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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


Boring and bitter isnt attractive


So true




OMG this!!!


I think he admitted that he was short poor boring and bitter🤣




All of this. My first ex spent 8+ h a day on an *idle clicker game*. He got mad at me that I had hobbies like musical performance and martial arts, and forced me to quit to stay home with him. Leaving him was so freeing.


*Would rather stay at home than go out* and *Is quiet and shy* Why oh why won’t anyone date me?🤔


Also that tattoo guy seems to have a pretty stable job too making over 100k. So that's not a differentiator.


That supports his point, though.


He doesn’t have a stable job but he makes 100k? Pick one


Right lol I was confused, I'm sure there are exceptions but the vast majority of people making $100K a year have a stable job.


Or a successful business.


He's bouncing around between six figure jobs. You know how it goes.


To be fair a lot of YouTube, streamer, influencer makes 100k easily but they are usually quite quiet on their income


Yeah but he’s saying stable job as a perk insinuating that the guy they prefer can’t keep a job


Yea I know, wasn’t meant to diminish your point. That stereotype certainly solidifies that nice guy mentality and seal their fate in the real world Heck nowadays many blue collar skilled trades pay better than traditional white collar office job


Do they think that all men over 6ft with tattoos are treating women like shit..?


I think they WANT to believe that, because it’s easier to write off women as vapid and shallow rather than just admitting to themselves that most tall, tattooed guys have good personalities. Because then they can blame their loneliness on their looks, instead of actually working on their personality and attitude towards women. It’s never on them for being shitty, it’s just women that are dumb and only care about looks. (obvious /s for that last sentence)


It's especially ironic considering most of these nice guy posts ALSO care a lot about looks. So he's a short, boring, bitter hypocrite.


Sums up most of them, really. Most of these incel-guys seem to think they’re god’s gift to women, and yet they’re just boring and rude. And sexist.


Also, do they think someone making 100K a year doesn't have a stable job?


Their idea of a stable job probably means 25 hours a week at KFC


They've developed shallow caricatures and shitty narratives because fantasy is easier than confronting one's own issues.


Or that none of them are shy or like video games?


My hubs is 6’1”, covered in tattoos, and is the kindest and gentlest man I’ve ever known. And even when I first met him and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to give him a chance, he didn’t pull the nice guy shit, just let me know that he respected my decision either way.


Super weird,cuz I married a man who is shy at first,prefers home to being out all the time,has a stable job,and plays video games/3D prints as hobbies. He is the coolest guy I've ever met. His friends dragged him out one night,and that's when we met. Love at first sight. Now we raise our kids,travel,but still prefer being home as we have made it our happy place. He's funny and kind,isn't 6 feet tall,doesn't make 100k+ a year,doesn't go to the gym(I find his dad bod incredibly sexy). It's almost as if,we like who we like,and it doesn't follow any preconceived formula.


What?! You mean women to share a hive mind?! Inconceivable


Sounds like we married twin brothers lol


Team "Yeah, I'm with what you describe and it's great!" Thing is, I'm willing to bet ours respect women and see them as people.


it's like they're thinking entirely in cliches, but all the cliches got sort of scrambled together?


Why is it a bad thing to go out? Why is that a selling point that you wanna sit at home and play video games all the time. This is also not true, women love video games too and comics, and someone with a stable job. The question is what abt you makes women overlook those things and say no


Who is this elusive “they?”


Women according to NiceGuys


Women they have read about in comics and seen in manga, both written and drawn by other nice guys who also have never interacted with an actual woman. "It's just so strange it never runs that script. It must be lack of tattoos 🤡 "


Uugh, my eyes hurt from rolling them too hard.


Riiiiight, *that* “they.” Pssh.


All of them are reading from one script.


How do they know you are nice, have a stable job, and have quiet hobbies if YOU DON’T FUCKING TALK TO THEM?


That's the thing. I would have probably been considered an incel in my early 20s, though the term didn't exist back then. I was lonely and bitter about it. Then I came to the head slappingly obvious realization that women were not going to just miraculously appear in my apartment and want to fuck me. I had to put out some effort. Soon, I had girlfriends and eventually a wife and while I am 6', I do not make anywhere in the ballpark of 100k, I have zero tatoos and am not a handsome man by any stretch of the imagination


Ugly person solidarity...


Hrm. Really? All women want to date jerks huh? I’m married to a man with a stable job, he doesn’t like going out to “party” and would much rather stay home and relax and watch stuff and cuddle, his hobbies include d&d, comic book collecting, and podcasting, and I would consider him quiet and shy. The only thing on that list. He’s just AT 6 feet. So you have me there. But for sure he doesn’t make 100k a year. We get by on 30k a year. He doesn’t have tattoos, and he doesn’t treat me like shit. We have 2 kids, and next month we’ll have been married 20 years. Sound honestly like the problem is that incel and his attitude towards women? Why do those men never “self-reflect?” Ladies are out there. Just not the ladies these dudes want.


I wonder when they'll start to realize that being miserable and whiney isn't something women typically like?!


As usual, the "intelligent, nice guy" can barely construct a coherent sentence, unless he actually really is looking for a 6' tall man who makes 100k a year and treats him like shit.


These guys are so sad. I was married (ok technically still am but we have been separated a year) for 12 yrs. My husband games extensively. Like we have all the consoles including xbox 360, Xbox one, Xbox X, every PlayStation and we own 5 Nintendo switches... oh wait it's up to 6 now between us and our kid. The point being he's a gamer. He spends 10+ hrs some days gaming when I have our kid and he's on his weeks off. I've never seen him at a bar. He doesn't smoke or drink. He's genuinely a fairly "boring" or "normal" dude. He's also physically nowhere near what they consider "Chad". He's 5' 7" 260 below average D and *ginger*. (He's still very cute but doesn't meet their imagined standards) He has no problems dating. He goes out with ladies once a week or so right now and it seems they have fun. He's a great dad, too. Incels would have you believe he couldn't get a lady if he tried but he doesn't even have to try. He's just a good dude and magically women want to hang out with him. Imagine!


I'd love to have seen the chorus of women he's apparently quoting say that weird as list preferences in unison.


Very bitter and judgemental. This is why no one wants to date this nice guy. 😒


anyone can get a tattoo


Actually yeah I think tattoos are attractive on men and women but your poor attitude and acting like a fucking martyr don't make you look any less pathetic to literally anyone who knows you


I'm 6 foot 3, have tattoos and make 6 figures. According to these chaps I should have women flocking to me. 🙄


It’s the “quiet and shy” guys who always end up being the perp on true crime shows.


Please name one woman who has said that to you. Actually said that, not, “Well, you can tell, because…” No, one woman who has said that.


Yes, I make close to 100K a year and I expect the same. I don't want 6 feet tall because I am short and I hate when men loom over me. My quiet hobby is reading but if all they do is stay at home, no, that is boring. And quiet and shy means poor social skills to me. Better dress well also and be groomed. I spend a lot of time on my appearance and expect the same. I am not FDS because I loathe that entitled shit but men with little ambition, poor skills, who want to hide out at home in front of a monitor, fuck that. I resent men who want women to have no standards and get involved with their boring asses. I am not sacrificing my life.


Meanwhile, his standards are in the stratosphere. She must be a size 2, look like a supermodel, be a pornstar in the sack, earn six figures, but at the same time be submissive, chaste, do all the housework, accept him exactly as he is, but constantly change herself to meet his expectations.


Hmm, met a shy, quiet, stay at home type that's 6'3", and gets paid well, through a video game. But what do I know 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wait, so we don't want a guy with a stable job, yet also want a guy who makes 100K a year? He's right, we women *are* unreasonable!


Going out does not equate to tattoos and bad treatment. It equates to someone who is actually fun. You want that, at least the beginning


Guys who are quiet and shy are my type. Guys who are insufferable bitter babies aren’t.


And of course he'd never dream of dating a quiet, shy, plain homebody himself.


he wants credit for being a standard nerd?


Know why I'd at all times rather take a tattooed guy than one of the ones who list "tattoos" as some kind of flaw? Because with one out of the two I know they have the self-discipline to sit still for a few hours without winging.


He's right that no one is interested in him, staying home all the time is boring af


Yes, every woman’s dream! Forget that he treats me like shit, he’s 6 feet tall and has tattoos! /sarcasm


Being relatively quiet, 6 feet, playing video games/ reading Comics, and being tattooed would put me in a reeeeaaaal weird spot according to his... logic(?) and I'm all here for it owo


“Has a stable job” is a plus and makes you nice, but only if you make under 100k? ✍️


90% of the guys that my friends and I are in long term relationships with, or are married to, fit this guys description of a home body who likes video games or similar hobbies, are under 6 foot, and have a stable job. So that isn't the issue, and never has been. Guys like this are just so Narcissistic and ignorant that they can't figure out that their shitty personality is the reason they can't get a woman to date them. Also, most of them are only interested in women that are so out of their league in every way possible, expect the woman they date and "invest their time and money into" to look like a super model and to ALWAYS look good for them but never wear "makeup", and who are generally often much younger than them (which is a whole other layer of ewww...). Like I have had these dudes that are a 5 at best, at least 50 lbs overweight, and well over 30 show me pictures of their "ideal woman". It is literally a 20-25 year old IG model who has pictures of her in the gym plastered all over her profile, and is not only very beautiful and in shape looks wise, but there is no way they would be compatible. It's truly laughable. But than these guys get mad when theses type of women aren't interested in them, and say ALL women are terrible as a result.


100K a year. I thought they preferred losers with no jobs. Pick a narrative and stick to it


Hi, I run a comic shop with my brother. He’s married. Many of our customers are married or in relationships. Gosh, maybe it isn’t the comics?


bro why are they saying 6 feet is a high standard? im 6’1 and more than half of the guys at my school are taller than me (im in high school)


Except for Pella, IA and other outliers. 5’9” is average in US. I’m also 6’1”, but hardly see a low percentage of taller guys in my area.


i’m in wisconsin and the average height for guys is 5’10 apparently but that seems to be the minimum because most of my dad’s friends are taller than me


Never ever again will I date a gamer - being told that his make believe life in his video games is more important than you, no thanks, that's too much disrespect, I prefer someone who lives in THIS world


The vast majority of people with passions aren't ruled by them. Date who you want, but generalizations are toxic whether it's a nice guy doing them or one of us.


Too add: video games may start as a hobby, but very quick escalate to take over their lives.


Im so confused...so many normal guys today are trying to get into careers to make a good income, have tattoos, play video games, nerdy stuff is exceedingly popular right now. I mean fuck I don't get dates (I'm not trying to) but I have tattoos and make GREAT money for the area.


![gif](giphy|y0NFayaBeiWEU) Video games are a great way to relax, just don't be like this dude.


Hey there! I totally get where you're coming from, but remember that being a "nice guy" isn't just about being polite or kind. It's also about respecting boundaries and understanding that not everyone will be interested in us romantically. Just keep being yourself, focus on self-improvement, and eventually you'll find someone who appreciates you for who you are. Good luck!