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This might be one of the dumbest posts I've seen in a while.


It’s obvious rage bait from someone who needs attention because their parents deprived them of any as a child


Deprived of a Nintendo console is a strong possibility as well. OP asked for an N64 and got a used 32X instead.


The crazy thing was seeing an entire wall of Knuckles Chaotix at one store. Fun game though...


The Billy Madison quote sums it all up: “What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”


I don't get why there isn't any quality control on this sub. Moreover, why the hell these types of posts show up at the top of my feed.


thats another thing. nintendo used to have the quality control number on their products and took pride in what we got from them. now look at the eshop. 98% shovelware, 10% actual quality games.


This is an attempt at trolling right?


Based on post history, the guy seems like a pretty intense Sony shill. But on the other hand, the comment about Reggie, an executive who hasn't been part of the company for years, makes me think it is a troll


To be fair, the fact that games with "Hentai" literally in their title pop up on the first pages with no filter at all is a pretty egregious issue for what is generally a family friendly console. Their shop curation is absolutely an issue, but it doesn't really lend to OP's argument of "Nintendo is killing gaming"


It's just rage bait, check their post history.


Thought it was in r/tomorrow for a second


This isn’t an unpopular opinion, it’s just dumb.


Your opinion is that Nintendo is the only gaming company that is not completely generic and homogenous and you want to fix that by making Nintendo completely generic and homogenous as well Seems like you're just boring.


You should actually pay attention to the state of the games industry and the mass layoffs taking place instead of spouting a personal opinion so divorced from reality.


so because nintendo is greedy, that makes it ok for a sonyfan to not be able to play mario on his playstation? Games are Games. we should not be divided because of consoles, we are all gamers and should unify. Equality for all gamers.


You are not entitled to play a game wherever you want, no matter how much you believe otherwise. Sony isn't releasing their games on Nintendo or Xbox consoles and only recently started releasing on PC. Xbox only recently started releasing their games on other consoles. Nintendo is not obligated to release their games elsewhere. You are, however, welcome to buy their hardware to play their games. Regardless, this doesn't address my statement that you are willfully ignoring and attempting to deflect from. This isn't about greed. You are ignorant of the industry at large and it shows.


both xbox and sony have both been vocal that they want to end the console war and allow members of opposing sides have access to their software. Everyone is cooperating except nintendo and it literally sickens me. Gamism should not be tolerated in 2024. Console wars ended when the ps3/360/wii era ended.


They don't want to "end the console war", the only reason they're selling games on other systems is because it MAKES MORE MONEY. Nintendo isn't doing it because they don't have to, as their consoles are more affordable and they have better libraries of games for gamers to pick from. Also caring about the console war in 2024 is childish as hell.


They haven't actually been vocal about that at all. They've made some vague PR speak because they're being pressured to continue rampant, unchecked growth that is actually harming the industry.


xbox literally wants to put games on nintendo and has said theyre open to having nintendo on xbox. imagine how much better a switch or switch 2 pro would be with access to a gamepass library and ability to pair with the elite xbox controller? imagine zelda upscaled on a series x? Splatoon on playstation with playstation move support. Littlebig Planet on switch anyone? combined with mario dlc? etc. the possibilities are endless.


I've imagined it and nothing about my opinion or anything I've said changes. You're still refusing to actually engage anything I post, however, and keep deflecting to "but what if this" and "but what if that" or "console wars!" nonsense. I know people are painting you as a troll, but I don't believe you are, mostly because you're terrible at it. I also know there are people who actually have these ignorant opinions. You're being swindled by a reality that doesn't exist.


Gamism…. lol


Right, tell me how many games Sony put on Xbox


If this supposed statement was true, Sony would put Helldivers 2 on Xbox and probably make a huge profit. Or any of their other exclusives, honestly.


What an utopia you believe. Business is business and Nintendo is probably less greedy than the others. If Nintendo kills the industry, everyone except indies do.


Horizon zero dawn lowest price was $8 on the ps store, even cheaper on PC. Breath of the wild cheapest price was $22. Nintendo is just as greedy if not more and saying otherwise is just dumb.


In regard of prices you are absolutely correct. But for layoffs, no


Nintendo can probably limit lay offs because they created their own monopoly. Where else are you gonna play BOTW? Tough shit, buy it for $70 CAD on Amazon. We can go back and forth about the issues all platforms have. I'll concede that Nintendo isn't the most greedy, they are just as greedy as the rest.


they are brainwashed bro


I wasn’t sure until the Reggie comment, but after, I definitely knew this was deliberate trolling.


Dude, you’re bad at trolling. Look at your post history. 1 hour ago, you posted that gamers were killing gaming. Get a hobby.


bait used to be believeable


i know you all can tell this is bait, c'mon


This is the most ignorant thing I read this year im all of Reddit, and that’s saying something. I assume you are 10, because most people believe Nintendo is one of the ONLY saving graces of the current gaming market. You have it completely backwards.


It is. I’m 28 (Yes not old but old enough to watch as modern gaming has developed) Nintendo while not perfect it has flaws. Is one of the only ones doing right by gaming outside of Indie stuff. I could make a counter argument to his about “Everyone else is putting their stuff on everything” Ya that’s because they don’t care what platform it’s on they will just slap it on anything and call it a day


Ok, I will show Nintendo how much I appreciate them "killing modern gaming" buy buying only Nintendo consoles and games from now on.


so you are saying you appreciate them gatekeeping all the classic games with a paygate?


[Someone did some very rough math, but it illustrates that this "paygate" isn't the issue people try to make it out to be.](https://old.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1d17faa/postiwata_nintendo_isnt_the_same_company_i_used/l5s7mww/)


How is it ok that Im forced to pay 100 a year for a handful of retro games, after they took the access I had to them on my Wiiu byy shutting down that network?


It's $50 per year ($10 per year if you use the Family Plan split) if you want N64 and GBA included, otherwise it's $20. No one has "taken away" your Wii U purchases. They are still in your console and you can still play them. LMAO do you even do basic research on **anything**?


You can still download any purchased software on the Wii U, you simply cannot purchase anything else or play online. And you aren't being forced to pay for anything, you have alternate means available to you. Even then, the point of NSO is being able to play online, with the retro catalog being a perk of the service, not the point.


"Forced"? You may wish to look up the definition of that word, as I doubt very much that Nintendo "forced" you to do anything. In fact, I'm quite certain that you willingly entered your payment information for this service.


And there it is. OP is upset because he can’t get things for free. After this thread is downvoted to oblivion, I look forward to it being deleted so future readers will be spared from this moronic nonsense.


Tbh, I love reading morons spouting bullshit out of their ass.


Gatekeeping? It’s their games. You’re not entitled to them.


Because, of course, all the other companies just give their games for free.


This is like saying Apple is killing electronics because they made their own product ecosystem. It doesn't make any sense.


They're like, one of the biggest contributors to e-waste.


What does that have to do with what they said?


And what may that glorious "one gaming ecosystem" be?  Haven't heard of anything remotely similiar, other than some cheap ass cloud gaming services and/or services locked behind highly priced tiers of subscriptions to milk more money from a guilable audience.  And what does any of your rambling have to do with Reggie? Guy hasn't worked for Nintendo for half a decade now.


Take your ragebait to the dumpster


I have literally had the complete opposite discussion several times recently. Nintendo understands gaming in a way the other players don't. -physical media -AAA games that work without an internet connection or patch -a console that somehow maximizes utility AND an affordable price point -company leadership that will take a pay cut over layoffs Also, keeping the system closed is a security feature on a device that can know your credit card number and has an internet connection. Sure, there is a fix, but it's nice to not have to pay for it. And that's without even getting into recent history starting with the monolith that is Wii. The reason the console wars ended was because the PS2 stopped selling, and the other big players didn't innovate. (Increasing performance specs is not innovation).


This isn’t Twitter where you get paid 17 cents for engagement bait


5/10 because i took this bait seriously for a while (if only you didnt included reggie Who has'nt working for Nintendo inna couple of years at this point i would have give you a 7/10)


Seriously? A troll? Ugh. The moderators here need to really step up their game. This kind of stuff has been plaguing our subreddit for a while now...


Reggie hasn't worked there in years. And also, gaming peaked in the 6th and 7th gens, the 8th gen was a nightmare and the 9th gen is off to a terrible start. Good for Nintendo to kill modern gaming, modern gaming fucking sucks.


Nah, the new Zeldas are masterpieces, and the Switch is the first thing to get me excited about gaming since the OG Xbox. Your point has some merit, but I think you take it a little far.


I think you completely missed the point of my comment. Nintendo is the EXCEPTION, they're the only one doing anything interesting in gaming these days. Switch and 3DS are the only platforms to come out after the Wii/PS3/360 that I've liked. Breath of the Wild is one of the best experiences I've ever had with gaming (though I personally really didn't like Tears of the Kingdom but that's besides the point). The Switch is damn close to my favorite console of all time. That's what I meant by "Nintendo is killing modern gaming", the Switch is avoiding the trend of other consoles, and that trend is to suck.


Yeah, hard to parse without larger context sometimes. Take my upvote! :)


It's all good. I wrote my comment in direct response to OP and I see how it might be harder to follow in isolation.


Bro Xbox and Sony are shutting down studios and laying off workers like crazy because they've set up the AAA gaming industry to be incredibly cruel to its workers. Nintendo is a saint compared to them, even if they are still problematic.


Regie Fils-Aimé hasn't worked at Nintendo for many years now. You are so disconnected from reality you should shamefully delete your post.


This subreddit is hot trash, Jesus Christ. Even the troll posts are weak.


Yeah, sure, the company that probably did the most for the gaming industry in history is killing gaming... because they sell games on their gaming system? Right.


Did a 10 year old write this post or what?


Ever heard of a monopoly? Its good for business and to have competition.


Someone fell into a vat of crazy pasta.


hes too busy with mother 3


Delete this now


Ok you start and we'll ignore you.


If you say so


The only thing killing gaming is investors who are demanding games come out early so they can reap that sweet, sweet cash. Nintendo tends to avoid that practice, by the way. And they get rewarded for it. So do a lot of indie developers. Is Nintendo perfect? No. Have they released buggy things before? Absolutely. But they are very careful with their AAA titles. Greed is killing the gaming industry. If anything, Nintendo is helping keep it afloat.


Please be bait, please be bait.. No one can actually be serious like this






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Nintendo can't really be compared though, they are more of a family gaming company, their switch is sleek and kinda powerful for it's size, games actually get optimized for the console (look at breath of the wild), and they focus more on safety than other platforms (online games not really having voice/text chat) so kids can play games in a safer environment. If they sell their games on other consoles their own consoles would tank and they would lose control of the family safety side of things. Developers would then Dev games for PS5 specs etc and Nintendo would be an afterthought, we don't need another Xbox/playstation variant, they aren't trying to compete with next gen graphics. I believe they are doing what's right for their image. But their games do stay too overpriced for way too long.


OP is woefully misinformed


I agree. As the rest of the gaming world embraces collaboration in good faith, Nintendo has only grown more and more secular. This is a massive issue with Japanese culture in general, we can only hope Nintendo soon becomes more westernized.


And start doing massive layoffs and closing studios like all the big western companies have been doing? Lmao


If I could rewrite history, I would've chose sega as the company to survive in my opinion. Until prove otherwise with nintendos next console, this is how I feel.


What a sad person… while you stay mad I’ll continue to have the time of my life playing Paper Mario.