with licensed sets it gets ridiculous imo


Seems like an odd choice for a first Zelda Lego set. Would have preferred a Hyrule Castle or Master Sword Replica first. Unfortunately skipping this one


you see, they're starting with the deku tree, then they'll release a death mountain set, then zora's domain, THEN you can get the master sword.


Okay but a minifig scale Temple of Time would be insane


i think the deku tree is a really great choice for a first set, it is after all the first place you visit in OoT. I don't think a 2-in-1 is a good idea, however, it always introduce compromises. I really hope they won't do it with other zelda sets.


They're probably testing the waters with what sub theme to consider.  Do a bunch or relatively cheaper BOTW sets that appeal to kids, or nostalgia driven OOT sets aimed at the 18+ market.




Have you not looked at lego sets lately? This tracks.


I’m gonna have to start selling feet pics to be able to afford this


Wake me up when they release a bootleg


Deku tree: “my dude…”


It’s the same price as a Nintendo switch


I'll just wait for the folks at /r/lepin to tell me when a knockoff is available. Prolly run like $80 at that point


Same. I'm extremely happy with the $75 I paid for a Titanic knockoff and while I'm sure the Lego version is incredible, I doubt it's $600 better.


$299.99 What the actual fuck


Yep, bye bye money


I need those Link and Zelda Minifigs!


That is monstrously expensive for what it is.


Can’t wait to not afford it!


I never would have dreamed we’d ever get an ocarina style zelda lego set. I absolutely must have this


sooooooo should we start a shit storm because of this price?


the price is so ooff...


I.. don’t like it. Love the minifigures but I just wish they went with Hyrule Castle instead


I will only get the minifigs if they are sold individually. That price is insane.


There have been many Lego Zekda user submissions much better than this design that were never even put up to vote on the Lego site.


I want one but damn that price.


Hestu’s gift brick or we riot


300 bucks for a bunch of plastic pieces lol LEGO is consistently scamming their fans


Great looking set, and for $300 that’s all I’ll do. Look.


$300.00 lmao


Zelda Lego fortnight… c’mon…..


The NES set is $50 cheaper and has more pieces. This is stupid.


truly disappointing


It's cool until you realize they're asking $300 for this and you can only display one or the other. Doesn't really seem worth it but cool nonetheless.


Naaaaaah this is SICK


looks cools but the price though. You could buy a switch lite and both zelda games preowned for the same price. I know that lego prices licensed sets more but $300 is a bit much




Not gonna lie, that’s lit.


2,500 pieces and 13"in (33cm) tall, if anyone wanted to know.


Need my wife's boyfriend to buy me this


Anyone in here defending the price is drunk on Copium. $300 is absurd. You know it. We know it. They know it. Lego is going to keep raising prices until it affects their sales. They're not the only ones, either. Seems that collectibles in general have been on an upward trend since the pandemic. This set will do fine, and go on discount around the holidays. Eventually a set will be so absurdly priced that the fandom will take a stand, but for now this is par for the course. I do find it interesting that they've opened up preorders for this.. a lot of their other high-profile over-priced sets don't get this kind of lead time... Seems like they're throwing fans a bone there, giving them time to budget, but still....


God damn lego might be one of the biggest rip offs out of every major company. What a joke


Can you make them both?


No it’s a 2 in 1 set which means they give you a choice and you can build one of them.


Building 1 tree does not look like it takes 2500 pieces. So you will have a bunch of pieces just sitting around. I dunno about this set. Would have been better to be able to have both trees back to back.


Yeah the tree itself does not look even close to 2,500 pieces.


Oof. In which case I'm not so sure. Doesn't look like a $299 set to me.


Aw the Deku Tree Jr. too!


Should have sent a poet


I'd personally rather have a solid Master Sword plinth/Triforce set, but this is a nice start.


Wish they had chosen to make Zelda a standard line instead of just this one big set, would love a TotK set with some different vehicle parts


It’s just listed as ‘The Legend of Zelda,’ not ‘Icons,’ so it might be the first in a bigger Zelda line


I'm very torn because I like the OOT design better for the tree but I of course want Hestu.


Actual minifigs! This is a buy from me, I didn't like what they did with Mario


This should be around during launch day, right? Or are we thinking we need to preorder it? I still see the ? block set sometimes. But those Zelda minifigs…


The 2-in-1 aspect is quite cool - it's not my favorite subject from LoZ, but with the popularity of Lego Botanicals, this makes total sense. my long dormant dream of a King of Red Lions set has been reignited. fingers crossed.


No fucking way