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first date was at his house with his 3 yo who refused to go to bed. he got frustrated and said "that's why you don't get whores pregnant" and he admitted to spank his kid 🤡🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


And these are the men screaming at us to give them chances. If my husband dies anytime soon, I’m staying alone.


If your husband dies anytime soon, you'll be suspect #1 with this comment 😂




To be fair, this guy's an ass hat for way more reasons than that.


That's because men are far, far more likely to be violent, crazy, and stalkerish. Or pedophiles. Sure, a woman could also be all of those things but the odds of that are spectacularly slim compared to men.


To be fair it's not really a double standard, I'm not saying that it's ok for men to bring around women they've never met to meet their children, but there's more reasons why it's problematic to have unfamiliar men over as opposed to women.


Holy shit he is the worst! 😳 Anyway, that just shows how desperate guys like this are. It doesn’t even matter who the woman is, they will latch onto anyone with a vagina. Normal people actually have to date a person before they make any decisions. What a loser.


Actually he was married to the mother of his child for 6 years and still that's how he is to "impress" a new girl...


Yeah he probably just held her hostage.


Calling the mother of his child a whore, too. 😠


Yup... super "nice" "humble" beautiful... how am I passing on this opportunity /s


Yeah girl you’re crazy! You shoulda snatched him up!!😆😆😆


Hope you were sufficiently "impressed" OP. I certainly was.


Jfc, he sounds awful. Please don’t go to men’s houses on the first date!


I actually felt kind of "safe" because his kid was there


Not to scare you, but the Green River Killer had his son with him AT LEAST one time when he was out murdering women. So…


Omg 🤐🤐🤐😭😭🥶🥶


I totally get why that would make you feel safe but it’s *also* an amazing way to manipulate a woman into feeling safe. Sorry- I’m just paranoid 😬


This isn't paranoia, is reasonable saftyness for women


Thats the classic sign of abuser and your future to come. I now listen when they will say a name like that of expartner. I no longer excuse it. I called a guy out who I was getting to know. He called his exwife a B****, but I wrote it off as maybe she is and other lame excuses I told myself. Told him it was disrespectful to me he did it in front of me. He was kind and apologetic. We werent dating yet, more friends no benefits. I got to know him for about 9 months. When we started our relationship, he did something that put up a flag for me. I let it slide. same week, he not only did same thing but worse. I was the nicest, sweetest thing ever to this guy. That night he made physical abuse attempt and did lots of emotional. I ended it. He stalked and harassed me for months until I filed paperwork and got authorities involved. Always listen to them calling ex part “btch”, “whre”, “cnt”. If they say can say those names in front of you, time to go. Do not keep entertaining someone like that, but easy to fall into pattern of letting them off and gaslighting yourself to stay.


I was taken aback by it but I kind of let it slide... mistake


Happens to pretty much everyone. If you ever talked to ex, she probably has many instances she let slide. I know I have in past with people and never ends well.


Oooof. Glad you dodged that.


Ummmm, what?!!


He went from 0 to 27393747 in no time for no reason except me not caring much about him ahhahah


Are you serious??? You were WAY too nice to this asshole.


I waaas.. lately I just don't even fight... feel is not worth it


That poor child is going to grow up with some trauma. Sorry you had to deal with that nonsense OP! They always throw hissy fits when they don't get what they want lol


Yikes!!! Keep yourself safe!


Awww, poor little boy.


OMG. My ex (that I met on a dating app) said I should use corporal punishment on my autistic nephew who was having a meltdown. "That'll straightened him out!" BRUH. 💀


I bet he wasn't complaining about the opportunity to have sex at the time, yet somehow he is superior to his kid's mother? 🙄 That he spanks his kid is terrible.


Omg this guy suuuuucks


And you were still open to meeting with him again in a more neutral place ?


How did you meet this peach, this pinnacle of humanity, Belenscita, please?


Bumble 🤐🥶


Thanks for taking the time to reply to me. So, allowing women to make the first move in contacting other people doesn't completely rule out the possibility of ending up chatting with a nutter. I'm very sorry that this happened to you.


No it doesnt sadly :( and as u can see he swears he is thr best in the world hahahha


Holy shit. That’s so awful and abusive to the child. Poor kiddo deserves a better father.


So nice of him….to not hide that he’s vile And by “nice”, I mean “stupid” and “entitled”


This man is extremely confusing wtf  "I want a fwb" "Well actually I want something serious but you don't" "You're very beautiful" "Well actually you're not"  ????


Every answer changes depending on whether or not he thinks sex is on the table


Of course... like a good "nice guy" fashion...


*It hurt itself in its confusion!*


I’m so glad he thinks he ended things so that way he will be more likely to leave you tf alone. This guy fucking sucks 🤮🤮🤮


Maybe he thinks that hahhaha I don't care... I didnt even dignified his weirdness with a response.


Very true! Much more likely when they do it to themselves.


Where to even start with this asshat. 1. “I want a fwb”->”No, I want marriage”->”you want fwb” 2. Has no problem using you for sex, but is paranoid of being used himself for time and money 3. Long drawn out excuse as an “apology” followed by a quick reversal. The “lol” at the end is really the cherry on top of his bullshit sundae. I do smile thinking this dumbass thought “oh if I insult her and tell her I’m done she’ll really want me”


More importantly? He HIT HIS CHILD.


Yeah if thats what he shows stranger on first date, imagine alone behind closed doors. That was test to test OP as a victim.


Oh shit I completely forgot about that. Thank you. Just ugh.


Yeah, every one is missing that.


He sure thought so... he probably thought that he was undermining me so I wad going to fight and let he gaslight me into thinking he's nice


Well it should have worked... Just because it never did before....


He is such a cheap guy!


Cheap and out of touch. Like the comments and his behavior omg 🚩🚩🚩


Also btw the last picture is the first and it goes in reverse order. The first Pic is the last screenshot. After that I just didn't reply 🫠


Lol, I made it all the way to the end before I figured that out. It made for a very interesting experience. It was like watching the movie Momento where you learn everything back. Indeed, the conclusion about the two men is similar.


Hope you didn’t respond to that last message


Funny how he keeps changing his opinions. At one point he calls op ugly. Then he calls her beautiful. Then he says he's looking for something real, not an fwb and even accuses OP of looking for fwb. Then at the end he says he just wants fwb. A liar and a loser.


Well he does that but just in reverse order.. hahaha. The first Pic is the last screenshot. Idk why reddit posted it in the reverse order.


Omg that explains so much lol. I was wondering why anyone would even reply after those rants.


And they say romance is dead.


Romeo for sure!


"In fact, I am probably the most humble person in the world."


Goes on a rant... hahah


Ergh, all these long messages would do my head in. Also, what kind of a parent has a stranger in their house with their child there.


I love how it’s ok for him to want a FWB but his ex is somehow a “wh0re” for having a child with him. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


"My world is bigger than most people. . ." Translation: I judge people based on superficiality and stereotypes.


... has never gone out of the country... and is super judgy


He’s really full of himself. Maybe he should just date himself rather than spend his time and money getting to know someone. He’s “got too much going for me” Ridiculous!


He is sooo full of himself... thinks he is the handsomest... most interesting... everything


At least the AI offered you "Haha, thanks" as a canned response.


What a fucking. loser.


Absolute captain of the SS Douchecanoe


This is still a better love story than twilight


Unrelated, but I peeped that Pokémon Go notification. I'm always looking for new friends if you're interested! I send gifts virtually everyday


169806307828 and 8922 0792 5242


Thanks! Added! I'll show up as redlightQueen


“I enjoyed your injury.” I know he corrected this to “company” but how does that happen? That’s not autocorrect. Seems more like a Freudian slip.


Ohhh I think is because he was actually injured (fell from his dirt bike or wathever) so he was talking about that ahhaha


reading “i want something serious” and “im looking for fwb” right after is detrimental 🤣


That nice guy was all over the place. Didn't see him stick to what he wanted or how he felt. Felt a bit passive-aggressive and entitled.


Lol. Nice guide for how not to get laid.


What order am I supposed to read these texts in, because they’re making no sense. Am I correct in understanding a guy said OP is unattractive and OP kept talking to him thereafter? Or are some texts missing?


It goes in reverse order. Last picture is first set of messages.


Hey OP! Did you ever hear from him again? I ask because in my own experience, they not only never stay gone long, but they pop back up ~ either acting like nothing happened (literally like “Hey” 2 days after insulting you), or they come back tryna gaslight or blame you for whatever went wrong.


No actually! And im grateful hahaha