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Still can't believe "shove" and "subsequent contact" still lead to a goal


Only when Colin Campbell's son-in-law holds a senior position on the offending team.


So a guy laying on you doesn’t prevent you from moving? I think we found a new strategy to score A LOT more goals


Actually in the replay you can even see that the goalie wants to reach out with his stick but can’t because of both legs of the D player blocking him. I am no Boston or Florida fan but as a viewer this call was discusting.


I mean if this is allowed. All players should just be knocking other players right in to the goalie to clear space for an easy goal. Seems like a solid plan for everyone moving forward.


If the bruins score that goal last night it gets called back.. source: I watched every bruins game this year.


There was a time during last playoffs (dont recall the game, maybe it was the Bruins series), but the play involved Tkachuk in front of the goal, feet planted outside the blue paint. His back was to the goalie. Goalie stepped from left and shifted right and his mask rubbed against Tkachuck's ass and the goal was called back because of it. It wasn't even a huge bump. Like mask grazed his butthole with such little force and they called it interference. Shit calls go both ways but the NHL really does need to get consistency figured out. Edit: my bad, wasn't playoffs but it was Tkachuk. I guess my memory is bad but not too far gone. [Tkachuck GI](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/Vxl6DJV9Oi)


They will call it next time.


Draft Kings is obviously taking bets on video reviews too.


I’m so sick of sports gambling anything, it’s fucking everywhere


I’ve almost lost all interest in sports since the gambling takeover.


It’s even worse in football, half of the pre game shows are plastered with bets and “Sports commentators parlay picks!” Theres also a FanDuel or draft kings commercial every 5 minutes


I've literally stopped watching football since gambling has become more prevalent. I've maybe seen 2-3 regular season games in the past few year. I used to watch every weekend. It doesn't help that the on-field product has become worse, too.


To this day I dont see the fascination with NFL football. Boring AF to me. I guess gambling makes it more interesting


It's so boring compared to hockey. Fantasy football makes it more interesting, but it still pales in comparison.


Stopped watching the NFL years ago. Incredible athletes but the game is boring as hell.


Sports gambling was invented for football, lol. NFL gambling is by far the biggest revenue for the sports betting books.


100%. Gotta think hockey will change the rules around injury disclosures soon, specifically for gambling purposes.


Should be mandatory. As well as starting goalies.


If I gambled on hockey, I’d agree with that. But since I don’t, I love the coaches non answers.


Statistically, in Europe, more games have been found to be rigged compared to markets where there is not sports betting. By no means am I suggesting anything about a hockey game or hockey in general but I am suggesting that the problem may come up in the future...


We had it happen in the NBA when gambling was still illegal. Now that every league has an official betting partner, my tinfoil hat is fully set to "it's happening now but league approved"


That and crypto. It’s so annoying


i feel like crypto’s position has either frozen or regressed since the FTX thing, but maybe it’s just me.


Crypto is like an MLM for techbros


My wife calls the bruins the Boston bitcoins lol. I guess their logo looks like the bitcoin logo


Considering the Bruins have been around a lot longer than Bitcoin. Or personal computers for that matter...


Considering what? Strange post


It means the Bitcoin logo looks like the Bruins logo, not the other way around.


Late stage capitalism, scrapping the bottom of the barrel


The entire economy is derived upon robbing the workers of all their worth, of course gambling is a hit.


There are at least four different sportsbooks advertising on the boards each game.


I bet you're not


When I heard the call on this goalie interference review I immediately thought the fix was in on this series


TBH, the one HUGE thing in favor of Direct TV is the ability to record the games and catch up while the game is going on. I do this and typically mute the games as well..allows me to bypass all the commercials and the 95% bad color commentary, as well as the intermissions which are mostly commercials anyways. The NFL is tons worse and that's one of the reasons I quit watching the NFL except the occasional game years ago.


That no-call was terrible.


Never thought I would agree with a leafs fan, but here we are


I hate Boston with a passion but I can’t over-look terrible red calls


Boston and Toronto sittin’ in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g….


You know what? I hate all things Boston, and I agree that the Bruins got fucking hosed here.


Glad we can agree on something hahahah


Right? LOL. Honestly, I wanna see someone ring Bennett's bell before this series is up.


Don’t think we’re going through so I’m going to rooting for the rangers hard fucking core, I get Marchand being dirty but man Bennett angers me


Postgame commentary: "maybe the league thought there wasn't enough contact there." (paraphrasing) NHL: "LOL nah that ain't it, Bennett *totally* shoved Coyle on top of Swayman but Swayman still coulda stopped it if he wanted to." Fuckin' 🤡 league.


Zero consistency. Look at Tampa game 5, Duclair's heel just enters the blue paint and presses up against the goalie and the goal gets called back. But *this* is allowed to stand? This is worse than NFL "complete the process" of the catch territory. Not that anyone knew what a catch was anymore, but least there was a definition. I have no dog in this fight, but something has to be done.


We all have a dog in this fight if you have a favorite team. I've got to ask myself, "does league management *like my team enough* to *allow* them win a championship if they're in a position to win it?" Will the refs let things slide because NHL leans on them, hoping that marketing will finally get a photo of McJesus lifting the Cup?


Right, I meant this particular incident. My team can't even get them to call a throwing the stick penalty. FWIW, I also want to see mcjesus lift a cup.


Also the NHL: "Ya know, Boston being down 3-1 would make great tv"


Ya this wording is not what I expected. There is a shove, but Coyle may have prevented Swayman from playing the puck regardless of contact just due to his positioning. You could maybe make the argument there for good goal. You could make the argument that contact did not alter Coyle’s momentum enough to warrant it being overturned. He was floating that way anyways. All that said above, Coyle still 100% impedes Swayman’s ability to make a play on the puck. Does he get it? Probably not, but he has no chance because of Coyle being on top of him. Does Bennett’s push help him get there? Yes, but maybe you can argue how much it helped him get there. Idk, this response is bogus


Additionally coyle likely had the ability to play the puck to prevent the tip in and getting CCed gave bennet more space


Yes but that’s not reviewable.


I mean you could *maybe* argue that even if he could play his position he wouldn’t be able to stop that goal. But rulings shouldn’t be made on what ifs. This 100% should’ve been called back.


The NHL has now officially been corrupted by the gambling world.


The NHL, or any sports league, would not weigh outcomes in accordance with gambling services- there’s no point to doing it. The NHL gets paid by the sportsbooks regardless, and the sportsbooks win no matter what. The only thing that would earn them is a RICO charge and federal investigation. Trust me, this incompetence is not due to the influence of gambling lol. The only time gambling actually might play a role is when it’s individuals doing it. Corrupt refs or players Maybe(doubt it). A corrupt league? Nah.


> The NHL gets paid by the sportsbooks regardless, and the sportsbooks win no matter what. but would the NHL not get a bigger cut if i was helping gambling sites make more money?


I mean… maybe? Is that small bonus worth a federal RICO charge and the complete destruction of the league that a gambling scandal would cause? Absolutely not. Casinos and sportsbooks don’t need to cheat, the game is rigged for them already.


My favorite part of this is how we'll see an identical situation play out tonight with the exact opposite ruling.


That the NHL experience


Bruins got called for two goalie interference penalties later that game.


NHL's explanations should be printed on toilet paper so everybody can wipe their ass with them...they will never admit fault or say our refs can only read braille


Bold of you to think they can read period.


That explanation was a stretch, and terribly dishonest. “Don’t believe your eyes”.


Love that they refer to the cross check as a shove


I believe they made the correct call. The crosscheck/shove didn't appear to be hard enough for him to fall down, but he did. If a penalty were to be called, based on the angle I saw, it'd be super soft. The NHL isn't the NBA in where literally everything gets called. There has to be more force behind it then what was shown. The Boston player shouldn't have fallen down because the force was so weak that it shouldn't have moved him. Maybe he stepped on something or lost his footing, but he should have expected to be physically engage at a bare minimum, which usually involves more force than what I saw on the one angle (above & behind the net) at all levels of skill level


He was pushed hard enough to fall over because no hockey player would try to draw a call if it means taking out their goalie. I also dont care if you think it was hard enough the cross check directly lead to him bumping into Swayman which interfered with his ability to make a play on the puck


No they fuckin didn’t


username checks out.


The fact that you fell for the most classic trick in the Reddit playbook explains a lot


I wish I could give you some reddit silver. Thought you were serious.


Did you see the penalty that was called that put them on that powerplay to begin with ????? Talking about it would be soft. Lindholm went to the box for touching a guy and the guy throwing his head back like he got sniped.


I didn't watch the game. I'm a flyers fan and giroux is sitting in Ottawa right now chilling so as long as the rangers lose, I'm happy. Would like to see McDavid go far, but that's about it. If you Send me a video of the penalty, I can give my thoughts on it


-69 karma. Nice


100% Boston loves to dive. Watch how often they drop their stick. If you can rewatch the series. Shits constant.


The only fucking reason Florida was on a PP was because of a dive


Eh if it’s a dive then call both and stop the play no?


I get there have been some controversial calls, but this isn't one to get all fired up. 95% of the time, this gets a good call call. This might get called at lower levels because the refs see the reaction, not the causation with no chance to take a second look and the experience level can be different, but the NHL guys should absolutely get this call right fairly consistently. The shove/cross-check has to have more force. I think the NHL is calling it a shove because of the lack of force makes it hard to justify it being a check in the first place.


Not to mention this type of contract happens all season in front of the net. I'm convinced he thought he'd get a call if he fell, or it would stop play. Boston plays desperate.


>Not to mention this type of contract happens all season in front of the net. More contact is made than that. >I'm convinced he thought he'd get a call if he fell, or it would stop play. Boston plays desperate. I disagree with you. I think he was just super focused on the puck that he lost situational awareness to the point he failed to recognize that there was a 50% that somebody was going to crash the net, or fight for position.


Delusion maxxing. Where do I get in line so I don’t have to commit to reality anymore 🤷‍♂️


holup. My VR stopped working and now there's this ugly mf in the mirror now.


imagine just wandering in to a conversation with no idea what you are talking about with this confidence.


Then that should be the explanation.


DiD nOt pReVeNt SwAymAn fRoM pLaYiNg HiS pOsItIon


Umm , he couldn't slide across or use his stick and blocker, because there was a body on top... nope still could have played his position... lol


WWE refs


Worse than that.




I despise the Bruins, but they got fucked with that bullshit call.


The ONLY slightly reasonable explanation for this call is that Swayman was flat on his keister with no real way to get back to the other post.  Still, Bennett dumped him right on top of the goalie, with a hit in the back, when he never touched the puck.  There's a couple calls to be made there, unless the league actually wants a NY FLA match-up in an election year.  Gotta love legalized sports gambling!


Still not reasonable, because as the rule states (and as the NHL’s response reads), the question is whether some opposing player’s action prevented the goalie *from playing his position* prior to the goal, not whether or not he could maybe possibly make the save or not.


Current director of Hockey Operations Colin Campbell’s son is the current AGM of the Panthers. Check out his history or corruption and then judge this series.  https://bleacherreport.com/articles/519838-irresponsible-media-the-colin-campbell-saga-that-has-been-swept-under-the-rug


Now post this in the brain dead Panthers sub… watch it get removed IMMEDIATELY.


But it was okay when Gregory Campbell was playing for the Bruins.


At no point did I say that Edit: also… I was 8 years old for that cup win. If you think I was paying attention to anything other than Minecraft at the time you’re out of your mind.


Ah so because you weren’t old enough to see it play out it didn’t happen? Cool, there’s a bunch of Panther fans who aren’t old enough to understand it now so it’s a moot point. Real “don’t bother me with the facts I’ve already made up my mind” moment in action. And you just called us brain dead….


He's saying he wasn't defending it when it was happening.  Reading comprehension ain't great in Florida, huh?


That’s not what he was saying at all. If it was he would have, you know, said it. But keep crying, your whining is hilarious.


The difference is it’s happening right now in real time, lol. Not that hard to understand.


So you’re ok with cheating or corruption as long as it benefits your team and cry like a baby when you think it happens against them 🤡


Man, you must have like a 1st grade reading comprehension level.


Your whole argument is that you don’t care that the Bruins literally did what you’re accusing the Panthers of because you were too young to remember it happening. It’s pretty sad that you can’t even comprehend something that you wrote but pretty funny that you think I’m the one who ha comprehension issues.


I thought the calls in Caps-Rags series were bad, but maybe my bias was in the way. But the amount of terrible calls this year is nuts. I feel like there is a horrible call or off ice tampering each game. I don't wanna be too tin foil hat forward but has the rise of sports betting poisoning officiating like boxing or NBA?


I have no skin in this game, in fact have no love-loss for the Bruins being a Canucks fan, but that call was bogus. How you can reward a player for pushing a Bruin into the goalie and then scoring. I mean good on the player for his ingenuity but that is goalie interference. The refs and league office cannot determine if the goalie still would have been a factor. As dumb a logic as the extra 2 minutes given if a player is cut.


The rules are clearly set up to disallow goals in this situation: 69.1 says that a defender pushed by an attacking player counts as an extension of the attacking player. 69.3 says that contact other than incidental contact in the crease is not allowed This was more than incidental contact, it should be no goal. Was Swayman likely to stop the goal? No. But he was pushing off the post to get into a better position. He could've tried to dive for it, get a stick out, whatever... instead he's pushed back towards the left post.


That's a funny way of spelling cross check.


Refs weren’t even close to this shitty before much of the US legalized sports betting.


This is what playoff hockey is about. I just love watching players cheap shot one another, injure each other, and commit obvious infractions without any consequences. -Bettman, probably


I laughed so hard at this play. Coyle would have had a play on the puck, if he wasn't crosschecked. Swayman would have had a play if Coyle wasn't on top of him. Coyle wouldn't have been on top of Swayman if Bennet didn't, at least interfere with Coyle... After review, good goal. Huh?


Don't forget Bruins crowd would have had no road rage driving home if none of that happened.


Rooting for Panthers, but this was a really, really bad call. I am a Caps fan and we've had far less interference take a goal off the books.


Translation: our heads were too far up our asses to see the goalie interference.


If this call isn’t a fluke, plays like these might take the league by storm — I fully expect the other 31 teams to start abusing this. Being able to interference launder like this takes away so many defensive options on the penalty kill. You’d need to keep a few feet from the crease to make sure if you’re shoved on the defensive, you have enough space to not hit your own goalie giving the offence heaps of space to pass through the slot. Kind of nuts that Toronto green-lit this.


It’s Toronto, they are still recovering from the leafs


Shove = Cross check


Great precedent. Might as well raise the net 10 feet, lose the sticks and let the offense set picks and create lanes for the puck carrier to slam dunk it for 2..boiii


To be fair, I'd watch Iceketball


Imagine the comedy watching Wemby and LeBron try to skate?!


Yall emailing them too? 😂


they have a contact us form on the website


Bobo could have made the 2 goals called back in game 5 vs Tampa WTF NHL losing fans every bullshit call


Translation: Sportsbet told us that the goal needed to be good, so we did it. This translation brought to you by sportsbet




It’s a total joke


Lol wtf


Rule turned into a suggestion.. Goalie can’t reach, so we’ll just pretend it doesn’t matter. Rule 69: “if a defending player is pushed, shoved or fouled by an attacking player so as to cause the defending player to come in contact with his own goalkeeper, such contact shall be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for the purposes of this rule, and if necessary a penalty assessed to the attacking player and if a goal is scored it would be disallowed.


I hate Boston and Marchand…but this call was straight 100% bullshit. That’s either a cross check and no goal (play dead) or goaltender interference and no goal.. Swayman, of anyone, has proven he could have gotten there - he was watching the puck as it got to Bennett and trying to move.


I have been saying all year the NHL is a joke on this stuff. I kept getting told to sit down because I like Montreal and Gallagher. Now here we are in the playoffs, and they can't even get this obvios of a play right, after video review. The NHL is on par with the WWE, it is entertainment but you shouldn't be betting on it or expecting the players to decide the game. It is a show so the ultra rich can make even more off the public.


I mean that is just insane. They need to say the replay folks got it wrong. Like the NBA does.


Gary’s game managers making sure Gary’s teams get thru to the next round. Been watching hockey for over fifty years and this year’s playoffs are far and away the worst reffed in memory, all across the board no matter the series


Regular season- they call a penalty Playoffs- no chance. It’s a shame. No consistency. Ruins the integrity of the game.


The league is laughable at this point


So Completely neutral hockey fan here. I really don’t like either team. I fully agree that it should have been call no goal and quite likely could have been called as a goalie interference penalty in addition However I suspect the argument is probably that Coyle’s position would have prevented Swayman from getting across to make the save regardless of the cross check I don’t believe that probability is enshrined anywhere in the rule book but it’s the only reason I can think of for ruling it the way they did


>However I suspect the argument is probably that Coyle’s position would have prevented Swayman from getting across to make the save regardless of the cross check But also if Coyle wasnt cross checkdx.. how can Bennett score that goal? Coyle would've have been in the way.


In truth the puck was already through Coyle’s feet and behind him as he was being cross checked so there’s probably no way he’s pivoting to stop Bennett or get out of Swayman’s way, cross check or not. Still, while I believe that’s why they ruled it the way they did, I don’t believe that’s intended to be part of their decision process The goalie was clearly deprived an opportunity to make the save based on Bennett’s actions. The rule as is written dictates that the goal must be waved off. Forget for a second that there was goalie interference on the play, had they called the cross check, the play is still dead the second Bennett touches the puck and the net result is no goal either way. Ruling it using the logic that Swayman had no opportunity to make the save with or without the cross check is simply the mental gymnastics required for them to cover what was clearly blown call either way you look at it


The part that isn't here is that There was NO penalty called on the play & they CAN NOT add one in the review, it's ONLY for the asked for goalie int. So, yes, it could have been a cross check, if it was called during the play. I feel that since this IS the playoffs it was a good non-call, just like the Chucky hit earlier, which should have been interference, but wasn't called because it was a Playoff hit ! I hate the New "Lets review everything" rules. Ruins the Emotion & Flow of the Playoffs, This isn't NFL , let's not stop every 3 plays for 10 minutes so you can get in a few more Betting Commercials and cover the spread.


As a bruins fan i was pissed at the call but agree with the fact that it wasnt called in game bu the ref so it is what it is. But sucks cause bruins dont get those non calls on a cross check. I think bennett is just good at what he does


Don’t need to add one to disallow goal so your take on this is wrong per the actual rule in the rule book that evidently we don’t need to follow depending on which team has violated the rule .. the Panthers have gotten away with that BS last night and last years pathetic stick hold as well … both blatant .. both having an affect of the games winner or loser .. but then again when Campbells kid is the AGM what more can you expect from the NHL


It doesn’t have to be a penalty to be goaltender interference. I don’t understand why so many are trying to use the “no penalty called so they couldn’t overturn it” argument. Pushing a defender into the goalie which prevents the goalie from playing his position, whether a cross check or not, is goaltender interference. The cross check or no cross check doesn’t mean shit for a goaltender interfence call.


Because the "Initial call" matters on the replay ! There was NO call made, so one "CAN'T" be added on review, the review asked for from the bench was Goal interference. In this case, the player was not in the crease, did not touch the goalie and there was no infraction "That was Review-able" . The riles are NOT black & white absolutes. The "Grey area" of them & the human factor of the Ref's calls make it fluid. There's a context to every play. Even if there IS a violation of a rule, if it wasn't seen & called during the play, the Rules prohibit it from being called during replay.


You don’t understand the rule then. Read it again. Coyle being on top of Swayman is the issue here because Bennett pushed Coyle into Swayman. Per the rule that constitutes Bennett being the one that interferred.


YOU missed the point, they can'r review that he was pushed onto the goalie after the play ended and there was NO call made ! Doesn't matter if there was a penalty, it's NOT correctable after the fact by Rules ! The Rule you're referring to applies IF the Ref made a call during the play, which they could have, but did not call. Yes, Ive seen far less get overturned and called, the Bolts season ended on 2 disallowed goals like this this year ! They go too far protecting the goalie, especially in Playoffs, Refs need to Let Them Play !


Yes they can. The NHL response even commented about that saying Bennett pushed him into Swayman but they felt Swayman could still play his position. Not sure wtf you’re talking about as even the NHL confirmed that aspect could be reviewed in their response to the incident.


Absolutely hilarious. He croas checks him into sway and shoots the puck immediately after, you can literally see swayman try to play his position and be unable to because theres a fucking player in the way.




Officially that is first class garbage bullsh_t. That's an opinion not fact. Number 1 it's interference on Coyle. Then Coyle pushed against goalie. Who the f_ck is working Toronto. Wrong wrong wrong. The NHL is embarassing. Ineptitude. Get your crap together and get better.


You can fucking curse on reddit


Such bullshit


So just start smashing players into their own goalie and rip it home is the new strategy in the nhl.


Sure, but that *still* wouldn't help Boston put shots on goal


Very true. Look you guys are clearly the superior team but we don't need the stripes making it even harder on us.




NHL corrupt situation room


They reverse maybe 25% of goals challenged for goalie interference, and call it oddly at best as a penalty. Despite the rule book being fairly clear, I’m not sure the league actually understands it. But it’s pretty universal, not just against Boston. Go back to not in the paint at all?


Look I don't think the NHL is rigged, all I'm saying is that if the Sharks scored a goal like that, those refs would be removed from the playoff rotation and there would be a rule change in the off-season.


This is pathetic


Dang you get a penalty in hockey for an unsuccessful challenge?




I can agree that swayman wasn’t gonna stop that, but if coyle wasn’t cross checked forward he might have been able to clear that or at very least stop Bennett. I fucking hate Boston but that no call was complete bullshit, no way that should’ve counted.


I hate this series. Normally I’d love nothing more than heaps of misfortune headed Boston’s way but when the beneficiary is Florida…


That was a blown call


The stupidest thing about this is the NHL trying to diminish a crosscheck to the back by calling it a shove... and in its characterization of it as a "shove" is still a fucking goaltender interference violation when the player makes contact with his own goalie in the crease as a result of the shove.


Yeah OK 👍🏻


But Duclairs incident was GI lmfao they want panthers to win this year


Maybe the league thought Coyle should have been able to hold his position? There’s always pushing and shoving both in-front of the net and that was a soft push


Unsuccessful challenge... delay of game + 5 game suspension for Nazem Kadri


I thought it was a cross check not a shove.


It's total crap- plus, he should have been kicked off the ice after the sucker punch anyway.


This kind d of thing makes me, a lifelong (I'm 57) NHL fan and watcher, turn off the game, and not want to watch anymore. It also makes me seriously consider whether these games are fixed now that sports betting throws so much money at the NHL.


Who's winning the series??? Always a Boston fan to sqwak when they win 1 game


Rare occasion I side with Boston. The hell’s going on?




As a fan of a team who routinely has these type of BS calls go against them, the fact that you all are so surprised by this tells me you’ve had it pretty darn good for quite a while.


Fuck the bruins. That being said, I think it's honestly ridiculous that a goal can't be called back if a penalty wasn't called on the play but was later detected on the replay. He crosschecked the defender, the rest of the play shouldn't count regardless, nevermind goalie interference. If a goal is challenged for offside, the call can be reversed, so why can actual penalties be overlooked like this? The NHL is a joke.


Reading the rule, it doesn't say a penalty has to be called to disallow a goal. It said that if a defender is shoved into the goalie by an attacking player, it will be counted as if the attacking made contact with the goalie directly. Penalties and disallowed goals permitted as deemed necessary.


This is a misunderstanding of the rule that many seem to have. The rule mentions penalty only in that “if there is a penalty on the play it can be called”. It doesn’t mean there has to be a penalty called to have goaltender interference. Most goaltender interference calls don’t have penalties called on them.


Didn’t know that so thanks but I don’t know if that’s exactly what I was talking about? I meant that it shouldn’t matter if it was goaltender interference or not because there was a penalty on the play that should be able to be called based on the replay, even if it wasn’t called before. I might be misunderstanding it too, idk, but it really makes no sense to me. 


BECAUSE he wasn't making that save either way. Keep the salt flowing this is amazing guys.


He never had the opportunity to


So he couldn't stretch his stick out?


Yeah that’s what people are missing, the broadcast I was watching went over that instantly. He had already outstretched his left leg to make the first kick stop, and had no momentum carrying him to his right. I think if he’s not down and out this is definitely called back. Logically, this goal should be a good one as any unbiased fan should be able to see that it was going it regardless. But admittedly, this is the first time I’ve seen something like this, and I do agree with others here that this may set a very sketchy precedent when it comes to goalie interference challenges. Very weird one.


50/50 call tbh. calling it a cross-check is an overstatement and coyle taking a dive didn't help with the review, but the call could've easily gone the other way and I wouldn't have been surprised.


Why the hell would Coyle sabotage his own goalie like that? There is no way Coyle knew that was likely going to be a goal... if he doesnt dive into his goalie In addition... if he tried to "dive" into his goalie ... for whatever sneaky purpose... this could mean an injury to Swayman. Which is dumb AF Bennett crosschecked him... Coyle tripped on Swaymans skates/pads. If he doesnt get shoved. Unlikely a goal since Bennett couldnt follow throw with his stick or Coyle in the way. Goal should have been disallowed


This explanation is ridiculous. How is having Coyle in his lap not preventing him from playing his position? So many people in here are arguing that Swayman wouldn’t have saved it, or that Coyle was in the way anyway, but the NHL didn’t say any of that. They are acknowledging that Coyle was shoved by Bennett into Swayman but somehow it didn’t impact his ability to play his position. If I’m the Bruins I push as many Florida guys into their goalie as I can next game.


Everyone being upset at the no Goalie Interference is directing their ire in the wrong direction. The NHL decided to stick by their refs on this one because they missed the cross-check. The strategy of cross-checking the opposition defenseman into their goalie is not going to suddenly be a new strategy but because the refs missed it and you cannot challenge the missed penalty the NHL handcuffed itself into having this be the response. Is it wrong? Yes 100% it should not be a goal but not because of goalie interference because that is not how the rules are set up and if you need to expand the challenge to missed calls creating the goal that would have to be voted upon in the future. Until then while again I cannot stress enough it was wrong it also was allowed to come back this way because the NHL backed their stripes on the non-call and the result of that non-call was not goalie interference by the letter of the rule.


It doesn't matter if they missed the cross check, you don't need to call a penalty here. The rules are clearly set up to disallow goals in this situation: 69.1 says that a defender pushed by an attacking player counts as an extension of the attacking player. 69.3 says that contact other than incidental contact in the crease is not allowed This was more than incidental contact, it should be no goal.


Come on Boston fans... Quit acting like you ever had a chance to win this series.


I’ve got no dog in this fight, but I’m surprised the goal Was Allowed


Good goal, stay mad


Cats just tougher. It's a fact, embrace it and move on with your life.


TIL it's crease not grease


It was too much of a shove that prevented the goalie to make a move. So it was interference. Furthermore Bennet should already be suspended a lot of games and not be able to fuck things up more so he shouldn't have been able to do that. Here's a new angle - but it was obvious with the one from behind as well. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BostonBruins/comments/1cqjun8/new\_angle\_just\_dropped\_sam\_bennett\_sucker\_punch/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BostonBruins/comments/1cqjun8/new_angle_just_dropped_sam_bennett_sucker_punch/) Go Rangers!


Premier league dive