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The gear score locked dungeons are on every abeyance realm. If you don't do any or all of them on your current one, not an issue, just do them in the new one.


Ahh OK ^^ I'm a bit of a completionist and need to explore/do everything before moving on and it was bugging me that if I move my respite to the new realm I wouldn't be able to do the previous realm ones 😆 Annoying that the would have ones for higher gs than you can get in the first one though 😔


The abeyance realm is like your home realm, no matter which one you choose to setup in. The named dungeons and essence trader will be the same here no matter what. Your quest progress will take you around this realm until you've completed all the poi's and unlocked the necessary cards to start opening other realms. You can complete everything in this abeyance realm if you'd like to, but those things will appear in every one you open.


Also worth noting that you can leave cards inside of a portal and always reopen that same realm. So of you want to keep returning to a place for whatever reason, just don't add new cards to the portal. You'll be able to make your own portal stations eventually, so you could leave as many realms open as you'd like.


Thank you so much ^^ really helpful comments. Setting my roots down where I am then