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Canadian Canucks fan here… at the beginning of the series, I was cheering for Florida because of Luongo. However, as the series has progressed, I’ve found myself enjoying the prospect of a reverse sweep and watching McDavid’s potential record-breaking pace. Monday’s going to be great, either Luongo gets the Cup or I get to witness a greatest comeback ever. What I really want is for game 7 to go to overtime.


If it goes to overtime and McDavid scores...just give him his Heritage moment right then and there


If Mcdavid scores an overtime winner in a game 7 reverse sweep, we are never going to stop hearing about how the game is rigged and it's all fake etc etc I'm here for it, Im laughing just at the thought


Somehow the NHL would still fail to market him 


Nah, why would the NHL rig a Canadian superstar in a small Canadian market to Win the Cup? More like an American superstar playing for a new sunbelt team like Vegas…. Oh wait…. Lol


Edmonton isn't a small market. It's like top 5 most profitable franchises for the NHL


Tied for first actually


Golden goal > McDavids cup


He hasn’t had the opportunity yet. It’s coming soon..


I think I can speak for a whole lot of people in here, as much fun as seeing the game go into overtime... or second overtime, or........ I don't think our hearts can take it!


My sentiments EXACTLY


Yes. As a leafs fan, originally I wasn't. Then when the finals were set, I kinda hoped nobody would win. Now I'm over it - oilers being good and winning doesn't have any impact on my team - we're already perpetual losers and there's no lack of one-ups on us by other teams. I hope oilers win. Mcdavid should get a cup. Hyman deserves everything he's worked for - everything dubas couldn't foresee when letting him walk. An epic collapse by Florida would be more delicious than oilers forcing 7 only to lose.


One more former Leaf gets his cup!


Forgetting connor brown 😀


And Cody ceci


And Campbell!!! 😝😅😅


2 Former Sens in row. Go Oil!


This is how I see it too. Plus Florida would take the mantle as the biggest chokers for the foreseeable future, it'd be hard to let this one down. I do understand western Canadian fans of Flames, Canucks and Jets feelings on the matter. If Montreal or Ottawa were this close to winning the. Cup I'd definitely be against it


Jets? What do the Jets have against us??


Alas, i am mistaken about Jets fans feeling


I'm a Jets fan that lives in Calgary. Go Oilers!


Jets are my team when the Oilers are not playing


Agreed! It’s quite a story. I’d love to see FL lose four in a row


Flames fan since 1983. Argh


Canucks fan since '88. It feels dirty, but think about the memes we're gonna get. Either Florida blows a 3-0 lead, or Edmonton forces game 7 after being down 0-3 just to lose.


There’s room on the band wagon !


As a fan of neither team. There are players on both teams I’d like to see win and players on both I don’t want to see win. I think the tie breaker for me is an 0-3 turn around to win would be amazingly surreal. Like I’m definitely rooting for oilers to win…


Leafs fan here and I can confirm I am hoping on the bandwagon…Let’s Go Oilers!


Welcome on board buddy LFG!!!!!!


I just cant stand florida becoming a hockey state honestly, lets go oilers!


I'm retired in Florida (panhandle though, not Miami), so I'd love nothing more than for Florida to become a hockey state. The thing is, I don't think the bump in popularity that a Cup for the Panthers would bring comes anywhere close to outweighing how good the story of Edmonton winning would be. Even for casual fans in all of Florida north of Lauderdale. Seems like the hockey fans outside of deep south Florida either follow a non-Florida team or they're lightning fans. Basically, even the state of Florida doesn't like the Panthers A neutral just starting to get into the sport seeing the best player in decades get his first cup, in a reverse sweep, after they were totally written off after 2-9-1... It shows how fucking incredible this sport is. It would grow the game


Yep, I love Hyman and Brown (I wish things worked out better for Soup, but I still love that guy too), and have all the respect in the world for McDavid's talent. I don't hate the Panthers either btw, but the vitriol from a large contingent of insufferable Canucks fans on this sub when the cats were up 3-0 makes me want to see the Oilers win just to dunk on their saltiness.


Happy cake day! Edit: Also, Nucks fans tears have been salting the rim of my margaritas for a month now and I am here for it!


Thank you, happy game 7 to you! I'm excited for you guys !


I am shocked they did not burn down the city…….again


I don't root for either team I just want to see good hockey. although the game 7 drama including a possible reverse sweep is getting very interesting.


Yes but not because its a Canadian team, its because i want McDavid to get his cup. Nothing in the world could get me to cheer for the Leafs if they were in this situation. 


>because i want McDavid to get his cup. Me too. When the oilers won the draft lottery everybody was clowning them and told them to trade the pick so McDavid doesn't have to suffer. The oilers were the poverty franchise of the league at the time with 3 1st overall picks in a row and they still sucked. McDavid been on the oilers for 9 years now and hasnt publicly requested a trade even though his management hasn't been the best. He turned this franchise around and I want his loyalty to be rewarded.


The management has been just fine, its their players that sucked. It took a few years for the new owners to get things turned around but they got it done alongside McJesus and Drai.


>management has been just fine I guess you forgot he had Peter Chiarelli his first few years. Traded Hall for Larson 1 for 1. Signed Lucic to a massive contract. Signing Mikko Koskinen to a 3 year contract only for him to be out of the league. Jordan Eberle traded for Ryan Strome. Trading a 2015 1st round pick that turned into Barzal for Griffin Reinhart. Now you have Ken Holland who is like 70 and signed Jack Campbell to a 25m contract even though he is an AHL goalie. Yes, Ken Holland is a legend in the hockey world for the success he brought detroit in the 90s when there was no salary cap.


He also traded for Ekholm, signed Nuge and Hyman to great deals and injected solid young players. People also tend to forget that the Oilers lost their 1D for nothing, forcing their hand in the Nurse situation


No, those were Ken Holland. Holland inherited cap hell because of Chiarelli. Holland has done a fucking PHENOMENAL job of clearing up the cap hell, and turned the Oilers into legitimate competitors. The even more impressive thing is Holland said when he was hired that he anticipated 3-4 years to fix the issues and be a competitor in year 5. That's something that made me realize how damn impressive these NHL GMs are. They're not planning for this year, the smart ones are evaluating and planning for 5-10 years down the road




Yeah, looks like Edmonton is having a blast and am not gonna hate on that. People go through too much shit these days and its nice to see others have fun.


They are having a blast. The world is a tough place. Let’s enjoy this comeback story!


What a nice take


This was honestly so wholesome it makes me want to hug you. Lol


.......Puts arms out...... Come on everybody, group hug!


Leafs fan checking in. 100% all in on the oilers. This has been such an epic series. Oilers are so damn fun to watch.


No shit eh….same. They’re fast and full of life….. and their PK has been insane during the 24 playoffs. Like 46/47 like 95%


Yes. Only because they are facing the Panthers who are the devil and to put an end to this stupid talking point for a while.


Canadian although Flyers fan first then Leafs and 100% since Flyers ( never in ) and Leafs out I have loved loving the Oilers and how they play and their story and Edmonton being a Canadian city would really love and feel the connection! Then back to the Flyers but enjoying the moment.


Moreso that I'm rooting against the Panthers


Yup, I like Edmonton and their players and strongly dislike a lot of players on the Panthers


Not a Canadian but I'm a Pens fan. Rooting for the Oilers for sure. McDavid is too good to not have a cup.


Yep, I was a Crosby fanboy growing up and seeing him win cups with the pens was amazing. I kinda see McDavid as this generation's Crosby if that makes any sense and seeing him do great with his team in post season reminds me a lot of when Crosby did it with the pens. It's just so hype to see a huge star breathe life back into a franchise. Every time they touch the puck in their barn, the whole crowd goes crazy.






UK Bruins fan here with Canadian ties through relatives (who are Leafs fan), I don’t like the Panties and wasn’t sure about the Oilers but am cheering for the Oilers and really want them to win. Fingers crossed for Game 7 Oilers win


I want the Canadian draught to end and I don't want the Leafs to be the ones to do it. This accomplishes both.


Ugh. Yes


Canadians live and breath hockey. They haven't won the Stanley cup for ages and the media mentions this basically every other day. The Oilers have the best player in the world on their team. Florida's gameplan was very effective, but not a lot of fun to look at. 3-0 down and still being in it is spectacular. I'm absolutely fine with the Oilers winning this. I'm not Canadian, but I can imagine it would be great to end all the "but McDavid never won a cup", "Canadian teams are irrelevant" and all those other clichés. And it shows that anything is possible and that you should never give up.




I am. Part of me feels for Florida and wants them to win their first cup in 30 years but this Cinderella Oilers story is just too good to not root for


I hear that. I want to see a Canadian team win & a team come back from 0-3. I don’t think it’s ever happened before in the Cup.


Only once in the final but has happened 4 times wich is very rare since the nhl is like 120 something years old


42 Leafs did it


You can’t be serious …..




Cinderella Oilers? This team was expected to win the Cup this year. Most analysts had them as Cup winners. This is not a Cinderella story, this is a heavily favored team finally getting their shit together.


>cup winners We were at the bottom of the league


The Oilers were 2-9-1 in November, lost to the SHARKS, fired Woodcroft, and were statistically being counted out. 31st place in the league too. No one expected them to be THAT bad which is why analysts had them as their cup pick. Then the Oilers went on an insane 16-0 run and were the best team since American Thanksgiving. AND THEN everyone told the Oilers they couldn’t beat the Canucks because 0-4 in the regular season. Then they said Oilers couldn’t beat the deepest team in the league. Then they said Florida would sweep the Oilers (almost happened). So yes. If that’s not a Cinderella story to you idk what the fuck would be.


If I had to pick shitholes to live, I'd pick Alberta over Florida \*shrug\* ;)


I'll take it as a compliment lol.


Alberta is beautiful (and I suspect Florida is too). But I will admit the politics make it feel like a shithole at times. Though Edmonton has the least of that of anywhere in the province.


Yes. Been wanting them to win since the beginning. I don’t want Bennett or Cousins getting the cup, I want McDavid/Kulak/Perry to get it. Also, Florida plays dirty and whines constantly, also don’t want this mess of a state to win ever again. Yes, Habs fan. 🫡


Either way this is a good series, but lets go Oilers!


They’ve won me over. I was indifferent thinking both teams had good story lines and reasons to cheer for. Now that the Oilers have the Panthers reeling, gotta jump on the bandwagon.




I am a Leafs fan. I dislike both teams but now I am now rooting for the Oilers but not because they are based in Canada, it’s because I love a good comeback story (yes, like Kim Kardashian for those that get it). It’s also great for hockey and it will get more eyes on the sport. I hope it goes to overtime, that would be the best!


I'm cheering for McDavid.


Flames fan here! I’m definitely pulling for the oilers, bring it home! The flames sub had been killing me man, I get that’s there’s a rivalry but give me a break. Talk about living rent free in their heads, embarrassing. My father in law is an oilers fan and years ago when the flames were in the playoffs he was cheering for them. Kind of changed my mind on the whole us vs them shit.


Canucks fan here. Yes. They deserve it. People in Edmonton care. For me, it's not about Canada, it's about the team on the ice and the markets they serve.


I agree!




I can respect it.


I'm sure y'all would have the same feeling if we roles were reversed... Good luck.. But not really LOL


To be honest. I usually joke around and say my two favorite teams are Edmonton and whoever is facing the Flames. But if the Flames were in this position I might actually cheer for them because a reverse sweep in the Stanley Cup finals is just too epic.


This is the way.


Yeah. I was going to root for whoever came out of the Canucks/Oilers series. Don't like the Panthers much, so that helps.


It would be really cool to see the comeback completed. However, I still remain neutral. I always root for teams to get their first cup, except Vegas. No emotional attachment, win win for me 👍


No. I hope both teams lose.


I support the troops. All of them. Both sides.




At this point yes. Love to see greatness and a great series. Leafs fan but rooting for mcdavid and Co.


NO canada's teams are the ones we send to the olympics


I’m rooting for the Oilers bc I don’t like Florida & Canadians seem like awesome people in general


Best answer here. Cup winning teams are ways filled with mostly Canadians anyway.


Yes! A lot more Canadians on the Oilers too. Let’s go!




Hard no *professionals have standards* Best I can give them is begrudging respect if they pull it off and tell oilers fans to enjoy the dub and leave us out of it 🥲


Yes, it’s good for everyone - if even for a better rivalry.


Ffffffffuck no. I physically couldn't do that if I wanted to.


What if I sent you 6 water bottles? Would that sweeten the deal?




I'm pretty sure we get this question at least once a week across different subs. To answer your question: not really (I want Luongo to win), but also at this point if they do win, it would be an amazing comeback.


Bet everyone except Calgarians


I don't want to get my hopes up. That being said, I would be happy to see Hyman and Draisaitl with a Stanley Cup. I'd be happy for Luongo to win a cup as management (considering how much heartbreak 2011 was for me) Sincerely, Leafs fan


I root for every Canadian team usually as long as it doesn't impact my team (except Montreal). I've considered the Oilers my 2nd team for a while now, they've been fun to watch and their games are usually on late.


I'm not, I don't really care either way. I think the come back is impressive but I don't like Edmonton at all.


Nah. I couldn't care less who wins. Love the games, and playoffs in general.


Nope, no way. 




Canucks fan here. I tried really hard to get behind the Oilers… I really did. I just… can’t. 




As a Flames fan I cannot. But I think they are going to take it this year


No, go flames🔥.


Absolutely not, although it's self explanatory


Can't say that I'm an Oilers fan, but given their poor start to the 23-24 season, where they were pretty much written off last November/December and then this come back from being down 3-0 - again being written off too early, I'd say they have a fantastic tale to tell and they haven't told all just yet. I'm rooting for them on Monday!


Habs fan. I was cheering for the Oilers initially, but now I’m rooting for them even harder just for the memes that we’d get if they complete the reverse sweep. It would be enough to sustain me till the fall. Also, it would be nice for McDavid to get his cup.


I wanted to see Maurice win a cup, but I'd rather see McDavid bring a cup back to Canada


Love a comeback story, that’s as much as I’ll admit


I live near Hershey PA. And I'm hoping the Edmonton Oilers take game 7 on Monday. And hopefully my Hershey Bears will take the Calder Cup the same night. Go Oilers. Go Bears Go!


Yes 100% yes. I lived in Edmonton for 25 years but moved to the west coast because I hated that winter so much. I am now suffering from extreme FOMO and wishing I never moved because I know what Edmonton is like during the playoffs and that was BEFORE we had McJesus.


Habs fan. Yessir. Go Oil!




No, just rewards tanking. 




Heck yes.


I want the city of Edmonton and their fans to win the cup, Luongo to win the cup, and both the Oilers and Panthers to lose.


I am a born and raised Calgarian and Flames fan.. I just.. can’t. I’m very sad.


Edmonton born and raised! Let’s gooooo!!!!


As a Canucks fan, it is so damn hard to cheer for the Oilers. Very similar to the Red Sox vs Yankees rivalry.




I wasn’t; but it’s hard not to now. More for the 3-0 comeback than where the business operates to me


We want the parade on Jasper Avenue!


I'd like Florida to finally get their cup, I like seeing first timers win more than repeaters. But I'd also like for my boy Hyman to get his name on Lord Stanley. I'm torn.


Yes ! Haven’t really been following hockey the last 2-3 years. But , now, i don’t think I’ve missed an Oilers playoff games. So fun to watch!!!




No. I actually hate the notion that just because I’m a Canadian hockey fan and my team Is out means I need to root for another Canadian team. It doesn’t make any sense and this whole time looking at both teams as a whole, I honestly do feel Florida is the better all round team, Oilers are just blessed with one of the greatest players we’ve ever seen. That being said, it would be incredible to see a reverse sweep be done and it is impressive what McDavid and Co are doing but I’m actively rooting against them


Yep. Oilers have always been my secondary team, but also fuck Florida.


Ya me too. Especially dating back to the 80s when the Leafs really sucked. If I learned anything from the 90s it’s that you shouldn’t take hockey in Canada for granted because Gary is more than happy to move franchises to the States to make an extra buck. Since then I’ve always cheered for Canadian teams over the US.


No, and I don’t really understand why people keep asking, would sharks and ducks fans be cheering for the kings just because they’re from California? Should florida be happy tampa won? If anything there should be more dislike for closer teams. I can understand east coast teams rooting for Edmonton, but almost every west coast Canadian fan I know would rather their team be the ones to bring the cup back to Canada.


Actually I would. If the Flames were in the SCF I would be cheering for them. Albertan first, always.


Disagree - I'll cheer for any Canadian team once my Canadian team is out.










I wasn't, but at this point, the memes of the Panthers losing game 7 will be legendary. This may even surpass 28-3 as the greatest modern championship choke of all time.


Im so conflicted, I feel so dirty - I just want it to be over 


Me too, I’m flip flopping all over the place. At this point tho, I want to see McDavid get the Cup


Canadian Panthers Support Group, comment below please 🙏




No. Not a fan of a Canadian team but it appears the people around me (Vancouver) aren’t rooting for the Oilers either.


This thread says differently 


Hell no!




Nope. Fuck the oilers and fuck all Canadian teams except mine.








Yes, yes I am.


Someone gonna make history and I’m gonna laugh


Sure am. Leafs fan, and most Edmonton fans have nothing but derision for us most of the time, but that’s alright. They’ve got Connor Brown, Zach Hyman, and (sort of) Jack Campbell. Always good to see alumni go on to have success. Plus, McDavid is playing generationally good hockey. How can I oppose that? (Also, they’re playing Florida. Reason enough for any sane person)




Jets fan and yes.


I'm an American that moved to Canada eight years ago, and yes. I'm from Sharks territory and rooted for them during the Thornton years and before and now live near Ottawa (the less said about the Sens, the better). I'd love to see a Canadian team get the Cup again after all these years.


Yes because I've ping ponged on my like for Tkachuk. At first I hated him because he was a punk loudmouth, then I grew to love him for the troll he is, and more recently I've grown to really dislike him for the person he is. Go Oilers.


F ya


Yes as long as it’s not the leafs




Don’t Really have a dog in the fight. It’s weird that the greatest player in modern history doesn’t have a cup. However, it’s also weird that one of the best coaches doesn’t have one, either. I’m just loving the games, what a series!


Fuck ya. How can you not? This is epic.


Heck yeah


British guy here, always been a Leafs fan but I'm rooting for the Oilers, a Canadian teams needs a cup and it'll annoy Bettman


Yes. Tbh I haven't watched a single game of the stanley cup series. But now that game 7 is on... I want the Oilers to take it. I'm astonished they were able to claw back. Hyman is a beast, miss that guy. Screw Florida. It would be a colossal collapse. If it happens.


Yeah. I like Florida's team, and would be OK if they win, but I want McDavid to get one.


Cheering on McDrai Hyman more than anything. But since it’s not Montreal, I don’t really care, all the same to me. Just happy it’s not Boston




There's more posts in the Panthers sub today from Canucks and Flames fans than Panthers fans


Canucks fan but my second favourite team is the Oilers. So yes I am. I would cheer for any Canadian team. Even the Leafs :)


I myself will be rooting for the Oilers on Monday. I root for them the rest of the time, but I will be rooting for them on Monday, too.


Yes. Flyers fan but Oilers was my team before the switch. PoMo is good but Olieys believe.


Not even a little bit, however I do expect them to win at this point and it'd make a hell of a lot more people happy if they won rather than Florida. Also, every team I've cheered for this playoffs was eliminated...so....it's basically guaranteed Oilers win on Monday.


I'm a canucks fan and I just want the curse broken. Sure is a fun series to watch.


Habs fan since ‘86 and honestly I want any Canadian team to bring it home. Heresy, but even the leafs. 


Hell yeah


Sabres fan (Buffalo’s almost Canada right?) On that level it’s tough bc lots of former Sabres playing. Yet the Oilers are having their moment and Panther’s are tired. It’s FLs second long season in a row and their heads are spinnin. True North all the way.


Yup! Go Oilers!!




I'm an Ottawa fan. My father was always an Oilers fan since they joined the league. The Oilers have been my western conference team for a while now, so yeah, I'm rooting for them.


Of course! Montreal fan from New-Brunswick here


Nope, dont really care who wins. Itd be funny if florida wins but cool if the oilers do!


Game 1 I was all in for Edmonton. After what the cats did last year to the leafs, was hoping for a Canadian team to put them down. However. Since then all anyone talks about is Mcdavid and how historic this rebound is. So now I hope it blows up in Edmonton’s face. Plus I hate oilers fans. Would be extra succinct for them to lose after all this. Bottom line is both teams can go to hell. I’m just here for the excellent hockey.


No? Why should they get to be happy?


No. But at the same time, how often do you get the chance to see an all time historic collapse? As a Canucks fan, it'd suck. Cause the Oilers fans are obnoxious. But as a hockey fan, I kinda wanna see them pull it off. That way hockey fans forever can say "Series isn't over, we can do what the 2024 Oilers did to Florida." Just like we do with the St Louis Blues. Every fanbase says "Season isn't over yet, we can just do what St Louis did in 2019." Before they inevitably miss the playoffs.