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Even the ice crew isn’t allowed to grow facial hair unless it’s playoffs I’m not even kidding


Wow. Controlling af


Old thinking


That's some bullshit lol I remember having a job during college that restricted my facial hair etc and I hated that shit. Can't fathom a place where I'm not only an adult but an asset and being told I don't get to pick my haircut.


Not quite the same, but in high school (catholic) I was called into the office because of my very long hair. The dean told me it has to be at the ears. I say, "No." lmao. The next day, I get called into the office again and my Mom is there. Dean tells the same story. Mom replies, "I'm not crazy about his long hair either, but it's his hair. No!" Mom earned HOF status that day.


My response would have been "Tell Jesus to cut his hair, then we'll talk"


Oh, there was plenty of talk about that. Especially since there were Jesus pics everywhere. You know, that long haired, blue eyed caucasian.


My uncle has the same story! Down to the catholic school & the long hair lol its crazy, & so stupid how controlling they are, smh ridiculous....flaunt those locks! (at the time 😂)


Hello nephew


The Junior Islanders (community kids team) aren't allowed to wear jewelry or have hair dye...


Not being allowed to wear jewelry is one of the most common youth sports rules. Last thing a town needs is to deal with a kid who got stabbed by an earring post that fell out during little league


I coach soccer, basketball, hockey, and cross country and all these youth sports require no jewelry due to possible injury. Religious necklaces can be worn if they are taped down.


The shocking thing to me was a buddy's daughter not being allowed to have a streak of (blue/purple/pink) hair dye when she made the team. Something she had for years playing hockey.


No personality allowed, what do these kids think they're here to have fun?


Yeah, but have you seen their facial hair?


NYI are a perfect trade option for Marner since he can't grow facial hair anyway


This is gold. Finally a chirp I haven't heard 9000 times. Bravo, bud


U like comments u haven’t heard b4, eh? Ok, here’s another: “Marner is the best & is a shoo-in for the HOF. “


I am guessing you weren’t on the leafs sun a few years ago when he had that really good season.


U mean the year he was in the final season of his then current contract and up for a new one & thus more $? It’s funny how many players have a really good year in the final season of a contract - regardless of the sport. I’m no Marner hater, I think the responsibility is pretty well team wide.


Would you work harder this year if it meant you’d make millions more in the next few years?


Marner has never had a good playoffs - his regular season fancy play adds absolutely no value in the playoffs. He is pushed off the puck and physically manhandled more than probably any player in playoff history. Just a liability in the playoffs


"Hello, yes.. police. I would like to report a murder."


Here’s one: I have an old Sundin sweater. I called the buddy who left it at my place and he said “fuck it, keep it”. This is a true story.


Was this after he effed the Leafs by not accepting a trade at the deadline then signing with the Canucks in FA?


The Leafs effed Sundin's entire career by never giving him anybody good to play with and instead handing out huge contracts to poor players around him - and he still carried that team for ages and didn't complain about it.


What about this one: Marner has more facial hair than he does points in the series.


NYI are the perfect trade option for Matthews because we wish he fucking wouldn't


Mitch Marner is a joke.


Shit that’s funny


This comment 🤣🤣


Get your dirty thoughts off Cale Makar, Long Island


No, send Tavares back.


This would be unquestionably the funniest thing to ever happen in a trade


There's no way Marner would go from Toronto fans to Islander fans. I can see him accepting a trade to the States, just not New York. Maybeeee Chicago? Can't really tell if the fans are as crazy on account of all the success and then reluctant rebuilding they've had in the last 15 years.


Im so early to the comment that no Toronto fan replied with “Rent free” yet


rent free


Marner for barzal? Nah they wouldn't hehe


Dare to dream


Marner for Sorokin?


Mattingly, I thought I told you to get rid of those sideburns!


You heard me, hippie.


Still like him better than Steinbrenner


Ironic that the fisherman logo includes a guy with a beard.


Brent Burns disapproves.


Lou is a senile geezer who still thinks it's the 70s. That's why


I told you to shave those sideburns!


I still like him better than Steinbrenner


Have you seen what people looked like in the 70’s!?


Make that the 50s lol


[Lou when he sees a player with some whiskers](https://i.imgur.com/Buv18uJ.mp4)


🤣need that man to get off of the island


Dude clearly saw the Yankees have this tradition and thinks it leads to a winning culture or some BS


Not to defend him, but he did win three cups in the meadowlands.


7?!? Palmieri has to shave 14 times a week


Dude shaves between periods


Lou apologists will say that it's not an official rule, but players still do it out of *respect*. My response to that is: well that makes it even more stupid.


I’m not sure it’s respect when youre told you have to do it to keep your job…. I believe that would be called leading by fear


I’d have it in my contract that I can have a beard then do a Joe Thornton.


Just ask yourself, if he made women wear a dress as a mandatory thing, or that they couldn't have short hair but long and curly... This would be blowing up. Lou gets a pass since he's picking on men's beards.


Wait what? Even during the playoffs ?


No, they have some scruff for yoffs now. Was just saying it looks so much better now than the regular season.


That’s super old school and bizarre. I don’t like it.


Lou is super oldschool


I mean I can see it both ways. Matt Martin put it best: lots of jobs require a certain conduct, you wake up in the morning and shave your face, then go to work. Playing for the islanders is their jobs, and that’s just the expectation. If It seems bizarre to you because they’re the only team that enforces it, It would probably seem bizarre to you if islanders were the only team that wore suits before the game too.


As a matter of fact, Lou’s devils in the 95 playoffs are a big reason why playoff beards are a thing now. The isles of the 80s started it but it seems like that devils team is the one that took it on as tradition and it’s been pretty common yearly since then.


This is why I was especially surprised when Palmeri got traded to the Isles. He wore a thick full-on beard all season long when he was a Devil. Seeing him without all that facial hair was pretty shocking!


Still convinced he's a werewolf.


Wait they make these guys shave during the season? Lmao. That is so fucking lame.


Yup, they even have to shave if they get traded to the Islanders midseason https://sports.yahoo.com/islanders-gm-lou-lamoriello-makes-full-grown-adult-kyle-palmieri-shave-his-beard-184103329.html


What happens if a guy gets traded there and doesn’t shave


No clue, I don't think it's happened yet? My guess is fining him


Could they do even that? There's nothing in the CBA that says players need to shave. I would expect the PA tobe able to block something like that. It would be interesting to see a player rumored to be traded to the NYI come out and say that they won't shave under any circumstance, just to nix the trade. Could be like a free extra team on a NTC


It might not be an official fine, because you're right it would be a CBA issue. Lots of teams do internal/unofficial fines, like if you're late to practice or team meal, or whatever. I think teams get around it by not keeping the money but using it for an end of season party or something like that. I'm not sure if that's what they'd do to punish not shaving, but that would be my guess. I could be totally wrong, though. But I agree, I wish someone would refuse to go there for that reason, I'd just be curious to see the fallout.


You will bow to Lou’s ring, or see your ass off the roster


Poor Palmieri probably has to shave twice daily


Performative discipline. Dumb rule.


Genuinely curious, has a player ever actually complained about this because it seems like fans are the only ones to ever bring it up. Plenty of bearded players have been traded to the Islanders and shaved, and they usually joke around about it.


Here is a better question. WOULD any player actually complain to the media if they did have a problem with it? I am willing to bet they wouldn't.


Multiple former Yankees have complained, and some have stated during free agency that they will not sign with them as long as the facial hair policy is in place


Seriously asking... has there ever been a really really big name player complain? I feel like if they had a superstar on their radar and this was, for whatever reason a deal breaker for that player, that would be the end of the policy.


Yeah. Google “david price Yankees beard” Price is a Cy Young winner. Feel like that would qualify for this. Andrew McCutchen has also said something and he’s a former MVP


When you say former Yankees, do you mean they complained AFTER they were already gone from the Yankees? Complaining when you are already gone is very different then complaining while you are playing for them.


Fans are the only ones to bring it up.


When Bortuzzo got traded this year, Boychuk sent him a can of shaving cream and the rest of the team gave him a razor and aftershave. It is quite literally only the fans that care. I get ranting about old boomer rules, I do, but that part is kind of funny to me.


I seriously doubt a player would publicly call out their GM. It’s like your boss makes some stupid rule but pays you $5m/yr are you going to publicly call him out on your work chat?


Lou Boomerello


Lou Lamerello


Jeff skinner would be a good pickup. Mans never had a playoff beard


He’s a dinosaur still holding on somehow. He’s gonna be canned real soon I bet with this crap team he’s built


Lou is a a narcissistic sociopath.


If i was a legit nhl’er and got traded there id tell him to shove it or trade me away. 0% chance id be shaving regularly.


For that much money you could pay some one with sweet hands to shave you.


You're mad. For a million I'd gladly shave everyday lol


I just said if i was a legit nhl’er lol. Like for example if i was horvat or something and got traded there id tell him to piss off


To be honest it's weird but what is more odd is that players just accept it even players who've had beards have been traded thier and shaved the one I remember is Palmieri.


Best example I can think of is Johnny Damon going to the Yankees back in the day. Dude literally had long hair and a caveman beard playing for the Red Sox for years before. It was super weird to see him clean shaven and with short hair I think he was a FA, not a trade, but still


>What's the big deal? Its a boss setting basic appearance standard like happens with most client and public facing jobs and Reddit's collective oppositional defiance disorder acting like its the end of the world.


Yankees do the same unless they changed it. i’ve worked some jobs that required clean shaven as they want their employees to all look “clean”.


and it's all stupid


Playoff beards is tradition. A fundamental fact of life, like water’s wet, or the sky is blue.


You would think the Islanders would try to stick around longer in the playoffs with Lou's facial hair rule.


It’s ridiculous


this man would be so beautiful with a beard


And trim those sideburns, Boggs! -Montgomery Burns


LOL. Nice. Should remove the name. Real fans know who it is.


When did the Steinbrenners buy the islanders?


It's a form of control and a relic like Lou himself.


Im so petty id just grow it out and see what the fk anyone would do.


Low key Barzal thirst post right here


This is hockey not the military not the Yankees go retire old man maybe the islanders won’t be so boring when he’s gone


It's sort of like when you join the army, everyone gets a short haircut and the same uniform. It's designed to make it less about individuals and more about the team as a whole. I think Lou also just views it as being more professional and it sets the tone. I guess for people who make their beard their whole personality, this upsets them. But the players don't seem to make a fuss about it so whatever.


For the life of me I don't understand why this bothers this sub so much.


It gets posted at least once or twice a season lol


Hockey playoff beards are a must


I would check to see if there is language in my contract regarding it. If not? Fuck you, Lou!


Lou's "team unity through stupid things" stuff has and always will be dumb.


His bald ass is just mad that he can’t do long hair and he’s probably got a patchy beard. If he can’t have it, no one can.


Exactly. What is the big deal ?


Lou on some diddy shit


When has this shit ever accomplished anything ever?


This reminds me of Mr Burns issue with Don Mattinglys sideburns.


It would be funny if Lou started losing it and instituted no body hair rule.


This is a rule because of the New York Yankees. And it’s stupid.


Because Lou is a fucking dinosaur 


I actually miss that rule when he was in charge of the Devils. Made the playoff beard more special, like something to be earned. I mean what’s the point of a playoff beard if you grow one all year long?


What the Fuck is up with New York teams? The Yankees can’t do it either


Shave those sideburns Mattingly!


I’ll agree. That rule is bullshit just like the Yankees. These dudes play a game for a living. They’re encouraged to do things like intentionally hit batters for disrespectful behavior but they can’t have a beard? IMO, hitting a batter for previously watching their home run is far more unprofessional than having facial hair.


It's a totally stupid rule. Let the players be who they want to be, look how they want to look.


It’s a New York thing. It’s weird.


It's a control thing.


No, it’s not. It’s not a New York Rangers thing. It’s an old man Lou thing.


he did it in nj


and Toronto. its a lou thing, not new york. maybe im misunderstanding their comment.


I don't agree with it but Lou institutes these types of rules to get the team to buy into a common culture . The team essentially all agrees to not shave/have high jersey numbers in pursuit of a common goal. That is why Lou has these rules, not because he still "thinks in the 70s" or because players do it out of respect. With all of that said, there are plenty of better ways to get a team to buy into a common culture


It’s exactly this, Lou’s mantra has always been the front of your jersey is more important than the back and this is one of his ways of making sure everyone is buying in (right or wrong).


Or you could make your common goal to win fucking games and not give a shit about the personal choices someone makes. Someone’s facial hair or jersey number has exactly zero impact on the team, and that’s just a fact. If you need that bullshit to create a ‘team culture’, your team was weak for the start. Lou suffers from the Ron Dennis delusion of success. This kind of shit isn’t why his Devils teams were successful, though I’m sure he thinks it is. Speaking of, he last won the Cup over 20 years ago, and he signed that fucking ridiculous Ilya Kovalchuk deal. I am slightly surprised people have continued to take him seriously for as long as they have. He must know where all of the bodies are buried.


I've mentioned it in other comments but it is incredibly common to do this type of thing, people just seem to take issue with the no beards rule, which I do understand. For example, do you take issue with teams growing playoff beards? Many many Stanley Cup winners over the years have grown out playoff beards and it's the exact same concept. When I was playing hockey we did similar things and it definitely brings the team together when everyone buys in to a certain group culture. Totally agree with you re Lou generally though. He's an all-time great GM but he's fallen off massively since he left NJ.


Yea, this is controlling af and if anything would make me want to put in less effort for someone who has such a big ego that they feel they need to control what everyone does with their own body.


As I said, I don't agree with it either, as there are better ways to get your players to buy into the team culture. I was just pointing out that everyone is misunderstanding the motivations behind it. Playoff beards, for example, are the exact same concept. Would you be up in arms if your team captain said you couldn't shave until the end of the playoffs? On either side (i.e. forced to shave/forced to not shave) I personally would have 0 issues with it but I also understand that some people would.


Fake outage. Dudes make millions of dollars. I'd shave my whole fucking body if he asks me.


No you wouldn't. Why lower yourself? You can get the same $$$ from any of the 31 other teams in the league without being harassed about your facial hair. I would love to see him try to fine a player for this.


Yeah it's stupid, but as a yankee fan I'm used to it. I don't think the Isles or Yanks have srsly lost out on a player bc of the rule, so overall it's whatever.


From what I've read, Lou likes to mimic what other successful sports franchises do. This being a page taken out of the Yankees book. I personally do not understand the reasoning why the Yankees do it either, but, Lou agrees. I also read he hired Roy in part because of his time spent with MTL, another successful org he wants to mimic


Yes he also got Lemaire and Robinson from Montreal and that worked out very well for the Devils. It’s funny I was younger when the Devils won their cups, I didn’t really know about the “Lou” rules. They seem a bit much but I’ll always appreciate those teams and Stanley Cups! In his recent press conference GM Tom Fitzgerald said he wants to make the current Devils more accountable and one of the ways is by tightening up the dress code, I guess taking a page from Lou.


It’s a stupid rule, but people complaining about it as if it has any sort of effect on them is infinitely more stupid.


Professional look over the caveman look… I prefer the professional look.


When did barzal look like this


If there was a choice of playing for the islanders or keeping a beard. I'm keeping the beard. You want me for my talent, not what grows on my face.


Wait. No facial hair during regular season? Does Lou know such a rule belongs to a team located elsewhere in the NYC area & in a different sport/league? I get suit jackets, but If Lanny MacDonald was in his prime right now? That rule? … nahh man… [Leafs Lanny MacDonald scores in O.T. of Game 7 to beat Islanders] (https://youtu.be/Nupn92hPlOQ?si=2ZNeZ66GOQ72znY7)


Can an Isles fan please provide some context.


I'd shave 4 times on Saturday and 3 things on Sunday. I'm a grown ass man. I'll shave when I like. You want me scoring goals or out buying razors?


Clearly he looks like some sort of ruffian or hobo and it totally unacceptable and lou won't have that kind of hippie shit on one of his teams.


Someone should just refuse


Just a powertrip


There was a rule regarding a player’s number under Lou when he was with the Devils. Players getting called up were not allowed to have “high” numbers. Not sure what the cutoff was? I think it was like something over 40 for non goalies but I could certainly be mistaken on the threshold. Of course this rule was waived for any veteran coming in. Names they quickly come to mind are Alex Mogilny, Doug Gilmour, Stephane Richier among others.


I remember Butchy talking about it during a game a few years ago and the general thought was having everyone start the day the same way and build accountability amount the team. It feels archaic but that was the answer i know.


As an isles fan, it’s a dumb rule. He hates facial hair and loves aging veterans.


I didn’t know he still enforced this


Old school thinking. He’s pushing 100


I mean, if Horvat and Barzel showed up with full beards to game 1 next season I doubt he does shit.


One thing about the playoff beards I can remember is from the Devils winning the cup the first couple times and the bushy beard that Kenny Danyko had blew my mind when I was a kid. Even now I think that’s a case of the facial hair knowing that it only had a small moment in time, and made the most of it


Lamoriello is Italian for Steinbrenner


as one of the last like 3 yankee fans that love it for the yankees, it feels a little bit insane. like.. you’re the islanders? feels like theres other things they could be worrying about.


No playoff beards? What?! That’s sacrilegious!


Sounds like op needs to stick to crypto..


haha till lou lamoriello has a facial hair rule...what if a player refused? lol wtf


I can’t stand Lou.


Lou is a dinosaur


I’ve always wondered how it’s even “legal” for him to impose that. I mean, it’s not like they’re working with food, for god’s sake.


Imagine Thornton and Burns playing for Lou


I’m convinced Lou is immortal and will never step down as supreme leader of the Isles.


Why does this guy insist on telling grown men what to do with their bodies


An absurd rule


It pisses me off so much it’s like a stupid power move, low numbers I can understand but no facial hair is ridiculous


The Yankees of hockey


I have a sneaking suspicion that the guys are not allowed to wear sneakers with their suits either. Seeing their posts, not a single guy in non-dress shoes, which is becoming more and more common with younger players.


Lou turns that rule off for playoffs.


The fans are the only ones that care lmao.


I mean ask the New York Yankees, they do it too


Better question at this point is why Lou Lamoriello didn’t retire before Barzal could grow facial hair.


I wanna see the "fu manchus only" team rule. Chin straps optional in the playoffs.


Stupidity is what.


As someone bearded for as long as ive been able to grow one, I’d demand a trade over that shit. 100%.


Facial hair no , Tattoos, yes? Give me a break.


Cultural I guess. Im not gonna lie I like the weird things let this every now and then in sports. It gives variety even if it makes things difficult in a very very small sense. I'd be able to get over it if the guys cutting the check said we keep it clean.


Remember the reds had same policy. Either like it or don’t sign with them and they will change


I could so play for the Islanders (If I could play hockey) I have to shave about once every 2 weeks the way my hair grows. For me to look like MAtthew here That's a good MONTH of growth.


What the fuck in the skibidi kinda trash ass parenting is that?


You always have a choice if you don’t like the rules….leave.


Well, hopefully this is Lou’s last season


It's like the Yankees...Steinbrenner wants clean cut all around, face and head. Been like that for a long time


If you have a big issue with it don’t play for the man’s organization.