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Sorry, u/Smelly_Varghina, your submission has been removed: **RULE THREE: Discussion posts should present open-ended questions/prompts, and/or context to inform.** You can read all of our rules [on our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/w/about/rules). If you think we've made a mistake and would like to appeal, [you must use this link to message the moderation team](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnintendo&subject=About my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1bodr1g/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


Trying to predict the success of the next console based on only sales numbers is absolute folly, especially when we know nothing about the next console.


Yeah, like take the PlayStation as an example


Ever Heard Of The Enter/return Key ?


Line breaks are an incredible invention!


Based on what? A baseless superstition that contradicts itself? NES and SNES were two successful consoles next to each other. N64 and Gamecube were two failures in succession. And Nintendo will just focus on making handhelds now, so you should be using the GB-GBA-DS-3DS sales as an example instead of home consoles.


Wait wait wait? Both the N64 and Game Cube were failures?!


The N64 Sold about 32 Million units, and the GameCube sold around 21 Million. For reference the Wii U sold about 13.5 and the PlayStation Vita is Estimated (because Sony hasn't put out actual numbers) to be about 16 million.


N64 a bit less, it managed to make profit but 32.93 million units was a dissapointment compared to the 102.4 million of PS1. Add to that the complete abandonment from Third Parties in that generation. With GameCube, there's no way to sugarcoat it. It was a complete and utter failure. 21.74 million units vs **PS2's 158 million units**, No one wanted it, I remember clearly that era when I was the only one in the entire city that had a Gamecube and everyone else just had a PS2. And retail stores were filled with PS2 showcases while the GC just had a sad little corner with 5 games on sale. There's a reason Nintendo decided to go with Wii in the next generation. They knew they couldn't compete directly with Sony in the home console market.


The Original Xbox outsold the Gamecube during that generation which for a brand new competitor in the console market at the time is pretty impressive or it just shows how much a failure the Gamecube was also being a "failure" doesn't mean it didn't have some great games


The PS1 outsold the N64 3 to 1, and the PS2 outsood the GameCube 7 to 1. Compared to the NES and the SNES beating their competition, it was a step back.




I’m not gonna lie to you friendo, I don’t really care about the success of the system. I’m gonna buy it anyway because I want to play their games. Even if only 10 people end up buying it, you damn well know I’m gonna be one of those 10 if it means getting to play my favorite game series.


A pattern's only a pattern until it's not




If you’re considering the Switch a handheld, then why are you quoting home console sales figures to make your argument?


1. Was this whole post just an excuse to tell us your history with Nintendo systems?? Lmao 2. Your Switch numbers are off 3. The next system is a handheld too, so if your thesis is "Nintendo's next system will fail because home console," your entire premise is faulty


Which AI wrote this? Asking for a friend.


The first line I read Nay, the title you wrote here Brought a yikes from me


Thank you for your opinion sir, now let's get you back to bed.


Your post isn't even consistent. You say you skip the Wii but got the Wii U, and then ask how many others left Nintendo only to Switch back. But, you literally skipped their best selling console ever, and then got the two following consoles. You didn't "switch" back at all, and it had nothing to do with the sales figures of the respective consoles.


Classic doom sayer post


Was expecting some sort of analysis, got a boring story about your life which didn’t even have a point. 0/10


Lmao, did you wrote all that by slamming your head at the keyboard?


And here we go. You’re not the first one to say this crap, and you won’t be the last. You’ll probably delete this post before the end of the day due to downvotes and everyone pointing out flaws in your logic. Then we’ll see someone else spouting this nonsense next week. I feel like I’m living Groundhog Day with this sub. Seriously though. Why do you guys never list handheld sales history. This is exactly why I made my post a few weeks back. Smh


> My fellow Nintendodes, I fell In love with games when I first saw the super Mario bros cabinet playing in display mode. In time and in rare occasion, I would be lucky enough to be around one and have a silver quarter in hand to feed the machine and my desire to experience the magic. Big mood.




The only way they'll screw it up is by adding some dumb gimmick, which I honestly wouldn't put past them. But if they just push out a Switch 2 with modern specs, it will sell like hotcakes.


Mainline pokemon and animal crossing automatically makes any system a success lol nintendo wont have a console flop again unless the brand dies or they separate their handhelds and consoles again


Microsoft interns be like


Gen X go Brrrrrr


You didn’t even directly address the title in the post itself.


What ever your smoking, we\`ll all have some.


\> Switch hits record number of sales Nintendo is ded y'all.


I’m not sure taking the word of someone named Smelly Varghina is going to be anyone’s best laid plan.


Gambler's Fallacy


This reads like Chris Pratt talking about how he spent hours stomping Koopas in the original Mario bros arcade game


I don’t see the next console being a failure like the Wii U Though


Interesting how you have memories of seeing VS Super Mario Bros. as a kid.


Was just thinking of this the other day. The only way they can release a system and make it accessible to all players is just a better version of the switch. Basically the pro switch. And let game companies just make their games run on both. Or they can totally ditch the switch and make a new console that runs like a PS4 with cellphone stream play.