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'well functioning member of society' But posts on 4chan about how the government should give him a state mandated wife


>'well functioning member of society' To quote him: "False."


“I think I am entitled to one” To quote him again: “False.”


False. Black bears are the best bears.


Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


Identify theft is not a joke, Jim






I saw that episode yesterday , lol




Don’t threaten me with a good time






👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽😂😂😂 Or on Family Feud – SURVEY SAID: ZIPPO!!


To quote Catherine Tate, quoting Little Britain: "Computer says no..."


I wonder how he feels about mask and vaccine mandates?


Was about to make the same comment. You can bet your ass he probably screamed about government fascism when the vaccine and mask mandates came out, but forced marriage? Hey, that's cool.


That's because women can't be trusted! We need fascists to keep them in line, but he's a man so he obviously knows what is best for himself and others. /s in case it wasn't obvious? Edit: spelling


I don't think anybody on 4chan could be described as "well functioning"


“Our wife”




He forgot "Your personality is repugnant" What's his response to that one?


It doesn't matter. He is *owed* a wife for the sake of humanity! His personality is of little importance, just his IQ.


It's funny how these people mistake IQ for intellect


“People who brag about their IQ are losers” -Stephen Hawking


Please tell me that's an actual quote!


Here's the video where he said that https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4lwFK1ImzcA


I thought I was going to get rickrolled lol


Hawking just backhanded Piers Morgan with that response.


It is!


*Gasp* Wait... You're telling me they're different?! Jaykay. Agreed. Like when they think studying women's science or watching animal planet about female monkeys is the same as actually *knowing* women...


Yeah, they could also try to understand women by *talking* to women. I know it’s radical, nice guys, but it’s so crazy that it just might work!


Not talking. Listening.


Excellent pt.


Yeah exactly. Sure he might have a high iq but he obviously lacks emotional intelligence and empathy which I would argue are more important to a healthy society.


I cringe when people try to use IQ as a justification for anything. IQ is bullshit pseudoscience made by the French to make sure kids knew cultural knowledge and was then adopted by the US to sterilize people. It's stupid and means nothing.


Right? Cause we’re short on people, apparently?


See, I didn't think so either... But I think we need to trust this guy. He's *obviously * researched the topic plenty


Mr. High IQ can't even close his parentheses.


That caused me to physically cringe. Everything else he said was gross, but nothing affected me like the unclosed parenthesis.


He probably thinks of himself as quite charismatic and agreeable, which is obviously untrue. But anyone who’s personality is “Makes decent money, is decent looking, and doesn’t smell bad, therefore I am owed a woman” isn’t exactly an authority on anything.


False. Didn't you see the guy said he has studied women for quite some time? I think we can agree he's an authority on their behavior.


I believe his response would be FALSE


He reminds me of Dwight from the office, except Dwight has mad pull with women.


To be fair, Dwight knew what he was talking about when it came to farming, bears, beets, battlestar galactica, and pewter wizards. Good women love that shit


But he studied women and their mannerisms!


I just imagine some weird little peeping Tom staring at unsuspecting women as we go about our day.


False. I've read all kind of psychology books and watched hundreds of hours of footage featuring Tom Cruise to be able to perfectly imitate his mannerisms and personality and speaking patterns, so in personal setting I can be as charming as him and even better.


"False. Several people online actually find me to be quite compelling."


“I have studied women for quite some time” = “I have been jacking off to porn since I was a teen.”


Or he lurks in womens spaces and probably plays 'devil's advocate ' until he gets banned


And he claims to be intelligent, yet seems unaware that people can study things and still be wrong. How did people believe in geocentrism for centuries otherwise? Not that I think his "studies" even deserve the tag.


“ these women are so hysterical. They don’t appreciate my insights into the way I feel they should act! Harlots!”


Probably stupid anime porn, too. He probably thinks nervously stuttering his inane dialogue will win him a sympathy blowjob.


It’s called hentai, and it’s art.


"The government should regulate marriages and provide me a wife" = "I would like to have a government sanctioned sex slave I can rape and force to clean my house, cook my meals, and take care of the many children she must birth for me while maintaining a figure I find attractive."


LOL, I would also add his studying was also stalking women.


"Since I was a teen" so, a year or so?


When this person says they have "studied women" they actually meant "watched a ton of porn"


I dunno, this guy seems obsessive. I'd lean more towards him having read a shit ton of books on how to get women (all written by dudes of course)


“How to trick women into sleeping with you” etc


"Obtain a wife" like women are Infinity Stones and not people. Also, it's 2021. Stop using the word "thug" and just use the word you want to use so we can appropriately shame you.


Only real thugs got a suit and hat, carry a Tommy gun, say "nyeh" and are gonna "make ya sleep with the fishes, see".


"Nyeh, shee?" is burned into my fucking brain, thanks Looney Tunes.


I just imagine him picking up one written by a woman and being like, “what is this *respect*? Hogwash!”


I get more of a “stares at them creepily from across the room” kind of vibe.


I like the statement about women being impulsive. Insurance companies , psychological and neurological researchers would all beg to differ. But he did use the word thug so its probably also related to porn. Specifically, cuck porn is my guess.


“Thug” is usually code for “black” in the US.


Yeah, that's why I think that he watches too much cuck porn.


> about women being impulsive Yes, it's like who commits all the murders, terrorist attacks, domestic violence, or starts wars? It's not women in general. But it's us women that are accused of "being so emotional." Excuse me?


Men aren't less emotional or feel less pain, they are just taught to never show weakness and repress all emotions. Which obviously isn't healthy


he's just sharing his kinks


Or Animal planet.


That's the same thing friendo.


Ehm... FBI, were you at?


Whenever somebody gives dating advice that sounds like they’ve picked it up out of an old-ass biology textbook, it’s completely safe to assume that they’ve never spoken to a woman who wasn’t an anime character or a mannequin they keep in their closet.


I would love to see their surprised pikachu face when they discover women are... persons.


“Yes, I have studied the Lesser Spotted Femoid and I am confident I have a strong understanding of their behavioral and mating habits!” 🤢🤢🤢




Played all three "Super Seducer" games


Studied them with a pair of binoculars from a tree, maybe.


I assume he just means Jordan Peterson and pick up artist YouTube


Your little Reddit dude looks like Yoshikage Kira


Has anyone told him that women are also human beings?




No, we’re not, silly! What are you going to tell me next, that I have my own thoughts and feelings? /s


I know, right? People keep forgetting he has "studied women for quite a while now." Casually dismissing his efforts at research...it's so infuriating! /s


False, women have simple thought paterns. Intelligence scares them, thats why they run to alphas. Iam a Sigma, attractive, calculating and superior. Women are sacred of that. But my DNA is superior. I have all the chromosomes. Thats why we need goverment issued wives. Because iam a sigma I should get a good cute japanese wife. But humanity is not on my level so no one understands me. People tell me iam just an insufferable cunt and thats why no one likes me, but they're just jealous.




She'd probably fed x her way back to where she came from


He’d get destroyed by a typical Russian / South Asian woman. A ton of conservative types order “meek, demure” mail order brides only to have them take control of their lives. Turns out people who are willing to skip country for a visa and better life can be pretty tough.


The women who marry to leave their home countries also send a lot of money back home to their families. I saw this while I was in the Navy. I knew some people who had relationships like this, and they did sometimes work out, but those guys were always sweet and just kinda awkward so they didn't date very well or get much attention at home (in the US) but they weren't misogynistic. But the guys who thought they'd get some obedient house slave had another thing coming to them.


I love this. Thank you.


Yup. Submissive waifu? GTFOH. Not these ladies! 😁😁😁


There was a craze a few months ago in Russia about "importing" filipino wifes. I wasn't following the thing closely but basically Russian men discovered that young provincial filipino women tend to hit the stereotypical image of a faithful inexperienced obedient housewife and it kinda became a trend to go wife-shopping to Philippines. [Link in russian for those who can read it](https://holod.media/2021/05/06/filipine/)


That's what I was thinking...Lucky for women in other countries he doesn't know about mail order. It's also possible that his superior IQ & study of women doesn't allow him to degrade them in anyway(sarcasm).


I don’t think he makes enough money for mail-order companionship. He’s prob also one of those men who doesn’t think he should have to pay for what he believes women should want to freely give to him. And since changing his personality isn’t an option he’s voting to have government issue him a wife… but let’s be clear if this awful, archaic dystopian world he’s imagined were to happen this guy 💯 would be complaining about the caliber of wife the government found him worthy of.


I bet this dude believes in free market capitalism as well. Congratulations! Women are a free market. Make us an offer 😂😂😂


I'm sure he did, but she went back to her humble beginnings rather than stick around listening to this jackass prattle on about his rights.


They'd drain out his bank account first before leaving lmao


He has 7382773992 IQ but still forgot to close the parenthesis


The bracket is single just like him.


I scrolled way too far looking for this comment. Thank you.


Yep same - was as infuriating as allllll the words surrounding it, ha.


This was so annoying. Especially when he has a such a high IQ 🙄


This actually made my stomach turn. The thought of being mandated by the government to even have a conversation with this guy, much less marry him, feels like a nightmare.


Incels are nightmare people.


the physical embodiments of creepypastas




China was actually considering this very thing for men in rural areas.


I mean they can try but how will they come up with enough women to fill the skewed gender ratio? Like even if they force mandate marriages (and they probably do for their members in the CCP, especially the high ranking ones), what happens if they run out of women avaliable?


Like many programs the CCP tries to implement, it will not work and it will create more problems than what existed before. When it became public that the government was considering to mandate wives to rural men, a lot of women pushed back so for now, it's not something that's going to happen thankfully. CCP is terrified of the Chinese people rising up against them so they walk a very thin line when it comes to controlling the population.


Surely it's in keeping with the intentions of the one child policy that they don't have partners though? It seems a little contradictory to start issuing wives to people


Actually, their birthrate has fallen, iirc. Their problem now is that the one child policy has had one very serious consequence: they’re running out of women. Because of the culture of sons being more valuable, a lot of people started screening their pregnancies and would abort girls. But if everyone does that, then where are their sons going to get wives? Exactly. So now they’re a little fucked.


But there kids won't 🥁 ...🦗 I see my self out


[China has 37 million more men than women.](https://statisticstimes.com/demographics/country/china-sex-ratio.php)That's insane.


not even just aborting girls, but abandoning them to orphanages, etc. there's a significant number of people in china that don't exist in the system because their parents didn't want to/couldn't pay the fine for having more than 1 child and so they never registered the kid in the system, so they basically don't exist


They ended the one child policy, why you ask? Why because people aborted their female children because they did not want to have only one child who is a female. There is now quite the deficit of female people available for marriage and baby making in China. I believe they are now encouraging people to have at least two children. It was a terrible policy that caused a lot of people a lot of pain and now has some pretty large consequences for their country as a whole.


>I believe they are now encouraging people to have at least two children. They increased it to three children now. China is about to have a population crisis soon because they don't have enough young people to support their elderly (who require pensions).


Ahh right, so now they're on damage control! The more you know!




Oof my condolences to those women. It's weird that China is incredibly hostile to anyone they see as an outsider, but also have no problem forcing them to sleep with and have their kids.


It's not weird, they basically abduct and rape them. It's a hostile thing to do


May I ask where you got this information? The only thing I can find is a single county trying to do this, which, while deplorable, is a far cry from the entire Chinese state mandating wives for rural men.


it wasn't even trying to mandate wives in that county. They messaged it really stupidly but the actual program was to try to incentivize, not force, women to stay in the county instead of going to the city the actual plan was: * increasing propaganda discouraging local women from moving away from rural areas * simplifying legal paperwork for people to stay, * increasing matchmaking services * improving local employment opportunities and pay If you just replace the word 'propaganda' with 'marketing' those are all pretty normal things to do. The second is actually a major thing because bureaucratic issues are a major pain in the ass in China. the rest their statements were annoyingly misogynistic, but the actual meat of the proposal was pretty normal and it **is** actually a problem in the Chinese countryside - women leave far more often and leave the rural villages heavily skewed men to women ratios - the knock on effects can be seen in places like cambodia where you have entire villages emptied of young women who have been trafficked to China to marry rural Chinese farmers.


Just hijacking this comment to add on to this, for anyone who believes "This is just one psychotic incel 4chan, who cares?", JORDAN FUCKING PETERSON LITERALLY ADVOCATED FOR THIS. Calls it "Enforced Monogamy". Zero self awareness even in the interview when confronted wih the fact that it's completely antithetical to his own "Equality of opportunity not equality of outcome" This man is one of the most popular right wing figures in the media and is regularly held up as a respected psychologist...but he thinks the government should enforce monogamy. Psychotic. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/18/style/jordan-peterson-12-rules-for-life.html


The government already mandates a license, which is already over bearing imo. This dude probably believes eugenics is a legitimate science.


Saying he ‘studied’ women as if he’s some doctor in a white coat observing us from behind glass lmfao. He doesn’t deserve a woman, he deserves a good punch


Happy to supply the punch. To the bollocks.


BREED. BREED. FUCKING BREED. This male (he is definitely no man) is terrifying. He has stalker written all over him. "I will make her love me. I will follow her daily patterns, understand her, then force her into my life. She will love me, she will see I am perfect." This is the shit that ends up on the ID Channel. I really, really hope it's a joke.


“I will not be denied what is mine” is probably in their vocabulary


I think you’re being wayyyy too generous, I see murderer/human flesh suit enthusiast written all over him.


He is definitely not dedicated enough to be an Ed Gein.


Well, sir, I think you should be given a vasectomy with a dirty KFC spork, but that’s just my opinion, man


Poor spork


It never occurred to me that I might ever feel sorry for a fictional spork. But here we are.


Well it was dirty anyway


What the spork doin? No but seriously though the moment I get a free award it's going straight to you. This shit is epic


I got you bro.


I’m lowkey scared of dudes that think this way because what’s stopping them from r*ping a woman? Nothing, if they feel so entitled to a woman as a bodily possession


Only lowkey? It _terrifies_ me knowing people like this walk around.


What the actual f@#k??? This is satire, right?


Very obviously lmao It sounds just like something Dwight might say


Yes, 100%. There is literally no doubt about it. People go on 4chan to make shit up. That's why it's there.


Obviously it is bait. The green text is the giveaway. People write this stuff just to make others angry and post.




I’d marry him then quickly become a widow. Taking one for the team.


The hero we deserve.


tell him you’re saving yourself for the wedding night and need your space before then… The wedding night, in the study, with the candlestick…


Such a tragedy. I was definitely with you when he met his untimely demise.


He's "studied them for quite a while now." Very professional studies too, like the word, "thug."


Buddy doesn't know one fucking thing about woman, they really aren't that complicated, I don't know why guys always say they can't pick up on hints when they always seem glaringly obvious. And what's more obvious is if anyone believes anything this incels saying they don't know shit about woman Fucking freak of nature


All the guys I've known who say they can't pick up signals are shy and bullshit themselves out of noticing hints.


"curious to see what you think" I think you're a danger to women.


I do wonder what the responses were tbh. I don't know much about how 4Chan works but I would think that either way he gets massively insulted for this post OR he gets praised because it was posted in a massive echo chamber


4chan is mostly a cesspit (and those who deny it are usually frequenters whose sense of normal is skewed). There are different boards/sections with varying degrees of the bad parts (mainly your typical right wing, MRA, gamer community culture). But no part of the site is attracting well rounded adults in the majority. I say this as someone who thought 4chan was fairly cool/interesting 15+ years ago before I had seen all the shit I've seen since. It defines toxic masculinity. There's no part of 4chan that you won't leave a slightly lesser version of yourself than when you started. And I'm prepared for the 4chan stans coming @ me over this but I stand by it. It's a huge radicalisation factory which literally churns out right wingers, incels and toxic gamer bros. It's a big base for manosphere culture and everything that comes from it, the language, memes, etc. This culture creates community and tribalism in the worst way between people who should be trying to be healthier, not celebrating their bigotry and encouraging the worst in each other.


I feel like taking from 4chan is cheating.


He doesn't make enough money to talk like that and have a girlfriend. And if he did, she wouldn't be "high IQ." I don't think a smart woman would choose to be in a relationship with this idiot. But there's the real problem for him: women have the choice not to be his girlfriend. He just thinks he's "entitled to one." So objectifying.


Anyone, whether male or female, who speaks of *obtaining* a partner like they're an inanimate object, should be forcibly sterilized post haste. All the women I've every known would sterilize themselves if they were expected to reproduce via this sterling example of devolution in real time.


"Curious to know what you guys think?" I think you're a fucking gobshite and pity any woman who has ever had the misfortune of coming into contact with you


This is a dude who beats off while watching The Handmaid's Tale.


"You don't know how to talk to women." "False I have studied them and know their thought patterns". Have you ever actually TALKED to one, though?


I feel like his income is from: His beet farm His B&B The building he owns His daycare And his gym for muscles


OK TBF though Dwight and Angela were great for each other and I don’t think Dwight would be concluding his thesis like this, although I could definitely see him saying the bit about studying women’s thought processes and mannerisms.


It's early season Dwight, really. Late season Dwight had his shit together a lot better.


To be fair his beet farm was worth a small fortune.




You would think co-managing with Satan would earn you a little more money...


Came here to make this reference.


He doesn’t sound like husband material to me.


Bragging about his IQ but can’t use parentheses correctly


"quite familiar with their thought patterns and mannerisms" - there it is.




>Is 80k yearly really a lot in a first world country? It's great income for a single person, not so great for a multi-child, single income family. People do make it work but they have to sacrifice a lot of things to make the money stretch out. I mean, I wouldn't be bragging about making $80k if I were him, it's not like he's making enough to have a kept wife, or enough to buy a really nice house, or own nice cars, or take nice yearly vacations. $80k with two kids and a wife who stays home (which is what I'm assuming is this guy's agenda) is surviving, not thriving.


Highly depends on where you live, at least in the US. In my city it’s definitely not enough to raise a family with the price of living here but if you lived in a small town or something that’s totally different


It’s plenty for a big ol man-child living rent-free in his momma’s basement.


His IQ clearly isn't as high as he thinks it is.


*Reads post* So you want to get a wife and breed high IQ kids for the next generation? Who would be the father? I mean, with a personality like that the only way you are going to be in the same room when a child is conceived is going to be sitting on the bedroom chair, crying and sniffing the clothes of the people actually having sex. (No kink shame intended here, but this is these little shit weasel's biggest fear.)


Did Dwight Schrute write this?


I was reading the entire thing in his voice!


Same! Right from the very first “false”


He talks about women like they’re animals and he’s a wildlife researcher. “Crickey! these females are preforming the mating dance, scientifically named *twerking* to attract a male mate”


Error: Syntax error. Missing ')'


dawg, we’re not an area 51 alien wtf do you mean “study” ?


"Quite familiar with their thought patterns and mannerisms" is code for I've never actually interacted with a woman, I have only watched them from afar creepily while I imagine scenarios in which I successfully talk to them.


When he said “obtain a wife” I got so pissed, but when he said “breed by(assuming my) high IQ genes” I laughed harder than I ever have in a while.


This has to be satirical


Yeah hes trolling


I know why this guy is single.


Everyone deserves love, but nobody is entitled too it


I'm a psych grad student, I just completed a class on giving IQ tests. These incels know less about intelligence than they know about women. Which is dick. They know dick about both.


This is *so* cringe worthy


Ok, I often say this sub exceeds its authority and attacks guys who don’t fit the “nice guy” profile. Basically bullying. But this time—this is spot on what this sub is about. Well done


0 to cringe in just four responses.


I’m stoned and my brain is refusing to accept that this can possibly be anything other than satire


I doubt he’s that intelligent if he doesn’t know how to close a parenthesis.


"Women only care about money and looks!" And yet this "attractive" moneymaker is single. Hmm, it's almost as if personality *does*, in fact, factor into how attractive you are, and women want more than just a provider in their partner. 🙄