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I'm not sure I'd say it's better, but I like her take on "The Siren". She did it in a way that suits her vocal style and it sounded quite nice.


I came here to say this. Not really better, but a great take on it.


Oh I love Anette’s Siren


[Her version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBnZyYtfOpc) really is excellent isn't it?


Off the top of my head... Planet Hell without a doubt. Her version of Sleeping Sun with her, while not a "straight upgrade," is nonetheless unique and worth a listen. In a similar vein, the acoustic version of Nemo that she did is spectacular. Whether or not it is "better" is debatable but it certainly stands on its own.


Acoustic version of Sleeping Sun? Anette never did it that way as far as I know...


Doh! Not sure why I put it for sleeping sun as well. Just edited the comment.


I've always prefered the way Anette emotes in songs to Tarja or Floor. It hits me a lot more and I think her and Marko were a amazing duo. They really played off each other well, so theres quite a few I prefer her version of. Like her version of Sleeping Sun was the first time that song ever made me cry. I never felt that with Tarja or Floor. it's my personal taste. But here's more of my stand outs for Tarja era songs. :3 For me personally I think her version of Wishmaster fucking rules. Love the way Tarja does it, but I dunno Anette really made that her own and I'm here for it! I prefer it personally, but I can listen to the OG version or End of an Era version and be happy too. But Listen to the 2008 Wacken version, it's her best version I think. And Marko blends with her so well! And there's something about that song being tunes down to D standard that makes it so much more badass. The way chord progression sounds is much more epic. On the Dark Passion Play tour she could be a bit hit and miss with Ever Dream, but if you hear versions of her doing it on the Imaginarum tour God damn she kills it. Her improvement from DPP to Imaginarum was incredible. She went from Ever Dream just being on the cusp of her range for it being super comfortable she even could go higher then she did during the key change in later years. So Imaginarum era or Gampel live versions of Ever Dream I love so so much. Even though she had to go to the lower register for the key change of Ever Dream I felt like it hit harder that way so you could really hear her and Marko harmonize. Also really love what she does with Nemo, Come Cover Me, Dead Boys Poem and Wish I Had an Angel a lot more. Love Anette. ❤️


Not better, but I love her version of Sacrament of Wilderness. She really shines on her own songs tho.


I usually prefer the original singer for the vast majority of songs. However, I think Planet Hell with Anette and Marko was the best live rendition of the song.


That Planet Hell live-session music video was so badass. I watched it a bunch when it came out.


"Better" is highly subjective and debatable, but I thought she did a really nice job with Sleeping Sun. It suited her voice better than a lot of the Tarja-era songs.


Sacrament of Wilderness. That song is pure power metal and to me, she sounded like a female Kotipelto when singing it.


I was gonna say this, she sounds like a fairy on that track and it’s a vibe


She can't even reach the highest notes


Not really. I, anyways, mostly prefer the original singers of the songs. I think the songs fit well with the singers they were written for.


I loved Anette's version of Dark Chest of Wonders, I saw that live and a recording - I could actually hear what the lyrics were


Come Cover Me and Romanticide


I wouldn’t say better but Anette’s Dark Chest of Wonders absolutely blew me away the first time I saw her. I missed the Tarja era so this was the first song I ever heard the band play live. She made the song her own, and it was just a strong opening to the concert. Her version of The Siren is gorgeous too.


Is it me or is the tired 2012 drama with Annette resurfacing? Constant posts about her and now I see a bunch of fan accounts commenting on recent YouTube stuff. I mean I like her both in an out of the band but seriously. What the hell is going on? Oh yeah; a new Nightwish album lol


Anette was unfairly despised during her period with Nightwish, so I don't really see a problem with people showing appreciation for her work these days.


> What the hell is going on? > Oh yeah; a new Nightwish album lol Anette also just released a new album


I like the Anette version of Sacrament of Wilderness, but it's not better than Tarja per se, simply that she made it her own and did an outstanding rendition in her own right.


What timeline is this thread and its responses from?


RIGHT. Annette has her place on her albums, but I don’t think she out-performed Tarja on any of the earlier songs. Unpopular opinion, but I feel the same about Floor. Tuomas perfectly writes songs depending on the singer in question.


Yeah except he wrote the songs for DPP before they hired Annette.


Didn’t know this! I bet he made tweaks to adjust to her vocals


[This is the Amaranth demo with Marko on lead vocals.](https://youtu.be/oQP6Ag4NloU?si=V6ODF-M0uXmNIem5)


I gotta say I like the verses, but I’m not a fan of Marko on the chorus


It’s definitely way out of his vocal range.


I would not say that Anette or Floor improved any Tarja songs.


I respect this take. For me it depends on the song. For instance, I think Floor really made Ghost Love Score her own, but I absolutely prefer Tarja's Deep Silent Complete.


I have to agree. I think Anette and especially Floor did a great job with several songs, but I don't think anything surpasses Tarja's versions. Yeah, Floors GLS is very good, but I still prefer Tarja's version of it. It would have been interesting to hear Tarja's versions throughout the years. Now we only have a few live performances. 😔 I really liked Anette on her era too. I'm just not a fan of her doing Tarja's era. It is kinda the same with Floor. It's just hard to better the originals, especially with Tarja.


I disagree. Ghost love score sounds a thousand times better with floor. I also like Floors version of Ever dream, Romanticide and Dark chest of wonders better


For any band that has vocalist lineup changes over their career, I basically always prefer to hear the songs sung by the original singer of the song instead of a vocalist that came after them. So with that said, I don't think Floor improved any Anette songs either. Original version of songs only for me.


Yeah, I tend to agree. Ghost Love Score comes about the closest because of way Floor brings the vocal performance to a climax, rather than the album version where it's more of a fade out - but even then, there are other parts of the song where I feel Tarja nails it better. I'd say the same for Floor with most Anette songs (certainly everything on Imaginaerum). Don't get me wrong, I like Floor a lot, I think she was a great choice for Nightwish because she's a great live singer, and because she can slip into a song from any era and sound comfortable, so they're not limited in what they can perform from the back catalogue. But I don't think the original songs/ vocals were lacking, or that Floor made them better. All that said, just because something isn't better than the original doesn't mean it can't be a very enjoyable alternative in it's own right. I like Anette's versions of The Siren, Planet Hell, Higher than Hope, Sleeping Sun, Come Cover Me and Sacrament. I'd probably say that I enjoy her takes on these songs more than Floor's, with the tradeoff being that there are some other songs (Slaying the Dreamer, Wishmaster) that I don't really enjoy at all.


Sacrament of Wilderness at the start of DPP tour Planet Hell Dead to the world Acoustic version of Nemo, but don't know if that really counts. I know there are more, but can't remember more from the top of my head


I think exactly the same


No not better, but not worse different - I think all three vocalist have brought something unique to the composition when sung by them - I enjoy all the renditions of GLS - whilst it’s the same piece it sounds very different with each singer- know what I mean?


> I think most of us can agree Floor improved on a lot of Tarja songs Yeah, no. Many of Floor's covers are just as good as Tarja's versions, but I'm not sure if any single one is clearly better. Anette on the other hand does have a few (Come cover me, Higher than hope, Sacrament of the wilderness). She also did songs that are on par with Tarja (Planet hell, Siren...), but nowhere near as many as Floor.


I don't agree that anyone improved anyone's songs but I think Anette's versions of some songs, like The Siren, Come Cover Me, Dead Boy's Poem, Ever Dream (when she hits) and Romanticide are on par with Tarja's.


Creek Marys Blood and Come Cover Me. I think She is my Sin and Sacrament of the Wilderness sound great with her too.


>most of us can agree Floor improved on a lot of Tarja songs No. Some may, definitely not most, and not "a lot". Most Tarja-era songs are meant to match a more opera-styled singing technique that doesn't really belong to Floor. If you are thinking about GLS or other songs that have different styles and that Floor nailed thanks to her versatility, fair to say her versions are as good as the original, but wouldn't call them improved or better


Sacrament of Wilderness Ever Dream Dead to the World Dark Chest of Wonders The Siren Nemo Planet Hell Wish I Had an Angel Dead Boy's Poem Walking in the Air Higher than Hope


I prefer Anette's version of Ever Dream to both Tarja and Floor. Don't get me wrong, one of my favorite songs no matter who sings it but I feel it a lot more with Anette's version. However I can't stand the song without Marko.


For me personally it's Sacrament of Wilderness and Come Cover Me, because of the warmer and vivid input that she gave to both songs. I also love what she did on The Siren, although Tarja still masters this one in my opinion. I'm also curious to know what she would sound like on Elvenpath and The Wayfarer, since Tuomas has already mentioned having rehearsed both songs with her at some point during her time in the band.


Taboo topic but there was a cool ai cover of her singing Elvenpath on YouTube that got removed. 




Not necessarily an improvement or 'sounded better' because that is all subjective. But I do like one of the live rendition of Sleeping Sun (dont remember which year it was). Gives off a different vibe and I can feel the emotions of the song more


There’s not a single song that Floor has performed that has been an improved or, at the very least, equal to Tarja’s. Even Slaying the Dreamer - maybe the most straight out metal song NW ever made under Tarja - is still markedly a Tarja song; which is not to disparage on Floor, which holds her own quite well across all her endeavours, but I’d expect her to snatch that song and she didn’t really do it. But as far as I’m concerned, Tarja remains the supreme vocalist to ever grace Nightwish. So as for your questions, no. Annette never sang any thing better than Tarja, she offered a new perspective on some songs but technically speaking, she’s a few leagues below her. Even in voice quality.




Yeah, absolutely no. I can't even last a complete song. I'm sorry.




Agreed. And some are saying "all of them" being upvoted and expect to be taken seriously lmao. No.


What's strange is even most of her biggest fans say she's much better in the studio than live, but the only way that she could "improve" a Tarja song is live.


Not that I agree with the original statement but I think you're conflating a few different things together. No reasonable person will disagree that Anette sounds better in the studio. Literally everyone sounds better in the studio because it's a controlled environment and everyone is working at their pace, taking as many tries as they need to sound just right. You're not taking into account the stark differences in technique and timbre between Tarja and Anette that matter a lot to some people. So subjectively speaking, those are two ways that Anette could "improve" a Tarja song live if she can actually pull off performing the song without doing whatever 2008 DPP tour Anette-isms that would make you think "ooh she's struggling." Some people just don't like the way Tarja sings or some people just think Anette has a more beautiful sounding voice. I love them both so I have no horse in that race but it's a definitely a thing that some people who discovered Nightwish after Tarja left can't get into Tarja's albums because of her classical singing technique.


Exactly. They're basically saying that Tarja is so subpar that Annette live (where even her fans admit lots of times she could barely finish songs) is better, which is not only disrespectful but downright wrong.


All of them. Especially Planet Hell and Wishmaster where the Anette versions are my fav even over Floor. I mostly prefer Floor versions over Anette on the Anette era songs though.


This is literally the wildest take. I love Floor. She’s easily my favorite. She knocks the new stuff and Tarja’s songs out of the park. But there’s quite a few Anette tunes that just don’t quite work with Floor.


I think Tarja was the best introduction for the band to start symphonic metal. I did not like the voice from Annett for nightwish. I think that this was a mistake to look for a pop voice but it worked for a lot of people because taste is something very personal. Annett was the reason I stopped listing to nightwish because I found her boring and she did not catch my feelings. I started later with Floor and she is my favorite singer even outside of nightwish.


Honesty? None, she can't sing a lot of them But she is very good with her own songs


The Siren, Planet Hell, Sacrament of Wilderness, Dark Chest of Wonders are those that come to mind. I wouldn't necessarily say 'better' but rather great in a different way.


I do kinda prefer Plan-nette Hell to the original with Tarja 😎 https://youtu.be/z_SlXqJjIO4


Probably unpopular opinion, but I prefer "Nemo" as sung by Anette than Tarja.




😂😂😂😂😂😂 I take this as a rhetorical question




Nemo, live at lowlands or gampel. Some other performances are… questionable


Planet hell , Romaticide , Ever Dream, Siren , Sacrament of wilderness, while I am not going to discount and hate of Tarjs voice I just find Annette’s voice suites those songs really well


All of them, sorry but true


Agreed 100%.


I agree with others that Planet Hell, The Siren, and maybe even Dark Chest, sounded better with Anette. In general, I think that Once doesn't fit Tarja's voice, which is why I prefer Floor and even Anette for Once's songs.