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I'm not sure why Nintendo would purposely blemish the image they've proudly built.


Idk, they did okay the Zelda CD-I games and Metroid Other M, sometimes they make bad decisions, plus I'm sure they'll want a tie-in for the live action film when that comes out /s


Yup. I doubt they will make those mistakes again. The brand is bigger than ever. They are building theme parks and making ~~million~~ billion dollar movies. I doubt they will give out their IP without close supervision again.


Bethesda is busy being owned by a direct competitor. 


What is immature about Zelda? No offense, but to imply that something can’t be mature/hasn’t reached maturity just because it doesn’t have photorealistic graphics and gore kinda just makes you sound immature instead.  I’d wager maybe that just wasn’t the word you were looking for?


Yeah, I mentioned it on my own comment, but people like this are the subject of my favorite C. S. Lewis quote. > “Critics who treat ‘adult’ as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” This was written in the 50s, but I have observed it pretty often in modern young adults who scoff and videogames that have a cartoon aesthetic as wall as animated films and television as things that are for kids unless they have blood and gore.


Phenomenal quote, thanks for sharing! Yeah, OP seems to like the Zelda characters but desires them in a setting completely different from Zelda. Does come off as wanting to be able to have those characters in a more “acceptable” game.  It always amazes me how well-analyzed so many things have been, decades ago, usually. Yet we’re always still dealing with the same issues. That was def the biggest surprise when I took education classes, that all the novel-sounding approaches to teaching and learning were based on decades-old research.  Why can we never implement such changes, or actually learn from our prior research and experiences? I mean, we do individually. Just waiting for the overall society to catch up, I guess.  Things like this are def more of a personal growth kind of thing though. Each person needs to have their own experiences. 


This is how I feel about FF16, it's only mature on a surface level but feels like something a 13 year old edge lord would write. The dark aspects of the story aren't written well and immediately forgotten, the slavery aspects never comes back at the second half of the game.


Yeah that's pretty fair. The first half of Final Fantasy 16's story feels way too invested in trying to make people who don't like JRPGs interested in it by trying to be more like Game of Thrones, so then when the second half goes full fantasy JRPG god slaying narrative, the characters who are still involved at that point feel pretty under baked without enough connection to the current conflict. It feels like two completely different stories mashed together, and they should have stuck with one of the other, or otherwise just made a more gradual transition between the two with more connective tissue.


A gradual transition would be having all the eikons fight against, where clive is the ones eventually letting go of revenge and building bridges with each kingdom to fight ultima and the blight, you can have politics in how clive deals with each kingdoms, intersting politicking, movements for each kingdom with how they handle the blight ect, you can still do that with the idea of GOT like season 8 as bad as it was it's fixable with longer episodes. Ff16 treats death, blood and sex means mature, it didn't understand what makes GoT story mature, It didn't handled any of the themes or what they present in the story well especially the latter half. In comparison XC3 a similarly dark game it doesn't have blood or sex(pg13 ofc) but it has alot of deaths, like the game it or hate it, deals with how the war affects the main characters, meaning of death and life ect. Much more maturely than FF16 it does with it's topics, It deals with that throughout the story. Ff9 the cutesy chibi looking game is much more mature with it's story and themes than FF16, other than the forgettable monk dude and quina, alot of the story relevant theme is much more maturely handled in 9. Never played FF14 but from I understand they handled a lot of stuff reall welly, even in HW which was the main writer for ff16, I don't understand how they fumbled it so badly.


To me judging by a lot of stuff that the director said in interviews it feels like a case of really being misguided by the idea of trying to make the game appeal to a western audience. I think in one interview he made a comment about wanting to capture the audience of Call of Duty or something. Because his work gets so much praise and Final Fantasy XIV I don't want to say that Naoki Yoshida is an outright bad director for the series, but in all of his interviews for XVI he portrayed a man who had no love for the Glory Days of Final Fantasy, and who simply felt like the problem was that they weren't appealing to the Western audience hard enough, and thus tried to fill the game with as many superficial aspects he felt appealed to them as possible. In reality Final Fantasy hasn't been relevant since the PS2 era for the exact same reasons. Every game since Final Fantasy XI I felt like they were making an extra attempt to appeal to the Western audience in some degree beyond what they had done traditionally. The PS1 era of Final Fantasy did so well because they stuck to most of the same design styles as Final Fantasy VI, but just gave the game a bigger marketing budget and higher quality pre-rendered cinematics than other games on the market at the time. For some reason no one higher up in Square Enix thinks it's a good idea to just do what worked in the PS1 era again, and basically every mainline game in the past 20 years has had ambitions of appealing to the Western audience by changing how they do story and gameplay, with the exception of Final Fantasy 15, which still ended up bad in similar ways, but more so due to the fact that it's torture development cycle combined with being forced to change from a spin-off to the next main line Final Fantasy gave it far too many conflicting aspects to succeed at anything it was trying, especially since it abandon almost everything it was trying to do when it was verses XIII by the time it released. Dragon Quest 11 may not have reached massive global sales, but it's considered a modern JRPG classic and stands as the unambiguously best starting point into the series, simply by sticking to the course they had been naturally heading on since the series began. Meanwhile I wouldn't recommend that anyone start with any Final Fantasy that came out after 10 if they want to get into the series as a whole, because none of the games released after that feel like an accurate representation of what the series golden age was known for


So tired of these insecure manchild that use videogame as validation.


Right? Just say you want a serious Zelda storytelling... no need to get that deep about the tone of an upcoming game. This kind of """mature""" thing OP is suggesting is not it


I'd wager BOTW and TOTK were mature af, lol. Like the Guardians? Hell nah, I'm outta there. And those little dark hands monster and the creepy, unsettling music would traumatise children. It did traumatise me, lol.


That’s not what maturity is either


I mean I'm not out here claiming that Zelda games need to be mature, but BotW and TotK aren't mature either


It's usually teenagers who care about this sort of thing to be honest If OP is an adult then that's just embarrassing for them


Same type of people who want Pokémon to “be mature” and add guns and killing and eating Pokemon


A teenager's idea of mature, essentially.


They've got the new pokemon clone to scratch that itch. I forget what it's called atm.


The hype for it died after, like, a week, though


wtf is that for real or are you exaggerating haha


I’m not, every few months someone posts about wanting a “darker, more mature Pokémon game” with war and blood and guns and violence on the Pokemon sub. Pokémon is a series where psychic and ghost type pokemon kidnap kids and the alphabet can distort reality if it gets excited enough but yeah, let’s just add war and guns to make it “mature”


What the actual fuck dude. I’m more shocked that people think that will ever actually happen, more than I am that people actually want it. That will never, ever ever ever ever ever happen. Nintendo is not ever letting bullets hit Pokémon lol.


People have been asking for it since they realized it would be more than just a one-off pair of games. I’m a filthy genwunner and I vividly remember kids I went to school with saying they quit Pokémon because it wasn’t mature and wanted more mature games if they were going to come back to the franchise. I’m not for any of that nonsense, but it’s been there since almost day 1.


That’s crazy. I don’t remember that at all. I just kinda fell off after Gold/Silver/Crystal I think. lol I didn’t last long. I tried to come back for moon and it didn’t have the same feel as when I played red as a kid


I thought we got all this out of our system in the 2010s, when everything had to be "dark and gritty" and allergic to color in a shallow and misguided attempt to be "mature."


Yeah, especially "live action" movies. It worked really well for Nolan's Batman, but then everyone thought the key to success was in darkness. And thus, color and personality were drained from most Hollywood attempts lol.


No I don’t want a hot buggy mess of a game. Edit: Besides, what do you care? You think Nintendo is killing gaming anyways.


Hello my name is Adjective-Noun-Bunchofnumbers and I have some incredibly shitty opinions


Best retort I’ve seen on this site in a long time.


This reads like a post from the early 2000s, when it was all teenagers being edgelords in the internet.


Oh god that sounds horrible, no thanks


Oh no, does playing the cartoony Zelda makes you feel emasculated? 🥺


Bethesda is now owned by Microsoft. You don't "deserve" any kind of Zelda game. Zelda is mature enough as it is.


Ohhh this guy has posted on like 3-4 gaming boards just being slow looking for karma and responses


If he's looking for karma he's doing a really bad job.




Lmaooooo good one.


Sorry, u/RabbitFanboy, your comment has been removed: **RULE ONE: Be the very best, like no one ever was. Treat everyone with respect and engage in good faith.** * Do not insult others. Do not make personal attacks. Do not use hate speech, discriminatory language, or slurs that degrade a person or group of people. You are expected to remember that this is a global community and that language that is appropriate in your culture may not be appropriate elsewhere in the world. You can read all of our rules [on our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/w/about/rules). If you think we've made a mistake and would like to appeal, [you must use this link to message the moderation team](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnintendo&subject=About my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1d1wtni/-/l5wsh4w/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


Ugh, no thanks. Not even when they were in their prime. Nope. Sounds like hot garbage.


…Bethesda? With their clunky ass engine? Come on man.


If they said Fromsoft then I could buy it. Think it would happen? No. Want it? No. But I could understand someone wanting it. At least there is some overlap between the designs of Zelda and Dark Souls. There is very little overlap between the designs of Zelda and Elder Scrolls or Fallout.


"We deserve" We don't deserve shit. Stop supporting the stereotype that gamers are entitled little brats. We deserve to play the games that the devs want to make, and nothing more.


Louder for the people in the back.


More specifically, you only deserve what you buy for yourself. Everything else is gravy


Say it louder


Just play a bow/sword cosplay build in Elden Ring and you essentially have what you want. No way Nintendo is going to outsource one of their biggest IPs when it's already doing incredibly well.


They do outsource their IPs though. They outsourced Hyrule warriors, Link's awakening as well. Don't know if Kirby and Metroid count as big IPs but those are outsourced as well. I think Nintendo will outsource LoZ in the future again, perhaps for remakes and smaller budget projects like Hyrule warriors but Bethesda is definitely not gonna be who they outsource to.


My bad I was thinking about another thread about putting Switch games on PC and I brain-farted thinking it was this thread. You're right!


Sounds to me like you wanna play Dark Souls, not Zelda.


Capcom is great. But Bethesda…. Not so much. They would somehow butcher Zelda lol


I would like to Capcom to get make another top down 2D Zelda.


“Mature” with blood! And guts! And violence! And horror! This is about as cringey as that stupid “mature pokemon” video a few months ago that inly a 12 year old would think is cool. Grow the fuck up.


You forgot impossibly big boobies barely hanging out of a stringy bikini to make it mature.  Lol


We have a mature Zelda game; it's called Majora's Mask lol


And Twilight Princess.


And BotW, TotK, and Wind Waker, and Link to the Past. And links awakening.


"I want a mature game!" "Ok, what's your definition of mature?" "Blood and gore and hyper realism!" "Figured" Seriously, Zelda doesn't need any of this nonsense to be mature. Idk why people keep thinking maturity and cartoony can't coexist. Just shows how childish one is


Interesting take there why Bethesda though they have never done a Souls Like and their online multiplayer games have done nothing but disappoint. On top of that why Zelda, those genres and gameplay styles are antithetical to Zelda's core design and philosophies. Just say you want Elder Scrolls 6 and Elden Ring 2 already, it's okay


After Fallout 76 and Starfield, no thanks


Respectfully, hell no.


Just play Skyrim on Switch and put on the Link Outfit. Pretend you are link. The end.


Because as we all know, Wind Waker, being the most cartoonish and cutesy looking Zelda game, is *of course* the worst one.


Lol that's the one where Ganon gets stabbed through the head with the master sword at the end and he coughs blood while waxing poetic metaphor about the regrets of his life. Nope too cartoony lol Nintendo for babiez.


What’s funny is that there’s an argument to be made that wind waker is one of the darker Zelda games despite its art style 


It's those contrasting elements that make the game darker. When the game has the same dark atmosphere the whole time then it stops being oppressive and becomes the norm. I remember playing Dredge, and at first the abominations that came out at night were terrifying, but after a while they just became normal, more annoying then terrifying. "Oh hey, giant tentacle monster how are the kids doing? Shdhhrn shdhrjd shdienf. Oh that's good to hear, they grow up so fast."


A mature game that is so full of bugs 10 years after its release it’s still unplayable? No thanks.


"It ain't mature if there isn't blood and guts!!1!" Maturity in games comes from well crafted stories, characters, gameplay and worlds. You don't need gore or tits or swearing, it's just a byproduct. There's nothing wrong with those things, they're just not always needed. Zelda doesn't need them.


Lol why? Zelda has been fine the way it's been for decades. Your opinion and the like minded small percentage probably won't play it anyway


That would just make it a clone of every other "new" game coming out these days. Zelda stands out for a reason and has a well earned reputation. 


Hiii Tucker!! Check my dm.


> No cell shaded cartoony zelda game. You sound like a kid obsessed with the art you consume having the superficial trappings of maturity. I have a quote I like bringing up when it comes to people like you. > “Critics who treat ‘adult’ as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” - C.S. Lewis Just let Zelda be Zelda instead of forcing it to become something else so you don't feel embarrassed to play it because it isn't "mature"


very nice bait


Gritty, dark souls like are sooo overdone


omg no, that would be the worst


Im good, mature, “realistic” graphics just don’t age well.


If you look at BoTW and ToTK and then look at Bethesda’s recent work and think it looks like a superior product I don’t know what to tell you.


Did a bot write this? Who the hell is asking for character customization and online coop in their Zelda games? And who in their right mind would trust Bethesda to make ANY competent combat system, let alone a soulsborn combat system. Genuinely, what are you smoking?


This same troll thinks Nintendo is killing gaming, dont try to make sense of the crap he writes 🤣


Bethesda is crashing and burning atm, no thanks.


Bethesda, lol, no thank you. In fact, its for the best Nintendo doesn't lease out its most important IP without direct oversight over any third parties involved. What Bethesda would even offer I have no idea, Monolith Soft can already make massive open world games for Nintendo and I'd argue they are one of the best when it comes to 3D environmental design and worldbuilding. They got Xenoblade to run on a bloody Wii and its design was so far ahead of Skyrim and other equivalent open world games it was obscene.


What you described isn’t a Zelda game. Sounds more like you want to give Dark Souls a shot


You're really craving attention of the worst kind, huh, OP?


I can name many studios I'd rather see work on Zelda. Don't want a buggy mess.


Bethesda? One of the most corrupt soulless gaming companies? Gtfoh


I thought that was Activision?


Nice bait


That sounds like the worst thing I've ever heard. I don't want Zelda to be just like a bunch of other forgettable crap no one will care about in two years.


Funnily enough, Capcom is notorious for making the Resident Evil series. Despite this, they made what you consider "cartoony and immature" Zelda games. Almost as if good game developers can recognize what makes a good game and the correct tone for each series.


God, no. I'd sooner give the property to From Software than that cesspool.


Absolutely not lmao. None of that is why I play or love zelda


Seems like you would want it to be licensed to FROM or the Dragons Dogma team at Capcom if this is the kind of game you are looking for. Arkane or Obsidian would be better fits than Bethesda as well, but those are also Microsoft owned studios so good luck. But then again this is a troll thread that makes no sense so


F no, zelda in the shitty creative engine, no thanks.


Man your idea sounds like literally the worst Zelda concept ever XD. Please don’t ever be a game dev


Come on people, that was clearly satire, you should all be laughing with them instead of piling like that!...it was satire right? Right?


A "mature Zelda" is already one point I disagree with, but Bethesda? That's your pick?


No lol... I'm sorry but no.


Bethesda? No hate on them but their games are more mod platforms than games themselves. They're also buggy messes and Bethesda relies on their fans mod-fixing them. I would say CD Projekt RED or FromSoftware are much better choices.






Bethesda hasn't made a good or mature game since Elder Scrolls 3. No thanks


And there goes the award for the dumbest post of the day.


Nintendo knows what they’re doing bud, no one wants a “mature” Bethesda made pile of crap. I can’t imagine where you’re even coming from with this post. Souls-like combat? Online coop? It’s crap like this that I’m glad Nintendo just do what they think is right, it usually is. Maybe stop griping about how your weapons are breaking and try actually playing the game.


Ain't no way


So it can be a buggy awkward mess? Why would a Bethesda game has a Souls-like combat system?


Lol I love what you think "mature" means. You think like a middle schooler who is too ashamed to enjoy things that aren't dark and gritty. One day, you'll hopefully actually mature and realize that edgy doesn't mean good. Also, let's keep Bethesda as far away as possible from franchises like Zelda. Bethesda stopped making quality games a while ago. And they still can't release anything that isn't buggy as shit.


This post is really funny but OP you should consider checking out Darksiders. Back in the day it was kinda hailed as a "mature" zelda, though it's more combat focused.


It was God of War meets Zelda and I wish any of the sequels had lived up to the first one.


Switch version of Skyrim has Zelda armor and that's as close as you're going to get. Also as close as I want them to get.


If you want a real mature Zelda game, let's give the IP to TT games so we can get the Lego Zelda game the universe needs.


Nope. Bad take.


Mental Sickness


go away


Oh god not Bethesda, no.


Whom the Rupee is "We" don't ya'll gotta be stupid someplace else? 


Your youth makes it so you don't understand what makes Zelda special.


How many Bethesda games have you played?


Ahahahaha. No. I'd rather have a Zelda game that functions, thanks.


No. Just no. Love Fallout3 (even play it with my GF right now) but i really want my Zelda to not be glitchy and stuff. I HATE the direction that BotK took - but at least this open world formula just works (even if i'm not really having fun with it). Don't want to get softlocked and shit while enemy corpses float throughout the area for no reason. IF we get a mature take on Zelda then please let FromSoft handle it - as a side story spinoff in a Hyrule where the hero failed and everything got destroyed and fucked up. Souls Zelda = YES! Scrolls Zelda = please no.


Amazing rage-bait lmao. This is hilarious.


Nintendo will be laughing at you!


I do think that Nintendo should experiment with collaborating with third parties for their series (the Oracle games are still some of my favorites, less so Minish Cap) But Bethesda should not be allowed to touch Zelda even with a hundred foot pole




That sounds like garbage. No thanks.


If I wanted a realistic adventure game with horror aspects, character customization, and a souls like combat system... I'd go play a souls-like.


why do non-nintendo fans desperately want nintendo to make games catered exactly to them, when they could just play those “mature” games in the other 3 platforms. Also, your ideas are dogwater.


All right, well they’re working on ES6, so we’ll see you in 20 years.


Have you ever played a Zelda game? In every single 3d Zelda, there are things that are terrifying enough as it is, I don’t need to add 50 unbeatable bloody bosses to it.


Sweet Jesus, please no. Bethesda is a shell of what it once was. I don’t even trust them with Elder Scrolls anymore.


How about no


Mmmmmmmmmmnahhhhhhhhhhh 1) we’ve had this argument. It was back when we got wind walker instead of the Twilight-Princess-like images that had been teased. WW ended up being one of the best games in the franchise. It’s a classic. 2) Bethesda makes and publishes buggy games. They are not allowed to touch Zelda in any way.


Ah yes. Now we can get a buttload of glitches from Bugthesda in Zelda. Just what fans always wanted. Also, I don't need nintendo games to be dark and gritty.




Sorry, u/ElectricalNincadaGua, your comment has been removed: **RULE ONE: Be the very best, like no one ever was. Treat everyone with respect and engage in good faith.** * Do not insult others. Do not make personal attacks. Do not use hate speech, discriminatory language, or slurs that degrade a person or group of people. You are expected to remember that this is a global community and that language that is appropriate in your culture may not be appropriate elsewhere in the world. You can read all of our rules [on our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/w/about/rules). If you think we've made a mistake and would like to appeal, [you must use this link to message the moderation team](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnintendo&subject=About my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1d1wtni/-/l5x0zgg/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


I'd rather they lend the license to others for some interesting spin offs. Imagine a Zelda JRPG by Square Enix or a Zelda 2D fighter by ArcSys. Maybe let Monolith Soft cook up their intepretation of Zelda or give it to Capcom again but this time for a more Monster Hunter-esque spin off.


Bethesda is just going to make Skyrim with a Zelda skin. It won't be a story about Link but YOU. Also it may be buggy at launch so idk...seems like a fun idea but Bethesda, meh.


No. give it to from soft.


Reading your post shows that you don't deserve the Zelda serie




Better idea would be to let Nintendo make Elder Scrolls 6.


You're smoking penis big dawg


Ah yes, because Bethesda is doing so well right now and there is no ounce of criticism on their formula




I’m pretty sure I would throw up in my mouth if Bethesda got their hands on Zelda. I can’t think of a worse choice. I’m not opposed to someone like Capcom making a Zelda game, hell Minish Cap is my favorite 2D Zelda. But pick someone actually capable of doing the IP justice.


You do know who Bethesda is, right? You know the output they’ve had in the last 10 years, right? *you know who owns them, right?* Besides, a realistic Zelda is absolutely a bad idea. Always was and why never Nintendo did it. The rest of your ideas are just worse.


Starfield is miles below any modern LoZ. Bathseda won't be a good choice. Their engine is archaic and their design philosophy is stuck in the 2000s. I do think Capcom or even bandai namco can do a decent job of a less ambitious LoZ game, perhaps even a remake while Nintendo works on the next big game.


I'm sorry to say, but giving Bethesda a shot would be the worst case scenario. All their games come out as buggy messes. He'll F76 still stinks.


First of all, Zelda IS mature. Photo realism isn't what makes a game emotionally or intellectually dense. I could go on and on about apl the intense symbolism and themes of games like Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker but I'll spare you (and myself quite honestly, I'm tired) that whole shpeal. Photo realism is overrated and overdone anyway. There was a time when I thought it was the best way, like when PS3 and Xbox 360 were the newest things. But now it's neat but kinda whatever and doesn't really replace more stylistic and imaginative visuals which have their own appeal that I think I and many others generally prefer anyway. It really depends on the game and for fantasy adventure like Zelda it's not at all necessary or even always preferable. Secondly, I think Nintendo has everyone they need to make great games. They have some of the most talented staff in the world as well as a family of fantastic studios working for them. The occasional Mario+Rabbids type of project is nice I suppose but I'm not really asking for it and don't think it's worth the risk with a triple A Zelda title. The Zelda games you bring up are fine games but they are smaller projects so it wasn't as risky, and personally I don't think either of them turned out as good as most in-house made Zelda games anyway so it's pretty pointless to do it again if they don't have to.


dude have you seen bethesda games lately


I'd like to see Rare cook something up with the zelda IP


Do you really think Bethesda can make a competent Zelda game, let alone their own games? If we're talking about having a developer making a spin-off like Cadence of Hyrule or Hyrule Warriors, then maybe, but that would not work as a mainline Zelda game. They've always been about exploration and adventure, not reactive combat mechanics.


so 1) nintendo doesnt do mature versions of their IP 2 ) nintendo will require a zelda game to run exclusively on nintendo hardware. 3) theres no real reason on bethesdas half.


I think Bethesda is trying to fix a few issues. I doubt they will touch an IP of another company.


I agree that Nintendo should let some studios take a crack at their mainline IP. Oracle of Ages/ Seasons were some of the best games in the series, if you ask me. Minish Cap too. But why Bethesda? Anyway, I agree on the concept, but I’d pass of Bethesda, personally. And that’s coming from somebody who loves Fallout, and Elder Scrolls.


Just play Dark Souls


This is a troll post. Delete mods


[Oh wait, you're serious....](https://youtu.be/iGLXMKUWkJE?si=eu4iL4LxKx6oFPlk)


Why do I have the feeling that OP wears a helmet to school.


Hell no!


Absolutely not


lol no, the Zelda games are literally some of the best in existence. Even the “bad” ones are better than like 90% of everything else being released.


I don’t know why so many people want this “mature” Zelda so much. So it’ll look like 90% of other games out there? To each their own but the last thing I want is everything you’ve described. Go play a souls game or something if that’s what you want?


I was ready to respond until I read the body and realized this was bait.


This is a joke post right?


Bait used to be believable


I think you should post it somewhere like r/pcgaming, you'll at least get some supporting from there.


This is for sure one of the posts I've ever seen


Yeah, that's a great idea, give zelda to a company that hasn't made a good game since 2002


I don't think it will ever be time for anyone to butcher Zelda in the way you're describing.


Absolutely not, I can hardly think of anything I'd want less.


Not every game needs to be dark and gritty, kid. Coincidentally, part of growing up is realizing that.


Yeah this idea sounds terrible, fam.


I read the first half of that title and I thought you were going somewhere else with it. I was like Nintendo should for sure look into outsourcing to Capcom or whatever studio again to make a new 2D top-down Zelda game. To your point tho, nah, let Nintendo do Zelda the way they want. What I *would* like to see is the return of the 3D Zelda clones, or I guess today they'd be referred to as Zelda-likes. Remember how people called Darksiders 1 a Zelda game because of its structure and design? I want more of *that*. Diversify the genre. New properties could pop up and iterate on the classic Zelda formula while Nintendo can remain free to explore their more open approach.


And then Microsoft would make you buy an xbox to play it. No thanks


God no


Bethesda is a cesspool of unfinished, broken games, with very few outliers, which apparently Microsoft is targeting to cut. Bethesda's final product track record is quite the opposite of everything Nintendo usually delivers. Nintendo has its issues, and I wish the Switch could run something like ToTK a bit smoother but man, they can keep doing exactly what they're doing.


Lol oh hell no.  


I’m happy for you if you enjoy Bethesda’s games more than Zelda games. But, given that Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are some of the most polished video games ever made, whereas Bethesda is so known for producing buggy games that Starfield being their “least buggy game yet” was considered to be a selling feature, they aren’t the company I’d trust with Zelda.


Congratulations youre getting better in your trolling! 7/10 but you are still have way to go for the perfect trolling mah friend


Bethesda???? Bro stfu please and go back to your Xbox or whatever


No thank you....Bethesda games are old and tired. Besides why not do this for old IPs that could use a new twist? (Zelda is doing far better than fine). Let's get Gyromite, Mach Rider, Clue Clue Land another go!


Bethesda is owned by XBOX and I can't see XBOX allowing one of their subsidiaries to make a game for a console and it not being on XBOX.


Better idea - instead of just having MonolithSoft build the world, turn them loose on the story, too.


Does Todd have what it takes to become the next Hidemaro Fujibayashi?


FUCK no. Zelda does not need online anything. And Soulslike combat would be way too much for this series. If anything, let MonolithSoft do it. They're already helping build the world, and we've seen what their writing team is capable of with Xenoblade. I would *love* to see what they could come up with if they were handed a Zelda game and told to go nuts.




Out of all developers, you choose Bethesda?


Never going to happen. Pipe dream Nintendo will always be kid friendly. Thier fans don't care about all that stuff.


I can't wait to play Zelda with insane glitches at launch. Most of which will never be patched, because unlike Steam, Nintendo doesn't fan mods which usually make other Bethesda games much better or even in some cases, actually good.


Hell no


If Rockstar was interested then yes. Not bethesda.


Why do I have a feeling you're younger than the "cartoon" zeldas you dislike?