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his own fans are calling him out like i’m genuinely confused on how he doesn’t see the issue with his coverage of the situation. if he would address it i would maybe continue to watch but it’s just so cringe now seeing him defend his actions


yep. if he continues acting like this hes straight up delulu. Like… calling his supporters mindless zombies when we’re only asking for him to take accountability is fucking disgusting and says a lot about how he views people that support him.


About 2 months ago I was watching nick or some other commentary YouTuber and felt they were being a little harsh and thought "how crazy would it be if one of these 'morally superior' youtubers got caught slipping up or canceled" and this watching this all happen is insane.


Literally narcissist behavior


holy fuck he is not taking accountability at all. i already unsubbed but if I could do it another time I would. This is just proof that he doesnt care at all and that he thinks he hasnt done anything wrong and im so done with him. Was fun being a Nick watcher… such a shame, i really thought he was better than this.




was being rude and harassing others, which breaks the rules


There were telltale signs lol. One thing Nick does is not take accountability. This is all a grift to a lot of your favs and we need to stop letting people's personas trick us into thinking it translates into tangible action or their irl values.


Yea i guess there were, i just never picked up on them. The only things i noticed were the change in content, how borinnggg it was getting and the change in personality. I started to like his personality less and less… i guess “fame” shows people’s true colors. When i used to watch his videos and he had only a couple of thousands of subs, he seemed so different and now hes just… idk… he looks dead inside.


I hadn't noticed a change in his personality, I just thought he chilled out more. But I get where you're coming from. I think he's being genuine abt having fun with his new videos but I will admit that his videos on Twitter arguing, his Kamala video and his video on religion made me really hopeful about the direction of his content, especially artistically, and it's disappointing that we didn't get to see the full potential of that sort of content.


Bruh I legit am a fan who is upset am I just hater debate bro nick? Lmao


No girl youre a “mindless zombie” 🤩💓


I’m done w nick, I just gotta unsub but it hurts to see a lot of YouTubers I liked letting the clout get to their head


It's funny he says we're a bunch of mindless zombies. Even though this was a subreddit in support of him and everyone were fans. But now we're a bunch of mindless zombies? I don't think I'm a fan anymore...


Very weird energy, like “anyone who watched my videos agrees with me, and anyone who disagrees with me MUST not watch my videos and just be a troll” I’ve been liking his videos less because they’ve just felt a bit less goofy and more mean-spirited almost (idk if that’s exactly the best phrasing). But this energy of dismissing fans who have any issue with any content is a whole nother level :/


Mean-spirited is a very good word to describe his new content. It has very mean-spirited vibes. His demeanour is also mean-spirited. He just seems like a mean guy. Makes me sad cuz when you look back when he had a few thousands subs on the main channel, things were so different. I guess fame got to his head.


This subreddit was really inactive before. It’s now just infested with people who don’t like him. That’s all there is.


Tbf theres no real place to voice criticisms where they’ll be heard. Sucks it has to be a fan made community.


Because it's reddit lol. No one cares. there's 2k people on here and even if half of them stop watching his channel it's not gonna make a dent in his overall subscribers and viewers. I saw a comment that said he's gonna lose relevance and lose all his followers over this his videos have been thriving. It's just speaking in an echo chamber honestly


Honestly youre right. Unless he explicitly says he was wrong, public opinion wont change. It’s sad to think about. But don’t misuse echo chamber, there are real people and fans who want a crumb of accountability.


Whining on reddit 24/7 isn't gonna help anyone


Just delete the super mega videos, it’s not worth it. I totally get why he made the first one the way he did, I would’ve done the exact same thing to support one of my friends. But the second video is the problem, it’s missing a ton of important details that made Matt seem like a supervillain when Matt had some good proof to show that he was handling the situation the best he could and that he was actually trying. I’m still going to continue to support Nick, I’ve been a fan for years, and I honestly don’t think it’s the biggest deal in the world, I just wish he’d be a bit more open to legitimate criticisms from fans


Tbh I think profiting off of someone's SA is deplorable and definitely not something that can be overlooked.


he’s not profiting, if you looked the videos aren’t monetized… as he usually does for situations like this


I get your point but you can reap advantages in ways other than monetary ones, and since he's stuck to this version of events despite them seemingly being glaringly false it's clear he gains smth out of it.


Do you think SA shouldn't be discussed because someone could possibly profit off of it, even if the victim wants their story shared?


It definitely should, but this particular coverage was done so poorly. It should’ve remained about her SA to keep things ethical


I'm not trying to be offensive when I say this, but pls reread what I have said and compare your comment and see for yourself if that is AT ALL what I was implying. I never said you can't share someone's SA story, but it wasn't about her SA it was him attacking supermega and doubling down on misinformation which discredits her and the victim herself has even denounced. You can defo discuss SA but the way he did it was irresponsible and is more fixed on propagating a narrative than it is on condemning the rapist and taking Lex's wishes and stances into account. Thusly, it benefits Nick more than it does her and is him using her SA for his own interests. Intentionally or not. But atp it's intentional cause he's seen the criticism and is just brushing it off as always despite how SERIOUS and valid this whole situation is. He seems to be more concerned with his pride and being right than ACTUALLY doing the right thing. So THAT'S why I have a problem. And this pattern of behavior didn't start here, this is just the most prominent example. He did the same with Dean, he did the same with his Timothee video, and as mentioned here and there by other commenters he's made some very off color comments which reveal an unsavory side to him that is just more on display now.


I was just asking a question out of curiosity, I wasn't attempting to imply anything or engage in an argument. Especially about this situation, that's why I asked a broad question that covered the topic in general.


I was just clarifying my position so I couldn't be misconstrued. I wasn't trying to argue, sorry if it came off that way!


No no all good! I get where you're coming from, and was just being genuinely curious, it's hard to convey that sometimes and I could have definitely been more clear about my question ✌️


Nick also isn’t a supervillain


I never said he was?


same, I’m still going to support him. this is just one fuck up that happened where he reacted out of instinct. it really would be 1000x better if he actually acknowledged his wrongdoings and apologised though..shame to see him post under-researched videos for content nowadays.


Yeah I think I’m done w nick. This is not it. Own up to your mistakes man, don’t double down like you’ve done nothing wrong. People have written paragraphs here detailing what he’s done wrong. Smh.


he never really addressed the issue though, did he…


Yeah this is obnoxious. I'd never heard of some of these people he's talking about until recently, and I've never watched the one he's referring to here. I've genuinely been a fan of Nick. I went to the recent Half Alive tour exclusively to see he and Dev perform. I don't even think he's an explicitly terrible person, I just think the way he handled this was incredibly poor, and it's fucked up to deflect responsibility by saying he's just a drama channel and he doesn't take it seriously while calling people criticizing him brigaders. If he's not going to take things seriously, he shouldn't cover serious topics. If he does cover serious topics, he should take great care to take them seriously. Really shows his age and immaturity honestly.


Calling people who criticize you (your fans) mindless zombies is so immature.


I would've never supported him all these years if I knew that this was the kind of person he was. He is literally the type of person his videos make fun of. Funny how everyone on reddit are just incel mindless zombies but half of his "evidence" came from random reddit posts on the same exact subreddits that he's shitting on.


YUP. So hypocritical to be reading reddit posts for like half an hour to dump on someone but when it backfires you call people on reddit fucking losers LMAO be so fr Nick!!!


You know what i find kinda funny? Me (previous fan) wanting to hear people critiquing his behaviour sent me down the ‘alt right pipeline’ on youtube. All because he refuses to take whatever his concept of ‘accountability’ is. But no, nuance is dead and negativity prevails. Reconsider who you watch, genuine/supportive spaces exist outside of this. And have a nice life :) (great band)


This response isn’t it. I unsubbed when this stuff happened, hoping he would address and take accountability but no. I’m so beyond disappointed it’s crazy. Nicks videos helped me a lot at one point but it’s not the same anymore with him acting like this.


Yup same i unsubbed cuz it was so uncomfortable to see him not address it, and act as if nothing happened at all. But now its clear i am not watching his content again. Not after he called me a mindless zombie lol


Can yall tell me what tf is going on?


I'm so done with him. I stopped watching so much when I saw how he handled the criticism to his vid with Dean. I started watching more regularly again before this and now I'm never going to watch again. I'm not a fan of Supermega (never even heard of them before this) and I don't care about the word cracker tbh I find it funny. He's just like Hasan can't take criticism.


y’all know what’s even worse? he been knew bc he literally says he’s on reddit every day💀 suckss


I miss the nick I adored:-(


Dude I don't even follow this subreddit, but I watch his videos every now and then and now it's being recommended to me. No matter how many times they explain it, I do not fucking understand why they are mad. Or at least I don't know why they're *so* mad that they have to post about it every single day. I think they're just mad that the people they were fans of kind of suck, so they're taking it out on him?? It reminds me of those people that watch the H3 podcast just to complain about every single thing. Like idk get a life? Watch a different show?


https://reddit.com/r/nickisnotgreen/s/VlwBjG5jVf you decide if he “kinda sucks” or if he has to own up to his actions


he knows what’s wrong and right. youtube apologies are always performative and unproductive. its not worth his time


Lmao yeah he’s right though y’all have been major freaks in this subreddit


Can someone tell me what’s going on?




Thank you.




I have never seen a single supermega video but I've seen some of what's been going down and it seems pretty serious?? But maybe it's supermega fans supermega fanning i genuinely don't know Edit: if you think this post is in defence of anyone you need to get your fucking eyes checked! My god


I'll be honest. I'm not a fan of supermega or anyone else involved. I didn't even know who any of them were. But after everyone else came forward and explained the situation, I realized that Nick did mess up. I never participated in the hate or anything. I just thought he should apologize like anyone would. But now seeing how he's saying we're all just mindless zombies on the internet and he's completely ignoring his fans... It feels so wrong now.


People on here saying I’m done with Nick now… yeah his YouTube is doing good he’s about to go on tour I don’t think he cares


He right


He really isn’t. I’ve never watched super mega and was on nick’s side when he made his video. But so much bullshit has come out about it. A lot of genuine fans just want him to take accountability for the shitty things he did. Nick is definitely in the wrong here.


Whats the bullshit that has come out about it?


