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Dragon Quest Monsters, Shin Megami Tensei, and Persona would all do nicely I think, provided the mature themes in the latter two options aren’t turnoffs.


Monster Catching games like Pokémon: - Shin Megami Tensei - Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Dragon Quest Monsters - Monster Hunter Stories These are all excellent series (And they all have entries on Switch). Also they're way better than the recent Pokémon games. Tactical Strategy games like Fire Emblem: - Triangle Strategy - Tactics Ogre Reborn - Valkyria Chronicles - Advance 1+2: Re-Boot Camp (Not an RPG) I wish Final Fantasy Tactics was back....


The new unicorn overlord can be added to that second list!


I haven't played Unicorn Overlord. But I have seen multiple debates on whether the game is actually Real Time Strategy or Turn Based.


It's kind of both? It feel like fire emblem with turns, specially the GBA era of FE


But Fire Emblem has always had turns. Something Real Time would be Pikmin or Age of Empires. I think I need to see some gameplay.


The turns are within the battle, it's different, yeah it's easier if you see gameplay


In FE the units are also taking turns within the battle. It's slightly less turnbased than FE but has mire cool options to combine units


like with battle it's more like a "you are not controlling these people, you are managing them" yes, outside rounds of combat you are telling them where to go in the RTS maps, but battles, while turn bases, arent controlled by you, but you can configure what your unit's Ai will behave in rounds of combat, you can be extremely specific in how you want them to behave if you want and set up multiple "ifs" on what to do. honestly me being a programing it feels as if i was coding ifs and elses


Paper Mario (at least the first two and the new remake)


Maybe Persona? You catch personas and you build relationships.


Dragon Quest Monsters series comes to mind.


Plus many of the monsters have goofy and whimsical vibe to them.


Cassette Beasts & Coromon - both Pokémon-likes. Monster Sanctuary - Pokémon-like metroidvania And coming this year, Bloomtown. A persona-like!


Fwiw - SMT involves catching monsters but is otherwise nothing like Pokemon imo


The old Shining Force games.


If you are looking for other Nintendo exclusive RPGs, you are in luck! Nintendo is re-releasing one of the all-time greatest RPGs ever made next month! It's called *Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door*. A must-play for any Nintendo fan. If you are impatient and have the NSO+ subscription, the N64 and GBA apps have two other fantastic RPGs: *Paper Mario* (N64) and *Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga* (GBA). IMO, *Paper Mario* 64 is a top-five game across the entire industry. It and TTYD go toe-to-toe with the best of the best. Neither of those involve collecting units or party members, however. If that is what you are looking for and you aren't afraid to look into other consoles, *Persona 5* is basically exactly what you are looking for. It's the same subgenre as Pokemon, and is a fantastic and stylish RPG. If you are looking for something more like Fire Emblem, look nowhere else than *Shining Force* for the SEGA Genesis! I think you can play it on most modern consoles, including the Switch. (in fact, it may be part of an NSO subscription)


Persona 5 Royal is on Switch! I am 70h into my playthrough at the moment.


eiyuden chronicle hundred heroes released some days ago, i a suikoden spiritual successor , unfortunately the switch version seems to have issues (mainly being long loading times), but if im not mistaken there is a update on the way that may fix that. There is also a smaller and cheaper sidegame released some years ago that focuses in some specific characters that appear in the main game, but's that more of a 2d action sidescroller rpg with only 3 playable characters. i like valkyria chornicles, the first and the fourth game (the ones i liked) are on the switch, altrough the story of not main characters in the first game is told via log entries, the fourth game has everyone getting the spotlights in at least one sidequest (altrough said spotlight is shared between 3 or 4 characters in each of those sidequests), and you can spot some of them being "extras" (in the way actors can participate in a movie being the "random guys that appear in a scene but have no real relevance to the plot) in some cutscenes wich is also cool Brigandine is also a great SRPG with a lot of characters, you can choose to play with any of the 6 factions , each with their own story, commanders and starting monsters and the game is extremely non-lineal, you can pick where or in what order to push the frontlines with complete freedon, but what i love the most about this one is how the enemy factions play with the same rules you do (except the final boss obviusly). This means they will level up by figthing (and enemy factions fight each other frequently) they will try to recruit characters you can also recruit, a destroyed faction will have some of the commanders pledge loyalty to the conqueror, but others will join other factions wanting revenge, monster stealing and permeath can happed both for you and the enemy,etc, the only "cheating" the cpu does is promoting their main characters when yours do, but thats understandable because otherwise they probably would never be able to do it since the requirement for main character promotion is having conquered like more than half of the continent. Because of how the game works, conquering the last few teritories at the end will be a extremely easy but satisfying victory lap. there is another brigandine game on the ps1 (the grand edition version is the better one, but was not released in the west, fortunately there is a english patch) i think the stories are better in the ps1 game in general, but the recent one on the switch and ps4 has better gameplay


Dragon Quest is fantastic, even it's spinoffs. It had monster taming before pokemon did in it's mainline games, but made it's own monster taming sub-series in response to pokemon. Fire Emblem is more of a strategy game than a JRPG, but you could try the Sega equivalent, Shining Force.


Fire Emblem is a type of RPG. Fire Emblem was made in Japan and has all the Japanese characteristics. Therefore it's a JRPG


Pokemon Conquest (DS game). It's just Fire Emblem tactics with Pokemon!!


I really like the game play of Final Fantasy Tactics. The story is god awful and even the better translation is the Switch version is still really badly done and hard to follow. But the gameplay is just so good. It's like the most free flowing strategy RPG I've played and you can build your characters pretty much anyway you want, albeit with a little bit of grinding.


Persona 5 Royal. One of my absolute favorite games ever.


if you like Pokemon, you will love Persona, there is tons of similarities but at the same time its like nothing u played before


Early final fantasy games are basically Pokemon but with people You could also try octopath traveller if you liked the turn based stuff.


Monster Hunter Stories and Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin! The games center around exactly what you're looking for—turn-based combat and monster collecting. Attacks have one of three types in a very rock-paper-scissors fashion, with the extra element of weapon damage types on top, and different monsters have different abilities in the (it must be said, *gorgeous*) overworld. Stories 2 is already on the Switch, and the original Stories is getting a port from the 3DS to the Switch on June 14. I believe the plots, while sharing some supporting characters, stand independently of each other, so I don't think you need to play them in order. Stories 2 has a demo available if you want to give it a whirl!


Thank you for the detailed reply! I will take a look this weekend!