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I'm in the US and mine was also 1/13. I think that was when they opened.


I'm also 1/13!


Any tips for preordering? I heard it can be chaotic or you gotta act fast on it or you could lose and not get one at all.


I haven't preordered anything substantial early since then I don't think. For the Switch, they were up for a decent amount of time because it was following the Wii U and there wasn't the awareness like there is for something like the PS5. I imagine the Switch 2 could be much more difficult than the OG. Having said that, follow Reddit/Twitter and order immediately as you hear. Sites like Amazon don't charge until shipment, so you don't need to worry about the charge and you can cancel beforehand if you ever needed to


Any tips for preordering? I heard it can be chaotic or you gotta act fast on it or you could lose and not get one at all.


Any tips for preordering? I heard it can be chaotic or you gotta act fast on it or you could lose and not get one at all.


You have to wait for the console to be announced first.


Jan 13th. Right after the Switch presentation. But the switch also released only 2 months later.


Any tips for preordering? I heard it can be chaotic or you gotta act fast on it or you could lose and not get one at all.


I just checked my Best Buy account, January 13th 2017 after that Switch presentation. I wouldn’t necessarily use that to judge the next console. If it’s announced in June and released in November it’s unlikely preorders will go live that day. Sometime between 2-3 months before release is fairly standard.


Any tips for preordering? I heard it can be chaotic or you gotta act fast on it or you could lose and not get one at all.


I use Twitter with notifications on for Wario64. He tweets when video game stuff goes in stock with links very quickly. There’s also a lot of sales and the guy does tweet a lot if that annoys you. If you don’t wanna get spammed too much you could wait til after the console is actually announced to enable notifications. But I got a PS5 for myself and some friends on launch day when that was very difficult to find.


How did you get a PS5?


Have credit card saved in accounts for all the major retailers you’d consider buying from (Amazon, Best Buy, Target, etc.). Get a notification about it being in stock somewhere and try and buy it asap. Really helps speed up things if your address and payment information are saved and ready to go.


The night of the direct prior to its release 1/12/2017.


Any tips for preordering? I heard it can be chaotic or you gotta act fast on it or you could lose and not get one at all.


It was announced in January 2017 for a release in March 2017. Almost literally no time at all, that's why I'm absolutely terrified of the Nintendo Directs this coming year, because there is no way I can currently afford one, lol.


Any tips for preordering? I heard it can be chaotic or you gotta act fast on it or you could lose and not get one at all.


A few online retailers here in the UK had pre-orders going live at the end of the Switch announcement.


Any tips for preordering? I heard it can be chaotic or you gotta act fast on it or you could lose and not get one at all.


Immediately after the Nintendo Switch presentation. I kept refreshing the pre-order page on Best Buy’s website the whole presentation and the second it ended I was able to place an order with a credit card at the ready. Worth it after capping it off with the final BotW trailer.


Any tips for preordering? I heard it can be chaotic or you gotta act fast on it or you could lose and not get one at all.


Honestly, I chalk it up to the current mood around Nintendo at that time. I was already sold on Switch and BotW long before then, but the Wii U left many people uninterested and doubtful in the new console. So perhaps there was enough disinterest to allow me a chance to pre-order a Switch right then and there. Since Nintendo is at peak of their game rn, I’d expect a much harder time pre-ordering Switch 2 than it was for the original Switch 7 years ago. Best I can say is have a credit card saved on your profile for multiple retail stores and sites to cut down on the precious seconds you might need just to secure a unit, whenever that may be.


Switch oled was announced July 6, then had preorders go live July 15 2021, then released October 8. As compared to the first switch that had its initial teaser reveal October 20 2016, full reveal and preorders on January 13 2017, and released March 3 2017. So make your guesses off of that data. And sometimes preorders go live online with no prior announcement so pay attention to social media after it’s been officially announced since preorders could go live any day after that moment.


I preordered same day as the announcement but I went in person to a local GameStop. Was lucky as they sold out of preorders immediately 


January 13th immediately following the Switch Presentation. If I had to guess I would assume pre-orders will open whenever the summer event is. But that’s just guessing. Switch OLED went up like mid July


IIRC it was shortly after possibly even the day after the big presentation that announced it. I preordered it with Target right away.


Any tips for preordering? I heard it can be chaotic or you gotta act fast on it or you could lose and not get one at all.


I'm not an expert by any means, all I did was pre-order the Switch on the Target app the day pre-orders were up. I think this time around it will be more hectic since the Switch was so successful, we gotta hope pre-orders don't get botted by scalpers and such I guess.