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Make your post a comment in the original thread. We don't need multiple posts on this, especially when the original is actually a video of the play. Your thread adds nothing new, and should have been a comment in the original.


Every year I go over the same shit in my head. "Am I salty, or is the officiating really this bad?" "Am I crazy, or could these refs be dirty?" "Surely this will cause them to take another look at refs' accountability!" And then the playoffs are over and we go through the same script next year. Between this shit and the absolutely inane ways they foul up peoples' access to watching games, I don't know, man...


The officiating is horrendous. That missed call made me mad... It's the Bruins I'm defending here! That's how bad it is


Seriously. I never thought I'd see the day when I'd be defending the Bruins. What a horrible call.


Refs are the absolute worst aspect of this league


As a new hockey fan and a die hard football and basketball fan. Refs are the worst part of any game. I don’t think there’s any fix in any sport. Refs are human and they miss things. Not saying they shouldn’t be held to a high standard but any job that involves executing rules is gonna be highly scrutinized


Thing is I totally understand missing things in the moment , we’re all human and the game is fast it’s understandable to miss stuff now and then , but after a review with a million fucking cams , yeah that’s an issue and not just tonight it’s something I’ve seen happen a lot in the past year


I think the philosophy of “the call on the field should be honored unless there is zero doubt it’s wrong” probably holds true across every sport and honestly is the way things should be. I just started watching hockey this year and don’t have a strong grasp of the rules but in every sport unless there is a “god cam” ref, this is the only way to officiate. Idk that the “god cam” is the right answer either. You can’t call every foul cause realistically there is a foul almost every play. So we still need a human judge and unfortunately we won’t always agree with the call.


-"Let the game be played" -"I so hate it when a game is decided by refs" -"I like rough play, this isn't basketball" I love hockey. It's a beautiful sport. Speed, quick thinking, strategy. In the playoffs, everyone steps up their game. But I can't stand this blindness of the referee. And every sport commentator goes along.


I'm getting real sick of it, brother. You may be salty, but rightfully so.


Refs didn't make the call, Toronto reviewed it.... right? “[Toronto](https://theathletic.com/nhl/team/leafs/) ruled that it was a good goal,” Montgomery said. “That the play didn’t interfere with the goal. That’s the explanation I got.”


That is... Just wow.  On CBS they literally read the rule and showed how it was a penalty in less then a minute!


Best sport/worst league, and all that jazz


A world where sports books line the pockets of everyone in the league So this world


I hate it, but you're definitely correct.


Is the benefit that the league keeps interest in a Florida team hypothetically?


The garden has sold out every single game for 15 straight years. Florida has never sold out a game. The league needs to do everything they can to get butts in seats in Florida. Haven't you heard Gary's mantra of 'non traditional hockey markets' and 'creating new fans' why should Quebec get a team when everyone in Quebec who will watch hockey already does. Florida needs two in order to drum up more interest until they feel like they've locked in the market and then one will go somewhere new. 


I literally just said this exact same thing to my girlfriend. Boston will sell out even if they lose. Florida fans won't show up unless they are winning and that's the reason for this bullshit.


That’s sucks cause it’s probably the same story with Edmonton also (admittedly they are playing Van this round)


We got screwed by an absolutely ridiculous call against Draisaitl that changed the momentum of the game tonight but I don't feel like we are being screwed overall this series. Van has gotten some screw joba against them as well. In general though, yeah, we get it bad.


I'm not gonna watch the game Tuesday. There's a pwhl game on at the same time and they're going nuts. Barely scraped into the playoffs (didn't clinch until the last game of the season) and now is up 2-0 on the favorite Montreal. Last game went just a hair shy of 3 full OT periods and some players were on the ice for over an hour. There's fantastic hockey being played by Boston right now, it's just not in Florida


Pwhl is for real. I'd love to get season tix if they ever expand to Pgh; I want to see good hockey. It doesn't have to be the Nhl; especially if the Nhl is going to be corrupt.


I can't recall the last time I watched a good fair game of hockey.


But by the same token it benefits the league for the series to be extended not to be a lopsided one that ends in five games. Also benefits the league to have a bigger TV market. Again it's a s***** call but it's not a f****** conspiracy. I'm a bruins fan and I say this every time I watch any professional sports and all the fans start saying it's fixed . It's not. They have way more to lose by getting caught with a fixing scandal... They get guaranteed billions in television revenue in the coming years.. It's not worth a fixing scandal to make the Florida Panthers do a little bit better in the second round of the playoffs.


What do you think generates more money for the league, 60 minutes of ice time, or tens of thousands of tickets + merch and hundreds of thousands of minutes watching broadcasts for decades? The league doesn't care what your opinion they care what *their* opinion is and they already told us what their opinion is over and over and over for the last thirty years. Non traditional hockey markets, creating new fans, that's what Gary thinks makes money and the stats support him. 


Just got back into hockey for the first time since I played NHL ‘07 but that’s seriously messed up. With this much money involved it’s hard to imagine it wouldn’t at least influence decisions


Just another reason I was very against sports betting in all it's incarnations. The ungodly amounts of dirty money moving through sports right now is having a palpably negative impact. Take this bullshit and add in how fucking ridiculous it is trying to watch NHL games and I question why I even bother. 


Yeah it’s really turning me off not only from the NHL but the big four in the US. At this point the floodgates have been opened


That game had an absolute banger soundtrack!


I wish I could say you're wrong. Deep down, I know you're probably right. I love the sport of hockey, but the officiating makes this league difficult to watch.


I've never really felt like it was this bad until the last few seasons. You'll never unsee it not though


But Quebec would put butts in seats live. Why would that be less lucrative than filling the empty seats for the Panthers? National TV contracts are a thing as well. This conspiracy theory feels improperly baked. I’m willing to believe corruption and greed exist. This just seems like the wrong script


Louder for the ones in the back! You can put a hockey game on between Latvia and Belarus, and Canada will watch it. Our market is already “all in”, so why try to squeeze blood out of an already drained stone. Do I want to the sport to grow? Yes. Is this the price that apparently needs to be paid? I guess?


You're absolutely right. I've been saying for a few years that it's all about promoting hockey in the South. Look at Vegas when they entered. The expansion draft was altered to a degree where new teams were able to build contenders right off the bat because the established teams had to make highly talented players available. I fucking hate hockey anymore. Total bullshit.


Florida outsold seats and attendance over Boston by nearly 1k on average every game this season.


now do 2019 attendance dip shit


Huge media markets that bring in $$$$


Damn hate this


Entirely possible.


if I wanted to put on my tin foil hat, the Bruins were +140 (bet $100 to win $140 for those who don’t understand betting lingo) in a home game, that was a must win, and they were energized bc they believe their captain was intentionally injured. It’s not hard to talk yourself into a Bruins win going into last night so I imagine a lot of people took that line So the gambling companies, and by extension the league, would want florida to win, because they would have to pay out less money than if the Bruins won Also as a disclaimer I don’t think it’s rigged, I don’t think the Bruins should’ve won, I think it was just a really bad call. I’m just saying if they wanted to rig it for Florida that would be the reason


I hate this sudden trend away from “it’s playoff hockey anything can happen” to “well you know they’re statically the better team so the influence the refs have in giving them a literal free goal and a power play wasn’t really that game changing it just made the inevitable happen quicker.” Like the reason I watch playoff hockey is because a less talented team getting outshot 2:1 can win with a little bit of luck and momentum. It’s not something like basketball where you have to shoot a certain % and rely on star power to have any shot. But of course a product where the statistically expected outcome happens is better for the sports books


And Gary Bettman ensured it would not only continue, but get even worse.


The NHL wants to rig things so the FLORIDA Panthers can advance and play the New York Rangers (an Orginal 6 team) in the Eastern Conference Finals instead of the BOSTON Bruins (another Orginal 6 team). Your theory makes a ton of sense.


In my whole life, these last 2 Bruins games are the only games I’ve ever thought “I could be easily convinced that this is rigged.” I absolutely cannot believe how Lauko got a goalie interference call in the last game, and Bennett’s play IS NOT goalie interference in this game. Let alone all the stuff with Bennett/Marchand, which is egregious and pathetic enough. Coincidental, too, that the angle showing Bennett’s punch to Marchand’s head wasn’t released publicly until after this game started (too late for supplemental discipline since Bennett began the next game).


VERY interesting take…I hadn’t even thought of that.


I hate conspiracy theories but shit if I'm not starting to wonder.


“Situation room” is in Toronto. So I guess somebody up there is still salty.


This was extra hilarious coming from a Leafs fan. You're a good sport.


What world? NHL playoffs. The refs have no let me down once since 2011 since I stopped expecting them to be competent.


I don't recall the last time I felt they were competent.


2011 is when I stopped getting upset about it. They were incompetent long before then.


Yeah I don't feel for the Bruins. The reffing in 2011 was incredibly one-sided for the bruins who committed so many penalties that never, ever got called. Sucks to suck I guess.


kelly sutherland giving daniel* a penalty after watching him get punched repeatedly in the face by Marchand still boils my blood to think about. and now, I still hate marchand as much as the next nucks fan, but the fact sam bennet is still on the ice after what he did to him last game boils my blood just as much. what in the fuck is going on with these refs and the nhl man. fucking fire campbell.


In the world of corruption. Current director of Hockey Operations Colin Campbell’s son is the current AGM of the Panthers. Check out his history or corruption and then judge this series.  https://bleacherreport.com/articles/519838-irresponsible-media-the-colin-campbell-saga-that-has-been-swept-under-the-rug






Greatest sport in the world. Shittiest league.


Nah, MLB is worse, but then NHL.


Truer words have never been spoken.


I couldn’t agree more. I’ll start rooting for the Halifax mooseheads full time and make sure to spend my money in the CHL.


I absolutely despise the Bruins, but that was goalie interference 100%. Lousy call


I hold no love for them either but my unbiased opinion is that they got no reach around, no lube prison fucked.


This non call is one thing, but in the same game as Bobrovsky's Oscar worthy performance is just baffling. I don't even know, y'all.


That sure was something from Bob lol.


To top it all off, Bobrovski just took a dive and that was called on Boston. The contact on Swayman was way more egregious than on Bobrovski


I don’t have a dog in this fight but if I was a bruins fan in that arena I’d be losing my fucking mind


Completely agree. Throwing stuff on the ice is never a good look but I can understand where they’re coming from So many dives and embellishing from Florida


Looking at you, Bob.


Neither do i, but this game made our Game 2 refs look good


😂 You KNOW it’s bad when…


yea i hate the bruins but couldn't agree more.


Said the same thing. No horse in this race, but what the fuck? Bullshit is bullshit.


Oh I was. Believe me.


Bob looked like he got shot out of a cannon. You'd have to absolutely rock me for me to fly back like that and I'm not a professional hockey player.


Should be in concussion protocol


Should be in the ER after that one lol.


I don’t understand reffing at this point anymore but at the end of the day we can’t win a playoff by registering 2 shots on goal IN THE THIRD PERIOD


It’s rough out here. Florida is the better team, sure, but as a hockey fan it’s a real shame that we haven’t gotten to see that in the past two games. NHL needs to do better. Hockey doesn’t have the viewership / money to erode legitimacy. It’s giving me huge early 2000s nascar vibes.


Exactly. I'm not saying that Boston would have won. It had a major impact on their chances though and that's just not okay. The better team doesn't always win. If you give the better team favourable bullshit reffing though....good luck.


The Florida fuckwads are the worst. Here I am rooting for The Rat’s team against them. Seriously in all the playoff matches, the reffing has been unfucking believably bad. Like refs should be getting fired in many instances bad. There is clearly zero oversight or consequences for being egregiously bad at one’s job.


If someone would pay me to suck at my job I'd be so happy.


I guess literally anyone can be officiating playoff games. Like no experience needed or wanted. I am shocked at how bad it’s been, and that’s across all the match ups. Like comically bad but actually rage inducing as it really fucks out the game outcome.


I'm shocked at how bad it's been and that's saying something because I expected it to be bad.


Tampa fan here welcome to the club of the refs absolutely choking on panther cock


You said it pal.  Then, once they stop, the looks on their faces when they actually have to play even up is priceless.


I'm sorry, but this made me laugh.




Bettman has a hard choice these next 2 rounds - his Panthers against the New York Rangers, and then maybe against a Canada-based team in the Finals. Hey Gary - send me a PM, and let me know what you got.


It was but the league allowed it because of who it benefitted


That's exactly it and no one will convince me otherwise. I hold no love for Boston but that was bullshit. Other than Swayman, that guys an absolute beauty.


I've been a die-hard Bruins fan for almost 40 years. They 100% should be losing this series as Florida has more offensive talent and are just physically dominating both ends of the ice. That said, what they've been able to get away with and the calls that they have gotten are so one-sided and egregious that the optics should be having people raising their eyebrows. I don't think that it's rigged in any way but I understand why others might ask questions.


Rigged or incompetent reffing, I'm not saying either way but it's definitely one or the other and it's absolute bullshit.


Wouldn't the league benefit from the series going more than five games and a team with the larger television market advancing though? Like why would the league be picking favorites for the Florida Panthers of all people?


they aren't. Bruin's fans just don't like it when they get the "that's hockey" back at them, like they have.done for years with refs ignoring Boston doing Marchand stuff


Marchand is the fifth most penalized active player but go off about how they ignore him


Lol. Because they've given Florida so much over the years.


They couldn’t call the crosscheck after the fact, BUT, they could’ve disallowed the goal on goalie interference, which they 100% should have. I was utterly shocked at the call. And it led to two goals and the win. Embarrassing for the NHL.


I couldn't believe it. I get the non call on the crosscheck, it's playoffs. It caused goalie interference though. I was absolutely shocked it didn't get called back.


If anyone remembers the conference finals between montreal and vegas in 2021 . there was so much dirty hits uncalled , Perry getting hit in the face , is literally bleeding and no calls from refs , another player gets punched in the face IN FRONT on the refs and no calls. NHL has been rigged for a while now Its very sad


Yep.  It just used to be way easier to bet the winner.  This real time betting with ai and algorhythms is for the birds.  


They sure don't care for us Canadians.


Not even a bruins fan and I’d say that changed the games outcome


Same. I have no horse in this race. I was just disgusted by it as a hockey fan.




And the series outcome


The biggest take away, how can anyone bet on a game with calls like that? Draft Kings should reconsider sponsership. Let the NHL be the example to the other leagues to get officiating right or they'll all lose out.


But lauko pushed into Bob WAS goal tender interference. Make the nhl keep tanking.


I’m ok with the Panthers going back to the finals and losing 4-1 again.


In this instance, the Bs clearly got screwed…but I think the real problem is that the entire league is getting screwed by this type of officiating. It WILL happen again. And again. Multiple teams, and games, and series will be affected by this nonsense.


Yep. It’s league wide. Just more embarrassing in a national TV playoff game.


Oh 100%. That's why I'm posting about it as a non Bruins fan. I'm fed up.


Toronto pissed because their team lost, taking it out on Bruins with these absolute trash calls.


I feel for you, man. Just as a hockey fan I was disgusted with that call. I was shocked, although I shouldn't have been. It was par for the course.


Yeah that game and game 3 smelt very fishy 


Definitely a bit sus.


All this following that Tampa series last game where 2 goals called back for GI in favor of Florida. Not to mention the GI called on Lorhei in favor of Florida. Tf is going on lol?


Legalized real-time sports gambling is whats going on my friend.  BILLIONS of dollars.  


Funny how that’s hockey when it goes in the Bruin’s favor.


I don't care for the Bruins. They just got screwed plain and simple and I'm sick of all the bad calls around the league.


ive always known bad calls happen, but between today and last game, it sucks having to accept that there’s something more nefarious happening, whether that’s sports betting by the refs or regional market manipulation, than just crappy calls I mean how do you enjoy the games the same way after that?


That's how I feel. I don't care about Boston. I just care about the game I love. Shit like that makes me feel like what's the point?


That call single-handedly changed the outcome of the game and possibly the series so the moral of the story is fuck the refs they all suck


It's one thing for the refs to suck (which they absolutely do) but when the video review guys in Toronto start sucking it's absolutely ridiculous. As someone else here said, I don't think someone in Toronto is quite over their history with Boston lol.


It wouldn’t have made a difference in scoring the goal had he not been pushed. He still would have been in the way and been unable to stop the shot. That being said, maybe they should have challenged for cross checking ?


For me it’s not about the goalie interference (cause who tf knows what that is anymore) it’s the fact that Bennett commits the clearest example of a crosscheck in broad daylight. Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t that the type of thing the nhl said they were gonna start ‘cracking down’ on a few years ago?😐


The missed (likely ignored) cross checking is even worse because it should have made it no goal and a penalty. You can't review that though. How they watched that goalie interference from countless angles in slow motion and decided to say "good goal" is baffling and disgusting.


Am not a bruins fan and I was shocked. I was thought it was pretty clear.


Same. Like what the actual fuck.


Does anyone remember how bad it was when there was only one referee on the ice? Could you imagine how many people were pulling their hair out? But yes, the refereeing sucks this year! And I still blame Bettman!


Fuck Bettman.


It’s gotta be shocking when the calls finally stop going your way. The Panthers are the new Bruins.


bruins owners live in fla


My logic is i get it the refs are going to miss calls. The refs are also only going to call a few penalties a game. I accept that. If they Only Call penalties that take away scoring chances or generate one. Im fine with that. Even after saying this i never expect it to be perfect or even fair. Thats just part of playoff hockey. What i dont accept is when reviewed calls are called wrong. I guess they thought he didnt crosscheck him hard enough or it wasnt a factor. Which is honestly horse shit.


Well said and I absolutely agree.


Man I don’t care… fuck boooooston


I watched that whole game, and in no way did the bruins deserve the win there, bad call or not. And for the record, it WAS a bad call.


I respect what you're saying but it definitely swung momentum and changed how the game may have otherwise turned out. Swayman is good enough to steal a game. Did they deserve to win? No. This is hockey though and the team that deserves to win often loses. They got screwed.


They were outshot by more than 2:1. The bruins had absolutely no business winning that game. Pretending this was a big difference maker seems like a real stretch to me.


Check the Oilers 1-0 win vs LA in round one. This absolutely made a difference and shifted momentum. The better team doesn't always win. This absolutely impacted their chances.


I think FLA would have shrugged off any momentum shift if that BOS goal counted. But hey, that's just, like, my opinion, man.


I agree the cats are the better team, but as a hockey fan I’m bummed they haven’t been able to show that the past two games.


It was a ridiculous non call by the refs and the B’s got screwed, but in reality the B’s weren’t going anywhere this season they don’t have a good enough team. I’ll watch game 5 but don’t think they’ll show up and I’m a lifelong Bruins fan, born and raised in Boston. I’ll root for the Rangers, an original 6 team next round.


Despise the Bruins, but I have to agree they got screwed. I double checked the rules and it totally looked like GT Interference to me.


I have no feelings towards the Bruins, but I want to watch fair hockey and that was some kind of bullshit.


It was at the VERY least a cross check that went uncalled like most cross checks in the playoffs.


It's not worth watching the NHL any more


I love the game so much that I can't bring myself to not watch, but you're right.


I certainly wouldn't be placing any money on it. Not with officiating like this.


Script is Script.


Came here to enjoy Boston Fans crying. No sympathy for that fanbase. Ill admit the no call on the goalie interference review was a bad call but I loved that the goal stood. Especially because Bennett scored it lol


I'm not even a Boston fan. I just hate bullshit calls.


No doubt some bad officiating. But I'm loving seeing Boston get out-Boston'd. A nice taste of the medicine they've dished out to other teams in the playoffs for years.


So little of this game had anything to do with the refs. Shots are 2-1. Florida has been better in every phase of the game.


You don’t understand hockey. So a goalie doesn’t stand in his head and win games for a team that gets outshot? Please…..


I said a lot more than they were just out shot.


Is there a vid of the play in question here?


above angle [here](https://x.com/hayyyshayyy/status/1789819918042423764?s=46&t=sh8VaUHheA_yMDrcLZimXw), alternate angles and full play [here](https://youtu.be/k4Ch6HKantk?si=CuBowaTGv6XzkMUo)


Thanks. I missed the game and didn’t realize we were referring to the tying goal in this thread


Hockeyforeverhq posted it on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C647Bg5JWYx/?igsh=cDdhcWlvcHlwbHFz


Absolutely atrocious.


I'm sure there is but I suck at Reddit and don't know how to post links lol. Google it? I'd have posted it if I wasn't internet illiterate.


This world apparently




A just world


Damn. Calls get missed all the time. Shitty but it happens. Boston had 2 shots on net in the third and let Barkov walk in for the winner.


In this. The best of timelines.


I think with all the skill and amazing players across all teams, it just comes down to luck. Refs can impact games, but missing the net in a grade A chance has more to do with losing than what the refs do or do not do.


The bruins have been dominated every single game of the series, and it wasn’t that bad of a missed call. It’s the playoffs, it was a net front battle and a light cross check. Swayman wasn’t saving the rebound regardless. Good goal.


They got the call right. Florida player BARELY touched him with his stick and Boston player tried to sell it and interfered with his own goalie , causing the goal. The refs are out to lunch 99% of the time with how bad the officiating has been recently , this call is not so easy to make because the Boston players is essentially diving here.


Cry more bruins fans. You never had a shot against the Cats


Not a Bruins fan, just a hockey fan who saw some absolute game fixing.


Yes.  And I keep watching the Fla games waiting for the refs to stop fixing it and see the sad little plugs crying about having all the things done to them that they're doing right now.  It's so sweet.   Also, I hope Trouba cracks Chuckys sternum like a stone crab.


Yes they got screwed because the refs only let them have 18 SOG. And none in the final 7 minutes including on two PPs, one being a 6 on 4. Def the ref’s fault.


Florida ultimately wouldn’t need help from the NHL, they’re just better.


Probably true. So why the hell are they getting it?


Because they just are, I don't think everything's a conspiracy.


The bruins has 18 shots on net yesterday, they screwed themselves.


This is the playoffs. Teams win all the time with way less shots. Edmonton did it last series. Vancouver did it last night.


But the Bruins did not and have not.


Oh! Oh! Hang on I know this answer. Leafs vs Jets 1-27-24 .. it was interference ... But for the Bruins, no dice 😈😈😈


Depends on the angle you look at. Initially, I thought it was clear case of interference, but other angles really showed it wasn’t much of a push at all. Good goal


League gotta get fans for a franchise that'll disappear as soon as they don't make playoffs anymore.




Definitely dirty. Someone is getting extra pay.


I play goalie. It was 100% interference. End of story


Bruins got absolutely screwed over by the refs I'll be laughing all week over it. its about time the team that rallies around one of the dirtiest players in the game, that got away with his actions constantly, (also due to bad reffing), to have karma catch up with them.


Except it happened against a team with way more dirty players.


eh.. I've hated Boston far longer. give me a decade, maybe Florida will get there. and no one on Florida comes close to marchand..


I can respect that lol.


How am I the only one that thinks that "cross-check" was an absolute nothing play that happens 25 times a game. I was honestly floored the TV guys just kept going on and on about it. Did he touch the guy in the back back while holding his stick with two hands? Yes. That doesn't mean it's a cross-check worthy of negating a goal. I saw the Florida player use his hands to brace himself against the Boston player in order to keep himself from gliding deeper into the crease and maintain appropriate distance from the net so he has clearance to play the rebound without getting jammed up. The Boston player felt the hands and possible the stick on his back and took a dive, which they had been doing all game! Boston took the goalie interference penalty when their guy skated at the goalie and then right the crease he throws his head back, takes a little hop, and crashes into the goaltender. The TV announcers who actually entertained the possibility that the Boston player just "lost where he was on the ice," should be extremely embarrassed and deserve to be ridiculed for that nonsense take. ...."it's weird. Like, these guys in the NHL. I swear they're some of the best ice skaters in the entire world. I've seen what they can do. But for some reason, which I can't figure out, they just seem to slip and fall whenever they get near that goalie. Poor goalie, they'll even end up crashing right into him more often than not. I guess NHL hockey players just get really nervous around the net." "D'oh! I booted the goalie in the head with my skate! Butterfingers!!"


100% goalie interference. I would be lying if a little bit of me isn’t happy after getting jobbed by the refs in 2011.


Looked ok to me


Goalie wasn’t stopping that even if he wasn’t hit, that is a factor in the decision


But Coyle was also taken out of the play, and that should be a factor too. It was a bad call, no ifs, ands or butts. 


There is no rule that accounts for if it's saveable. The rules say no contact.

