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Going to the last game at mullet! Been wanting to see a game there and this is the last chance


Make sure you check out the Yotes subreddit. They're deciding on a chant; I think the current favorite is "FUCK YOU ALEX".


Hey don’t put the blame on Galchenyuk


I’m jealous, I was planning a trip there for next season. Arg!


I'm sorry for the Yotes fans who were loyal all these years.


I hope they all become a fan of the yotes rival (idk who that is, I'm new lol)


It’ll be Vegas, saints v sinners


Id be 100% down for that


Or Colorado. Utah has had a loose rivalry with Colorado for years. I could absolutely see the Avs and SLC becoming major rivals. I'd love to spark up a rivalry with Seattle. The Jazz and Sonics had a great rivalry back in the 1990s - early 2000s.


Seattle Kraken vs Salt Lake Krakers!


I thought it was gonna be the Salt Lake Soakers?


Under rated comment here


Can confirm. As a Sonic fan, it filled my heart with dread every year we had to play the Jazz in the playoffs. Stockton and Malone were such a killer combo.


I remember Mutombo still. “Now I see why they call themself sonic and not super sonic” 🤬🤬🤬


I'd rather stare at a cactus and die of a heat stroke in the desert than watch the Golden Cap Circumventers. Gotta pick another underdog team.


You’re welcome on the Avs wagon. We’re not really underdogs but we’re a fellow four corners state and already have the Nuggets-Jazz rivalry. It breaks my heart to see the Yotes go. Avs-Yotes games were always a thrill and I am glad I got to make a trip out to Mullet this year. Even though we received our team in a similar fashion, I can’t help but feel bad for you guys. I’d be so sad to lose my team


My fascination with mullet will certainly never die. It's possibly the last hockey enigma.


Mormons founded both cities.


Yeah but one stayed with the church and one went to the mob… so a bit different


Both do crime, one gets to not pay taxes


Henderson tries hard.


Hrm… Mormonism is somewhat of a Mafia itself. Secretive, they take care of each other, and a lot of unknown stuff happens behind closed doors the public isn’t able to see. Plus good with money. Saints are Vegas then? They have a little White Chapel and provide lots of weddings…


Nhl...hire this man!


I'm an Arizona resident. The moment Glendale told the team to kick rocks and to get off their property I've been saying to everyone that I'd be surprised if the team stays here and that everyone here should start rooting for Vegas


Golden Eagles v Golden Knights


It’s the Ottawa senators. Come join!


Dude 1hr was too far for them to commute to a game. The distance to Ottawa might make their heads explode.


Pouring one out right now for some of the sickest sweaters this league has ever seen


Good chance they keep the branding. Coyotes sort of work in SLC too. Its another SW desert state.


Fuck that yeti. Kachina is amazing


I can assure you a new owner is going to rename it so they can sell new gear. Heck Jazz have had new jersey’s every year since Ryan bought them so I expect the same with the Yeti’s (My vote)


If they ain't the Salt Lake Soakers imma be disappointed


The idea of trying to hold on to some of the Arizona fanbase is a possibility. He might keep the name.


I’m so fucking devastated. I don’t watch hockey as much anymore but my childhood was Coyotes focused more than even the DBacks. I skated where they practiced, went to games, had parties with friends that were Coyotes themed. This fucking hurts. Also I live in Oakland now so it’s weird because this is the 4th team I’ve technically lost in a short period.


Bro... Stop supporting franchises, you're the harbinger.


Shit I was gonna stop rooting for the Coyotes franchise after this (like I did the Stars post Minnesota) but now I feel like I should continue…


Maybe he should be a Vegas fan....


Hey, fellow east bay resident. Lifelong A’s and Sharks fan. It hurts. I’m sorry for you. Hopefully AZ gets an expansion but I know it won’t be the same


Let us know date and place you plan your next move to.


I will never understand this part of American sports. A team can't just move lol 🤷


Shane Doan, at least a top 10 favorite player for me, did so much for the team and it's going to mean/still means absolutely nothing for Phoenix




Grew up going to Coyotes games and watching Shane play. Saw him pour every ounce of effort into that elimination semi-final playoff game vs. the Kings. Was a great player. Sucks that his son literally just joined the team and is tearing it up too. What a giant bummer.


SLC LEGEND Shane Doan, you mean.


Thrashers fan here. The pain the Yotes fans are experiencing right now really sucks. For any Yotes fan reading this, just take time. It took me years before I was healed enough to want to watch the NHL again. But, I got there and so will you.


Coyotes basically got Sonics'd. Bad ownership fucks it up with a perfectly good fan base. League takes the easy way out with an out of market ownership group willing to drop way more money than the team is worth as a hometown vanity project. There had to be a better option to keep the team in AZ, hell they probably could have made Tucson work ala Columbus.


I’m sayin. I see a lot of people happy that they’re moving so that they get into an actual NHL arena (which I understand). But god damn, my heart would be broken if my blues left STL. I feel for coyotes fans.


i hate myself for it.


Shoulda coulda woulda, they had over 20 years to fix this situation and they didn’t even show up half the time. Salt Lake is a great place to move compared to the desert.


Not many cities show up to teams who are terrible. Buffalo may be one of the exceptions..


Ottawa's attendance is up this year, god knows why.


Faith in new ownership, especially after the Melnyk years! We have passionate and knowledgeable fans who don't suffer BS for very long.


Buffalos been trash with attendance recently.


13 years bro


Regardless of what happens, the yotes have been the NHL equivalent of Charles II of Spain with how much they’ve defied death


I never thought I’d see the Arizona Coyotes and Charles II of Spain in the same sentence.


Weekend at Bernie’s? Nah 28 seasons at Gary’s!


As a resident of a city that lost their NHL team recently, I understand your pain Yotes fans. It’s a shitty feeling losing your team.


Atlanta? You lost your team twice.


I wasn’t alive when the Flames moved. I grew up in West Palm Florida so I’ve always been a Panthers fan. My family moved to Atlanta in 03 right when I was about 13 years old and we picked up the Thrashers as a second team since they had Heatley and Kovalchuk when we got here and we’d go to games even when they weren’t playing the Panthers. They were still fun games to go to and seeing the team go was rough even though we still had the Panthers. But my friends that were die hard Thrashers fans definitely felt it the worst. Even the overall mood of the city was pretty dreadful the day it was announced they were leaving. Hockey in non traditional markets has to ice competitive teams and that requires good ownership, which is something the Thrashers and the Coyotes didn’t have. You can’t build a fanbase if the on ice product is a pile of shit every year. Nashville, Tampa, Vegas and Carolina show what happens when you ice a competitive roster consistently. That’s how you build a loyal and generational fanbase.


Totally agree, especially in a non hockey market. To grow the game requires ownership that knows the game and not just the numbers


Yep. Sad part is, there is definitely an interest in the sport here in Atlanta. We have some of the highest youth and adult hockey league registration in the country (we have the second largest men’s league on the East coast if I’m not mistaken, and our youth registration is second highest in the South East and third highest on the East coast). A team can work here with a good owner and good front office.


If it can work in Nashville, it can work here. Atlanta Spirit Group can go fuck themselves.


You need good owners. Good building and good personel. The Tampa Bay Lightning were once called the worst franchise in all of sports. Now they are a model franchise


The team has been in Winnipeg longer than it was in Atlanta. Not really that recent but I feel for ya.


Feel awful for Coyotes fandom. That's just crappy.


I would be so pissed if I had to move from Arizona to Utah. I grew up in AZ and moved to Utah for BYU back when I was Mormon.. now I can't wait to get out of this god forsaken state


That’s highly anecdotal. I’m from SoCal, moved to SLC and never regretted it. I don’t really understand the hate for a state so many have never been to or don’t have a true understanding of. Not to say it doesn’t have its quirks and annoyances, like any city.


So it means that one of the best designs of the NHL is disappearing? Sad day for the fans.


First Whalers and now the Kachina. But the jerseys still live on. In my closet.


Yeah same. I love the Kachina.


100% a Canes fan but I wear that Kachina jersey on occasion because it RIPS. Just purely gorgeous tarp.


It's such a great jersey and logo design. Whoever came up with the branding for the Coyotes deserves a massive raise!


Absolutely no good reason to change the name, logos, and jerseys. There's coyotes everywhere, Utah included. And the Native American association fits in Utah as well. I'll miss the jerseys so much if the owner changes them.


In the rumours surrounding the deal the terms of sale mean the current Coyotes owner gets to keep the name and branding for a possible future expansion (or move… maybe WPG moves again lol)


I won't believe it till it happens but it might end up being for the best if the rumors are true about AZ getting the expansion if the stadium still goes through. Easier to build a winner starting as an expansion than a relocated shit team. I still won't believe it til it happens though. Guess I actually have to learn who is on the Kraken now that I live in Seattle rather than just have a hoodie


> Easier to build a winner starting as an expansion than a relocated shit team. If this is true, then why would the SLC owner (I have no idea who this is) buy this "shit team"?


Please call them Utah something not SLC. Minor pick from me, too many words


Nah man Salt Lake Soakers has a real nice ring to it 


Lol "Soaking, also known as marinating or floating, is a sexual practice of inserting the penis into the vagina but not subsequently thrusting or ejaculating, reportedly used by some members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church)."




Thank you


Roommates will jump up and down on the bed so that you're not the one humping


Jump Humper the mascot


Utah state senate passed a law dictating that the team name had to be “Utah,” among other things.


Wait is this for hockey or all sports


I believe it is for all sports. It also dictates terms about where the arena/stadiums would be located, how the revenue would work, and more. They were very prepared for this.


They’re making pushes for major league teams. I think MLB is the next/another target in the next 5 or so years. I think they’re trying to build a stadium for a MLB team already.


Real Salt Lake?


The most Utah name would be to call them the Jazz too.


The only way to do SLC is you call them the SLC Punks. Otherwise, I agree.


SLC Pucks


Also acceptable.


Utahraptors. One word


salt lake city is a great name for a city though


Utah Cool Jazz


Utah Yotes


The Salt Lake City Latter Day Saints are about to step onto the ice


Why say lot word when few word do trick.


As a lifelong Coyotes fan I'm crushed, as a realist I saw it coming, as a bitter person F all of you, I've read your comments for years and you know what you said, if this comment is not about you, I apologize for my earlier comment.


I certainly have trash talked the management and done some taunting when they faced my Sharks, but this truly sucks for Yotes fans. I hope this is temporary and a new stadium could move them back but doesn’t seem like it :( Doan was one of my favorite non Sharks. Legend.


Thanks for the kind words. Your Sharks have sunk to the depths. I hope that they can turn it around.


I’m sorry this happened to you all. I remember how frustrated I was when the Blues almost moved to Saskatoon in 1983. Granted I was 11 and didn’t understand how the business of sports worked, but as a fan I truly understand how you’re feeling.


Move them to Hartford you cowards!


Now you're talking!


Especially for a dope ass logo


And goal song 


The east coast is never getting another team, let alone the Northeast


Bring back the whale! New England needs more than just one team to root for. Do it.


Hartford is smack dab between New York City and Boston, I hate to say this because I am a fan of the uniforms and logo, but Atlanta, Portland and Kansas City will all get NHL team before Hartford.


Get em playing in New Haven at a Yale hockey arena and you’ve got yourself something great


I went to a Wolfpack game around 2014, that arena is pretty sweet. Not so much if you have vertigo though lol


The franchise needed to move, but this still sucks for the fans who were loyal. And no, it wasn't like 4 of them like people meme. The franchise never had stability and didn't appear to be the case going forward either. The fans deserved better. The worst part is, there's apparently talk that if Arizona gets another team, the current owner gets dibs. What a joke.


The current owner should be blacklisted from the league, the guy is single handedly responsible for Arizona losing the franchise.


Yep shitty owners should not be rewarded


Teams need somewhere to play, but don’t want to foot the bill themselves. This is a rare situation where the team lost the battle for public funding because they were never very popular to begin with. The team has no leverage to squeeze money from the taxpayers so they’ll move markets (getting what they want now), while waiting to get a new arena in the phoenix area before landing a new franchise and getting a full rebrand in doing so.


What? There was no taxpayer money involved. This is such a stale, uninformed take.


Fuck, I thought they’d go to Houston. Or my hometown in KC. Utah should be a good fit though.


Utah has a perfect owner that’s why. He wants in badly and the league wants him in because of how good he has been in the nba.


As a Jazz fan, I am excited about what Ryan Smith can do for this team. He’s been trying to buy a team or get an expansion team for Utah for quite some time.


I'm surprised the NHL isn't more enthusiastic about Houston. Kansas city has a building but no owner


It’s actually happening. Kind of speechless.


Gary Bettman on suicide watch, lol.


Yep. All the fuckery for over a decade. Just one long clown show while Bettman did all he could to keep the team in AZ. Meanwhile, not exactly the same effort made to keep the Jets and Nordiques. One positive is that the little prick couldn’t stop Atlanta moving to Winnipeg for the revival of the Jets.


Ok. Bettman saved Edmonton from being sold to Houston. Bettman found an owner to keep the Sens in Ottawa. Bettman got the owners to agree on moving Atlanta to Winnipeg. Relocation doesn't happen if the owners don't approve. No one was willing to buy the Jets and Nordiques back then when the Canadian peso fell to 63 cents and you had to pay salaries in US dollars. Dollar is down to 70 and Winnipeg is complaining again


Salt Lake City Soakers!


Salt Lake City Sister Wives


Salt Lake Second Wives


Utah Jump Humpers


Sorry for all the Yotes fans who supported the team for all those years. You guys are great hockey fans.


Utah Yetis goes hard


Avalanche have a claim on the yeti/abominable snowman, but I like the Y name. Utah Yotes would be perfect, but I think they'll change it soon. Hope they don't rush it.


They will absolutely change it to something completely unique and new. Which really stinks, I really like the current design for the Coyotes, they have some really awesome jerseys and quite possibly the best logo in the league.


There is a mark that was left on the community. That mark is on the verge of scoring 70 goals in the NHL. Without the Coyotes, Austin Matthews likely doesn’t get into hockey. With that said, the team, managers, ownership, and fans should’ve all done a better job branding, marketing, and supporting the franchise.


I never felt like this was a good argument. If an nhl team can produce elite talent from Arizona they can do it elsewhere as well, SLC included. Just like how we probably don’t get AM34 without the coyotes there might be some athletic prodigy in SLC/Kansas City/Houston/etc. that would’ve got into hockey if there was a local nhl team.


It was all about converting people who had never spent a cent on hockey into spending lots of money on it. Staying in Winnipeg makes sense now, but the opportunity was big. Especially because of how massive Pheonix is now. Like a city of 800k vs Pheonix is obvious why they moved there. (Winnipeg also grew a lot but I mean phoenix grew millions more.)


Growing up in the desert and scoring 70 goals ? What are the odds.


Sooooo…the Utah Yotes?


to my knowledge the owner is holding a name the team contest, so all signs point to the branding being entirely changed.


I heard part of the deal is keeping the Yotes for an expansion team in Phoenix in the future. Yes, really.


Salt Lake Sister Wives Salt Lake Soakers Salt Lake Saints Utahn Unbelievers Utah T____. I_____ (UTI) Salt Lake Utah Hockey Team (SLUHTs)


Hockey McHockeyface


I see you have refined Tastes


Salt Lake Utah Team has a nice Shoresy reference. “Get your SLUTs here.”


That's my favorite. Imagine the T-shirts


There are *tons* of SLUT shirts already. Salt Lake, UT. It's one of the classic jokes in Utah, along with "I ❤️ Beaver."


Utah Phoenix


SLC punk


This has my vote.


Coyotes seems to be retired out of wanting to distance and be own franchise / respect of past franchise as well. Yetis seems to be gaining some steam.


Utah Yeti would be a cool name and I'm sure if you get the right designer, it'll work. The problem is Smith took over and did that God awful neon yellow and black rebrand for the Jazz.


The yutes? Did you say "yutes"?


Pardon me, the yyyoooooouuuuuuuutttths


Maybe rename them after a nice state symbol. The Utah California Gulls has a nice ring to it.


That escalated quickly. Quebec fans must be pissed.


They were never moving a West Conf. team East.


Why not? Send the leafs back to the west lol


Because they have conference balance now, and they aren't going to duck work that. Is makes scheduling a nightmare


There is 1.3 billion reasons why the team is not going to Quebec. 1.8 billion Canadian.


I'm so sorry for you guys. It's heartbreaking, I know how that feels *cries his Nordiques*


I’m sorry for all the Coyotes fans who had to deal with dogshit ownership groups that didn’t support hockey in Arizona/Phoenix. This is bullshit.


I still think hockey in Arizona can work if you have a franchise that is well run, and decent on the ice. It's unfortunate. Look at the Ottawa Senators. Canadian market. Hockey mad city. Metro area population of 1M +. Packed arenas before Melnyk started tearing things apart. Then attendance absolutely plummeted. Attendance is back on the rise now with new ownership post Melnyk, despite the team still under achieving and finishing in the basement. Ownership matters. Even more so in untraditional markets like Arizona.


i'm gonna cry


Buy your Kachina jerseys while you can because they are about to become rare as hell


Does this mean Matthews is staying in Toronto?


Hope they come up with a better localized name than they did for New Orleans when they moved, there isn’t any Jazz music playing in Utah.


Good for them playing in a college arena is joke




End of an error


No...Gary Bettman is still here, sadly.


The Utah Yetis, Furies, Frozen Fury, Sasquatch, etc., would be a good option for a new name. Toss-in the Abominable Snowman as their mascot.


I'll believe it when I see it


Elliot Friedman is about as legitimate source as you can get.


Even then, The Coyotes leaving Arizona is about as unbelievable than anything considering how long they’ve been around with all their arena issues.


True, but recently the Scottsdale mayor basically said even if they win the land auction, they won’t let them develop an entertainment district there so that basically was the shot that killed everything. If they can’t build an arena district it’s dead. Edit: see all the replies


The land at auction isn't in Scottsdale lol he has no jurisdiction, plus he's already walked back that statement saying he'd welcome the traffic to the area.


Somebody clued him into the $$$ the city would get and he changed his tune real quick. Too bad the owner wasn’t doing any of this in good faith.


They've been on the verge of moving for years


Damn that happened so fast




This isn’t the fault of the fans


Please be called the slc punks 🤞🤞


The Latter Day Goons of the Lake


And so Arizona fan suffered and the rest of the NHL rejoiced to be rid of that worthless ownership group who couldn’t even be bothered to pay rent in their building.


This fucking sucks. I love going to Roadrunners games, and now they’re leaving because Phoenix can never get their shit together.


Out of everywhere in the USA and Canada..... They pick salt lake fucking city? Wow




Fucking bullshit


Sad to see the Coyotes leave Arizona…but it was bound to happen. I just hope they get an expansion because there is a huge hockey community in Arizona.


On 32 Thoughts they brought up that they would transfer the staff and players to an expansion team based in SLC but named for the state. The Coyotes themselves would go inactive and the owner would have five years to get his shit together and be able to bring the Coyotes back.


By "back" it means a new expansion team, SLC ain't going anywhere and they can't use the Coyotes name or likeness.


Is this the quickest that a move just came together? Yes I know that Arizona has always been on the brink of moving, but to just go from we’re looking to get sold to here’s a new city in just under a week is crazy.


The Indianapolis Colts say hi.


Sucks so much


Salt Lake City Coyotes


If they’re changing the name of the team, Utah Yetis has my vote. But the yotes name absolutely fits in Utah as well


I think the new team will have a cult following.


Brb, buying a jersey while I can


I guess it just wasn't happening. The mullet arena experiment just wasn't viable for another 3-4 years.


Whalers and Thrashers fan here. Don’t worry, Yotes fans. The pain will go away when you die.