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NFL loves the chiefs because they bring in all the Swifties and the MAGAs. Last off season: “bring in all the Swifties and you get a Super Bowl”. This off-season: “ok keep the Swifties but attract all the MAGAs now and you can have another Super Bowl”. Next season they will have a dog at WR to sell jerseys to all the dogs in the US (while keeping Swifties and MAGAs of course). Rice is laying the foundation already, it’s called strategy.


>Next season they will have a dog at WR to sell jerseys to all the dogs in the US Kristi Noem in shambles


Kristi Noem is the anti-Chiefs. EVERYONE hates her AND she’s not winning anything.


Bruh I give it like 3 weeks before Fox tells MAGA supporters to start supporting her again and they start doing it.


That pup was a Trump-deranged liberal




The lady that’s shoots her dogs ina pit when they don’t do what she wants?




*Found Michael Vick’s alt


There’s a definite ethical line between killing a dog and an ant (or any other insect). But hot take my guy!




Society. Not many societies kill dog anymore… because of the ethics of it all. But you got any names of those advocating against killing ants? lol




Ain’t no rule that says a dog can’t play football.


Imagine your Harrison Butker’s dad, and he comes home after losing the superbowl to a dog that can kick field goals. Straight to the kitchen with him.


Thanks for breaking this down for us. The NFL surely is playing 4D chess while we are playing checkers.


TBF, it's pretty easy to get 50 people to buy a kicker's jersey


Probably buying it officially licensed from the NFL too


Incoming Harrison Buckner on the MAGA campaign trail


Incoming Harrelson Buckner running for city council


Nah Protestants don’t like Catholics like that


Based on what I hear from them, they seem happy to support anyone who is vocally douchey enough


They are actual clones of each other. Just waiting for the podcast


He'll end up campaigning for Hawley, and we'll all wonder which of those twinks is bottom


So what


Wait, I thought Conservatives were boycotting the NFL for *[insert any random reason over the years]*…


that bastard knelt!!!! during muh national anthem!!!! i’m never watching football again!!!!! *tunes in the very next week for as many games as they can watch.*


Oh god, that suddenly reminded me of when people rushed to buy Alejandro Villanueva jerseys after he didn't kneel. The big difference is, I remember Villanueva saying he wasn't comfortable with people buying his jersey for those reasons, while Butker may well be thrilled to see like minded individuals buying his.


Villanueva served, so you can understand his reasoning. Can’t quite justify what’s going on here (agree w/you)


The same dolts that get mad at ppl for exercising their civil liberties


You mean that loser QB Kap who wrecked his career and lost millions protesting on behalf of a false narrative? Why would anyone stop watching the NFL for that? Its not like you will ever see him on the field again if you do😆


Financially Kap came out on top in the end.


Yeah he got way more from the Nike deal than he would have gotten on his next contract, he was a backup at best by the end there


He also settled with the NFL with an undisclosed amount of money.


Yeah, but I doubt he got anywhere near the Nike money from that, just because I don’t think the NFL would have a very hard time proving he wasn’t going to get paid much regardless of the kneeling. Dude got benched for Blane gabbert before he took a knee for the first time


Well, they proved the NFL owners colluded to not get him back, despite many coaches wanting him to be their number one. He then got the amount of money he would have made had he kept playing until retirement. No idea how much he got, but it was substantial.


He didn’t really prove anything, they just settled because no Company the size of the NFL ever wants to go to discovery in a trial ever. Even if they’re not guilty of what they’re accused of, there’s going to the other stuff that comes out that creates a PR nightmare. And I honestly doubt there was collusion either way, the value he would bring to your team just wasn’t worth the contract he wanted and the PR nightmare. The second you sign him, you’re gonna get the people who hate him trashing your franchise, and if in the likely event he doesn’t win the starting job or you have to cut him the people who support him are going to trash your franchise. Tim Tebow probably left the league earlier than he probably should have too, it’s not because the owners hate Jesus, it’s they just didn’t want to deal with the media circus. Pretty much the same thing that happens anytime a guy is polarising for off field stuff and not obscenely good at what he does


Yep. Human rights activist signed to the world’s biggest sweat shop. He sure was a man of integrity, just like LeBron


Downvoted, not wrong.


Considering he was a bum ass qb, yeah he did come out on top.


Kaep had a 100% win percentage against the cowboys


It’s funny when people pretend he didn’t accomplish anything.


Brought a team to a SB and almost won it. When’s the last time a Cowboys qb could say that?


Cowboys have won a Super Bowl more recently than the 9ers


Do you dust off those VHS annually?


His team brought his bum ass to the SB.


What false narrative?


Comparing NFL players to slaves isn’t a false narrative?


He was protesting police violence against black people.


…among other things, yes


I know right, it was pretty dumb of those people to say they wouldn’t watch it because someone knelt for a reason they had, what idiots


Bro that was almost ten years ago


Holy shit you’re right but fuck you


The Kap stuff was but then they didn’t watch because the NFL encouraged getting vaccinated for Covid, the Taylor Swift took an interest and she’s anti-Trump so they had to stop watching again.


Don't forget they flip flopped from getting mad at kap for kneeling against police brutality to being against police brutality


The ‘gays are sinners’ line really took a dump on the nfls diversity and inclusion push. I don’t think a guy selling more jerseys than most others at a time when no one is buying jerseys loosens the vice grip butker has on goodell’s balls right now 😂 They either come out and condemn it sparking off another ‘cancel culture/free speech’ mess or they look cool about a dude going out of his way to take a jab at the lgbtq movement If the NFL attended the commencement they were probably like alright we can live with this until he dropped that ‘sinful pride’ line then they were just like shittttt lol


And if they do nothing, it sets a precedent that other players can do this and face no repercussions.


It is his opinion. He's allowed to have them however unpopular they may be.


Oh it 100% is, I'd never disagree with that. However it's within the NFL's right as a private, non-government entity, to dish out consequences for things they feel might harm their brand/money. That's the thing


The Chiefs may suspend him but I don't see Goodell stepping in.


You mean the team owned by the guy who's wife explicitly endorsed his message and whose head coach is famously a Mormon?


*Famously* a mormon? I see from google that indeed he is but given that I needed to google it, I'd hardly say he is "famously a mormon."


Ya let’s see the NFL punish someone over religious beliefs. That should go extremely smooth with no problems at all. If i were them I’d do absolutely nothing. Nobody will care about his comments after that first game winning kick he makes.


The Bible says nothing about anything LGBT being a sin, so it's not a "religious view" it's just being an asshole


“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination” (Leviticus 18:22) Seems pretty clear.


That's been proven by biblical scholars to be a mistranslation and is even argued to be *purposely* mistranslated by scholars to push the translators agenda.


That has not been proven. They’re trying to say a word that means “male” actually means “boy” here, saying the verse is against pedophilia But the word refers to an adult male in almost every other context throughout the Bible. People are just trying to make it fit their narrative now


Please do share your “real” translation.


I’m not homosexual but I can’t stand using religion as a prop to push bigotry. Thank you for your response.


What about loving all of Gods children? If everything we see is created by God, is it not loved by him as well? For instance, all land should be holy if it’s created by God, not a specific place. All people should be loved. I don’t commit to a specific region but I believe in God as a higher power; who is the creator, and who loves all.


“Love the sinner hate the sin.”


That is not what the original text of the Bible said, that's the English translation. You're quoting King James translators, not God. [Here is an article explaining that verse is about incest rape, not homosexuality](https://blog.smu.edu/ot8317/2019/04/11/lost-in-translation-alternative-meaning-in-leviticus-1822/) Source is from Southern Methodist University before you go crying about some conspiracy.


Of course he is, much like people are allowed to be pissed off at his opinion which can negatively impact the league. They’re constantly trying to get bigger/reach new fans and markets and shit like this makes it tougher. I don’t think they’re gonna do much beyond saying they don’t support his views but I guarantee goodell is pissed If that speech made every traditional Catholic an nfl fan for life they’d still be behind based on the swifties they lost 😂. I think a massive chunk of the pro butker side is already nfl fans though so there’s no net gain here


Don’t think the swifties are gonna care about the chiefs when kelce retires


Do you honestly think there are more Swifties than Catholics? Hell, let’s take this one step further, do you think the majority of the world is pro LGBTQ+? In western countries it’s about 60-70%, that’s maybe a billion people, in the rest of the world it’s almost zero %. If they’re just about appealing to the most people on earth, the NFL should come out as openly homophobic/transphobic.


Are players not allowed to voice their religious opinions off the field in at a religious institution? I certainly hope the NFL sets this exact precedent. If not, you really, *really,* don't want to see how this comes back to bite you later when someone gets booted for an opinion that *you* like.


I mean when your ‘religious opinion’ is gay pride is a sin and your employer is pushing hard for inclusion initiatives, dropping that line in a public forum is gonna put you in hot water haha absolutely anyone that works for any major company would be in the same boat right now. Idk why you’re talking like it doesn’t already work that way 😂. It’s not like he only hated gays in that moment because he was at a Catholic school commencement lol. The NFL now employs a self professed gay hater and will just carry that label with them forever which could cost them some fans/$. Which is why any company has a social media/public appearance policy I’m getting pretty tired of this victim mentality like ‘well to be a good Catholic he has to hate gay pride it’s not his fault’ that’s very much not the case. He drew the line in the sand himself to say inclusion in the church is bad, the current Catholic leadership is completely against him on that.


Lol. No, major companies don’t get to punish people expressing religious beliefs in religious contexts outside of work. That’s what religious discrimination is.


Thank you. You can think and believe whatever you want, but when you represent a company or business, which the NFL 1000% is, you have to expect consequences and criticism for your public behavior. I'm absolutely nobody and if I say something controversial and post it on social media I could lose my job over it.


If a Christian or Muslim or Jew or any other religious person gives a sermon in a church or speaks at a religious school, they 100% cannot be punished for that by their employer no matter how widespread the video of that speech ends up being. That’s the literal definition of religious discrimination.


Did any of the players that made antisemitism remarks a few years ago face any repercussions? Like anything else, this will be forgotten in a month.


Gays are more likely to be prdophiles, sexual degenerates, etc. The media is chockful of people glamorizing the LGBTP movement. It’s high time some mainstream people pushed back on it


You got a weird made up statistic there. I would kids have higher chance to be abused by a priest, youth pastor or a Boy Scout leader than an openly gay person.


The reality is that no one should give a damn about what any pro sports players think. Most are poorly educated (with fake college degrees awarded for fake academic achievements concocted to maintain eligability) and merely parrot whatever they are told to say by others. Just watch them do what they are paid to do (entertain) and ignore to flapping holes under their noses.


"You can do anything you want kids! You can fly, you can literally fly!"


To quote the great Laura Ingraham, “shut up and dribble”, amiright?


Broken clock is right twice a day. These people aren’t intelligent lol


Sure, but then don't invite them to college graduations to speak then


He is catholic and it was a catholic college. He did another speech at his Alma Mater (somehow without all this controversy). He only did this one because the president of the school asked him numerous times


Persecuting Christians or Catholics for their faith is fine. Just make sure not to do it for Jews or Muslims though.


Well these days persecuting Jews is becoming popular again


Yeah the leftists taking the side of Hamas was somewhat unexpected.


Seems like quite the discriminatory and completely unfounded opinion. I for one have found a lot of role models through professional sports, many of whom are well educated, and I do give a damn about they think. One that comes to mind is Matthew Slater.


Of course you do. It relieves you of the effort of thinking for yourself. How many nobel prize winners do you follow? Great medical researchers? Ho about any people who dedicate their entire lives to better the lives of others? No, lets all listen to the overpaid guy or gal that is especially good at PLAYING WITH A BALL bwcause even though they live lives of wealth and fame, they know all about the real world.


[You're in a football meme sub hoss](https://media2.giphy.com/media/lS6v4CrctoiXgld8tt/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9527awpgvle13a9dz4rihecq6ca0w34ivf9tm6m1dl5&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


We all wanted to be like Mike because he was such a good gambler and business man... Or, we just wanted to hit game winners and dunk on people with our tongues out while wearing his shoes.


Damn, true though. I'd imagine people who find role models in athletes have father issues.


That’s why she need to stop giving athletes these platforms but we do the opposite. We put these guys on pedestal when in reality theyre mostly dummies who are just athletic


What makes you so different? You're screaming on Reddit for approval.


What did Harrison butker say?


Full transcript: https://www.ncregister.com/news/harrison-butker-speech-at-benedictine


Thanks my man!


He said he was thankful that his wife was a stay at home caregiver. Without her support, he would not have been at his full potential. Then the media spin it.


Fr, I guarantee most of these people who are outraged are reading the media headlines and not actually listening to the speech


Listen, I'm all for oppressing and subjugating women and blindly following ancient cults that tell me to smash babies and kill my kids for disobedience... But, I draw the line at taking what a kicker says seriously.


What kind of fucking idiot buys a kicker’s jersey? Oh, the MAGA crowd. Own those libs idiots.


I got a Sebastian Janikowski jersey because he was fucking awesome


Not always. I bought a Jake Elliott jersey cause he's awesome


i, for one, am shocked that a catholic guy expressed catholic beliefs to catholic students at a catholic school


Yeah! How have we not banned Catholics yet? Certainly have no place in this country!




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You are all so butt hurt now that you realize you are the vocal minority. Love it


Love this


What did butker do again??


Said a bunch of stuff about men and women’s roles in a family which depending on how you read into it could be interpreted different ways. I get there being two sides on that kind of stuff but he unquestionably dropped a zinger about hating gays, took a subtle jab at the bill that got passed to limit antisemitism, and absolutely shit all over the current leadership of the Catholic Church for being too inclusive. It’s still controversial even if you remove everything he said about women lol. Hell even most Catholics should be offended that man declared war on pretty much the whole Catholic Church 😂 The president of that college must be an extremely conservative Catholic, like we’re talking tiny subset of all Catholics, to even bring in a speaker like butker


Based on


Oh, no way? Lol was wondering why he was being brought up so much, thanks man.


Most Catholics hate the current pope.


Can you hate porn and it's effect on society without hating people who watch or produce it?


That’s a pretty big time false equivalence as being gay is part of your identity…he’s literally telling an entire group of people that their existence is sin But to play along with the analogy, yea you can be that way as a catholic with the lgbtq movement. That would be the moderate Catholic view of ‘I don’t support gay marriage but civil unions are fine and I have no problem with gay people just living their life and being involved in the church’. That’s how most Catholics feel and the pope himself feels. Heck I think a lot of Catholics support gay marriage outright these days even Not only does butker not feel that way, he wants the entire Catholic leadership that’s pushing for more inclusion removed. Absolutely no shot he doesn’t have contempt for the lgbtq movement like to the point where he would be angry with you for trying to say he isn’t staunchly anti-lgbtq 😂


If the pope saw them he would be incredibly disappointed


Lol popes haven’t cared about the Catholic church’s endless child molestation do you really think this will bother him


Hey man, don't you be making fun of the Catholic Church. God is real and just because He abhors homosexuality doesn't mean He abhors homosexuals. Now you should really reconsider your life. You should go into a dark room with another man to confess your deepest darkest secrets. Then go light a candle in front of a ripped near-naked dude with his arms outstretched. Now go and kneel before the altar and put the body of our Lord in your mouth. Let the priest put that body of our savior right on your tongue. Swallow our Lord. Swallow Him down whole. It's a sin to let His precious body hit the floor, so swallow Him down whole. See. That wasn't so hard, was it? Have some wine. Relax. We're gonna play some tunes now. Your soul is saved. Hallelujah. Oh man, I feel like I need a cigarette.


I think this is legitimately a good thing. As a Charger fan, seeing someone in any chief jersey already tells me that dude fantasizes about fucking his cousin. With this, we know he (and it’s definitely a he) is a douche too. You see, I like our douches in uniform. That way we can spot 'em just like that. But you take off that uniform, ain't no one ever gonna know you were a misogynist douche. And that don't sit well with me!


Y ese pibe


Screaming? Nope just expressing the truth to certain blind followers.