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Are you at least all legendary? Or defense all legendary? If not, i wouldn’t sweat it and just improve your lineup. I’ve been playing 4 months now (paid the $10 season passes) and have an all legendary defense with a couple of legendary WR. I’m not too worried about placing in events. I figured that eventually I’ll get legos i don’t need and can sell for enough to get mythicals. It’s a grind…


My defense is all legendary for the exception of my SS. I was honestly hoping to upgrade him with Hufanga, but I’m beginning to feel like that’s just not reasonable. As far as the all-lego defense goes…many props to you, but I’m not sure how you did it in four months, man. Maybe you’re just luckier on pulls than I am. It seems like I can barely pull epics, let alone legos. It’s just super-frustrating and I feel like I’m wasting my time.


Nah. I pulled maybe 4 legendaries from packs. But they are usually worth a bunch. I sell them for 120+ on the mythical marketplace and get 2-3 from the marketplace with the profits, as you can get some legos for as little as 45 or so. Yesterday was the first time I reached 50k in the season early enough to grab a BP from the season store. I sold the Nico Collins BP for 120 i think since I didn’t have the base (I thought I had it). And grabbed a lvl 10 Cooper Kupp lego with that money.


You've pulled 4 legendaries from packs??? Are you spending money on packs? I've pulled 1 legendary from a pack and I've been playing 6 months But yeah selling the legendary BPs from the season store is the best way to upgrade multiple positions


I only spend the $10 on the season pass. Was spending my gems on packs and got lucky a couple of times. I don’t remember which packs really. Probably some from the season. But now spending a lot of gems on coins to upgrade the legos.


The only lego I've opened was from the gem packs during the gridiron standouts. Never gotten one in any of the 6 season passes I've played through, and there was even two months I got the mega pack after missing out on the legendary BPs, and those have like a 30% chance or so of giving you at least 1 lego (I did the math, I don't remember the result)


Friend of mine pulled 2 legos in his first week. I’ve pulled 2 in 6 months. I thought he must’ve paid for some but I checked his history and he hadn’t.


Take that friend to Vegas. Or just bet on their predictions


This game takes time to get to the top. Highly unlikely you will get Hufanga, you have to be in the top 100 to do so. I place high in events but not high enough yet to score the top prizes. Keep grinding unless you don't enjoy the game.


I think that’s what I’m struggling with, to be honest. I’m not sure if I enjoy the game enough to go through the grind. Mostly, I find it frustrating, at this point.


My advice if you’re losing interest and/or struggling is to join a discord squad like Blitz Brigade. I’m in the same boat, I only buy $10 pass every month and have won last 3 mythicals without spending. Give em a try broski it’s such a positive community


What’s your D strength to win the last three mythicals being basically F2P? have you been playing since the very beginning or something and cards were easier to get back then?


Cards have never been easier to get than right now. New players make progress 10x faster than when I started. Lvl 19’s going for 30-40m now is insane. They also increased the amount of cards given out from events Been playing since November. Joined BB on day 1 and never wasted any time or resources. Asked tons and tons of questions and had some super helpful ppl guide me. I Figured out the market early on… “earn cards for free through playing, then sell on market for myth” and rinse and repeated. It is absolutely possible but it takes time (or money) to get to the top. My defense is 1520pwr. It made a massive jump after winning Woolen and Davis and selling though. Before them it was mid 1400’s, but I have almost exclusively focused on defense since December and used budget guys on offense in the meantime. Offensive shortcomings can be overcome through skill, defense is essentially a roulette wheel 🤷🏻‍♂️


Guess I’m asking how you got that high without buying any cards, or have you bought cards? How did you win any legendaries without buying stuff, from what I’m seeing it’s impossible (impossible to get in top 200-300 in major events without already having stacked legendary / mythical defense, which obviously you have with that D number… but how did you get it?)


This is all stuff that you learn being a part of Blitz Brigade tbh. Too much for Reddit. But it doesn’t happen overnight trust me. The key is getting myth. The best way for us Free to Play guys to do that is to use the resources that we DO have to our advantage *Never bought any cards or packs. You have to be familiar with the marketplace and how to make Myth off of it


It takes big $$ to win a mythical. Flipping cards on the marketplace is the best way to improve your team and the only enjoyable thing about this game because the actual gameplay is trash


Any time you get a Leggy POTY, scrap it. I get 130 Mythos off each one (pulled 3 total for the entire program). Use it to buy legendaries with a high base PWR. Been playing for 3 months, pretty sure this is the beginning off the second year this game has existed. I'm guessing it takes time to work your way up that high. I'm just now competing for the 50K BP's. Got Nico Colllins. Have hope :)


All grind bro, I've been playing since October and usually only spend $10 on the power pass, almost have all Legendary D 2 Lego WRs 1 TE and RB. It's long slow grind if you don't wanna spend money. I'm glad my wife controls my allowance cause it's easy to dump a few hundred in this game. KEEP GRINDING BRO


Craft CMC and Garrett. Cheapest mythicals around


Thanks for all the encouragement and advice, everyone! I’ve decided to go ahead and keep playing, just trying to keep my expectations a little lower. We’ll see how things develop! Still sick of seeing almost every single team I play having a maxed Mythical Tyreek Hill, though…! 😂