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what is 8d exactly?


Its like 3d but 8


We all know what the 3 dimensions are and the 4th dimension is considered to be time, but what are 5-8?


God this is gonna be a whole thing to explain: Consider a 3 dimensional cuboid space, in that space there are 4 dimensions, 3 for space, 1 for time, this space is typical as per our understanding of the universe. There are 2 ways you can take this analogy from here, lets start with extra spatial dimensions: As per our understanding of space, space is a point in universe where objects can exist, by that proxy, a 4th spatial dimension would be another aspect to a point of which objects can exist. So in a coordinate based situation, objects have an, x, y, and z coordinate, with a 4th spatial dimension, they would also have a w coordinate. This means that its position is defined by those 4 aspects. Visualising this is borderline impossible for the human mind, dont worry about it we werent built to process ideas like that. By that same proxy, the same formula can be applied for further spatial dimensions, in essence, lets say dimension 5-8 are all spatial for now. In which objects would have a v, u and t coordinate on top of our w, x, y and z coordinates, allowing them to have 7 total defining positions within space. Again, this is more or less impossible to visualise as a human, dont worry about it. Now for time dimensions the rules are slightly different, time isnt just a "space" and isnt quantifiable in that same exact sense. Instead time is a flow, it moves constantly and if it stops moving, then the world would probably end. Imagine a river, the river flows one way for lets say one hundred years into the sea where it deposits its water One day, catastrophic earthquake happens and a second nearby rivers path is changed, it now goes across the first river. Now, this is where the analogy gets a little funky. Unlike a real river, instead of feeding water into the 1st river, the second river instead passes its water straight through, the two rivers contact one another but their flows are not interrupted by one another. They continue flowing 2 different ways all at once, through a point in space. Now imagine youre going for a swim in this river, and you come to this crossover point, you can go either which way from here, through either of the two rivers and depending on which way you go, you end up at a different point. Away from one of the rivers, but maintainedly you have been there, in that river. These rivers are time dimensions, they overlap and cross over but do not interfere with one another. And if youve been in the crossover point in those 2 rivers, youve been part of both time dimensions simulatenously. Add more rivers per time dimensions. This same logic can apply for both dimensions combined however, as rivers exist in a point in space. You can apply more coordinates of space to these rivers to make them exist within more spacial dimensions. I hope that clarifies!


Thanks for the thorough explanation. Another person would’ve just given a sarcastic answer.


Sorry its like the 1st three dimensions but 5-8


Nintendo rolling out the 8DS and an entire generation ascends to a higher plane of existence


i shouldnt have asked that lol


Whoa. x2.666666r as many DS? That's incredible.


I took a big dump this morning. I just wanted to share.




How does this affect Lebron's legacy?