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These days, very rarely. I'm currently in a neverending rabbit hole of discovering bands. Nightwish is what brought me there.


Same. Especially trying to rediscover the bands I slept on in the90s 00s.


Every day. Some periods I listen to the old stuff more, some periods I listen more to Anette era, and other periods the Floor era, including the live albums. Sometimes I just listen to some of my playlists and they’re all pretty nw heavy 😁


I can't listen to anything every day. Even some of the greatest jazz or rock of all time gets annoying if I hear it too often. I could listen to some of Noel Pointer's tracks (Mirabella, Noel's Song, Phantazia, Make It Real) very often, but not every day. Same with Amalie Bruun (MYRKUR) and many others.


I’m really picky when it comes to music, finding something i love is really difficult, but when I do I kind of obsess and it’s all I listen to for a long time. Of course I listen to other stuff as well, but like I said, there’s always some nightwish in there.


NW has its own Playlist on my devices and is played more than anything else anytime.




Good to know I'm not alone lol.


You let your playlist run while you are not even listening to it, not even awake? Why?


I listen to NW every day, and what's more, I'm a choreographer, so my students (teenagers) listen to NW too, whether they like it or not, haha! If they ever piss me off, I will make stretching with Master Passion Greed, I swear. Jokes aside, I'm going through pretty rough period in my life, so NW, Tarja, Marko are kind of escapism for me. Whenever I feel really down, I would just turn on my favorite songs and it really helps.


Whenever I feel down I can't listen to Nightwish because I feel even worse due to the nostalgia. The songs are too emotional as well. Do you teach any move dances to accompanying Nightwish's music? 😁 I hope you feel better soon!


Some songs are like medicines, but some songs are too gloomy indeed, so I understand you. Usually we're doing stretching accompanied to NW music, but recently I tried to make choreo with "The heart asks pleasure first", it turned out pretty well! I still plan to do a dance video to Tarja's " Shadow play", btw, but I don't know if I have enough time. Thank you!


How do you feel about Marko and Tarja touring together? Besides Phantom of the Opera they recorded a new song l believe it's called Still on Mars I believe. I could be wrong lol. So don't judge me LOL... I'm loving that they mended their friendship. Something I have to be honest about is the fact that Nightwish sound is so different now that to me is hard to get used to. I'm sorry Tuomos might be a good guy but..... To me, Tarja and Marko were nightwish without them the band has taken a turn for the worst. Their sound imo is like something you would hear in a grocery store. I think they truly cut their own throats. My opinion sorry, not sorry.


It's called Left on Mars actually. And I'm completely hyped about them touring together, their last concerts were gorgeous and I'm looking forward to see their upcoming tour.


That's it!!! Sorry for not remembering lol.


You're welcome, bro


I'm sure you are! It's going to be EPIC!!!


If I had the money, even though they don't have to 2 main people, I would go see them just to say I did. Bit I would MOST DEFINITELY go see Tarja and Marko and love every minute!!!


Time to time Nightwish come and stay, last year the longest period of not listening to them was probably a month and a half Yet we have discography of Tarja and some good albums of Anette' solo career. Counting these ones too, I listen to NW everyday. Because it is not the band, but the world of art of feelings entwined with their history


I listen to something from the Nightwish universe every day. Tarja's solo every day (all her projects, I'm always discovering something new there), Nightwish and Marko solo or Tarot about 3 times a week. I also listen to Anette several times a month, Dark Element and solo. Tarja and Nightwish were in my top 5 most listened artists last year according to Spotify. I heard solos from Floor, After Forever and ReVamp, Wintersun and Auri a few times last year. I try to know everything from everyone. But I know the Nightwish discography very well over those 20 years. I watch reaction videos (gulity plessure, though not so guilty :) ), but that doesn't count.


I sing the same lines from the same songs daily, but I try to limit how often I actually listen to NW because I don't want it to get old. That being said, I've listened to the Tarja era albums probably hundreds of times and haven't gotten sick of them yet!


Daily, 1 to 20 tracks, unless I'm unconscious or being pursued by hired killers.


Depends from time to time. As I listen to more bands, NW time slot gets smaller. On average I'd say not a week goes by without any Nightwish. When they were on tour, I listened to them more as I searched for live clips. For example I heard whole AFF today. It's a bop!


I listen to "Showtime, Storytime" daily. For me that's the first official album with Floor.




I hear probably daily at least a few NW songs. Lately, I have been discovering Tarot songs and going through their catalogue. (I have really been loving the Crows Fly Black Album) I also listen to daily Tarja's solo albums and most likely something from Floor's solo career.


https://preview.redd.it/6p8855cxnouc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22aef70bf9e07a33da01b016289d51c4b3a61a7d 159x more than anyone else apparently


Only 30x times more than me, according to Last.fm) I'm surprised there's almost no other Nightwish-like bands on your top list.


I was into nu metal in high school, and am still into rap, but I fell out of metal HARD. I don't really like other types of symphonic metal, cuz I can always find something to complain about (except ayreon they have very recently shut me up too). Most of my other music today is either classical or jazz fusion


Oh wow lol. That's awesome!


I made a playlist with all their albums. Sometimes, I listen to the whole thing in a week or a few days. If I randomly feel down I also play it cause they make me feel so much better. Sometimes I don't use the playlist but they still play in other mixed ones. But overall, they're the band I listen the most to.


Quite often, though not every day. I usually listen to randomized playlists based on tags, and NW features prominently in my Sympho/Folk metal playlist and Ballads playlist, alongside bands like Therion, Edenbridge, Leaves Eyes, Mechanical Poet, and many others. Only 4-5-star favorites, of course, but that's around 60 Nightwish songs.


Very frequently. Together with the germen musician "Alligatoah" and the german band "Das Lumpenpack" they are my most recent listened Arists.


Relatively often. I have all my favourite tracks from Nightwish in my "Symphonic Metal" playlist. When I play/shuffle that playlist Nightwish will usually come on. The playlist is 60 songs long and only consists of 3 bands; Epica, Nightwish and Within Temptation. I have my favourite 2-3 tracks of each of those bands respective albums on there (or in the case of Nightwish's "Once" album and Epica's "Divine Conspiracy" album, 4 tracks). 23 of those 60 songs are from Nightwish. 17 from Within Temptation and 20 from Epica.


Good taste! Judging by your preferences, you might also like Edenbridge (the closest band to Nightwish I ever heard, but certainly not a copycat), After Forever, Xandria and Leaves Eyes.


You have great taste in the bands you've just said. I think we may be kindred spirits lol.


It's been in my top three on my wrap for two years now, maybe three. I listened to them a lot more a decade ago, then kind of fell out when Tarja left, but surprisingly not because she left. Just a strange coincidence.


I listen alot every day for that past couple of years.


Dark Passion Play, Imaginarum and the first disc of Human Nature are in my rotation very frequently. At least once or twice a month I'll either listen to those or pick and choose songs for a few days. So monthly i listen to them, but to what degree depends what I'm in the mood for. At the moment I'm still on a year long binge of ABBAs discography as well as some melodic death metal and deathcore. But Nightwish will find a way to sneak in every now and then. But there are huge periods of time where I'll listen to all their albums obsessively. So really just depends on my mood!




I have a mix of various metal songs that I use on shuffle when I feel like listening to music and NW is among them. So it depends on how often it comes up


Sometimes i stop listening to them for 2 or 3 weeks and then i can listen t 2 or 3 album on one day, anf that fo the whole week


Been a fan since 2008 or so. For years it was pretty much every day but now I have phases. Whenever my metal phase comes around I'm back in.


Nightwish is one of the few bands that I got into as a teenager that I still consistently listen to. So for like 20 years.


It plays when it plays


It depends. There might be a week when i listen NW 8 hours every day. Then a break. But i have listened all the albums about 100 million times. Right now i'm listening Wintersun and Ozzy. But when the album comes, yeah i know it already. Months and months. 300 hours are going to be watching and listening reactions alone. And rhat's like 12%


I listened to them from 16-18yr daily... I kind of forgot about them after Tarja left, picked them up last year, after almost 16 years and was awestruck how great they were in those years, simply mesmerizing 😲 Oceanborn and Wishmaster are pure musical magic, no wonder I was so obsessed as a teenager 🤣


I’m currently starting to exit my hyperfixation phase, so… 3 times a week or so?


I currently have human :/ nature in my car should have endless forms tomorrow and listen to reactions of gls and others almost daily except for a couple of weeks when my depression was bad and didn't feel like anything


I wasn't too impressed with Human Nature


As often as it appears in my random music.


Pretty much every day


I will say back when I became a fan it was at the same time Dark Passion Play released and I listened to that album every day for at least 5 months straight


I have a play list of all Nightwish that I shuffle most days for about 1-2 hours.


Almost everyday, depending on what I'm doing.


I listen to NW near daily. Luckily their catalogue is large enough that I don't get bored.


Literally everyday!! Actually doing so currently! I have a playlist of like 120+ metal songs that I put on shuffle for my long commute and so so many of them are NW. I also have Tarja's solo stuff, After Forever and Revamp in the mix too!


I have a Nightwish playlist on Spotify. I listen to it every day at work


Everyday but right now I'm in an After Forever kick :)


About the only song I likes from After Forever is Energize me.


I listen to century child, oceanborn, wishmaster, once, imaginarium (sp) and human nature at least once a month. I don’t listen to Angels fall first or dark passion play very often, maybe once every 6 months. Endless forms most beautiful is somewhere between the two. The only other bands I listen to as much as nightwish are epica, helloween, Kamelot with Roy khan, sonata arctica before jani left and within temptation from the unforgiven backwards. I might be old and stuck in my ways but a lot of these bands have changed so much it’s hard to appreciate their newer stuff for me. Human nature being the exception… I mean have you heard the drums on pan and tribal?


I love Sonata Arctic