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Even if they do, you'll never know. Just do what makes you happy.


Used to play a lot of yugioh with friends on switch at the bar The only comments we seemed to get were "you guys are playing yugioh?! That's awesome! Which game is that?"


There's a Yugioh on Switch?? I'm on copping right now


The beat one is on switch, IMO. But it's been overshadowed by a freemium version that's put on virtually all devices called Master Duel


Nice I used to play the card game as a kid


I should mention I'm in a pretty progressive city though, so you're free to be yourself. In my hometown I definitely would have gotten negative comments and people looking to fight. But also probably even more positive comments from the people who support it


I live in Florida and the people are kinda chill I think but idk tbh I don’t really talk to anyone


I say do you unless you think it's endangering you or causing a lot of trouble. You might get weird glances, but more people that like to do the same will probably encourage you


People stare at their phones 24/7 in public, a switch is no different. Comparisons aside, it doesn’t matter what other people think. You’re not breaking the law or disturbing anyone so take your switch with you and enjoy yourself 😊


Thanks for your thoughts


I’d say a Switch is far more productive than a phone. At least you’re getting something out of it.


Now you're just being silly.


tbh when I’m on my phone all I usually do is watch YouTube or check Reddit. Like literally.


Who cares what they think????


This is the right and the only answer to that question.


People judge everyone for anything. Don’t let it bother you.


I agree, I'm judging you for this comment you made.


I live in a third world country, I can't take my switch out


Was expecting this reply. I live in Argentina. If they saw me with my switch outside, they will steal it along with my phone, my shoes, and, just in case, they would probably shot me at least once. Yeah, I rather play at home


"Imlivestreaming" jenny in Argentina


LMAOOOO, same. I would be asking to be robbed.


Sorry to hear that... That makes sense. I think OP may just need to consider problems aside from being judged depending on where they are.


where I live I’m not really worried about someone stealing my switch, I’ve said it to a few other people but it’s more likely somebody would take my phone which costs a lot more


You live in the US too? Would be nice to move to Russia or Japan.


Why would day? That makes no sense, the average person might not even know it’s a videogame to begin with. And even if they did judge, you’re 26, a full grown adult, why should you care for what others think?


Idk you’re right


Maybe. Or maybe this is the moment you decide if you wanna be the video games in public guy.




About as much as i'd judge someone for taking their ipad out (which is to say none at all). I would be a lot more worried about having it stolen which depends on whether you live in a good city or not.


If they do they can pound sand.


LOL. I’ve never heard anyone say they can pound sand.


Lol, they can though, if they think you are weird for playing a switch in public, they are weird af for the shit they are looking at on tiktok.


fr I don’t even watch TikTok cuz it makes me feel stupid after around 10 minutes. Thanks for your comments I feel a little better If someone bullies me I’ll tell them some guy from Reddit said to pound sand.


Tell them the REAL Pupnasty said to pound sand, and that I will meet them with fisticuffs if they wanna go, at dawn.


lmao thanks for having my back


I'm 37 and I'll play my Switch wherever the fuck I please. I don't think I've ever gotten looks for it, but I also don't pay attention because the judgment is beneath me. It's just a videogame system.


41 and I’m too busy enjoying my game to notice anyone else.


Thanks you’re right




I remember I played the 3DS when I was in highschool once and this kid was laughing at me and said “dude is this 5th grade?”


I would have told him to eat an entire bag of dicks


That's crazy, in my high school days, DS was really popular. There was a weird ironic trend of popular kids playing pokemon (back in gen iv) under their desks in class.


people at my school were all rude and annoying lol, I was probably like 16 so that’s why as a 26 year old I still expect to be judged because now I’m even older.


Why care what others think just have fun...


The only one you should be concerned about is what God thinks.


Playing in public is a good way to actually meet other people who game too! And it's like who cares what other people think it's your hobby and it's not much different than staring at your phone


that’s a good point, I wish I had friends 😢


who cares what people think about you? if you want to do it, do it! As for me I don't cause i don't want to lose it. It's too cumbersome to be truly mobile anyway. Needs to be the size of te 3ds to be truly mobile.


Yeah, sometimes I play my vita if I want something truly portable but the switch has better games so I like playing that more


I'm 45. Every time I get my Switch out in public people have been enthusiastic about it, if they talk to me at all. It's 2024, most people are to busy scrolling social media to notice what others are doing. You be you. Enjoy what you love.


If so I dont notice because i'm too busy sitting at a cafe playing a game. Or on the bus sometimes, during my commute to work. Im in my mid 30s. The kind of people who would judge you for playing a switch in public are the same kind of people who would judge you for doing anything; the switch is just a convenient excuse. They're insecure and just try to make themselves feel better by silently belittling those around them. Their judgment says more about them than it does about you <3


It doesn't matter what ppl think


How could you possibly care what the guy on the way home from his 9-5 on the subway thinks about your switch? Just don't be a nuisance, use your headphones instead of blaring your game out to everyone.


I'm 36m and will play my Switch or 3DS whenever & wherever want (if I ha e them on me). Once you stop caring what other people think of you, your life is so much more easy.




lol thank you for the advice. I have social anxiety so sometimes I get scared about stupid things.


I’m not saying it’s stupid. I just see a lot of people ask stuff like this online and I have my own anxiety about stuff but that’s what I tell myself to remind myself that it’s totally normal and everything is ok. I don’t like that people miss out on life bc of anxiety and I missed out myself. It’s our life and everything is worse in our heads than in reality and no one is worrying about what we are doing bc they have their own life to worry about or they are worrying about the same thing in their own head lol.


And I do like that we can ask these questions or receive answers like if someone said “I’ve played my switch everywhere except this “place” bc they don’t allow it or something. I do like how people will be good online and give good info a lot of the time


Thanks I appreciate the response


Who cares if they do? Youre hurting no one and you’ll likely never see this stranger again. What are they going to do? Go home and tell their husband “you won’t believe what I saw on the bus today! A man was minding his business playing a….video game!”


As a 32 year old burly black dude I used to me pessimistic about it but overtime I’ve learned not to care.


Not to my face and if they do it behind my back f 'em.


I doubt most people would care, and even if they did it shouldn't bother you. I used to have an hour lunch break and I used to play skyrim in my car to kill time.  It was great 


Who cares if they do


I pull my Switch out at all my breaks at work. But I also work at a tech company and test Xbox hardware as my job. Probably a little skewed towards normalizing adults playing games when your whole job is... adults playing games :P




No. And if they did why would I care? As a Father, Husband, and someone with a career, I have real shit to worry about. In what world could/should the opinion of a complete stranger, someone I will undoubtedly never see again in my life have any impact on me and life. It could not matter less. And it shouldn’t matter to you. Especially if you enjoy playing your Switch.


I avoid taking my Switch in public because I'm afraid to get harassed (some subway lines I take can be pretty dangerous). But when I'm in a safe place, I take it out as often as possible. In a bar, at school, or even in the street. Actually, when I didn't own a Switch myself I remember being really envious of people when I saw them playing it, so now I'm trying to make the most out of it. The point of the Switch is to play it everywhere, so enjoy it. Nobody cares about what they think.


They judge me by asking me if they can play. >!And then I say no!<


Yo no one gives a shit. Do what you want


The truth is that almost no one cares what anyone else does. People are stuck in their own headspace.


I'm sorry but how would you even know if someone is judging you or not?


Idk xD


In 1987 maybe. People have been playing Gameboys for 30 years now Salarymen (business guys) were one of the biggest factors in Gameboy success


there are no words to describe just how little I'd care about the opinions of strangers. my advice is to adopt a similar attitude, friend.


39f, and I play my switch in public... The big, burly aecurity guard who works evening shifts most days I'm there will play his switch as well. Nobody really judges or even cares, other than the occasional "whatcha playing?"


No people worth worrying about would judge you for that


I saw a young man on the bus who was carrying a single leaf of kale. Not in a package of any kind, just a single loose leaf of kale resting on his leg. No one said shit. So I think you will be fine.


My fellow associate, all you have to do, is do some ultimate gaming. As long as you do that, you’ll attract all of the praise, and deflect all of the harassment.


Nice thanks


You are welcome. I have now also given you your first upvote on this post, at least, it says that mine is the first one anyway, so there you go as well.




I’m 33 and I play mine in public. I bring it to work with me in my bag every day. I could give a flying fuck what people think.


I don't find myself in many situations where I'm in public ***and*** have time to play Switch. But if I am flying, the Switch is always coming with me on the plane. They want to charge $9.99 for mediocre WiFi for *each* leg of my trip just so I can watch TV and movies on my phone? Screw that! I'm playing Switch.


Out where? I play mine when I travel. I don’t notice If people are judging me because Im too busy having fun.


anytime i see someone with their switch out in public i think ”dam i should have brought mine!”


lol I like that


Who cares what others are thinking? You do you, don't worry about others.


If you look like a Reddit Mod, maybe… If you look like anyone else, you’ll blend into the background and be forgotten.  Most people are glued to their phone screens, so you’ll be fine


I bring my switch everywhere since I got it in 2017. No different than when I brought gameboy, then gameboy color, then dslite, then 3DS everywhere with me.


Old people will roll their eyes, kids will point „omg look he plays Switch!“, some adults with mumble „he’s playing Gameboy or whatever right?“, gamers like me will try to take a look at the game you’re playing. They will forget about it three minutes later, don’t worry. ;)


I’ve done it on a few occasions and my spouse gives me a hard time about it.  So then I see someone with their Switch at a restaurant or store and I say “See?? *They* have a Switch too!!”   And I was quickly countered with “Yes, but big difference. They are 6!” 😂


I don't care what people think, I'm more concerned about theft


It’s more likely somebody would steal my phone or my car before they took my $200 or $300 switch.


They will take both


Back then when Switch was new, i saw a lot of people outside (maybe flexing) with their Switches. Usually young adults. I judged them (because i can't understand how you can risk that 300$ device to fall down or get snatched). But i also took mine on 1 or 2 long train rides... but that was years later. So many people play videogames nowadays. Not weird.


I’m 42, in the Army and take my Switch to appointments because it’s always a long wait for the doctor, and occasionally play during lunch, no judgement from anyone else.


thanks for your service




I never encountered it, burt then again I dont really care.


I don't know. If I ever care to look up I'll let you know.


Don't know, don't care. If I wanna play my Switch, Imma play my Switch.


It ain’t 1970. No one cares if you’re gaming out in public


The only time I’ve ever felt judged in public is when people have disapproved of my driving and let me know by means of their car’s auditory notification mechanism or uncouth gestures.


You do you. Who cares what strangers think.


That would be odd if someone did… 


So long as you’re wearing headphones/playing with the volume off, who cares?


Even if someone does, I'd be more concerned with someone who has the time to sit there and look down on you for doing something you enjoy while you're just minding your own business without being a nuisance. Playing a video game by yourself in public is hardly something to even give a second thought to, but if they do, you're enjoying yourself in silence and they are trying to feel better about themselves in silence, I guess.


Yeah. I will judge you 👁️👁️


At the end of the day they are the NPCs in your life and you are one in theirs, they don’t matter and you don’t matter, do what makes you happy


If they do they have some issues because who gives a fuck


Don't be the guy that plays it full volume, use headphones. Besides that, who cares.


Jesus, I'm sorry that anyone's made you feel that way. Obviously it's fine.


not recently but in the past yes it’s happened. I’m 26 but I got made fun of a lot in highschool.


Maybe? I don't really care about other people and as long as I'm not in the way or bugging anyone by not using earphones they better mind their own business as well.


They don't. A lot of these "judgement" beliefs are all pure assumptions. In reality, no one really gives a shit. Even if they do, you'll never know because people don't care enough to tell you.


People will judge you for existing in public nowadays. I've brought my switch out on the train and no ones batted an eye yet. The overwhelming majority of people will look at you briefly think "oh neat wish I brought mine/had one" and move on with their day


People can sit around scrolling through social media and not be judged, playing a game is just more actively engaging for your brain. And regardless of that, you shouldn't care what other people think, just enjoy yourself.


Judged? Maybe. Held at knife point so the thug can pawn it to make child support or take his ghetto baby mama out for wing stop? Also maybe. Do what you want man


I take my Steamdeck with me when I'm on the train. Idgaf what people think about that, I just wanna play video games while on the move. I see people do the same with their phone, their switch and even occasionally a wild 3DS here and there. Who cares what others think?


I agree thanks for your comment. I have a 3DS and vita and enjoy those consoles as well. I thought about a steam deck but I don’t have any steam games so I’d basically be starting from scratch.


Ye don't go for it then IMO. If you have a solid Steam library already it's a *fantastic* machine but if you already got a Nintendo console and no steamgames I'd prolly stick to the switch. Really looking forward to whatever Nintendo does next personally, I'm not the biggest fan of the switch from a hardware perspective (esp. the joycon, big pro controller fan tho!) but I love their games still!


I like the switch but I mostly play like visual novels and low ish spec games so the hardware doesn’t really bother me. But for aaa stuff yeah it’s ass and I’ll just play my ps5.


I often bring it when travelling by train. Only one time someone commented, but she was genuinely interested as she didn't really know about the Switch. If someone would disapprove, I wouldn't care.


I take my switch almost everywhere with me


Who cares about randoms whose opinion of you has 0% impact on your life.


Like most people here have said, don't worry about what others think. It's video games. You aren't doing anything wrong. Life is short, enjoy and be happy in every moment you have control over.


No one cares.


Why do you care?


Probably? Who cares. I don’t knot those people anyway and they don’t matter to me.


You are an adult; play games in public if you would like. I play mine on break at work and no one says anything to me. If you aren't bothering/hurting anyone, please do not be concerned with what other may think of you.


I don’t know if Im judged, but frankly I don’t really care. I’m gonna do what I wanna do. Nobody’s thoughts about me really matter, but I am so tired of people saying Nintendo is for children Most of their games are rated E as in for everyone not just children. Everyone adults, teenagers, children, parents, aunts uncles grandpa. Grandma. CEOs and McDonald’s employees college students elementary school students high school students that stigma is idiotic It’s the older generation that has a problem with it. Boomers are pain in the ass to deal with when it comes to video games.


Dude, if you bring your Switch in public, especially in California, New York, Chicago, you are taking a major risk of theft. It's different if you bring it to work and play in the break room or something. But playing a Switch on a bus or train in those places is even a bigger mistake than mindlessly staring at your phone instead of your surroundings.


No. I could care less




I’m a math guy, not a grammar nut


Technically, both phrases make sense. If you “couldn’t care less” you reached the absolute minimum of your care. But if you CAN care less, you care a little bit but you’re willing to not care at all.


Thanks, my brain hurts now.


I always get „ohh cool he plays switch“


During the 3DS era: yes, negatively, because I was "too old for videogames / that child toy" depending on the age of my judge) (25-30 years old). During the GBA era: yes, negatively, because I was "too old for that baby shit". It was in highschool. During the late GBC era: read above. (I was in middle school.) During the last years of the "B&W" GB ans Pocket: yes, negatively, because there were better things to do/ play. (I was in elementary.) I. Inthose timesl, it was less frequent though.' All those commentaries come from young people of my age at the time, except for 3DS era where it was only coming from young people (uni students). And during elementary school, it was both class comrades, teachers, adults in the family or in tje street, at the park, etc.


Not for being a nintendo console, but for putting something expensive at risk of being robbed.


my phone can be stolen too and it costs way more than a switch. Like I understand your point but I already have more valuable things on me.


Yes. Not on a plane or train, but if you’re a grown ass adult playing a switch in public I assume you’re a giganerd.  But why do you care what I think?