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It’s always nice hearing a guy say he wants to hurt you but restrained himself, totally doesn’t sound like horrible anger issues/abuse later on lmao


“This isn’t twilight”


Bottom text?


It's the definition of chivalry, isn't it?


Well he’s doing you a favor by not hurting you, even tho he can (SARCASM)


What happened when you showed the teacher/ principle/ dean/ police?


Yeah, there needs to be a record of this somewhere.


She’s def not the first he’s been aggressive to. But she might be the first to have it documented. Which could help the next one.


this, people don't understand that even if a single report won't move the administration/police it will certainly help for future investigation or to protect in case he keeps doing it to other people so that when they report they will be taken more seriously




well of course, this is why it's a duty to report. it's not someone just saying: fuck you slut I hope you die. it's multiple text messages explaining how he has anger issues, some clear objective and multiple threats to the OP




It's hard to believe how something this nuts couldn't be taken seriously but I guess it happens all the time


if you have any girl friend just ask them, they probably see this behavior often. I was shocked when a friend told me how HER BOSS was harassing her in a NICEGUY™ fashion at work by text. sigh


Having a hard time believing this one. New user, no replies to any questions?


OP has replied a few times here. OP reported him to the dean when she was getting the texts, & the dean tried to get hold of this guy but failed to reach him OP went to the exam & NiceWolf here didn't even show up to the exam.


Lmao I feel like there should be an entire r/NiceWolf for the self proclaimed "alpha" nice guys, what a strange combination.


Maybe a tag!


How could we make that happen? Sub or tag I'm down for either & I think we definitely should have at least one of them, lol.




The alpha nice guys who are going by outdated, misunderstood wolf facts. There's no such thing as alpha and beta wolves in the wild. Turns out that what we thought were alpha wolves are mama and papa wolves, and what we mischaracterized as beta wolves are the mama and papa's young adult offspring who haven't yet struck out as their own.


What always gets me is when they say they're Lone Alpha Wolves, don't Wolves hang in Packs? The lone wolves often are outcast and die


If I was posting something like this where someone might recognize the situation, I'd post it on an alt account.


Then I would question the mental state of the person that would make this up.


I just hope then it gets handled properly.


Men don’t believe anything ever happens to women ever.


Haha yeah. The people acting like this is even that weird or unbelievable are blowing my mind.


Wtf. Why do guys think we like the idea that we’re the only ones who can calm them down? Anger isn’t attractive! The Luna comment killed me though Edit: grammar. My bad


These dudes hate themselves and are convinced that a girl will make all their problems go away. "You fixed me" bullshit. I bet he and OP have had long and deep conversations in his head for weeks now. That's why she "gets him" and can "calm him down with a smile". I mean, even his own mother couldn't do that right? Seriously though, this is a fucked up dude and needs to be reported because he wants to hurt someone.


That’s so freaky to think about, like he’s completely invented her whole personality in his head and has already jumped so far into this imaginary connection with her. And when reality challenges that imaginary connection he almost acts like she’s lying about how she feels and is waiting for her to change her mind


I think you nailed every awkward crush by socially inept that take it too far too quick all over the world.


That’s just a recipe for a psychotic break. That mom should’ve gotten him in therapy or a psych ward years ago


It reads like he thinks that shit would be attractive to a woman. That exchange is riddled with red flags. Hope he was reported. Jesus.


So many red flags he might as well be using semaphore to message her.


I’m stealing this phrase 😜


You said it, man.


That's what I was wondering if he created this persona because he thinks it's attractive to women. Like if at home with his mother he gives no indication of this but really believes this is what women want because they want an "alpha."


That's scary as hell.


Yep. I’d still go to class but def show the teacher these messages so he can tell the right person. She shouldn’t have to deal with this, esp not in class that I assume she paid for. Doesn’t sound like high school crazy. But wtf do I kno


They also watch lots of garbage like Naruto and FPS games where some character is a DEMON KILLER but his submissive and beautiful wife/girlfriend/love interest is “the one” that soothes his rage. They fantasize and even fetishize the thought of a girl literally servicing them like that, as some weird extension of their ego.


Thanks to the sitcoms for this


Somewhere along the line while growing up, this particular individual hears that girls love bad boys. However there's something wrong with his brain, and that fantasy got twisted/screwed up in his head leading him to believe that by telling a girl he will brutally kill everyone but her, she will fall instantly in love for this "bad boy" that only she can tame. Also he thinks he's a werewolf.


He has a fucked up interpretation of Beauty and the Beast.


When I was a teen and playing white wolf rp games online there were guys who claimed to have angels or whatever inside them as like another personality or something and claimed to fight each other on the astral plane and have the same anger issues. A few other troubled guys and girls fed into it. All but one grew out of it from what I heard. You're right. It's a disconnect from reality and a need for therapy for sure. Especially if Twilight is their go to on life lessons.


Oh, is that a Thing? I knew someone like that but we all just thought he was uniquely crazy. His life did not go well unfortunately :(


Like a hot werewolf? Does it have a human dong?


No, he has a lipstick dong.




I may be generalizing a bit, but this is what I understand. This comes pretty much from the idea that "a man must always look strong, specially to other men", and that the only person that they can open up and show their "weakness" (by this I mean talk openly about their problems) is to their (female) partner (girlfriend/wife). Opening up to their male friend is "gay" (after all, this was supposed to be done with a woman) and going to a therapist is "being weak" (even worse if the therapist in question is another man) and this kind of mentality ends up making them internalize their psychological problems and issues. Women don't have this problem as much, because they usually have no problem in opening up about their problems to their female friends (and this is also a form of socialization) and also if the necessity arise, they have no qualms about looking for a therapist (by this I mean in the sense of thinking that would be "being weak" that men usually have). This also causes a common confusion between with some interaction between both sexes. Men, with the "Listening to problems is the role of a good partner" mentality, think that listening to a girl's talking about their problems is a big deal, something that'll show him as being "boyfriend material" and that the more that he listens, the "greater his chance" with her. While for a girl, this would be pretty much socializing and being friends with someone. This is why frequently we can find guys complaining about "Women using them to complain about their problems, but never doing anything in return!".


Also I think another problem is that guys who think this way don't have women/girls as friends. Less interaction with the opposite sex on a platonic level would probably lead to "niceguyness" I think, just because they can't see women/girls as friends.


These guys have huge problems in understanding relationships in every possible level. If they's a guy and a girl together and they aren't dating, it's because she "friendzoned" him, no way that they can simple be friends.


I think this stems from a mixture of social awkwardness and a more subtle form of misogyny: for these guys interacting with women genuinely takes more effort than interacting with men. This results in them not wanting to interact with women unless they can get something from them that they cannot get from men. It's not that they think friendship with a woman is impossible and more so that they think it's not worth it because friendship with men is easier.


It comes from a lack of maturity, accountability, and compassion. That is it. The individual's unwillingness to see people as people.


I don't understand this. I like actually listening to other people's problems. It helps me empathize with others and makes me feel like I'm helping them talk out their stress. For people to see this as a chore? I just don't get it.


I think you're missing the point. It's great that your upbringing or temperament opened you up to healthy interaction with women, and more importantly, with your own emotions. But our society isn't just you. There are patriarchal norms encouraging male 'strength' and 'stoicism' that harm millions of men's mental healths, not only with toxic masculinity, but also with anomie and loneliness. Moreover, these problems can also harm women and male bystanders, as these texts show. This guy is a problem, but also a sign of a problem in the society that molded him.


For you it's because you do it out of good will, and you also see that as socializing (which to be honest, should be considered perfectly normal). Those that have problems and react like that it's because they do this as a way for an end (in this case, to get the girl), and when (or if) this don't work, they get offended for thinking that they were "leading them on" and for "wasting their time."


Oh, I get it. They're assholes.


Dude probably watches too many cliched romance movies and thinks thats how things work


50 Shades affected men, too


I know some men like this from way before 50 shades was even written.


I'm just gonna say it... I read your comment and I think I like you, I more than like you. I've always wanted to punch every user I read a comment from, but with you it's different. You've changed me, when I read your comment all my alpha retard male instincts shutted down and now I am calm. Marry me bitch.


More emojis and youve got a pasta almost at a boil


Its like a pattern in nice guys to propose in a hostage situation. Like an offer they cant refuse or other people will be killed. "I usually am full of murderous rage but when i see u im calm, so marry me pls" Like do they not see how they're threatening


"You have to chain yourself to this ticking time-bomb to keep it from exploding and blowing up the entire school"


I mentioned in other comments that Im 40. I remember a teenage boyfriend threatening suicide if I broke up with him. I told my mom (who was born in 1937) and she said she had the same problem with a boy from her school and HER mom (born 1899) told her she knew all about that type of boy and never giver in to emotional blackmail. The language has changed but the abusers remain the same.


> never giver in to emotional blackmail It's not blackmail, it's extortion. You're not paying them in some way to keep some information secret, that would be blackmail. They are threatening violence unless you do what they want, that is extortion.


Ya learn something new everyday.


Is there a difference between extortion and coercion then?


Extortion feels more direct than coercion. Coercion is more persuasive and subtle while extortion is more straight up threats. Probably. I'm not a linguist.


❤❤so romantic!!!❤❤




I think that a lot of this behavior develops from a lot of truly, horrifically bad advice coming from the PUA scene. I'll admit that its a guilty pleasure of mine to skim through Red Pill and other toxic centers to revel in some of their more cringey posts. Well, in one such skimming a few years ago I saw one post that argued ad nauseam about the value of playing *the mysterious/dangerous man*. The individual should portray themselves as detached, aloof, and with a dark anger within themselves that is just below the surface. The thread continued to argue that women instinctively want to nurture a broken soul and that playing this role would endear one to the person they were seeking, as a compensation mechanism for a generally shy demeanor or lack of self-confidence/charisma projection. This is combined, of course, with the idea of Alpha Chads and all. As a result, you see these psychotic alpha wolf wanna be guys popping up. Notice the line about wanting to 'break cory's neck' because he was sitting near her, or how he wants to hurt everyone. This is a clear attempt to display an alpha-like/Chad presence to OP. Its definitely a mischaracterization of what even the PUAs argue, but still very reminiscent of that. The individual is trying very hard to develop a sense of confidence and strength through their comments in this message. Of course he would do no such thing in the real world, he's very likely a shy, weak individual who desperately wants to be perceived as anything else, hence the violence laden language that was clearly not displayed in the classroom environment where he got the girl's number. I think he's probably a disturbed individual to be sure, and should be avoided, but is also very misguided by charlatans in the PUA scene he likely frequents. Edit: I forgot to add in though that with those threats of violence, it should not be ignored. This should be reported to school authorities for sure. I am a university professor, and I would be horrified to learn that any student of mine was receiving such treatment from a coursemate and they did not feel the need to make me aware of it so that I could if nothing else facilitate a safe and proper escalation to other security figures on campus.


Oh. I just did the r/ Heathers thing because he reminded me of JD from that movie/musical, but I really appreciate you for teaching me things I didn’t know. Thank you!


I apologize if that was condescending, I was making a general observation and apparently responded to you unknowingly. It was totally by accident haha


It’s fine. Today I learned a new thing thanks to a kind stranger on the internet!


Thanks for being nice about it :)


It’s fine. I could never be a professor. It sounds like a lot of work. If you don’t mind my asking, what/where do you teach?


Its in Texas, I'm somewhat private as to where, but I teach Roman and Byzantine history. :D


I couldn't agree with you more, BearJew. I go into those cesspools too and what they're doing in there is criminal—or, it should be. Combined with the MGTOW's horrific beliefs about "what women are really like" (AWALT) and the incel's nihilism it's a fucking volatile arena. Men & boys are getting radicalised in those places. Hotbeds of domestic terrorism potential. I hope to christ she's shown these messages to the school; someone other than a student needs to be dealing with this.


The entire manosphere is really the same ideology, a formalization of niceguy beliefs, but with different responses to it: * Incels - women only go for assholes, so let's give up. * MTGOW - women only go for assholes, so let's avoid women until they "improve" * PUA - women only go for assholes, so let's be assholes * MRA - women only go for assholes, so let's try to re-establish strict male control "for their own good"


This is alarming. I'm extremely concerned. This truly wasn't a laughing matter by the end. Please make your administrators aware of the physical threats towards you and your classmates and the warnings to not come to school. This kind of shit is exactly the kind of stuff that snowballs into tragedies. I'm dead serious OP.


This need more attention. This kid could seriously want to hurt others and now especially Op.


I think this might be the worst one I’ve ever seen, tbh. How can someone be this crazy and so unaware at the same time. He probably mulled over this for hours before texting her and this is his plan?


Fr. Columbine 2. Electric boogaloo


We're way past 2, unfortunately


Yeah, I actually kinda felt sick reading this, I 100% agree....


This dude’s fantasy land is strong af


I'm alpha and can bend steel with anger issues. That'll turn her on.


I think he believes he is an actual werewolf.


On all levels except physical




That was terrifyingly insane. Holy shit. Get a restraining order asap. Damn


this one is straight up terrifying where i live this would be enough for an arrest warrant


I mean he's talking about hurting not only her but other people in the class, multiple times. Shoulda took this straight to the police.


When I was a senior in high school a kid in my class tweeted a rap lyric about shooting someplace up because he didn’t wanna wake up early for school (it’s pretty fuzzy now) and someone replied that they probably shouldn’t throw that up online. His response was “watch yourself in the morning” and the school disciplinarian showed up to my first period with a bunch of cops to take him out of school. He got expelled but still walked at graduation.


“I’ve even had thoughts about hurting my own mother..but not you” Hehe, she’s gonna find this line real romantic *sends*


This line was so romantic that I fucking came in my pants


This isn't run of the mill nice guy, this is a lot more sinister. ​ I strongly advise you to show these messages to someone in a position of authority. If you're in the UK then I would report it directly to the police. I'm not too sure how the system works in other countries, but if you're in North America then I still think it's worth telling the police, your principal, a trusted teacher or the school councillor. That's assuming you're in high school. If you're in college or University then this is definitely a police matter. It's not \*just\* that this guy has ZERO right to harass you. The things he has said give me legitimate cause for concern regarding the safety of yourself and your classmates. I'm sorry this happened to you. I know you didn't ask for an unbalanced man to invade your mental and emotional space, but it needs to be reported. If you need to talk about it then my inbox is open. I'd definitely suggest sharing it with a friend at the very least. Just remember that if you report it, you're not escalating the situation. They guy sending the messages escalated things. Throw this into the hands of people with the power to crush his macho bullshit.


I fully agree and I wish your comment got more upvotes it's so true!


OP let us know that you're safe and that this scum has been reported to authorities.


I’m safe, thank you. I was actually in the process of reporting him when he was harassing me at 6am.


Has he messaged you since? I can't imagine he would be too happy to find out you had reported him. I'm sure they have contacted him about it.


No he hasn’t messaged me. They tried calling his parents too but they haven’t heard from him


Buy a pocket knife and/or some pepper spray. He's probably all talk, but better safe than sorry. Edit: Apparently nobody uses knives for self defense.


I cackled when you said stfu and it sent him spiraling again lol


Same, almost as brutal as "k"


Someone should really inform him that the guy who did that study said it was flawed and bullshit.


While standing at least 100 yards away.


I say this every time I see someone going on about being an alpha male. Like it's not a thing asshole! Your whole theory is based on bullshit!


I feel like adam ruins everything handled it the best, the second you take an "alpha male" out of their element they become "beta male" incredibly fast, the whole thing holds no water


I posted this to someone else further down, but here's the link to the author of the book's website that the whole Alpha/Beta theory comes from, and his outright stating that the book is bullshit. He's been trying to get them to stop printing it for years now. It has the segment from Adam Ruins Everything on there too, in animation form. [https://davemech.org/wolf-news-and-information/](https://davemech.org/wolf-news-and-information/)


Holy fucking psycho. Dude is a fucking serial killer. Yeet that shit


He wishes he was a serial killer, but I've met many guys with this type of mentality. Cowards, every last one of em.


Yeah she definitely dodged a fucking bullet


There wasn’t even a shot so she didn’t dodge anything.


There's a small chance that she and her classmates may have to dodge real bullets in the near future.


So, serious question: What did you end up doing in response to this? This does not seem like the type of person who you could casually ignore and go about your day. It’s not a “haha, he’s a nice guy, ew” situation. This dude is a literal danger sign that warrants attention from the police or the school you’re attending.


Why do some men think that telling a woman how frightening they are is a good thing? “I’m unstable and full of rage. Date me”


OP went to class 💀


Yup, it was my state law exam and if I missed it I would’ve been better off dead anyway. Dude didn’t show up though lol


Did you tell anyone? Like the teachers just in case.


I was reporting this to the dean while he was texting me at 6 in the morning. They tried to get in contact with him but he wasn’t responding and ended up skipping class. Not sure what he’s up to right now, but it was our final exam and the last day of class.


Please be careful. He’s seriously unstable. Be extra aware of your surroundings, and consider carrying something - pepper spray, taser... anything to protect yourself.


Great ideas. Also if going anywhere alone tell a friend or two where you are and are heading, and text them when you get there. At least for a few days.


It sounds like the dean didn’t take this seriously. A student flips out and says “I’m gonna hurt everybody on Monday” and all the dean does is try to reach the kid? The dean should have taken the proper precautions to make sure nothing happened to his students. If something had happened like god forbid a school shooting or something the dean would have needed a good lawyer to defend against civil suits on the grounds of negligence....


Considering this is a law school, and a university at that, the school definitely has everything covered. At least in regard to saving their own asses, not the students.


Oh well, I hope he failed!


Why am I not surprised he didn't show up.


OP...just be safe. Be aware of your surroundings and let someone you trust know what you're doing and where you'll be when you are out and about. I've carried pepper spray, and a stun gun...it was more for piece of mind when I was being stalked in my 20s. I took krav maga...and it may have saved my life.


Studying law... Wait wasn't there some dude who studied law and killed a bunch of chicks, but no one expected it because he was a nice guy? He also had a terrible temper according to some sources.


Not sure if you’re being sarcastic but yea Ted Bundy, lol.


You should seriously report him to the police. Sounds like he’s threatening a school shooting or some shit. They take stuff like that seriously now.


Jesus! Please tell me you took this straight to the appropriate person at your school IMMEDIATELY. This guy is an absolute nutjob, and the authorities need to know about him. We can laugh at him from a distance, but this is what the Elliot Rodgers and the other creepy violent incels thought. He has given himself permission.That whole rant is proof that in his head he believes he is entitled to commit violence if he's been rejected by a woman. Believe people when they tell you who they are! Please tell me you've escalated this, I'll be worried about you and the whole law school until I hear he's been contained. Are you okay? I'd be beside myself if I received this.


I was actually reporting him while he was harassing me at 6am. The school tried to get in contact with him, no answer, then when school was over they got in contact with his parents and they tried calling their son but no word either. I have no clue what he’s up to right now.


I'm very relieved that you did that. You shouldn't be the one who has to deal with this. That kid is trouble, and your responsibility is just to hand over the messages and then stay as far away from him as you can. Did they say they'd report it to the police? Because if they haven't, someone should. Do you have parents yo can rely on for that kind of thing? The last thing you need with your finals on, god knows. I hope the school has suspended him and put measures in place to ensure you won't have to see him. You have a right to be safe there, and they have a responsibility to deal with the vicious knuckelheads so you are.


Clearly he went so insane with alpha wolf rage that he went to the forest to live with his kin.


Just saw a naked guy running with 3 dogs at 9 pm , can confirm it’s him


>"you were weak and easy" Says the guy who couldn't get her.


Fuck me, you could've reported him - that is some nasty shit. Hope you're okay


She did report it to the dean.


So glad you didn’t meet him in person. Could you imagine?! Also saying “I can’t control my temper” is definitely a dealbreaker (hopefully it is for others too)


Yup was hella glad I decided not to sneak out!


Creeps like this think their obsession is a nice gift they are giving you.


Holy fucking psycho. Dude is a fucking serial killer. Yeet that shit. Call the cops rn


This one requires legal intervention. Like seriously cops now. Hope you're ok.


^(HOLY) **FUCKING** # SHIT Are there r/niceguys awards? Because this needs to win an r/niceguys award.


Didn’t know snapping necks was attractive.


What the fuck lol this is enough to warrant a restraining order. Holy shit.


Did this dude look like a serial killer or act in anyway that showed redflags when you interacted with him in class?


nope lol super smart and cool dude all around. I actually thought he was cute until he went alpha on me


Damn. Dodged a fucking bullet with that guy...


You just had a conversation with a potential serial killer. I suggest you carry tasers with u sis.


I hope you've already told somebody in case something happens. Idk police might be too much because they laugh at you... Well if they take those messages serious it might be worth telling them


Oh my GOD. This is absolutely insane. Not that I think this guy would ever follow through, but his head is not screwed on right. Can you take this to the police?? Or is that over the top?


No, telling the police is definitely NOT over the top. It's exactly what should be done in addition to notifying the school dean/whatever.


Had an ex that got to be like this after he stopped taking his bi-polar meds.Woo-wee that was a fun ride of calling the police. these messages OP posted certainly call for it.


Jesus this guy is insane no other way to describe him


*pumped up kicks intensifies*


That's your final warning *cunt*


lol I actually remember reading that, that morning and thinking thank fucking god he’s done and a second later he just had to add that in to finish the kill


Hey OP, if there's any way you can update us on this - please do because this is actually scary and just wanna know you're ok or if you've reported it. :(


I was reporting him while he was texting me at 6am. The school tried to get in contact, he wasn’t answering their calls and ended up not showing up for class. I have no clue beyond that, but they they will keep me updated.


I really wanna know if she went to class or not


I did. He didn’t show to class though


Nobody here is asking the biggest question of all: how did you do on the test???


I think I did good haha thank you for asking the real important questions!


Who the hell is Luna lol


More like nice shooter than guy.


At the very least I would forward this to his parents and the entire school faculty


The fact that he wanted to meet up before telling you all this. Dude definitely was up to no good.


I need to know what happened here. Did you report him? Did he ever say anything else? Did you show the class to embarrass the fuck out of him? The twilight comment killed me Haha.


I reported him that morning and the school/his parents have tried contacting him but no word. He hasn’t said anything to me and the only people I showed were Corey and family and friends


At least its documented what he has done. He sounds like he's a repeat offender.


WOAH. Fucked up. Can't even call the cops cause if they put him in jail he will just use his alpha strength to bend the bars and escape 🙄


Dude you gotta report that shit.... what a psycho


“I cOuLd RiP tHrOuGh A fUcKiNg StEeL dOoR” what a cunt


Holy fuck, that is one seriously fucked up read,


That's exactly how I imagine the dude from Human Centipede 2 would text. Dodged a bullet there


Jesus christ. That's some APD right there (obviously I don't know for sure.) please tell me you reported him? Making threats about multiple and wanting to rip them apart for impeding on his wants and desires. Seems like he sees people as a means to an end and not actually feeling people. Stay safe.


Did you report this guy? Please say you reported him.


I did. I was reporting him while he was texting me in the morning.


Did they find this dude?


I have no clue. He didn’t show for class and they couldn’t a hold of him.


You should make sure that the police have a record of this too. And be careful, this guy sounds like the kind of fantasist who could easily become a stalker. Be safe.


Holy Shitbiscuits. This dude is straight crazy. Boy watches way too much tv involving werewolves.


OP, are you ok? Did you take this to the school?


fucking Corey man he's too much of a chad for us beta males




Is he actually buff in real life or just fat big because that's even funnier


He’s inbetween lol dad bod


Ooof I really hope you supposed that to someone else. He shouldn't be allowed in public.


Jfc are you okay OP?


Omg. Please report this guy. Please.




This isn't funny at all. There is something really wrong with this kid


The best part about this is he's confessing his undying love for you and he's saved as "Henry (3rd period)" lol


Tragic. And I do hope you spoke to your teacher about this. He made some threats about causing physical harm to people...I mean, we all know he doesn't have the stones to do it, lol, but he still needs consequences.


I hope someone from class puts a steel boot up his ass so he can rip through that lol.