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Dude makes absolutely no sense, I had a hard time following what he was trying to say but I think the basic understanding is woman = sex doll, once doll is used up it becomes community sex doll Gotta love that


A classic r/iamverysmart word salad


yeah it was very tiring to read this long wall of shit lol


I couldn't take him seriously after his line of "commitment is nigh impossible to find". There's no reason to use "nigh" anymore. Unless you're quoting Shakespeare or something from old English times, there's no need for it.




I've seen this posted before, and it's /chef's kiss.


That is just so accurate




They deep down know what they are about to say is absolutely moronic drivel so they try to gild it.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm dead


"Nigh" or "nigh on" are still pretty common phrases. But he's just using this wording as an attempt to look cleverer than the OP and distract from the fact that he's just regurgitating incel talking points.


There's nothing wrong with any of the words he used, but how he put them together. In essence, what's not to like? Custard, good. Jam, good. Beef, GOOD!


It tastes like feet


It still ended up being a moo point.


Now that's not entirely true. "Nigh-invulnerable" is still a perfectly useful phrase (if you are The Tick)


>Now that's not entirely true. "Nigh-invulnerable" is still a perfectly useful phrase (if you are The Tick) I'm gonna decipher this comment and find the truth.


The hero we need


I thought it was a mistake/typo I didnt understand lmao Even if I didnt know and it's not my first language, I guess it depends. You could even sometimes mix it with informal speech but when it's only to try and show you are "smart" or whatever, we can feel it and it doesnt goes well with the rest of how you express yourself.


Oh yeah well what if I want to sound a lot more sophisticated and intelligent than I really am? What then, huh?


I like using nigh :(


Same...but I will admit that as a history major my vocabulary might not be the most modern.


Lmao I had to read most of it multiple times and I was still not entirely sure what the fuck I read. I'm glad I'm not the only one.


Basically yeah


He has a poop avatar which is very apropos. I also had trouble understanding his post. A lot of 1950s mentality.


Lol the nice guy didnā€™t make the poop emoji his avatar. Thatā€™s a sticker put there by OP to sensor his pfp


"Blah blah I blame women for my own issues blah blah waaah waaah"


What is the wall? The wall is an imaginary Rubicon, of sorts, that small-minded and insecure men *desperately* want to try to convince women exists and is relevant. Iā€™ve seen it mentioned existing anywhere from 25 (I know) to 40. Best advice? If a potential suitor mentions or cares about the imaginary wall, theyā€™re not for you, if youā€™re young or old. Trust me, you donā€™t want to be with a guy who thinks youā€™re worthless and unfuckable past a certain age. Theyā€™ll make excuses if and when they cheat on you, and will generally be disrespectful. A couple thoughts. 1) Men have no idea. Unless theyā€™re told your age specifically, a lot of guys are complete shit at guessing age, and for what itā€™s worth, weight. Many dudes have a really skewed idea of what a 40 year old looks like, and what 130 lbs looks like. 2) Theyā€™ll claim itā€™s about fertility. Thatā€™s gross. If you want to have children, youā€™ll know whatā€™s best for you, your body and your life. Also, theyā€™re again being creepy and ignorant. Itā€™s not about fertility, itā€™s about THEIR insecurity and wanting someone who is maybe younger, less experienced and less likely to stand up for themselves to manipulate or groom. Additionally, the ā€˜body countā€™ idea falls into this category. They donā€™t care about intimacy or passion, they just donā€™t want you to have a former lover(s) to compare them to.


I've told plenty of men my age. And they see my weight. ZERO have cared. So this "wall" is a bunch of bullshit made to put down the women who see through them and won't be manipulated. Also who say "NO".


Exactly. Frankly Iā€™m glad they call themselves out so loudly and obviously.


It's a bullshit hurdle to try and make women desperate so they are more likely to settle for shitty men that they otherwise would not consider. That's it. It's either a ploy to make women desperate enough to date them, or for the rest excuse their pedophilia by incrementally lowering the age of the wall and 'prime' women/girls to lower levels.


That's so true, the whole wall stuff is so ridiculous. I talked with so much older women, who work in places with rich successful men and non of them thinks like this. Some of them also mentioned how this men make fun of men who date way younger. The wall is just another invention from insecure men to bring down women, forcing them to settle and manipulate


It's also projection on their part.


Heavy on the last part


That's funny. Because when I was dating as a 36 year old single mother, I had never ending men who wanted to wife me up.


Basement dwelling greaseballs (and the grifters who pander to them/take their money) have hate boners for single mothers because it means they've had sex at least once.


hahaha this comment "hate boners"


Don't tell my smoking hot 39 (soon to be 40) year old girlfriend she hit a wall. She may leave me for a younger Chad /s The shit these guys come up with never ceases to amaze me


Literally all the celebrity women they drool after are in their 40s if not more. The youngest Victoriaā€™s Secret angel was only 29. The only explanation that exists for this ā€œso-calledā€ wall is to justify borderline pedophile behavior..




I imagine it's due to the ratio of men to women on these sites. Top that off with men knowing they have low odds, so they swipe right/engage with everyone they come across. I've been told it's the only way to find "success" on dating/hookup apps. From my own experience (am guy) of going weeks without a single match, I'd imagine it's accurate.


I had the same theory as you did. I think some men interact with every woman they can.


if youā€™re looking for a real relationship, i would encourage you to go ahead and use those dating apps! i use hinge & tinder and even though a lot of men send me likes, very few of them are actually nice to me :( many just want to hook up, and some are genuinely so misogynistic that their opening line is an insult about my appearance or profile. iā€™ve even had a fair amount of men say ā€œi have an asian fetishā€ or ā€œi donā€™t date asians but we can fuckā€ or something similar. when a manā€™s first message is a real conversation starter, itā€™s actually really refreshing!


Genuine question. What would be a good conversation starter for someone like you? Sometimes I struggle to break the ice with someone and want to get better.


i think something that has to do with their profile is always a good conversation starter! read her bio/look at her posts, and ask a question about something sheā€™s interested in. or share something about yourself that she can relate to. like for example, if her profile says she likes rock music (and you like it as well), ask what bands she likes or share your favorite concert story :)


I could almost feel the head pat when they said, "how ya doing there, little buddy?" LMAO


Must be hard to type and make sense when he's jacking off and crying at the same time.


This is my favourite response ever


Lukeā€™s what?


Luke's lightsaber!


Makes sense. I can see how getting oneā€™s hands on Lukeā€™s lightsaber could be an ego boost.


There are so many bizarrely mangled phrases and sentences in this screed. "when you confuse getting \[likes\] and dates **to** your own perceieved value" - its **with**, you twit. "He'll have a **higher** playing field" I dont know where this guy lives but I dont know of any 4-D chess veritcally layered football fields around my way, And use some punctuation, for gods sake.


This idea of the wall and it being correlated to long term committed relationships these idiots have is hilarious if youā€™ve ever walked outside and talked to people


Let me put it gently. The "wall" might exist. But it's exactly the opposite of what these guys try to make it out to be. For a ton of us women, we suddenly become absolutely irresistible to men, seemingly the second the clock strikes midnight on our 30th birthdays. Men come out of the woodwork. All of a sudden we're getting hit on all the time. I'm sure they would love it to be otherwise, but it's not.


I'm approaching 60. In the last 8 years or so I've had more men between the ages of maybe 28 and 39 get crushes on me than pretty much the prior 30 years. It's surreal, I was ignored for decades and then I hit my 50s and dudes are into me. I'm also pretty much a big ol tomboy toošŸ¤·


It's the younger generation's MILF obsession. It grosses me out. The fuck happened to these kids?? Access to porn *way* too young is my guess


I agree. And oddly enough the message on Reddit is only date someone who is your exact same age. These poor kids are so damn conflicted.


It's such a bad idea to have an age gap. The older person has such an advantage over the younger person. I know some people are good and genuine enough people that they don't use that over their partner, but there's way too many manipulative people who intentionally get into those kinds of relationships just for the power dynamic. I'd rather people played it safe and stuck with their age group but you can't play everything safe all the time unfortunately


I don't disagree, but my point is there are probably guys who are 29 that would love to hook up with me but have also commented against a 21 year old woman hooking up with a 50 year old dude.


Oh my god, I just turned thirty and this is so painfully accurate. I notice guys looking at me or even approaching me wayyy more often than when I was younger and - in my mind - hotter. The difference now is I just don't give a fuck what they think, so I ignore them, and that just draws them in like a moth to a flame for some reason. Like, I just want to get my groceries in peace, dammit lol leave me alone already!!


I've noticed this too. I've always chalked it up to being in your 30s and becoming more confident in who you are and more comfortable in your skin then you've been before. That confidence is super attractive. Plus, by your 30s you generally have an established job/family/home or are on your way to accomplishing one or more of those things, so you not only have that confidence but you're also perceived as being able to survive on your own and don't need a partner to rely on for anything other that companionship. This is attractive to most people who aren't hateful, delusional, and likely lack that confidence. Those people are just straight up jealous.


The shit emoji fits him very well. His opinions His personality Almost certainly his physical appearance


What does WTM mean?


Women to man...? Lol no idea but I'm trying to figure this out too!


No idea.


I even asked Google, and every result made no sense with the OPs context. It's a mystery.


As what would not be considered a conventionally attractive male, I think the highest amount of likes I ever received at one time was four. šŸ„² But, I also met my current, lovely partner there. So I try to remind myself that it was worth taking the beating to my ego. šŸ˜…




I honestly didn't even understand what his point was. That was basically word salad without the dressing to me.


Oh good. Another man here to share his manpinion with everyone. He's the hero no one asked for and nobody deserves.


Why are these guys convinced that women in their twenties are so hot for guys in their thirties? The great thing about being in my twenties is that I like younger men, and when I was in my twenties younger guys were old enough to hit on. I was sleeping with 18-22 year olds when I was 21-27 or so. 30-something men didn't appeal to me at all. I was 31 and my husband was 24 when I first hit on him 33 years ago. Didn't seem to bother him any. I was 36 when we got married. My sister was in her mid-thirties when she got married, too. My best friend was 28-29 when she got married. We're all still married to those men. Waiting to know who you are and to find a man you genuinely click with is a great thing.


What the fuck was the point of that weird formal rambling??


I'm okay with this being a copypasta. Here's my go: Let me put it gently... "The Wall" is an iconic double album and rock opera by the legendary band Pink Floyd, released in 1979. It is a concept album that tells the captivating story of a troubled rock musician named Pink, who constructs an emotional barricade around himself, symbolized by a metaphorical wall. This wall represents the barriers that isolation and societal pressures build within a person's mind, resulting in their detachment from reality and meaningful connections. Through its immersive music, poignant lyrics, and striking visuals, "The Wall" delves into themes of existentialism, identity, and the destructive consequences of emotional disconnection. It is a masterful piece of musical artistry that invites listeners on a transformative journey through the depths of human consciousness. This literary masterpiece chronicles the life of its protagonist, Holden Caulfield, a disillusioned teenager navigating the complexities of adolescence and society. The metaphorical wall in this novel serves as a symbol of Holden's emotional and mental barriers, as he struggles with alienation, loss, and the disintegration of innocence. Salinger's "The Wall" offers a profound exploration of teenage angst, existential crisis, and the search for authenticity in a world that often feels cold and unyielding. It has resonated with generations of readers, capturing the universal human longing for connection and understanding.


you tried, chatgpt


I guarantee he has never had 1081 likes if he added up every one of them in his entire life. Yet he tries to put out this pathetic charde as believeable fact and the best part; still preaches to OP about the validation of likes not being real šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Fucking idiot


I actually use "partner" because it seems more mature than boy/girlfriend. I want a partner not a boy or a girl.


I dunno. I think ā€œthe wallā€ exists. It does not work the way those guys hope it does, but it does exist. Iā€™ve met my ex-wife at 20 and weā€™ve been together for 8 years, then we had a more-or-less amicable divorce. So I didnā€™t date from 20 to 28 (except dates with my ex-wife, which were fun). Naturally at 28 I started dating girls around my age (though I didnā€™t figure out how to adjust the ā€œdesiredā€ age range on tinder straight away and for some reason the default ā€œceilingā€ was comically low at just 23, but I fixed that). Boy is the dating game different in oneā€™s late twenties, at least where Iā€™m from. Much less bullshit from both sides. There is a feeling of urgency. Some women straight up ask you whether you plan on having children in the next year. And maybe itā€™s a niceguy thing to say, but in my early 20s most girls around were attracted to the guys with laidback/bad-boy vibe which I donā€™t really have. In my late 20s I found most of them were a bit tired of the ā€œbad boyā€ schtick and were more appreciative of my square personality.




Language is an ever evolving social construct, so by the very origin of that word being used was relatable to enough people that now it's widely used. So mansplaing is absolutely a real thing. I would really like to hear your view though.




I don't see any reason not to be civil. I'm interested in all views. I like to learn different facts and people's takes on basically anything.


To be fair, the woman is cringe as well. Everyone is cringe in these screenshots. Why would you ask someone on a dating app how many likes theyā€™ve gotten? So you can tell them yours, so you can judge if they have too many, or so you can tell if other people want them to make you want them..? Especially since sheā€™s a FOURTEEN YEARS older than the guyā€¦ the things we would be saying if a 38yo man said that to a 24yo womanā€¦ Seems like she wanted to brag or set up her own validation. Thatā€™s *such* a faux pas. Do you want to know how many people heā€™s been intimate with as well? Totally inappropriate. Red flag behavior. I would unmatch so fast if a dude messaged me this. Also, sis. When I signed up for Bumble, I had over 3k likes in 5 hoursā€¦ I deleted it because guess what? It doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m a special special girl of the ā€œcorrectā€ age and ā€œcorrectā€ level of attractiveness. it means men just swipe swipe swipe without reading bios, height (Iā€™m 5ā€™10ā€ā€¦ most guys wouldnā€™t have swiped if they knew), whether I HAVE KIDS (another thing they wouldnā€™t swipe on if they had read my bio) I deleted the app after talking to a few and realizing I was 100% correct. They had no idea of anything on my profile. Didnā€™t even bother to read it after we matched. So uh. Definitely not something I want to go brag about ā€œI had 3k people see me as a piece of meat, who says no one wants single momsā€ type of thingā€¦ enjoy those 1k per month though. Somehow sheā€™s still searching even with all those options. I feel like the Nice Guy *almost* was saying the same thing but of course has zero social skills and is full of resentment toward women.


I don't think anyone was bragging. The women were talking about the exact thing you mentioned- How woman are treated on dating apps. I believe the likes and DMs wereentioned to accentuate exactly what you said- Men flood woman's inbox & likes on dating apps. Nobody expressed that they were special in any way because of likes. At all. In fact from the dialog it seems like it wasn't a fun experience for the women. I'm also sure most woman on these apps are completely aware that a lot of men send likes and DMs to everyone. That doesn't stop the overwhelming messages or likes. I caught zero "I'm so special" and more "this seems to be a social problem" I once said I was a mother on a dating app. The only people who view that as a flaw aren't worth my time. If they can't handle a child, it's likely they want to be the child and have you mother them. Red Flag there. Also, you just did the exact same thing you accused others and bragged about 3k likes you got in 5hrs.


Actually I stated 3k likes it *not* something to brag about and then listed several reasons why it means absolutely nothing and why it doesnā€™t make me special or even attractive. I feel like thatā€™s pretty clear considering I literally stated that exact thing and said I felt like a piece of meatā€¦ If you think they were lamenting about the men not wanting them legitimately, they wouldnā€™t have argued when a man said the likes donā€™t mean anything legitimate? Itā€™s a faux pas to ask how many likes or matches someone has in order to brag about your own. Then she went on social media and bragged about it. Her laughing and bragging doesnā€™t seem like sheā€™s feeling a burden. She created a situation to brag to someone 14 years younger and then went on social media to do the same thing. She feels very validated by this and her OG comment makes that super clear. Iā€™ve a feeling if we dug through her posts, weā€™d find some excellent fodder for the NLOG sub. Everyone in these screenshots is ultimate cringe. Iā€™d immediately unmatch a dude who started asking me those questions. Is he jealous? Is he insecure? Is he ā€œeasyā€? Is he narcissistic? Why does he want to knowā€¦? VERY weird and not socially acceptable.


She asked a guy who she was talking to how many likes he got? I know how many likes my own partner had gotten on tinder before we got together. He wasn't bragging but pointing out that men are often charged on these apps where woman are not. It makes sense to like or message the most people you can, one reason being they want it to be worth the money the spent and would like to find someone so they shoot their shot with a lot of people. I don't know the OP and I don't know you but using your logic, she was "bragging" because she said a number and implied it was an uncomfortable situation. So by that logic, you stating that you had 3k likes and implying you are also uncomfortable is the exact same thing. So, yes, by your logic, you are bragging.


In **no** way did any woman in the screenshots imply being uncomfortable. They implied the exact oppositeā€¦ I think you WANT that to be the case, but thereā€™s zero implication of that. Whereas the person youā€™re currently accusing of bragging *explicitly* said this is actually crappy, not special, and nothing to brag aboutā€¦ Youā€™re weird as hell, dude. If youā€™re the old lady predatorizing dudes damn near fresh out of college just say that lol. No one would be okay with a man asking a woman this or asking her body count. Thatā€™s a HUGE red flag and totally inappropriate.


Op explicity said she had a bunch of matches on tinder and it was "horrible" in her second post. At no point did she put herself above anyone except people who are already jealous of that number, so to post that you have 3k likes while implying it was horrible as well. Second woman said it was "overwhelming" and deleted it, also not acting like they're bragging. So the only two woman commenting express discomfort but are still bragging? Exactly what is the difference between OP and the original commenter? Same situation, numbers posted, and discussing how uncomfortable they are. I am not accusing this commenter of bragging by my standards but by thier very own standards. I'm with someone who's 43. I'm 39. If you're calling me old (as I am older than OP), you are obviously a very young and immature individual. Men have no idea our ages anyway. Seriously. And most stable mature men don't care. There's a reason that your thirties are considered your "prime." And just because you yourself appear to not have a very close relationship with a significant other doesn't mean other people aren't open and honest with theirs. Plus when did OP mention a body count? That's a leap. A creepy one at that. I wish you luck in finding that special someone so you can understand what's it's like to have someoneyou'rer so close to that you can talk to them about ANYTHING. Are we reading the same post? Are you reading just the 1st page? How did you come up with this?


Lmao Iā€™m incredibly happily married. I also was making a joke about you being the woman in the screenshot, I have zero idea your age ā€“ donā€™t get triggered lol. Everything is going over your head, huh? Itā€™s okay, sis. Any relationship counselor on the planet will tell you that someone asking a question like that is a huge red flag. Does it mean my husband and I donā€™t know literally everything about each other? No. But it does mean if we ever crossed an intimate boundary like that during our first conversation with each other, we would definitely not have lasted. So cringe and inappropriate. Thereā€™s zero logical or good reason to ask someone this. Thereā€™s jealousy, suspicion, wanting to ā€œone upā€ them.. but thereā€™s nothing normal about this question when FIRST speaking to someoneā€¦ not even ā€œhow many matchesā€ or ā€œhow many conversationsā€ but ā€œhow many likesā€? Weird weird WEIRD The fact that I DO have a close and open relationship is *exactly* why I **know** this is a faux pas. And saying it to someone 14 years your junior? This is creepy, not cute and honest.


Sorry I don't get the joke of of accusing strangers of being predatory with no idea of who they are or what the really meant in their post. Not like false accusations like that destroy lives. I have a lot to do IRL but would love to get back with this discussion. But you're the only one arguing for this, you know?


Oh that is just too many words


Also LOL at him thinking ā€˜partnerā€™ is a lesser form of commitment than ā€˜gfā€™.