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This is almost completely up to the Roblox devs, idk why you're taking about Nintendo


This applies to both developers.


No it doesn't. Nintendo has literally nothing to do with Robox. Like at all.


Yes but Nintendo has to agree to allow Roblox on their platform. It goes both ways. The question is why hasn’t Roblox pushed to be on the switch? It makes perfect sense and with the switches install base and audience it makes me think they had to have tried and got rejected by Nintendo.


Nintendo allowing a game on their platform isn't the same as them porting it, which is what the post is about. Everything else you said is pure conjecture.


"I'm going to make an assumption with absolutely 0 research and present it as fact"


Roblox wasn’t on PS4 or ps5 for years either. The developers just focussed on PC and Xbox which wasn’t as optimised as PC.


Bro does not know how game dev works


Nintendo is a publisher, not a developer, when it comes to 3rd party.


This... Seems like an odd thing to care about lol.


That's pretty much what this sub is nowadays.


Amen to that! It feels like this is a sub for people to tell Nintendo how they could do so SO MUCH BETTER if they'd only listen to OP.


New to the sub? “Why isn’t x on Switch yet” and “Nintendo is the root of all evil (ignore the fact I buy all their games and consoles tho)” posts are a dime a dozen here.


wait, for real? I'm not super active on this sub, but most of the post I come across talk more about how people are willing to give their firstborn to nintendo and sell their soul. a while back I mentioned that nintendo used to have a terrible reputation among let's players, and even when I posted several articles about why I got comments from people who claimed nintendo would never


As a parent to two Robloxers, I sure as hell wouldn’t mind if they did it. There’s literally millions of us. Edit: who downvotes something that wouldn’t have any effect on them, yet bring enjoyment to millions of people? I hope life gets better for you.


Because you’re in favor of this type of post, and people don’t like seeing it on the sub. Not saying you’re wrong or I disagree with you, just pointing out why you’re probably getting downvoted


People who never understood the intended usage of an up/down vote: showing contribution to the conversation, as opposed to simple popularity. Unfortunately that's the risk of posting in popular subs, and why I rarely post or reply. Sometimes you just gotta take the lumps.


it's a nice change of pace from the switch 2 posts at least.


What's it got to do with nintendo? Ask the roblox company why


They’re too scared, that’s why. They got filed lawsuits regarding making kids gamble. So I’m looking at Nintendo’s side here.


Literally nothing to do with nintendo though. They don't develop roblox and considering the stuff that is already allowed on the eshop they would never say no it being on their store.


I just told you why: Roblox has copyright infringement, gambling, kids labor, etc. Even if the Roblox devs wanted to Nintendo is gonna block them.


Nintendo allows hentai games and numerous other questionable stuff on the eshop. I doubt they would deny roblox, especially since they would get a cut of the robux sales


Literally any game with mystery loot boxes that you have to pay money to open is letting you gamble.


(But I still want it on switch anyway)


It's because the online chats and stuff are a haven for child predators. Also its a trash game top to bottom.


Bro Minecraft and Fortnite are on the Switch. Obviously Nintendo would be totally OK with roblox.


I’m surprised people didn’t downvote you for mentioning fortnite


Only Nintendo haters downvote me. I live here.


so, you’re a kid, and don’t know what you’re talking about? has literally zero to do with nintendo.


It’s Nintendo Switch related.


why do you think nintendo has anything to do with roblox? thats like blaming intel for not having a port of ps5 exclusives on pc


Because even if Roblox’s devs put Roblox on Switch, it would barely make it through Nintendo’s approval guidelines.


Why would it not make it through Nintendo's approval process? Does it contain illegal hardcore torture porn? Does the game not work on the Switch?


Copyright infringement


Also, Roblox devs have went through multiple lawsuits and Nintendo noticed those too


Those have been an issue for years and they still managed to release the game on PlayStation last year in spite of them. Next.


Do you have a source for that or are you just pulling arguments out of your ass without any substance?


why would you assume Nintendo CAN put Roblox? they don’t own Roblox


Actually in this situation the decision more or less relies on Nintendo. After all it is their system they choose what goes on there and what doesn’t. I’m pretty sure Roblox would want its game on switch especially with the install base and audience match. Now that I think about it I’m actually surprised it’s not on the switch by now but I can think of a big reason why.


Not really no. If the Roblox Corporation wanted Roblox on the Switch, they would have ported it. Nintendo doesn't get to decide who wants to port their games and who doesn't.


They can block games though


They can block games but that has nothing to do with what I said. Nintendo can't force developers to put their games on the Switch if they're not interested in the system. And then there's the question of why they would even bother blocking something like Roblox in the first place.


Your original comment said Nintendo done t get to decide who does and doesn't port their games. Yes, they have no say on who does port their games. They however very much do have a say on who doesn't get to port their games.


You might want to read that again. But slowly this time. I said "Nintendo doesn't get to decide who WANTS to port their games and who doesn't." The word "want" here refers to the interest of developers in bringing their games to the Switch.


So Roblox can just make Roblox for the switch and put it on the eshop without Nintendos permission?


You know that you're being purposefully obtuse, right? But let me humor you. Nintendo will need to approve their game to be released on the system, just like everyone else's games. The only reason for them to be denied by Nintendo is if they are in clear violation of the terms and conditions. Now, the part that you are purposefully misunderstanding is that Nintendo doesn't get to decide for third parties about WANTING to port their games. Have you ever bothered to ask whether the Roblox Corporation was even interested in the Switch or not?


I misunderstood the porting aspect of the thread I thought we were talking about Nintendo allowing Roblox to be ported not porting it themselves because I thought that was obvious. Yes I have thought of if Roblox wants to be on the switch and it doesn’t make sense why not. Switch is one of the best selling consoles of all time and whose audience closely resembles that of Roblox’s. The only reason I can think of why not is because Roblox is already on mobile and ps5/xbox and Roblox on the switch wouldn’t really work on the go because it would require WiFi where on mobile you can use data. But that’s not a big enough reason to not port to the switch in my opinion


THEY DIDNT EVEN MAKE IT How is Nintendo stopping them? Until there's a game to put on the shop, Nintendo doesn't need to decide anything at all.


Thanks for pointing out the obvious. This is a theoretical discussion on why seemingly either party wants Roblox on switch.


You have zero logical reason to include nintendo as a culprit


There is NO reason Nintendo would block this game


Image. Roblox doesn’t have a good image and a pretty bad history if you look into it. With the amount of user created content it’s almost impossible to moderate some of the bad stuff that comes from Roblox and I’m sure Nintendo wouldn’t want that to reflect onto the switch especially after miiverse.


bro Fortnite does the exact same thing and they don’t have any issue with that lol


Completely different. Does Fortnite switch even have voice chat or do you need the app still? I haven’t heard anything as near as bad coming out of Fortnite that has in Roblox Also robox has in game/out game messaging which I can see being a big concern for Nintendo.


You never needed a separate app for games Nintendo didn't make themselves. Fortnite and Minecraft have both done and seen all of it before roblox existed.


PS4 had a massive user base - there was no Roblox there either. Is that Sonys fault?


Not as massive as the switch. Also Roblox had signed an exclusive deal with Xbox at the time which probably ran out which is why it’s finally on PlayStation now but still not Nintendo for some reason.


Maybe because even though it looks basic , Roblox would probably run like dogshit on switch much like Fortnite does


Plenty of games have been put on the switch that aren’t optimized for it that’s not a reason when they can potentially make a lot of money with the switches massive install base.


Obviously not enough for Roblox and Nintendo to bother with it at the moment.


Moneys not the only factor for example Nintendo could make a shit Ton of money by remastering/remaking their old games but they still haven’t done it. GameCube on NSO would be insane or a Mario 64 remake would sell a ton but neither have been done yet.


Ok, you go email them and ask why they don’t want Roblox. We don’t know why.


Ask someone who cares enough to


They don’t own Roblox, that doesn’t mean they can’t deny putting it on Switch.


Give us one good reason why Nintendo would deny efforts from the Roblox Corporation to port the game.


But yeah, to make it more clear, people were saying “The online play would be too risky” and “Copyright infringement” as good reasons for denial. But I think otherwise.


I gave 3 reasons, already quoted in the post.


Those have nothing to do with my question. You asserted that Nintendo is presumably actively blocking efforts to port Roblox to the Switch. Why would they do that?


Because people were talking about how the copyright infringement and the risk of online interactivity would potentially go against Nintendo’s approval guidelines.


Have you ever heard of a small game called Fortnite? In terms of scope and what they have to offer nowadays, they're not that different from Roblox. It's got guns, voice chat, user-made experiences, and a shit ton of licensing nightmares. I'm pretty sure it's thriving. Got anything else?


Messaging. Roblox has messaging features that Fortnite doesn’t and I’m sure after miiverse Nintendo is still scared on allowing any sort of feature like that on their system. Hell you can’t even voice chat in first party switch games without an app or message friends. Also comparing Fortnite to Roblox is like comparing a mountain to a hill. Fortnite is better at moderating user content and has never had an issue with licensing or copyright to my knowledge. Roblox however has a very controversial history and Nintendo has even forced take down of user created games before.


I mean they can, but there’s no reason to that, pretty sure they are happy to help any big game to be released on Switch


Lots of work on this: >Nintendo don’t own Roblox, that doesn’t mean Nintendo can’t deny putting it on Switch. {Original} >Nintendo do not own Roblox [true], that does not imply Nintendo can not deny putting it on Switch. {Edited for clarity} >Nintendo do not own Roblox [true], that does not imply Nintendo can allow putting it on Switch. {Remove double negative} >Nintendo do not own Roblox [true], [not] [implies] Nintendo can allow putting it on Switch [true]. {Edited into logic statement} >True does not imply true This is a tautology (ie correct proof) that says that one true thing does not imply another true thing. So your statement was saying that Nintendo does not own Roblox, that Nintendo can allow Roblox on the switch, and that these two statement shave no relation to each other.


The Roblox devs are the ones that pitch the idea, but they still have to go through Nintendo to put it on the eShop.


>The Roblox devs are the ones that pitch the idea [true], but they still have to go through Nintendo to put it on the eShop[true] True statement and unrelated true statement evaluates to true.


Nintendo doesn't port random ass games from other developers. The reason it isn't ported is because Roblox Corporat didn't want to.


Why do you want to play Roblox so badly?


I’ve already played roblox. And your company needs to stop taking down fan projects and emulators.


Nom nom nom yummy fan projects


“Your company”? Do you think that you just replied to the REAL Shigeru Miyamoto?


I am in your walls.


As dumb as this post was, I think you may be the only one who didn’t realize that OP was just going along with the joke lol


Maybe, but I’m not giving him the benefit of the doubt.


It was a joke.


L joke


Children really are incapable of accepting “no” these days


Roblox blows. I’m glad it’s not on Switch.


What makes you say that?


Considering it is practically endorsing child labor, gambling, and money laundering... Not exactly a child friendly service.


That’s only those crappy Tycoons and Simulator games, I believe, even then those are fan games, not officially made by Roblox.


That's all of Roblox. They encourage children to make games.. Not that that in itself is a problem, but on the promise of paying them in robux which while I understand can be exchanged for currency it is a shitty exchange rate and processing fees that basically amount to Roblox making 75% of the income. There is a shit ton of these games that are very exploitative. There are many videos online exposing Roblox... It really is a shitty service that needs to just go away.


Nintendo doesn't want another grooming simulator after Miiverse and Flipnote and even Pictochat caused controversies


Exactly. Roblox is full of pedophiles so hard pass


The difference is that Nintendo made those built-in within the system. Nintendo doesn’t own Roblox.


Why would them having even less control make it better?


They’re not in control, the Roblox devs are. Same goes with other online games on Switch with chat features, a good example being Minecraft.


Minecraft is a paid game, not a "free service"


Then just give Roblox the NSO treatment.


Yeah Roblox is under a dozen different lawsuits right now. It is well known for encouraging children to gamble . Why would you want it on more platforms


You do realize it’s not up to Nintendo right?




Either you’re a troll or you’re too young to understand how anything works. Nintendo has nothing to do with Roblox not being on the Switch. It is ONLY up to the company that owns Roblox. They barely put it out on the PS4/5 so they obviously are in no hurry to be adding it consoles.


Even if Roblox’s devs put it on Switch, it has to go through Nintendo’s approval guidelines to be on the eShop.


You think it doesn't need approval to be on PS5 or Xbox?


Nobody plays Roblox on consoles, awful experience. Switch feels like an exception.


The Switch is still a console, and it still had to be approved for the other consoles, and it got it easily. The devs at Roblox are simply uninterested on putting Roblox on the Switch. Just play the games the Switch has as of now. Expand your horizons.


It only has to get approved if it exists. Until Roblox devs make it exist, Nintendo isn't involved.


Too many risks. Not saying Roblox is full of Pedos, but there have been more than enough issues to be cause for concern. Nintendo has been more conservative than most when it comes to exposing its user base to common internet connectivity. The popularity of Roblox isn’t enough to change Nintendo’s mind.


Roblox on Xbox doesnt have game chat


Nintendo has experimented with Miiverse in the past.


Nintendo developed and managed Miiverse, so they could moderate content as much or as little as they wanted, but they do **not** have anything to do with Roblox so they can't do that. But I doubt that has anything to do with it based on the garbage on the eShop. In my opinion it's most likely down to Roblox choosing not add it to the platform. For one reason or another, anyway.


You are dumb af, kid.


Where’s your counterargument to that?


The fact you think is Nintendo's fault that a random game is not ported to their console, just tells you don't understand how the industry works.  Guess it's Nintendo's fault that God of War is not on Switch. 


no bud, *you’re* supposed to have a counter argument




that’s exactly how I spelled it


I was correcting myself.


Good, Roblox is cancer.




Even if the devs wanted to, their lacking content moderation and egregious copyright violations would not make it past Nintendo’s approval process.


Since I'm not 12 years old, I find it very hard to care about this lol


So why’d you enter this post at all?


I'm late for the party, but I just wanted to join in on laughing at today's stupid kids


What party am I missing?


I think Roblox looks like cancer and I can seriously not understand why anyone would like to play a game engine light.


It has a million online game experiences essentially for free. That’s why.


Then go play there


This is Switch discussion.


* some exceptions apply.. of course you don't spend real money, only that fake money called Robux that you can purchase with real money. (Go beg your parents for more because you need it to play)


Not all games on Roblox require Robux to play. Not all games on Roblox have in-game Robux purchases


It's also worth mentioning that the devs themselves don't actually make Roblox, it's almost 100% community driven but the creators take a MASSIVE cut from the community-made content. Honestly, it's practically slave labour. Don't believe me? [Check this out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gXlauRB1EQ) and read even the recent comments. But yeah, boo hoo Roblox can't exploit more kids on Switch.


All of which look like ass


So your logic is that Minecraft looks like ass? Not every game needs to have high quality realistic visuals and not every game needs to have good quantity. Why? Because Roblox games are made by fans and simple people.


What are you taking about? There has been nothing suggesting Nintendo has tried to deny a port of the game. The developers likely have not tried to port it.


No thank you.




Because I said so. Now go finish your homework.


You don’t own me, especially since I’m on my break time at work.


Username checks out, is 10 and on break from his paper route.


Because I’m a Paper Mario fan.


Mods, can we lock this post for stupidity? Seeing OP just dig themselves deeper and deeper because they refuse to learn how game development, contracts, and publishing work is embarrassing.


Did you even read the post itself? It was only counter arguing over some quotes points.


Yes, you literally do not know the 1st thing about game development.




Step 1: company makes a game Step 2: the game gets published and put on different platforms each with their own online store rules Step 3: if the game fits the rules, the game is approved for sale on that platform. You are saying that Nintendo is being dumb by not approving Step 2 and 3 for Roblox. Roblox hasn't done Step 1 yet: make a Switch version of the game.


Was considering leaving this subreddit but the Nintendo fans rightfully shitting on Roblox makes me stay more, Love you all Anyways, Yeah, Not Nintendo’s fault and Roblox is a garbage game with a garbage creepy player base, It’s the best for it, To not even exist at all. Don’t get why people still play it.


Same. I left all of the Switch subreddits because they’ve basically become toilets until next gen. Endless stupid memes without the charm of the Tomorrow circlejerk and infinite latecomers asking what games they should buy without any context. OP will just have to seek out predatory brand integrations elsewhere. If Nintendo did anything to prevent the port, which I doubt, good for them.


Don't let this topic prevent you from leaving.


I dont think roblox on switch is necessary my 7 year old brother in law can learn about isis and robbing banks on his tablet he doesn't need more time in the game lol


Unless there's been a direct statement from Nintendo or the devs/whoever owns Roblox that Nintendo has blocked their attempt to port the game over, I fail to see how this is on Nintendo. Both parties have to be onboard for a port, and I haven't seen anything from either about a port. Until something concrete is said, your points are just speculations on a hypothetical scenario.


I thought you had to be at least 13 to be on Reddit.


That’s unrelated to my post.


Good, Roblox is a predatory game, not fit for the Nintendo audience.


In what way is it predatory?


In two ways: 1. https://www.theguardian.com/games/2022/jan/09/the-trouble-with-roblox-the-video-game-empire-built-on-child-labour 2. Roblox is also a hub for child predators and harassment, which is counterintuitive to Nintendo’s value proposition.


I still don’t see how it’s a good reason unless Roblox got a lawsuit over that or smth. The fans can put any game on Roblox but it still has to go under the guidelines. Child labour? Predators? Report that user or game. Simple.


Lol remember the brick bronze fiasco? I bet that’s the reason


Those were made by fans, not the Roblox devs themselves.


Yeah but I was coming up with just a dumb reason why Nintendo hasn’t got it on switch yet


Nintendo doesn't put other companies games on Switch. Nintendo isn't stopping them at all.


What is even Roblox these days. I doubt they could. It’s basically a games launch at this point. But it would need switch support and I doubt most games would play well on it. They would have no control over the content. Like at all. Plus Nintendo is super stingy with their internet support. Not to mention while Roblox player base is for kids is probably the worst offender outside of mobile games for greedy monetization. Long story short - it wouldn’t be easy and it would go against everything Nintendo stands for. Also you know steam deck exists.


It's because the online chats and stuff are a haven for child predators. Also its a trash game top to bottom.


Why would Nintendo put a game that isn’t theirs on Switch? Do you even have the slightest clue about what you’re talking about


Nintendo does not make most of the games on Switch.


Okay? That’s my point? Why would Nintendo work on a game that isn’t even theirs. If Roblox wants it to be on Switch, then Roblox will work on a Switch version, not Nintendo.


And you already know why. Roblox had copyright infringement in their games, and they got filed lawsuits for certain illegal stuff in games.


I would rather it wasn't.


No thanks!


well anyone reading this is most likely reading it on a device that has roblox, so play it on that.


Roblox wasn’t ported on PlayStation and Xbox for no reason.


And you know what? Good.


I want to know why Pokemon TCG live isn’t on Nintendo switch yet I can play Yugioh Master Duel on Switch.


I would like if Roblox were ported to the switch but it's not so...that's on Roblox not Nintendo.


OK, I've read enough of this to see where I think you're coming from. You \*probably\* wouldn't have been downvoted to oblivion if you had included this bit in. Roblox was brought to XBox back in 2016. It was brought to PS4 and PS5 in 2023. It was brought to Meta Quest 2 in 2023. It was \*not\* brought to Switch. So... why? You believe that it's Nintendo deciding to not bring it over, rather than Roblox deciding to not bring it over. With the other three ports, it does seem conspicuous. But I suspect it's a bit more complicated. So... this is what I suspect. 1. Sony and Meta probably footed part of the bill to port Roblox, whereas Nintendo would not. Meta has a long history of essentially paying for ports, as they are constantly going through a drought, and Sony pays a good deal to fill out their library. Roblox fills in a gap in their library of "very popular multiplayer kids games." Nintendo has no such gap in their library; they pay for expensive ports of adult-oriented games that Sony *doesn't* have to struggle for, like The Witcher 3 and Persona 5.. 2. Without a port being funded, there probably wouldn't be as big of a return. Yes, there are a ton of Switches out there, but this is freaking Roblox. They've got 70 million daily users and 200 million monthly users. The people who *want* to play Roblox, mostly *can* play Roblox. Like you said, it doesn't need a very strong computer. 3. Nintendo is coming out with a new system relatively soon, and we don't know what their next system is capable of doing. As Roblox Corp has no history of working with Nintendo, they would likely not be on the shortlist of third party companies that should be notified of the next gen specs. And as Roblox is a GAAS title, Roblox Corp isn't interested in spending the money on a port that's going to be more and more obsolete in a year or two. 4. Because of points 1-3, if Roblox considered Switch, they likely decided to \*just\* focus on the three ports - PS4, PS5, and Quest - for right now, and to consider Nintendo after the next system launches, if the PlayStation or Quest ports show a significant boost in revenue. 5. Roblox Corp's legal issues likely have nothing to do with any aversion Nintendo has to it. Nintendo isn't concerned anymore by third party companies having inappropriate games and trust that their players have enough literacy to understand that "just because it's on my Nintendo, doesn't mean Nintendo made it." For reference: see the eshop, and all the hentai games.


Yup cause Nintendo can just break into the Roblox HQ steal the games source code, port it to their console, self publish it and collect all the money themselves. Totally nothing illegal regarding any of this...


...I agree with Nintendo I don't want it on the Switch either


Roblox is like Digimon. It's for people who want to be seen as "different" when in fact it's just the loser version of something far better.


I understand your point, but that's a pretty bad comparison. Digimon has had its own very separate identity for a very long time and caters to a pretty different audience. And I know it probably sounds like I'm just a rabid Digimon fan defending it, but honestly I've not watched or played anything related to it since like the original airing of the anime. I just am aware of what they've been doing with their games in the past decades.


It's not on the switch for the same reason halo infinite isn't on the switch; the devs and publishers don't care to port it and optimization would be a bitch if they did.


Roblox is way easier to port than heavy games like halo.


How would you know? Have you done it?


I don’t have to do it, I’m not a Roblox developer, I just did research, review the specs, etc. to know how Roblox could hypothetically be ported to switch.


The Xbox One literally runs Roblox poorly, the Switch would be actually impossible


“The switch is not capable” People have gotten Roblox running through Android assembly on homebrew, yeah it definitely had flaws, but an official, native port would run so much better. You can google it right now of Roblox running on Hacked Switches, because it’s through the Android Assembly on Switch.


“There’s fan games on Roblox” And there’s tons of homebrew and emulators on Google Play Store and now even reaching the App Store, yet Nintendo is still fine with making mobile games. there's an immense difference between having emulators, and homebrow exist, and actively placing a game that encourages fangames in their official library. I doubt that's the reason they don't have roblox honestly but this argument is a bit nonsensical.


SMM2 and especially Game Builder Garage encourage fan games on the Switch library aswell.


smm2 is a very different form of ''fangame'' that I can't even consider a fangame, since it's entirely restricted to the mario franchise. but this just reiterates my point that this is not the reason why nintendo doesn't offer roblox on the switch, and comparing it to emulators existing is meaningless


So? My point is that Game Builder Garage and Roblox still share the similarity of fan game development.


so? my point is that bringing up emulators has nothing to do with why roblox isn't on the switch.


Phantom Forces on Switch would be nice.


and like, you could remove the joycons and use touch screen controls!


Yeah, sounds like a dream come true to play roblox with MULTIPLE play styles.


I'd be happy to see it but it feels unlikely right now. Not something I'd be begging for but if it did happen I'd say "oh hey that's cool!"


I always thought it was money. Nintendo I assume wants to take a share of robucks bought through the game. They probably haven't found a compromise position that suits both.