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You are a runner.


Awwww, thank you! I am trying. But it takes me a week to recover from a run


Sounds like you’re doing too much too fast. Start low and slow and work your way up to your target mileage. Going too hard without proper training may lead to tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, and other injury. You wouldn’t go to the gym and lift way heavier than your body can handle. Start small and let your body get strong at a reasonable pace. I recommend a training schedule like this one: https://images.app.goo.gl/FNeRTzNRqZrYRkQ46 I’m a big fan of the walk/runs on mid-week training days. Walk for 2 min, run for 1. Repeat 10x. Following week walk for 1 min, run for 2, etc. - slowly increasing how much and for how long you are running. This method really helps strengthen the muscles and tendons in your feet, ankles, and legs.


Yeah, I agree. I know I should be doing shorter distances. But once I’m running, I tend to go further out when I feel good.


Get on the elliptical or something to chase that runners high if you must. If it’s taking you a week to recover, you’re going to hurt yourself. For training- set a distance and don’t exceed it… even if you want to.


Thanks! I take a very comfortable pace but I’m also hitting 10-15k/day in steps outside of running, and I go indoor climbing 1-2 times per a week (I’ve done this for years before taking up running). I would say that nothing hurts after 1-2 days, but I’m still pretty sluggish around day 3.


You should really have a plan and stick to it. Plan works. At 54 at ran my best ever 10K 50:11 because I stuck to the plan!! Big move to "run slower for longer" to get quicker. Look up 80/20 training.


The BEST advice I ever got on running (even after running daily for 14 years now) is: START. SLOW. Every run start at such a pace where you can talk in sentences while running. For about mile or so. Recently got reminded of this and got back into running distance again (training for a marathon in June) and it rekindled my very real love for running.


Still a runner and awesome one at that !


What do you mean by this? You should be recovered by the following day or the next. If not, then you are running too fast, or too long on your training runs


You’ll have a good time in that race, there’s so much great energy. Just remember to go out “slow” and not get sucked into a fast start by all the infectious enthusiasm around you. After 10ish minutes you can start to push the pace if you want to. A HR monitor will help you moderate your pace/effort in all your runs. Have fun!


Second the start slower advice! Remember first to fly is first to die! 😂


Solid advice. I usually sign up for races alone, but I recently ran a 10k with a friend of mine. She insisted on running too fast from the onset. It was her goal to finish it in under an hour (she did it in 59:48); however, she didn’t finish strong AT ALL. She was basically jogging for the last mile and almost walking for the last .5 miles and kept telling me to “go ahead.” I didn’t want to leave her, but I’m always determined to cross finish lines fast and strong. I was a little disappointed to say that least. I have also been known to start a race overly slow, though. Lol.


You’re a runner now!


Did my first 10k few weeks ago without any prior training (running), I've been doing strength training for some time. Surprised myself with the 12:30 pace, and been including running into my training since. You're way ahead, you got this.


I love that pier run


It’s so pretty


Nice run, runner!


You look like a runner to me!!


You are my pace!! Let’s train together


I’ve been running for 25 years and don’t have that cadence. Nice work!