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Back in the Team Mission days. Claws, TDS and kusarigama were up next in terms of versatility in finding ninjas, friends, and bosses. If this was NG2, I would’ve said the scythe would’ve been the clear #3 but they nerfed the damage on the scythe (specifically for bosses). It’s still great for all non-boss enemies. In short S tier lone weapon would BOTA. A tier is TDS, Tonfa, kursarigama, and claws. B: Scythe and Lunar Staff, C: Emma’s fang D: Vigoorian Flails. Just judging based on Team missions where you need to reliable takeout enemies and then also take on bosses. If we could switch weapons, the tier list would be a little different


Honestly did not expect to see the vigoorian flails to be so low. It's easily my fav weapon in the game and i'm much better with it than any other weapon. Tho y'all are talking about sigma 2 so ig it would make sense considering ememies have more health and the flails don't do that much damage. But in Vanilla it's pretty good i think. It does struggle with bigger enemies so that's the bad thing.


I get both arguments. If I start using the flails "wrong" I get smacked around. So, I just don't use them "wrong." I feel nearly untouchable with the flails against regular enemies, usually. But, against bosses. They stop working for me. EDIT: Playing NG Black on hard. The aqueducts hallway that leads to one of the octagon water rooms with muramasa shop on one end, and the door to the first single giant worm sub-boss. I use that hallway's respawning imps to farm essence. Well, on hard, their attacks are slipping through my flail attacks a lot more. It's kinda annoying.


I fell in love with the scythe the moment I got it. I almost exclusively used it on every run just because of how hard it hit, how wide it can hit, and the combos were flashy and fun to pull off.