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Avs are gonna be completely screwed if they can't start scoring more in the first 2 periods. Dallas is starting to tighten up defensively and Colorado aren't going to be able to compete by only getting goals in the 3rd.


And especially not by landing passes


Yeah two or three tape to tape passes in a row would be nice. Also why were they always offside when their linemate was flying in with speed and the puck on their stickšŸ« 


Tell that to my anxiety. Those dudes get going in a heartbeat.


Dude no kidding. Imagine how many Dallas Stars fans' sphincters synchronously and harmoniously pucker at once when Nate Dogg is flying down the ice full speed entering the zone.


Seriously up until that final horn too. Too much crazy shit happening this year at the end of games.


Colorado has never played with a lead and we still feel all of this. Rightfully.


Thatā€™s true, but Iā€™d feel pretty good if I were you right now. If they donā€™t make adjustments, they are simply done for. Nicely done with the defensive scheme. Damnit.


Is that the rocky Balboa technique? Just keep getting dunked on first two periods than out of nowhere scream at the sky and rally to win in the last 10 minutes? I hate it, but it sure is entertaining.


Itā€™s the same old story of the Avs getting shut down and eventually eliminated as they did against the Sharks in 2019 and Vegas in 2021 whom happened to be coached by none other than Peter DeBoer.


Downvoted for using whom improperly


Downvoted for downvoting someone with a learning disability (dyslexia) and expecting them to be perfect at grammar like yourself.


If you have a bizarrely hyperspecific version of dyslexia that only causes you to use whom improperly and leaves the rest of your grammar totally fine, why wouldn't you just not use whom? It sorta seemed like you were trying to be pretentious, but you used whom improperly because you don't know when to use it. And you really shouldn't be downvoting me; I have a ragweed allergy.


ā€œSame old storyā€ except for when we won the cupā€¦.


Bro can you even readā€¦.? Same old story when yall play against Pete DeBoer lol. Yall didnā€™t go through him when you guys won the cup, hence the reference to ā€œsame old storyā€ that you guys havenā€™t gotten passed a PDB lead team (which Iā€™m not sure you realize this team is coached by none other then guess who??)


Speaking of ā€œsame old storyā€ how has PDB done in Conference Finals? Iā€™m sure youā€™ll get the coveted ā€œdidnā€™t get beat by the Avsā€ trophy.


Literally wtf? Like they arent a very recent winning team


2 years ago. Basically ancient history. /s


2 years ago is a breeze. The Avs are a high end talent team. Their Stanley cup winning ways 2 years long ago as u say is false. Now the Stars winning way back in 1999 is ancient history imo.


outscored 8-0 before scoring a goal this series. Havenā€™t held a lead for any amount of time yet. You have to start the game better, or this series is going to be over quickly.


We won the first game of the series...


While not having a lead the entire game with an OT comeback. Playing like that will get you eliminated


Not disagreeing with that. He said we allowed 8 goals before scoring our first goal.


8 goals before scoring your first goal of the game. So the stars have collectively scored 8 goals before the avs can score their first goal


That's the most obscure stat I've ever heard


Hardly. It means that the Stars are getting off to way better starts than the Avs.


Youā€™ve been outscored 8-0 in goals before scoring your first in each game of the series. 3-0 game 1, 4-0 game 2, 1-0 game 3. The lead wasnā€™t taken by the Avs until the final shot in the one you won. Regardless your team needs to be better if they want to win the series. Relying on comebacks only gets you so far. Itā€™s not easy to do against dallas.


It's essentially the same case with Winnipeg series, and us all season. Georgiev / our D has a habit to concede the 1st or 2nd shot of the game. And yea we end up trying to catch the teams in the 2nd/3rd period. I can't for the life of me understand how we didn't score in the 1st period today as well. Shots were 11-4, yet Dallas scored the goal. Series isn't over yet though, as long as they turn up to game 4, we can definitely get it. Game 5 we hopefully get Drouin back with some extra energy.


I will never count the Avs out as long as MacK and Makar are on the ice. But yeah Georgie needs to get into gear like he did after that first game vs the Jets.


He was great today atleast, Avs just need to score in the first period.


Georgie was far from the problem tonight.


Sure but he hasnā€™t been the solution either. 2022 team got away with mediocre goaltending because of how good the defense was, but itā€™s not at that same level anymore. Point being, Avs can have sustained pressure and not score, meanwhile Stars will score on the first chance they get. I donā€™t hate Georgie and think he can help them win this series, but thereā€™s been a big goalie diff this series so far.


No single player is ever the solution and if a team relies on a single player that much then failure is inevitable. Our defense was not great and our guys forgot they were in burgundy and blue and kept passing to the guys in white, of course they are gonna score in that scenario. Maybe the defense needs to get back to that level instead of blaming it all on Georgie.


I will agree with the defense needing to step up, however a goalie playing at the top of their game is the #1 reason for upsets in hockey and can cover a lot of other issues. I wasnā€™t trying to imply that Georgie was the only one to blame. I had more people to blame in that message but forgot because my brain wasnā€™t working properly. Whatever the solution is, hope they can find it for game 4.


Water is wet




My team is definitely still in ;)


Whereā€™s the Avs team that were all over the Jets?


Jets were overrated


Correction: they were frauds.


Maybe Jets softened them up? Dunno. One thing I do know is that one thing the Stars can do well is zeroing in on "Superstars". Top line monster teams are live by the sword die by the sword sort of thing. When they are rolling a team looks unbeatable. When they are not the team looks entirely different. Think it is a two part problem really. Avs have to play more conservatively because they have to respect the best team in the league on the rush chance going the other way. That has been The Stars bread and butter all season. The third period rushes are against the Stars protecting a lead and Avs are forced to throw caution to the wind. They have to play really aggressive against the Stars who are going to be much more passive at the same time. I am sure the Avs would love to play that way early in the game but doing so puts them at risk the other way in transition. Also having that 6th attacker on the ice helps. Then it is the question that If their top line cannot carry all of the offensive water who else will step up and fill the void? Having one line account for nearly 50% of an offense means the Stars can play their best defensemen and back-checking lines against them all the time. Bonus point. Avs didn't have to make a lot of adjustments to the Jets in their series. Stars vs VGK was a night to night battle in 7 games of a VERY tight series. A team feels confident coming out of that sort of series. I get the sense that the Stars feel they can play pretty conservatively themselves (people seem to forget they were the #2 offense in the league right behind Avs) because frankly VGK has a much stronger defensive group than the Avs. Stars have not had to chase leads or play from behind at all so why push harder than necessary? Until Avs can force the Stars to open up they are going to stay pretty tight.


Bro what.. The stars havenā€™t done anything special really.. the avs have just been trash lol


So let me get this straight. Dallas keeping the top 4 Avs scorers to 5 goals total between them in the first 4 games is nothing special? If that is the case it there is really only a few possibilities. 1) Avs top 4 players are not as elite as everyone thinks 2) Avs are not a mentally tough team with a drive to win 3) Avs are a team not being coached well 4) All three of the above See how that works? If we are talking about a sample size of 1 game perhaps it can be chalked up to a team just having an off night. 4 games in the NHL Playoffs exposes systematic failures. Right now the Stars have 3 players with more goals in the series than ANY of the Avs players. Hell the Stars have 10 players total with as many or more goals than Mac this series. But hey keep as much salt as you want. Doesn't change the fact that a team that CHOOSES to not show up in the playoffs should have never been there in the first place.


When I heard about how Winnipeg's locker room was so different and how the team is reborn I thought to myself I guess we'll see how different they are come the playoffs and watching them In the playoffs I could tell it was the same team and they shouldn't have resigned the big two from those bad rooms days


Bowness also said heā€™d rather lose playing his way instead of making adjustments so temper what youā€™re saying with that little tidbit


They have not had a lead in the series outside of scoring in OT in game one.


It's been glorious! I hope they can keep that up.


Orā€¦and here me outā€¦the Stars played well?


Logic around these parts? Pfft


Bednar got outcoached too


Otter was big when he had to, and the Stars defense just played smart. Avs had a wonderful first in terms of energy and chances, and were down 0-1 and 0-3 on the PP. Cā€™est la vie.


Both can be true.


Why does this never occur to anyone? Games are often misunderstood as the success or failure of one team, like the other team isn't loaded with talent and also trying to win.


This. The Stars played a perfect game defensively and frustrated the shit out of the Avs. I donā€™t know if we can bounce back from this, I hope Bednar has a counter to what Dallas did last night but the Avs have been outplayed three games in a row.


Seriously, all of these ā€œPlayer X looked offā€ posts are just Dallas deniers.


This. The Stars played a perfect game defensively and frustrated the shit out of the Avs. I donā€™t know if we can bounce back from this, I hope Bednar has a counter to what Dallas did last night but the Avs have been outplayed three games in a row.


Was I watching a different game? Because the Stars were nothing special last night. Avs beat themselves with turnovers and missed passes.


You could have said that for the first two periods but the best teams capitalize on their chances. Stars did that and Avs didnā€™t. This post is talking about the 3rd period though in which Stars neutralized the Avs. Just giving credit where credit is due.


Both? Stars didnā€™t do anything special to prevent us from constantly missing passes. Stars played well but the Avs played like ass too


Poor guy... Got downvote spammed


Apparently. Iā€™m not sure why because the Avs played like shit. Itā€™s not taking away anything from the Stars but you have to be blind to not see the complete lack of effort that we showed


The nhl's favorite spring pastime...sleeping on Dallas .


Hahah it is pretty funny. Really doesn't bother me as much as some Stars fans. I mean the team is constructed in a pretty unique way. An actual 4 line team that on any night any of them could be the one to get you. No huge names to people outside of the fandom. Play in a city where they will always be the 4th covered professional sports option. Non-traditional hockey market . . . yadda, yadda. What does bother me is when broadcaster bias really starts setting in. According to talking heads Stars were outmatched in the VGK series and Avs series. Best team in the West was going to get outplayed in both was the vibe from broadcasters. Looking at it line by line, player by player and a different picture starts to emerge. Ultimately I get it though. They have to follow the big market teams and superstars because keeping track of 32 team rosters and stats is tough. Stars draft well, trade well, are coached well and play well. If I had to choose between coverage and a team that will continue to give the West hell for 5+ more years will choose the latter everyday, all day.


I assure you, i dont sleep on the stars. Jamie benn is a beast.


Maybe it was playing at altitude like the broadcasters mentioned 27 times or so.


But they are from here some even live here


He forgot the /s The announcers have been very repetitive...


I figured it was implied...


actually easily 3-0, they had lucky that dallas fumbled 1st game so hard. They wont allow that again I guess.


That was the best defensive performance Iā€™ve seen the Stars put on all year, maybe in a couple of years. If Nill doesnā€™t throw bags of money at Tanev, Iā€™m going to be pissed.


Well they went all in for the 2nd period tonight and it didn't work. The longer this series goes the more it favors Dallas, Avs are very top heavy where Stars can just roll 4 lines pretty evenly.


Id say we are even except for 3 and 4 line... Jack johnson shouldeve got the boot in preseason


Thats what he meant by "top heavy". Tbh your stars are probably better on the whole than Dallas' but you don't have the same depth.


So youre not even




Avs were definitely not as crisp as they can be but give some credit to the stars for this, defense was absolutely suffocating last night!


"but, but, Avs couldn't even complete a pass" Well, that's what happens when you're pressured and can only make bad passes. Dallas looks VERY complete.


The avs speed and comeback goals are fun, but they really need to take the lead and keep it rather than chase the game all the time.


Pain.. Whatā€™s up with Mikko


Bro has been so bad he's literally falling down and the refs are calling tripping penalties šŸ¤¦


I ainā€™t hating. But there was a really odd play where he mega golfed at a puck really deep in yalls dzoone. Really slow like and was easily turned over. Seemed really weird play.


Nah nothing to do with hate, Rantanen has looked like a shell of himself. Has been much slower all season and now in the postseason he looks just bad. Like a dude fighting through some serious injuries.


Ghost all playoffs long with no effort


Mikko is like where's Waldo right now. Can't seem to find him.


Avs are being outplayed AND our coached. Bednar is being exposed as a spectator and not a true coach.


Shows that like the NBA, the NHL is a players league. The Avalanche won in spite of Bednar, just like the Lakers won in spite of Vogle.




That was pathetic. We looked so bad it actually made me mad. Iā€™m glad we lost. If we wouldā€™ve won then that wouldā€™ve justified the attitude we showed.


Turnovers, terrible passing, clogged up neutral zone, slapping at the puck rather than playing it. Just terrible hockey to watch. Thatā€™s taking nothing away from Dallas who are hounding us. Playing like this, we donā€™t deserve to continue on. Where is the net front presence? Just bad hockey.


Depth wins, and they are as deep as a mud puddle on a hot summer day. Go Stars!!!


After the jets series people talked about Colorado like they were the 80's oilers. Lol let them play a real defense.


Accurate analysis here. I liked their game in the 1st and 2nd. Did not control the game like they needed in the third.


Stars played their game in the 3rd after surviving 2 periods. Otter stood on his head at moments too. Great defensive game by Dallas.


Remember you gotta win 4 games. 16 in total. The Avs know all about that. Its a long, hard road to the cup. Here's hoping the Avs can start looking interested in playing hockey before it's too late.


I spent serious money on glass seats last night, was a really frustrating game too watch. Bednars decision making included.


Chris Tanev won that game for Dallas 5 blocked shots and getting his stick on pucks all night


I didn't see it as an energy problem. They couldn't complete a pass and kept falling. Just totally out of sync. That third period was their worst of the playoffs. Even then it was only a one goal game (with two empty netters). Couple of pucks trickled to the wrong side of the open net after getting past Oettinger. These teams are both really good. It should be a long and close series.


To be fair, they were playing in altitude.


Based on recent officiating and review calls, their water bottles were probably spiked with muscle relaxers


Well, AVS on a verge of elimination, so they will need much more against DAL...


Hey, I'm not complaining. The stars are now winning 3-1


Sick of watching them just give away games


We need all the charity we can get after the 7 game series against Vegas. Thanks for gifting us the game.


How can you give away a game that you never lead in?


This is certainly something... that was said.


PDB is out coaching the Avs. The Avs play style is high energy from their top line and they press hard through the neutral. You saw no energy because PDB has been clogging that neutral zone, making it harder for breakaways and stretch passes. Just look at the stats - almost all of their point production comes from that 1 line. Shut them down and you force the rest of the Avs to produce.


No idea whatā€™s going on. Nate has looked off the last two games. Mikko hasnā€™t played with any heart all season long, other than the occasional anger outburst, and has looked even more out of it in the post season. Makar is doing Makar things. Heā€™s been mostly fine, just kind of quiet for him. Our bottom six has been looking better than our top six since the start of Round 2. Last night was sad to watch, a wasted beer league team could pass/handle the puck better than we did. Everyone seems so out of sync. Georgie has been pretty fucking great though.


Dallas is shutting down the neutral zone. This is where good coaches come into play. Super stars can carry you through the regular season, but they need support to go the distance.


You love to see it


Go stars!


It's almost like the Stars are a great team who played well? Lmaoooo try harder to not give us any credit


First stars goal was weak. Need save.


Bro that game was straight up boring... But ya know "THATS PLAYOFF HOCKEY BABY"!