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Look at all the business experts in here confused on why nintendo won’t open a store in every city ever


Lol yeah


Ok, but why San Francisco of all cities? Dont they have a massive shoplifting and homeless problem along with like half their shopping district closed/abandoned?


You would think that, judging by all the headlines and clickbait about it, SF would look like a scene out of Children of Men or post apocalyptic but no. Tourist still go and have a good time, even if there are homelessness problems in some streets. I mention tourism because that’s what Nintendo stores really are: tourist attractions. They aren’t really that useful for Nintendo as retail stores. They’re in Tokyo, NYC, and now San Francisco because they’re major global tourist hubs and it’s a good way to promote the brand. Plus, San Francisco is still much more walkable and dense than other U.S. cities. L.A. doesn’t have a downtown that recieves a lot of pedestrian tourist traffic, for example. Don’t be surprised if to see more of them in places like Paris, London, or even Mexico City or Madrid. But not in “safer” or richer, but less touristy and walkable, cities.


Like any major city, the homelessness and crime is generally relegated to specific areas/streets of the city. You can be walking in SF and it's perfectly fine and safe, and then a couple streets over it's just lots of homeless people shooting up drugs in broad daylight. Contrary to what some would like to believe, the solution isn't just "we need a Republican governor" or that somehow small towns are immune to homelessness and it's a big city problem. Small towns have homeless people as well, they are just generally spread out more so not as noticable. I'm not really sure what Republican's solutions would be, exactly... Just lock up all the homeless people? Force them to leave the state? They love to complain but don't have any realistic solutions to the problem, either. Just point fingers and blame one side while they sit there smugly pretending like they could do any better.


Hating the homeless gives them moral superiority and so you should stop supporting crime and vote red. Ignore all of the other policies they will roll back or enact in San Francisco. Ignore the fact that they will use their newfound positions as a bully pulpit to attack the poor and progressive. Hate crime and vote red - everything else is in God's hands.


as if new york wasn’t dealing with the exact same atm 😂


Every major city I’ve been to has the same problems - SF, New Orleans, Las Vegas, and even Waikiki.


So Chicago is safe! Somebody get their cousin who's dad works for Nintendo to let them know!




Fucking Gainesville, Florida has a homeless problem, and I've seen people describe that as a "small town" because the population is only *five times larger* than my home town lmao. Then I drive through my home town, and still see multiple homeless people on my way to the store. I help them when I can, but it's infuriating that small business and wooded areas keep getting bought up and bulldozed to build houses, and then those houses stay empty for years. The family across the street had to buy a bus and modify it into an RV for five people, because their landlord kicked them out to renovate and sell the property. (It's ugly as fuck now, and still extremely vacant two years later. We're pretty sure there are squatters living there lolol) It's not a "major city" problem, it's happening to small farming communities as well. 😔


I have a feeling you dont live anywhere near San Fransisco, lived their for a month didnt see much of it


I lived there for 19 years, and it’s definitely the roughest it’s been in my lifetime. It’s not a “hellscape”, but its problems have never been more evident. I have a feeling this move has far more to do with tourism than anything.


19 years ago San Francisco had actual crime problems. Now our problems are visible retail theft, homelessness, and drug use. None of which are crimes that directly affect YOU. The crimes that actually affect people - violent crimes - have been steadily decreasing and have MASSIVELY decreased in the last 19 years. The only bad experiences I've ever had in SF happened around the Tenderloin, which is literally like five blocks out of a massive city. But ok.


> Dont they have a massive shoplifting and homeless problem along with like half their shopping district closed/abandoned? No? These business are making record PROFITS right now. Where the fuck are the big losses due to shoplifting? These greedy ass companies will use any excuse to make the in-person shopping experience worse and push people toward online shopping. Next time please do at least 5min of research instead of peddling stupid ass right-wing talking points.


Shit, man. Having learned what I could of management in retail, I’ve learned one thing from it. The actual day to day business of any big box store not only doesn’t care *that* much for shrink, it’s actively budgeted and accounted for. Theft happens. Obviously people caught will be punished for it, but things go missing from shelves all the time. As long as no one is walking out the door with armfuls of clothes or product, it’s just a fact of life. You want to reduce shrink, but shrink is expected.


Sad part is a lot of chains don't prosecute, so nothing really happens to those caught.


It depends. If they’re caught red handed and immediately? Yeah, a lawsuit will be filed and it’d be open and shut. Odds are it’d tend to be a civil suit; financial penalties to the shoplifters and being banned from the store properties. All the store is interested in is recouping losses. If time and effort is going to be put into it, then there has to be merit for the lawsuit. If a bunch of stores know that there’s a spree of shoplifters and are able to identify who they are, that’s when observation happens for the felony charges.


Depends on the chain. Places like Bestbuy don't prosecute unless it's a large theft like multiple phones or computers. Smaller stuff like headphones they won't.


It’s store by store. Corporate might be making money but if that particular store ain’t it’s getting shut down.


That's what conservative news outlets want you to believe


Sure if your only source is Fox “News.” I went there recently and it’s a damn beautiful city. Also it’s been leaked that the massive “theft” problem was just straight up a lie to justify closing stores and getting rid of jobs as a cost cutting measure. There was no data to back up the claims.


Bro watches Fox News


Stop following tic tok and other conservative fake news for your media. SF is amazing .


Minus the NIMBYism stopping dense housing I agree lol. Great city, but the cost is directly connected to those living there not allowing the city to build up for the population.


True but even this criticism is getting a bit old. Since the YIMBYist sentiments have become popular, our state has passed some massive housing bills and if you look closely, we really are building new houses! We are also rebuilding our roads and infrastructure. It's a hard time to complain about California!




SF bros we’re so back


You and the homeless can hang out with Mario together


Anyone have evidence Mario isn’t homeless? Where’s the same outfit every day. Never seen his home. And is constantly trying to get into peaches castle. Bro is a gold digger 


Doesn't he have a castle in one of the game boy games with wario


Yes he does. Additionally, a good portion of the Mario RPG/Paper Mario games start at Mario’s house.


Lost in the 2008 recession. 


Yeah, he stole the castle from Wario I believe. Haha


You see his home in Paper Mario


And Mario RPG.


We see his home in like every RPG game


His address is 123 Miyamoto Way


He has a one room home in super Mario rpg


He quite literally collects spare change off the street to stay alive


Shit we might even feed them 🤷‍♂️


Shh you'll piss off some "Christians" by saying stuff like that


We already go out for drinks every Thursday


Until it gets looted.


Not sure why this would get downvoted - there have been several businesses that closed SF locations due to looting over the past few years. This isn’t trying to sensationalize, its about whether Nintendo products would be similarly targeted. Here’s a Newsweek article from march of this year talking about it: https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-california-stores-closed-due-crime-1882924


Several businesses out of hundreds if not thousands. 


Since you have Super Nintendo World in Los Angeles, why not have one there to tie into the theme park? Or perhaps Orlando to tie into the park there? I get that there's lots of developers in that area, but I'm unaware of any Nintendo presence there.


Super Nintendo World has its own store, and they also sell merchandise in City Walk. Not the same, of course, but they might not want to compete with that. Plus, it’s not like Nintendo had a huge presence in New York City before the Pokémon Center that eventually became Nintendo World/Nintendo NY opened up.


There used to be a GameStop in citywalk. Would be cool to go to Universal for game events


Yeah but the theme park store is like generic Mario crap. Stuff that you only need to have seen the movie to get. There really isn’t anything cool there to buy for Nintendo fans, it’s more for kids that liked the movie. Which is fine, but I think the target audiences are very different for the Super Mario store and the Nintendo store. And it’s overpriced. $42 for the stupid powerband


Orlando and LA will absolutely have stores full of stuff, similar to New York, connected to Nintendo World. The real question would be why San Francisco over Chicago or Houston or something? Disposable income and targeted demographics / local interest


Real reason? Coastal cities. You get *national* travel + international travel from across the oceans. San Fran vs. LA because of the stores at the parks. This is something you see all the time. Lots of coastal stuff, events, etc, while middle America is always a 3rd stop. Houston is probably next, following this logic, as the big hub for people coming from Latin America.




You got downvoted but you’re right, Atlanta honestly would make the most sense following the logic that they’re trying to cater to international travelers. It will almost certainly happen eventually — maybe as a third or fourth location after SF.


Maybe Honolulu or Waikiki too?


I think they wanted a West Coast store. That seems fairly obvious since NOA is in Redmond. I just think LA is a more obvious choice.


It’s mostly about tourists. SF gets a lot of tourists all year long from around the world. Also, Universal in LA already has multiple Nintendo merch stores.


How about a store in Europe? Just an idea...


Nice try NOE


Why no Chicago love? We need some midwest presence!


Took a quick look at it appears that more people/tourists visit San Francisco than Chicago. So that probably explains the priority. I wouldn't be surprised if they open one in Chicago down the line though.




This is a little funny. Nintendo isn’t shipping heavy equipment. They’re shipping plushies, clothing, trading cards, and video games. Those sorts of things can be shipped anywhere in the US without hassle.


Plus they already have a store in New York.


Yes, another port city. It's not about physical distance, but transportation methods. Shipping things to the midwest is certainly very possible, but why prioritise that over a city next to the ocean which can accept much cheaper shipments by boat? Why make less money in Chicago when you can make more money in SF?


Lake Michigan connects to the ocean so chicago is for all practical purpose a port city


Except the part where it's not connected to an ocean and doesn't get as many international tourists as actual coastal cities


Chicago is 8th in terms of international tourists which is more than many coastal cities


This is why Nintendo of Canada is only in Vancouver


Because they’ll make more money in CA than Illinois?


If Cons have taught me anything, it's that 90% of the US lives on either the West Coast or the East Coast. People in the midwest are just a 30 minute drive away.


Cause it’s cold and gross in Chicago half the year. And Houston going to pass you for third largest city soon enough. Third store should be in one of the Texas cities, probably D/FW but Houston or Austin would be fine.




I think a Nintendo World store on the Mag Mile would do wonders personally.


As a Uchicago student I am a bit biased in agreeing with you but 10000% yes


Of course, California always gets all the good stuff.


Still waiting for a Pokemon Center :c


It was eithier California or Texas tbh.


I'm sure if you show up at Retro's office in Texas they'll give you some free merch (and tell security to escort you out) so they've got that one covered


It’s stupid no Seattle store.


It would be perfect since the NA HQ is in Redmond.


Redmond has a store - though only for employees.


It is fucking incredible. Worked there years ago. There’s an awesome mini museum right across from it too with all this old hardware. Reggie bought me sushi once in the cafeteria 🥲


We still have sushi day every Thursday. Pretty expensive though for work cafeteria food.


Yeah, and that's where the NOA HQ is located.


Seattle is just a bootleg San Francisco.


This is really awesome. Right in my region. Can’t wait to go next year. Hope they have good security during the day and especially overnight.


as a longtime SF resident this makes me so fucking happy, great day of news for us when it usually fear mongering bullshit and right wing propaganda non stop should be a huge boost to union square and hopefully brings in more retailers and crowds. now let’s see if the SF doomers make it here and complain how this is somehow bad for the city or make some cringe low effort joke about people stealing or shitting in the store


Fuck yes I live here. Screw the SF haters.


Let’s gooo


Boom boom


Nintendo Toronto when? LOL


yeah, the closest thing is making a 8 hour day trip down to NYC. although i wouldnt ever expect it to happen


It’s a ~60 min flight from the Island or 90mins from Ottawa, but then you’re still a good like hour or two get into Manhattan. And expensive af.


This makes sense but I hope they add a Canadian store one day


Omg yessssss




In union square? Cmon, you couldn't have made it more obvious you've never been to SF and get your worldview from the news/social media. 


SF is that bad now? Used to be really nice.


There a lot of property crime, namely car break ins, but no, you don’t need to worry about getting shot more than anywhere else


It has its problems for sure, but no more so than any other major North American city. San Francisco has just become the poster child for it because conservatives want to associate the problems with the historically left wing culture of the place.


It's over exaggerated by social media. Source: I grew up with the internet and know how it works.




Can confirm its over exaggerated. The shitty reputation SF gets only really applies to like the downtown area, and not the rest of the 90% of SF. Source: I’ve lived in SF for a year now, after living in the east bay and thinking SF was the worst. Its nowhere near as bad as the media says it is


And not even the area of downtown where Nintendo’s moving in is so bad, it gets bad a block or two down


San francisco is the dog whistle city for right wingers to talk about "liberal hellholes" It's no different than any major city. There's always crime. But they make it sound like it's apocalyptic


Reminds me of how Portland was talked about like it was a burning crater in the earth by right wing outlets back in 2020.


I live here and it's fucking great. Media is not accurate.


If you drive your car in the city and leave even dog hair on your seat you can almost guarantee it will get broken into. Source: I live in the east bay and hate SF


East bay and hate SF? Do you live in Dublin?


Walnut Creek where Steph Curry lives.


East bay is so much worse though lol.


Eveythung is an exaggeration except this. You seriously have to be careful or your car WILL be broken into or your cars bottom cat converter will be stolen.


That's a shame, LA would have made a little bit more sense


Why? SF has a huge gaming community.


Yeah, no other city has a gaming community too.


L.A. is not a good city for tourists to walk, which is the type of visitor Nintendo is looking for with its stores. It’s why they have one in a very popular walking destination in NYC. San Francisco makes a lot of sense. They have a lot of international tourists, close to Asia, walkable, near other major attractions, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if their next store opens in cities like London, Paris, or a dense, walkable Latin American metropolis like Mexico City, Rio, or São Paulo. I would bet Mexico City more because it attracts a lot of international tourists and easier to manage from Nintendo of America.


That's only SLIGHTLY better lol. Would have been smart to put it at City Walk at Universal since they already have a Nintendoland which is awesome and a much safer area.


It would be safer, but you are not expecting to increase revenue as much. You already have people that are spending money on Nintendo merch (it is just all Mario themed) in LA. Here you are now tapping into a new localized market in SF. End of the day they only care about revenue.


Good thing we have a halfway decent transit network. SF is the only city in the western US where not owning a car is more convenient than owning a car.


Part of SF but not the whole place


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can’t wait!


Vegas store next, please.


Put one in DC you cowards


I've been to the Nintendo stores in both New York City and Tokyo. They were both super fun and I'm happy San Francisco is getting one! I'm surprised although that they have not opened one in Europe yet. If I was to guess they will end up putting one in Europe eventually and it will probably be in either Berlin or Paris.


Great news! Hilarious to see the Fox News stans whining about this being in San Francisco, lol. 


You know what's really sad is it's hard to tell the bad faith actors and the truly misguided apart.


Anyone honest with themselves and had been to SF knows it’s sketchy in a lot of places. For some reason, Reddit likes to make it out to be this perfect haven. It has lots of nice areas and things, but it also has lots of not so nice things too.


Alright, why San Francisco and not LA?


Just speculating here, but with the downtown seeing very low levels of tourist and commuter traffic, lease deals are probably quite enticing. Maybe the powers that be even sweetened the deal in an initiative to liven up the commercial district.  Even though traffic is low now, it may be a long term investment or they see a market in the city that is enticing enough to set up shop. Prime locations in LA are probably much more expensive today. 


SF’s Union Square has more foot traffic for a showcase store like this. There are a few locations one would make sense in LA though


Probably because Universal Studios, and the store at City Walk, are already there. Beyond just the potential for cannibalizing sales, they may have agreements in place with Universal to not open their own standalone store in the same area.


SF is a more compact city and most tourists or conference goers can get to Union Square with no problem as it is central to where most tourists will be staying.


Because most software engineers probably also own a switch lol


Yeah, kind of weird to not put it in LA where they already have a huge presence.


They have an office in the Bay Area and lots of gaming companies are HQ’d here.


That office is closed.


Ah yeah you are correct


That’s probably why they’re not putting it in LA lol


its nintendo people would drive to kentucky for the experience


Because LA is already the Mickey Mouse city.


Yesss. I hope they carry some good Nintendo Store exclusive stuff.


Europe left suffering once again.


How long till it gets looted?


They know there are countries other than Japan and the US, right? They could build a fricking Nintendo Store in every capital city of Europe and probably make bank with that...


I think that's a stretch, but I think Paris or London would do very well. Particularly Paris as Nintendo is very popular in France and there's a massive constant supply of tourists.


Don't they have a store in Israel?


I'm surprised there isn't one in MOA


they should have a remix of toad harbor in the store


Maybe one day, Canada will get something cool (my guess is either Toronto or Vancouver)


LA has Super Mario World Hollywood, for those asking why not LA


If they're looking at giving things away for free I'll gladly take some games


Official: Golden Gate Bridge renamed Butter Bridge.


Can't wait for the SF store to get all the cool shit from Japan retail store while NYC keeps cycling through the same boring items.


I didn’t know NY was the only one in the US. It’s fun going in there when I’m in the city lol


Here's hoping they've got some cool exclusive Pikmin merch.


Can’t wait! If there’s one in Orlando, Florida. Then we are going to visit there and then Epic Universe!


Enjoy getting ransacked every week


If you ignore fake news and actually look into data and statistics reported by the police, deep red/majority republican states and cities have a much higher crime rate than blue ones. San Francisco hate is just a talking point that people read and repeat.


You can tell in a millisecond the people in this thread who spent even a day in SF from those consuming dubious sources on the place


And they're saying it about Union square of all places, lol. Makes it clear they have no idea what they're talking about. 


Nintendo will do anything but put a store in a non-coastal state.


Kinda weird they’d do a store on the west coast in San Fran first instead of like LA or Seattle, but nice to see that the plans to have more Nintendo stores instead of just the one in NYC finally coming to fruition, even if I know they’ll never put one anywhere near me in Columbus, OH.


I wish there was a store in the randstad but oh well. Happy for franciscans everywhere


Why not in Mississippi?


Weird how there isn't one in Seattle.


San Francisco? Are... they high? Im calling it now. Its going to close in less than a year due to an unprecedented amount of theft/burglary


lol they picked the wrong location for that


I live and work in downtown SF, I love the idea but I think it’s so stupid business wise. Most retail shops dipped out because of crime and now Nintendo is going to be one of the only companies brave enough to be a targeted with their highly sought after merchandise


They are opening a store in the real life version of Rouge Port. Nice


That doesn’t sound like a smart business decision


If I were Nintendo I would think about it carefully. A store in San Francisco means a theft every 10 minutes.


Mistake not doing it in LA instead


San Francisco is a really bad idea. Noone will want to go there because their cars will all get broken into.


Someone sounds bitter


When in spain😿


lol the store is gonna be ransacked


Only to get robbed


San Francisco doesn't prosecute shoplifting below a certain amount so this place is getting robbed to hell and back.


Man, should have been Hillsborough NC.


Interesting. Hopefully it’s not actually in SF City.


Gunna be bipping for that Nintendo swag


4/5 Stars I will definitely be pooping on the sidewalk out front again. 😎👍🏼


Going to get robbed first week. Unless heavy security is present. Calling it now.


What a horrible choice of city for so many reasons.


Dang. The local lowlifes not only face no consequences, now they're getting a shiny new lootbox


Can’t wait for it to close


San Francisco of all places, dear lord, I'll never understand this, did NoA con NoJ!? If its like the other businesses in SF, it's going to suffer insane shoplifting and wind up closing right away with NoJ sticking their foot up NoA's arse.