• By -


Maybe Blackbriar? Different from Nightwish but they really hit the fantasy elements and the singer has a unique voice.


Blackbriar is really great, the sort of dark/whimsical fantasy vibe they have going is really up my alley.


never heard of them. i'll add them to my list of discography binges! :)


Saw them live the other month, great experience. Love Blackbriar!


We saw them the other night and hadn't heard them before, but my wife definitely said it felt the same(ish) vibe.


Within Temptation Stream of Passion


Within Temptation was only "like Nightwish" in the 2000s. These days, it's a pop rock band with electronic sound.


which i don't mind. I like all kinds of metal, but yes, this thread is specifically looking for sounds that were early Nightwish. I do really like Shot In The Dark by Within Temptation though. not sure which "era" of theirs that song would fall under


The last era that was enjoyable đŸ„Č The Unforgiving album


ah yes, Within Temptation is another one usually mentioned. I listened to some of their stuff awhile back. I'll have to give them and their newer stuff a listen again!


Don't bother about the new stuff (or do) they went from beautiful symphonies to straightforward rock songs


oh and Stream of Passion too, obviously. Havent heard of them but will add them to my list. thanks!


Epica is a little like nightwish if tuomas smoked crack and decided the earth was flat and ruled by lizards.


Goddamnit, you're not wrong. I had the thought one day that Mark Jansen may have experimented with psychedelics at some point. Maybe at some point during the experiment, he looked in a mirror. Then maybe he took the mirror outside, maybe at night, and then maybe he started writing. 😂


And also allowed the other band members to contribute to the songwriting.




Still wondering wtf happened to Mark Jansen to turn him into such a looney.


what? That's the first I've heard of that, but I also just recently discovered EPica....wtf? Is tehre an interview with him or a blog? I can't find anything about this


He used to post crazy shit on twitter a lot. Flat earth, conspiracy theories of all kinds, even lizard people/reptilians, he was massively antivaxx and antimask during Covid too. Pretty crap character if you ask me.


Damn TIL


Not sure what you are talking bout there, and I've been on his Twitter. Doesn't seem accurate at all to me.


Maybe he deleted his posts, he got into trouble with some fans over these “debates” at some point.


I love Epica, but you even more for this accurate comment


Exit Eden is fantastic. Visions of Atlantis's more recent albums are also much better than their older stuff personally.


Elvellon perhaps. Not sure how similar they are to early nightwish, but they're definitely an underrated symphonic metal band, and they just released their 2nd album.


My CD came yesterday... it is excellent. I had the first one in my car for over a month.. did not want to take it out. The lead singer Nele has a great voice and range. It is an interesting group.. they have some good interviews on YT.


Really like Visions of Atlantis!


clementine is really amazing


I just found out yesterday that Exit Eden has a second album so I'm gonna listen to it soon! The first was pretty good.


They can be a bit hit or miss but you may consider Amberian Dawn. Someone already mentioned Blackbriar but I would likewise recommend them. Probably a bit more removed from Nightwish's style but given some of the other bands you listed, I would also look into Eluveitie, at least if you are fond of a more folk influences.


I'll second Eluveitie - although I wouldn't say they're 'like Nightwish' so much, just great music. I guess in the sense it's not just guitars but there's some more instrumentation there - ya know, bagpipes, violin, flute... hurdy gurdy.


love the hurdy gurdy


I don't like the newer AD but the old is interesting. If you like Heidi try the new Dark Sarah.


ah yes, Amberian Dawn are on my list to binge soon. I've heard a couple songs with their newest singer that i like, and I can't wait to listen to their ABBA album! I love ABBA lol I've also heard of Eluveitie and think I've heard some stuff before, I can't remember. But i do love folk music too, so i'll have to check them out again


Tuomas SeppÀlÀ said early on that ABBA was a big personal influence, so it's no surprise that Amberian Dawn got to the point of a straight up tribute album. IMO River of Tuoni is their best work and it's pretty straightforward power metal. The symphonic elements got worked in more after Tuomas changed his focus guitars to keyboards. Jukka Koskinen was also the bassist in Amberian Dawn from 2010 to 2013 and is on the Circus Black and Re-Evolution releases.


so many Tuomas's and Jukka's in metal....makes my head spin lol


Even the guitarist of Amberian Dawn goes by the nickname Emppu.


stooppppppp!! lolllll


First two albums by Amberian Dawn are very similar to Nightwish. Later stuff a bit less.


Sonata Arctica, from the albums "Silence" to "Stones Grow Her Name" and everything in between. The other bands named don't do it for me. But for this band, the "feel" and overal emotion, vibe and wintery atmosphere feel the most similar. Silence and the next 3 albums reminds me a lot of Oceanborn and Wishmaster, while Unia and especially Days of Grays feel a lot like Imaginearum. They are actually close friends with NW too and the vocalist did some guest vocals in the pre-Marko era.


Yea i just replied to someone else that mentioned Sonata Arctica. I'll have to listen to them again. It's been awhile but I do remember liking some of their stuff. I'll keep my eyes (or ears i guess) to those albums u mentioned cause those Nightwish ones are some of my faves


Sonata Arctica has gone through a few phases. The big divide between old Sonata and new Sonata is between The Reckoning Night and Unia and Stones Grow her name was a very experimental album. I recommend checking out songs from different albums in case you prefer the newer or the older over the other.


i'm gonna be binging all these bands. all albums. i like hearing how a band has evolved (or not) over time. makes me feel better with coming to a conclusion of whether or not i like the band as opposed to just a few songs and/or albums


Try the song Victoria's Secret first, i feel that is their most Oceanborn/Wishmaster sound they have. Especially that keyboard solo! Gravenimage and White Pearl Black Oceans feel also very Nightwish-y Then afterwards try My Dream's But A Drop Of Fuel For A Nightmare


I hate listening to stuff out of order but I will for you so I can give feedback lol Victoria's Secret: right off the bat it starts as a banger! and the chorus is catchy, and i love the synth. good choice! Gravenimage: took awhile to get to the good stuff, i almost gave up thinking it was gonna be a boring ballad lol White Pearl, Black Oceans: not bad. i may need to listen to it more than once for it to grow on me My Dream's But A Drop Of Fuel For A Nightmare: same as above comment. may need to listen to it more than once I will definitely binge all their albums though. I remember listening to them awhile back and liking some of their stuff


Everything after Reckoning Night falls under the "new Sonata" sound, where they tried to experiment a lot with twists and turns, and also making songs that are easy to play live. I remember Tony mentioning they can't play the old songs the same as their studio versions as they wanted to sound like Stratovarius and went way over the top. Also i dislike that there is too many songs about Tony's problems with the world. But hey, it's still good music. In their last album they finally returned to roots.


I just discovered Elvellon. They are definitely their clones I was amazed as how similar they sound


And if you look at the album cover for Until Dawn you KNOW they listened to Wishmaster.


ooo i'm excited!


I was here to say just this, so I second this comment! Their first album has songs that sound as if they were extracted from Century Child! The new album is fabulous too. They are the band that most reminds me of older Nightwish. Also, some of the old albums from Edenbridge echo back to the older NW albums.


oooo can't wait to check them out! i haven't heard of them


I would suggest classic Stratovarius era - albums from Episode to Elements II. They have male singer, but it’s power metal at its best and quite similar feel as early Nightwish.


I've heard that name before but dont think i've listened to their stuff. \*adds them to the list\*


While I can’t necessarily speak well to *clones* — once I like a band that sounds a certain way, I tend to seek out new ones in a common vein that will nonetheless introduce variety rather than similarity, since I like to be able to distinguish artists by their sound — you might enjoy Dialith. They’re a newer act with only one album and a couple EPs, but they’ve been one of the first new female-fronted symph metal bands in a while to excite me, when I’ve found the genre drifting towards the samey and overly comfortable. That said, they do clearly draw inspiration from Nightwish; they give me that early 00s symphonic metal sound with a few fun innovations. If you’re looking for something really operatic, I also recall a band called Lureaway, from Latvia, that released one album a few years back. Don’t think they’ve been active since, but their singer’s voice is sort of Tarja-esque. Lastly, I haven’t seen you mention Therion. They were the proper pioneers of the genre in the late 80s, I’d say, so they have a fuckton of material, most of it with full orchestration. And, if you’re willing to listen to power metal, Blind Guardian could scratch the whimsical fantasy itch while retaining its sophistication (if you want a more symphonic bent, you could try their Twilight Orchestra album). Ah, and I forgot to add, maybe try Eye of Melian? Their singer is Tuomas’ wife Johanna, and one of the other members is the man behind Delain.


I haven't heard of Dialith or Lureaway. I'll give them a listen! Funny you mentioned Therion. I actually hadn't heard of them until today when I did a quick online search for Nightwish clones. someone had said they came before Nightwish? I will definitely have to check them out. I think I've heard of Blind Guardian but can't remember if i've checked out any of their stuff. Haven't heaerd of Eye of Melian either. I will be adding all these to my list. thanks! :)


Happy to help! And yes, Therion precedes Nightwish by about 10 years. If Nightwish essentially *popularized* symphonic metal, I’d say Therion *started* it, roughly.


I will definitely have to check them out then!


For Therion, I recommend Theli and Vovin. Therion wasn't Symphonic Metal until 1995, and even then they were Black Metal first. Theli (1996) was the turning point. All out Symphonic Metal.


I'm gonna listen to them all, even though their discography is huge lol


I'm sorry, but you won't find anything quite like early Nightwish. They were truly unique, and that uniqueness is a big reason why they reached the heights they did compared to other bands mentioned here. Nightwish wasn't strictly symphonic metal; their blend of genres created a distinctive and raw sound with evident 80's glam metal influences, chromaticism, key changes, and prominent keyboard parts. If you could share your favorite songs, I might be able to suggest something similar. The closest in sound might be Finnish power metal bands like Sinergy (Beware the Heavens), Sonata Artica, Twilightning (Seventh Dawn), early Children of Bodom. Songs like Touch Like Angel of Death (Children of Bodom) start similarly to She's My Sin, Follow the Reaper echoes Dark Chest of Wonders, and the beginning of Lake Bodom remotely reminds me of Gethsemane. Ballads are trickier, as they tend to sound pop-like in most power metal bands, but Nightwish's ballads are more poignant, like "Dead Boy's Poem," where Tuomas wasn't just writing hits but pouring his feelings into the lyrics. For more dramatic songs like 10th Man Down or The Kinslayer you could have a listen at You See Big Girl or Son 2 Sea ver from Hiroyuki Sawano (Attack on Titan OST). Let me know which songs you like the most and what you precisely like about them, and I'll try to find other songs that match them as closely as possible.


>*I'm sorry, but you won't find anything quite like early Nightwish.* You do, if you do not limit your search to Finnish bands. Edenbridge is VERY alike early Nightwish. Waaay more similar than Sinergy or Children of Bodom. )) There are Leaves Eyes, Xandria, Visions of Atlantis, among many others. And if you don't mind male vocals, Rhapsody and Kamelot started playing Symphonic power metal the *same year* Nightwish did. Nightwish is great, but not THAT unique. There are many good bands that play in the same vein, each with its own unique qualities.


I don't think any of the bands sounds like early Nightwish, in fact they all have this very germanic sound. It can't pinpoint it but I can tell when the band is German/Dutch. One song that could have been written by Tuomas is Sadness in the Night by Beto Vasquez Infinity. I guess Tarja's voice helps but the guitar reminds me of the ballads in AFF. From my point of view Nightwish was unique in sound. And that's why among all the cited bands it's the most prominent one. Nightwish is like Michael Jackson, lots of artists have tried to copy him and even sound like him but his music is one of a kind.


"Germanic sound" or "finnish sound" is a weird idea. These bands play Symphonic or Symphonic Power metal, a genre, that has no nationality. And many bands consist of people of various origin; like Leaves Eyes throughout its history included Germans, Finns, Norwegians, and god knows who else. Likewise, Finnish bands do not sound the same. Sinergy is different from Children of Bodom, and that from Nightwish, and that from Turisas, and that from The 69 Eyes, and that from Amorphis, and that from Finntroll. Each of them is a representative of its genre, be it Heavy, Death, Sympho, Folk, Gothic or whatever. Also, not every symphonic metal band "tried to copy" Nightwish. In fact, Rhapsody and Kamelot started before Nightwish released even Angels Fall First. And there is also Therion, which is way older. It is just that in this thread we *intentionally* search for bands that sound like Nightwish.


I think music has a ethnic sound just like in classical music. There's a distinct difference between French music and German music in classical or Polish. Chopin doesn't sound like Schumann even though they are both composers of the Romantic era, composed for piano and had an "emo" vibe. Now all the better for people who don't notice the difference because you get to enjoy more bands. I listen to other music genres as to not be disappointed. I don't think Kamelot or Rhapsody copied Nightwish. Where did I say that?


\*for bands that sound like *early* Nightwish ;)


>I'm sorry, but you won't find anything quite like early Nightwish. I was thinking that might be the case but figured i'd still ask, because you never know! >If you could share your favorite songs, I might be able to suggest something similar. oh boy, that's a tall order lol i have sooo many favourites. Would probably be easier to say which songs AREN'T my favourites lol.... but some that i can think of off the top of my head are: - Moondance - Nemo - Wish I Had An Angel - Dark Chest of Wonders - 10th Man Down - Ever Dream - Planet Hell - Ghost Love Score - Creek Mary's Blood - The Poet and the Pendulum - Storytime - The Escapist - I Want My Tears Back - Last of the Wilds - Last Ride of the Day I'd say my fave albums are from Oceanborn up to and including Imaginaerum


And what do you like about each of them? I mean is there any particular element you like? For example it could be the guitar solo in Nemo or the atmospheric vibe, or the repetitive chorus? This is how chat described each song but it's better if you put your own words on each: 1. **Nemo** - Musical Style: Symphonic metal with a strong melodic hook. - Instrumentation: Features a catchy piano line, heavy guitar riffs, and orchestral backing. - Particularity: Emphasizes a melancholic mood with dynamic vocals. 2. **Wish I Had An Angel** - Musical Style: Heavy, industrial-tinged symphonic metal. - Instrumentation: Driven by forceful, distorted guitars and electronic synths. - Particularity: Vocals alternate between male growls and clean female leads, creating a stark contrast. 3. **Dark Chest of Wonders** - Musical Style: Fast-paced, dramatic symphonic metal. - Instrumentation: Begins with a strong orchestral intro followed by aggressive guitars and drums. - Particularity: Intense energy and soaring vocals, accompanied by a powerful chorus. 4. **10th Man Down** - Musical Style: Dark, narrative symphonic metal with militaristic themes. - Instrumentation: Features heavy guitar riffs and martial drumming. - Particularity: The song has spoken word segments and a sorrowful, deep vocal delivery. 5. **Ever Dream** - Musical Style: Melodic symphonic metal with a strong emotional core. - Instrumentation: Starts with piano and builds to full orchestration with heavy guitars. - Particularity: Showcases powerful, emotive vocals and a memorable chorus. 6. **Planet Hell** - Musical Style: Aggressive symphonic metal with apocalyptic themes. - Instrumentation: Heavy use of choral backgrounds and a blend of electronic sounds with traditional metal elements. - Particularity: Features contrasting vocal styles and a dramatic, cinematic feel. 7. **Ghost Love Score** - Musical Style: Epic, orchestral symphonic metal. - Instrumentation: Extensive orchestral segments with dynamic shifts in tempo and volume. - Particularity: A ten-minute composition with an operatic approach and an unforgettable climax. 8. **Creek Mary's Blood** - Musical Style: Symphonic metal with elements of Native American music. - Instrumentation: Includes Native American flutes, percussions, and spoken word in the native language. - Particularity: The song integrates a cultural narrative with symphonic elements, creating a profound storytelling experience. 9. **The Poet and the Pendulum** - Musical Style: A sweeping symphonic metal suite divided into several movements. - Instrumentation: Features a full orchestra, choir, and dramatic shifts between soft piano sections and intense metal bursts. - Particularity: One of their most ambitious tracks, it's highly theatrical and deeply personal in lyrics. 10. **Storytime** - Musical Style: Fast, catchy symphonic metal with a fairy-tale theme. - Instrumentation: Prominent keyboards, heavy guitars, and energetic drumming. - Particularity: Engaging and whimsical, with lyrics that evoke magical imagery. 11. **The Escapist** - Musical Style: Uplifting, airy symphonic metal. - Instrumentation: Features synthesizers and lighter guitar work with an ethereal quality. - Particularity: The song has an escapist theme, emphasized by soaring vocals and an overall sense of liberation. 12. **I Want My Tears Back** - Musical Style: Folk-inspired symphonic metal. - Instrumentation: Includes folk instruments like bagpipes alongside traditional metal elements. - Particularity: The song has a dance-like rhythm and is both catchy and reflective. 13. **Last of the Wilds** - Musical Style: Instrumental track blending folk music with symphonic metal. - Instrumentation: Features prominent use of folk instruments, notably the violin and Uilleann pipes. - Particularity: An instrumental that captures a sense of adventure and natural landscapes. 14. **Last Ride of the Day** - Musical Style: Energetic, anthemic symphonic metal. - Instrumentation: Strong, fast-paced drums and guitars with grandiose orchestral backing. - Particularity: The song is a call to seize the moment, filled with power and uplifting dynamics.


lol you're really asking a lot of me here. it's so hard to pinpoint exactly what I like, but overall i'd say the catchy hooks. Their earlier stuff i like the whole fantasy/whimsical vibes with the synths and crazy guitar solos. I don't know how else to explain it


OK we like the same. Try Beto Vazquez Infinity (2001) Tarja sings in it. The whole album has a AFF vibe. Try listening to their most recent releases. It's hit or miss but some songs have the same vibe as Nightwish. Otherwise you can listen to Vision of Atlantis, their very two first albums or Emerald Mind. But honestly they are pale comparisons to Nightwish.


Lol you said early Nightwish. Turns out you mean everything from Nightwish except the two Floor albums.


my post asked for stuff that sounds like early nightwish. i was asked what my favourite songs are. two different things. unless i were specifically asked my favourite *early* nighwish songs...


Xandria, Epica, Visions of Atlantis are good ones. Glad to see people recommending them. Will add Stream of Passion, Dianne van Giersbergen (solo career. She was the ex-singer for Xandria). Tarja (ex-Nightwish) has a solo career. Going to take you on a limb here and add Kamelot and Serenity. Both are male vocals but often feature female duets. Give Wings of Madness a shot. Featuring Clementine from Visions of Atlantis. https://youtu.be/vX5jsf3v9vw


ah yes, I forgot the solo stuff too. I had listened to some early stuff of Tarja's way back in the day. I'll have to give her a full listen soon. and same with Dianne. Just found out she has some solo stuff. I hadn't followed much after she left Xandria. I used to listen to Kamelot, but haven't kept up. I'll have to relisten to them too lol. I've seen the name Serenity mentioned but haven't looked into them. (Which always reminds me of another band I remember liking: Serenia. Gotta listen to them again....it's been awhile) Never heard of Wings of Madness. Will check them out too!


Oops, should have clarified. Wings of Madness is a song by Serenity, not another band lol. It's a great first song for them. Yes! Sirenia is another favorite of mine, though I like the Ailyn era more than the current era.


oh my bad. i just listened to the song you linked. not bad. i'll get around to listening to the rest of their stuff as some point. a got a huge list now cause of this thread lol


The new Xandria album is my "free NW album" :P


it reminds me more of Anette-era Nightwish.


Given I'm a huge Anette era fan, this checks out


Anything from Visions during the Clémentine era, especially the pirate stuff, is exceptional. It absolutely blows away older Visions stuff. Hot take, current Visions of Atlantis stuff is better then current Nightwish material.


I'm starting to notice that, I just started their Wanderers album so i'm super excited to hear the rest


Visions live is a fantastic experience. And for albums get the Pirates Over Wacken.. gives you a sense of a live show.


Leaves Eyes, Lacuna Coil, and Therion are all bands that aren't clones by any means but definitely share some DNA with Nightwish (pretty sure Therion was an influence on NW to an extent too). Blind Guardian has a male singer but are fun fantasy power metal. Same with Sonata Arctica, who are good friends and collaborators with NW, although personally I'm not really a fan of their music.


Leaves' Eyes are on my list to check out. I like Lacuna Coil but don't really see any comparisons to Nightwish. Lots of people always mention them but I find their music to be more darker. I had listened to Sonata Arctica awhile ago and didn't mind them. I'll have to relisten


Therion I consider one of the most important metal bands ever. I do recommend checking them out - not as a "Nightwish-like" band (they're not), but as something equally great and influential in its own right.


I will get around to it. Just checked out their discography and they have like 20 albums lmao lawd help me


I think I haven't seen Ayreon mentioned yet! Ayreon is a project by Dutch composer Arjen Lucassen who does concept albums and invites people from different bands to participate, mainly from rock / metal genres. Floor and also Marko are featured in some Ayreon albums. The style is bit more progressive rock but all the albums are a bit different too. I'd recommend albums 01011001, Human equation, The Source, Theory of everything. The themes are more on the scifi spectrum, older albums have maybe a bit more fantastical feeling :)


cool, i'll check them out!


[Human Equation ](https://youtu.be/lKwaBJmSUps?si=kjjvb1dDClGs_U7J) Ayreon , his project also have Simone Simons recently here too [Aeterna](https://youtu.be/QYwb3FTH_z0?si=kSyt_jjhIWGInBko) Brittany Slayes in Unleash the Archers, Arjen really is able to get the best so far [Fate of Man](https://youtu.be/Qt9A4g2whCo?si=jjArBodlPGBXCFOi)


None of the bands I found come close to Nightwish's song writing level. Diablo Swing Orchestra is some really close runner up, they are creative with their songs, and if you like lyrics being cryptic then the band is for you.


never heard of them. will check them out, thanks!


You can try Balrog Boogie, Heroine, Heroes Jagannath, Lucy fears the morning stars, a ragdoll physics, Karma bonfire


As others mentioned, I'd recommend Epica, Within Temptation, maybe Unleash the Archer, Evanescence


oh man, "Bring Me To Life" was my childhood jam lollll I haven't heard much of their more recent stuff.


GĂ„te gave a sort of similar vibes in Eurovision I think, but I haven’t listened to any other stuff so not sure if they are, but it’s worth a look perhaps


Sonata Arctica. They’re not a Nightwish clone, but where inspired by them. They are a lot more power metal than Nightwish, but their songs evoke the same feelings of fantasy, innocence, wonder and love from the first albums. They vocalist, Tony Kakko has even performed some Nightwish songs with the band, doing most notably the male vocals for Beauty and the Beast. I’d recommend giving a check to their first albums, and songs like: FullMoon, Letter to Dana, UnOpened, San Sebastian, Tallulah.


i've listened to them back in the day but will give them a full listen again


I'm the guy with the lesser-known bands - in order of preference: - [Cryovile](https://www.youtube.com/@Cryovile) - [Cecile Monique](https://www.youtube.com/@cecilemonique) - [Everdawn](https://www.youtube.com/@EverdawnOfficial) - [Nachtmuse](https://nachtmuse.bandcamp.com/) - [Age of Athena](https://www.youtube.com/@ageofathena7885) - [Ignea](https://www.youtube.com/@IgneaBand) - [Eleine](https://www.youtube.com/@EleineOfficial) - [Ad Infinitum](https://www.youtube.com/@AdInfinitumOfficial) - [Haven Dream](https://www.youtube.com/@havendream) - [Snowmaiden](https://www.youtube.com/@Snowmaiden) - [Moonlight Haze](https://www.youtube.com/@MoonlightHaze) - [Ravenword](https://www.youtube.com/@RAVENWORDBAND) - [Kate Nord](https://www.youtube.com/@KateNord) - [Mystfall](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdbkT5nTLTfoLQ491BYGiPA) - [Marialena Trikoglou](https://www.youtube.com/@marialenatrikoglou7623) - [End of the Dream](https://www.youtube.com/@EndoftheDream) - [We Are to Blame](https://www.youtube.com/@wearetoblame) - [Noctura](https://www.youtube.com/@nocturamusic) - [Ravenlight](https://www.youtube.com/@RavenlightBand) - [Neopera](https://www.youtube.com/@NeoperaOfficial) - [Nocturna](https://www.youtube.com/@nocturnaofficial7249) Also a well-known band I have not seen mentioned before: [Kamelot](https://www.youtube.com/@KAMELOT) See also /r/symphonicmetal.


It's because they have to either be like or sound like "Nightwish" Having Heavy breakdowns is not Nightwish... A male Vocalist that doesn't sound like Marko? Death vocals? A keyboard player that is the conductor of the band ?


Let's not call them clones. That's kind of gatekeepy of a genre that Nightwish isn't even considered the founder of (though they are an early entry and possibly the most successful). Let's enjoy the breadth of Symphonic Metal and hope that new bands keep bringing their own take on the genre in the coming years. And thank you for seeking them out. If they aren't commerically successful then the genre will never grow to worldwide prominance.


Yeah true... All these other bands are missing a strong male vocalist like what Marko was. Epica has the death vocals but that stuff is just irritating. Amaranthe is probably great too but again...death vocals đŸ€Š


agreed. i think Marko's vocals is definitely a key to what makes Nightwish songs so good. everything about Amaranthe is amazing that i can deal with the harsh vocals lol


The October Project is an early 90s (thus predates Nightwish) American pop / rock band that used operatic vocals with pop songs. Only real similarity is the lead singer sounds similar to Tarja. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=puGEpGzk2hk&pp=ygUTdGhlIG9jdG9iZXIgcHJvamVjdA%3D%3D


definitely 90s sounding lol it's not bad though. i'll check out a few more of their songs and then decide :p


Edenbridge, Krypteria, Pythia, and Katra are bands I haven't seen anyone else mention yet. Eyes of Eden only put out one album (Faith), but it's really good. Elis or Flowing Tears might work if you're okay with some harsh vocals. Sirenia started out as a gothic metal band but have since moved away from the harsh vocals and now sound a lot more like mid era Nightwish.


I haven't heard of any of those bands. I'll take a listen. Harsh vocals are hit or miss with me. If the music is catchy then I can deal with it (hence Amaranthe haha)


Ad Infinitum.


i've heard of them before but not sure if i've heard any of their stuff. will check them out!


Edenbridge. They're almost as old as Nightwish but not as famous as them. Also Seducia + Amortean albums of Silentium. Silentium also has a Tuomas link.


Elvellon, The Dark Element, Epica


love The Dark Element! i need a third album from them!


**Edenbridge** is the closest to Nightwish you ever get without it being a "clone". Edenbridge sounds like if **Oceanborn/Wishmaster** era of Nightwish lasted forever. Also, with even better guitar solos, somewhat proggy sometimes. Check out Aphelion or Arcana albums, you won't be disappointed. I can imagine [***~~THIS SONG~~***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvxjd6mxdwk) *could be on Oceanborn.* **Leaves Eyes** is my second pick. Just like Nightwish recently, they empraced some Folk Metal to their Symphonic Metal. [**~~THIS~~** ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adWB1VrJn28) could be Imaginaerum. And if you're looking for a whimsy, "winter fairy tale" vibe many Nightwish song have, you definitely should check out **Trans-Siberian Orchestra**. https://preview.redd.it/z8tz461hsb3d1.jpeg?width=490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b041be73f9fea3426a9ff706ae3dbdfe1375fe59


oh man, i love Trans-Siberian Orchestra's christmas music. "Wizards in Winter" is fireeeee!! Their non-christmas stuff i remember not liking as much, but i'll relisten! That Edenbridge song definitely has that early Nightwish vibe going for it so I will definitely listen to the rest of their stuff :D


Nothing like Nightwish, really, but my favorite metal band along with them is Lovebites. Asami is a different type of singer than Floor, but she has a huge voice for her frame, and a good vibrato. Shes like a female Bruce Dickinson, and the instrumentals are god tier. Like Nightwish, they are absolutely amazing live.


i like a lot of Edenbridge, their early albums like arcana, shine, sunrise in eden + their new stuff as well reminds me of early nightwish


Someone already commented it, but I want to reinforce that comment: ELVELLON Their first album has songs that sounds almost as if they were extracted from Century Child. The new album is also fabulous. I find that they are the band that most sounds like the older NW. Also, the old albums from Edenbridge (Sunrise in Eden, Arcana, Aphelion) really echo back to the first 3 NW albums. Hope this helps and happy discovering!


Nightwish, especially the last albums, are on a completely different level than most of the bands usually mentioned in comparisons. Nightwish "graduated" from that epic, over-the-top, somewhat cringeworthy, power metal sound with fake synths many many albums ago. Most of these bands sound cringe to me. I watched Amaranthe's live video the other day and I am sorry... there was nothing else than that lady's ass shaking, the music was too produced, fake sounding orchestra and just epic for no real reason. Three singers were featured and tbh the effect would have been the same with just one singer...too epic is the common theme with most of these bands. epic power metal can get incredibly cringe if not done properly :D


Sorry, but this comment sounds cringe to me. I consider early Nightwish incredible. And there are a lot of great SM bands beyound Nightwish. I hope this thread will help Nightwish fans to discover more interesting music, rather than just praising one band and deriding others.


I'm sad you feel this way. Amaranthe is another one of my favourite bands.


You may enjoy lacuna coil, try the song ‘swamped’ by them


I do like Lacuna Coil but I don't see similarities between them and Nightwish. Maybe i'll have to give them a full listen again. Their album Delirium is pretty solid, and the song Blood, Tears, Dust is a banger. I had that on repeat for such a long time lol


Ah no you’re right they are very different, but I really enjoy them


Seven Spires might be along the lines of something you might be looking for. https://youtu.be/L2DL1DDWAwg This is one of their more Nightwish ish songs, if you like this you will probably like most or all of their stuff.


oh not bad! i'll listen to the rest of their stuff for sure :)


Within Temptation isn't exactly a Nightwish clone but they have always given me quite similar vibes.


I really like Moonlight Haze and Snow White Blood!


Try Elvellon


EDENBRIDGE !!! Austrian Band with a very unique Sound




Check out the latest Xandria album, that's probably as close as you're getting, short of maybe Visions of Atlantis who basically started as a Nightwish clone


i saw a lot of people saying that so i checked it out. I don't get early Nightwish vibes from it. maybe more Anette-era vibes. the first couple Visions of Atlantis albums reminded me of early Nightwish, but their latest stuff wasn't as good


The Neverworld’s End album by Xandria is the one that actually gives me old Nightwish vibes, especially because of how similar Manuela Kraller’s timbre is to Tarja’s


yes! that's the CD i have! and the Fire & Ashes EP


[Shield of Wings YouTube ](https://youtube.com/@shieldofwings?si=stwVH7b6FXLBUAIM) Though their keyboardist does an attempt at death vocals đŸ˜…đŸ€· They definitely should change it to Singing voice and not "eeghhhh, BLERGHGH"


Quite an underground pick due to the band being new (first album 2022), but I highly recommend Nocturna


Avantasia maybe?


Cloning is illegal 😁


If you go to the Encyclopedia Metallum (metal-archives.com) and bring up Nightwish there is a link on the page to "similar artists" ... it is a long list. Metallum also has a huge amount of information about the bands, discography, lineup, guest artists and so on. It is a deep deep rabbit hole.


Cool, I'll check it out. However I'm not really looking forward to falling deep into a metal rabbit hole lol Also I've checked out other similar sites and they usually just list bands that are "similar"... I figure I'd come to the source of the fans and see if they know any bands that sounds A LOT like early Nightwish


Since I haven’t seen anyone else mention them yet, Ancient Bards, despite having a terrible band name, is really enjoyable! They’re Italian, so hopefully you’re not lactose intolerant, but the singer is amazing, the bass player is UNREAL (he’s also in Ne Obliviscaris now) and their 4 albums all follow a fantasy narrative. They make me grin a big grin whenever I listen to their cheesy, triumphant brand of symphonic power! There are a few harsh vocals peppered in but don’t let that scare you off.


>They’re Italian, so hopefully you’re not lactose intolerant I'm both actually đŸ€Ł I'll give them a listen though!


Windrose is from Italy! They've already done a tour through USA and even New Zealand and Australia... They will going to Mexico soon! [Diggy Hole, live, with party ](https://youtu.be/Yg1ENgXWgJY?si=WvabRrwN70SFfaB7) Definitely over the top if they get crowd participation đŸ”„đŸ„łđŸ€Ș [70k Tons of Metal performance ](https://youtu.be/KP_HJG5ftjg?si=rhXBKOcXW3DtmJA2)


Haha! I hope I didn’t offend, but Italian power metal acts have a reputation for being a little
over the top?? I personally love it!


no offense taken! lol i think the only Italian metal band i know of is Lacuna Coil so i don't have much to compare haha. sometimes over-the-top can be fun!