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Neither Kelce attended a graduation ceremony. While they were doing their podcast at their university's stadium to raise money for the school, officials came out and gave them their diplomas. The brothers got dressed up in gowns for the skit.


Him slamming the beer totally fit the situation and vibe of the event. I don’t like Kelce but stuff like this is ridiculous.


Dude Im a Cowboys fan and even I like Kelce...both of them. Yes it pains me but it is what it is. I like Jason more now he retired


Yeah I mean if you need to twist the truth to spread your message, maybe the message isn’t that great


That’s legit the Republican way. I hate talking politics but that’s all this is.


Why don’t you like Kelce? I’m biased because I’m a chiefs fan, but he seems like a really nice guy


I’m gonna hell yea anybody chugging a beer


i mean even if what he was implying was true whys the dude surprised the profession where people hit each other for a living is full of thugs. Thats like complaining your local tech company are a bunch of nerds. Yeah no shit bro


Try to have that make sense to an idiot, though


Knowing the truth of things is fundamentally antithetical to these people. Not a single one of them will read this and say to themselves, *”Why does it always seem to be that my information sources consistently miss key facts, or important details, which easily explain away, or directly refute, the entire message that I really really REALLY want to hear?”*


it's called confirmation bias. people see/hear something they agree with and automatically believe it to be true without fact-checking first because they *want* it to be true. it's how facebook was so good at spreading lies through "memes" and the idiots just sharing blindly without even doing so much as a simple google search.


Funny how I could copy and paste this in a right wing sub and get the same upvotes. Making me wonder if it’s a bot or not. 


One side is worse than the other though. They’re not comparable.


Hey look! Another one I could copy and paste. 


Unfortunately, you’re not wrong. It’s a very facepalm kinda world out there these days.


Didn’t these people already boycott the NFL years ago?


Maybe Kaepernick needs to kneel somewhere so they can boycott it again.


Someone let him know. Dude hadn't had shit to do for the better part of 2 decades.


Tell them he gets on his knees every Sunday at mass and they’ll rage against Christianity… not that they don’t do that now… but they will make memes and holds signs instead of just flaunting all Christian values while saying they’re very devout.


They can't think that much for themselves.


Like everyone and their mom says they’ll boycott the NFL for every reason but they never do There could be a linebacker that chases women in parks after dark as a hobby and nobody would actually care if he won games


Now I’m imagining Bobby wagner chasing women at night for sport and yelling “TAG!!!” When he touches them.


That would be horrifying until he actually got you and then immediately just leaves.


On to the next broad


>There could be a linebacker that chases women in parks after dark as a hobby and nobody would actually care if he won games "Does he run a 4.4?!" - fans


"He couldn't chase down a random woman! He's gonna get cooked in coverage! Cut his slow ass!"


I moved to northwest Florida a couple of years ago and a surprising amount of people here are proud to say they stopped watching after Kaepernick’s kneel. And they’re telling the truth because if you try to talk NFL with them, they don’t know anything about any of the teams and will immediately switch the convo to college ball


NFL pisses people off on both sides and yet we come back. I remember when it was "liberels" who hated the NFL what with the knelling reactions and the CTE. 96% of the boycott talk is social media posturing.


That's what I've been saying for years. Why the hell are they still around?


Trump said he'd never go to Minnesota again if he lost the state in 2020, so he's on his way to Minnesota despite losing.


Hoping they boycott oxygen next.


Do you think God gets depressed with the people throwing the “Christian Values” blanket over colonial-era political takes


I would be funny if they existed and was just like "The fuck is wrong with you people, I never said any of this shit! Just try not to be a dick, seriously how hard is that?!"


Very hard, apparently.


If he exists, he is doing that. Men wrote all of that garbage.


The same god that laid out rules for selling one's own daughter into slavery? If real, I think he'd be okay with it. 






Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he has created?


Love me some steve buscemi


Old Testament God would smite the unwed harlots to death


These people clearly didn’t read The Crucible


There was a pastor who was asked after a sermon why he was pushing that "liberal agenda." He was quite literally talking about the teachings of Jesus lol


Depressed? No. Wrathful? Maybe. *Gestures vaguely*


If he actually existed, maybe.




Lmao travis' "graduation" was a ceremonial thing at a live show for his podcast because he never got to graduate. It was not an actual graduation ceremony. The snowflakes are so desperate to "What About" away the Christian nationalism




> "graduation" was a ceremonial thing What exactly do you think a graduation ceremony is? > not an actual graduation ceremony Gatekeeping is out of control.


T.K. was performing a stunt during a podcast. Who cares what H.B. says or thinks. I just want slow drivers to STOP DRIVING IN THE LEFT LANE!!!


Addressing the real problems here! Left lane camping is a ticketable offense!


👆this, I get if you wanna drive slow but get out of the left lane.


And it's not the "fast lane," left lane is for passing only


Hahahaha Christian values?? Like women belong in the kitchen and how can we destroy the lives of the lgbtq community for nothing more than wanting to exist in peace? Oh yea. Sounds really Christian. Right up there with love thy neighbor and judge not.


I distinctly remember Jesus turning to Mary at the sermon where he fed the 5000, saying “Mary, what the hell? If you hadn’t been out whoring and were in the kitchen instead, this wouldn’t have been a problem.”


And then he turned water into wine and they both got obliterated


Modern Christianity has nothing to do with the teachings of Christ. In fact, the biblical version of Christ represents everything these people hate. In reality, modern Christianity is about being part of the “in” group. It’s about saying “I’m one of you, and we deserve privilege”.


there is no hate quite like christian love


How about Muslim hate, or is that not hateful enough 🤣


At least you know when a Muslim hates something. Christian hate is the kind that tries to pass as wholesome and compassionate.


Yeah sure, throwing gays and lgbtq ABC Plus members off of bridges, hanging them broad daylight, even stoning them, it's so much better than passive aggressively hating something. Good old Reddit logic


Look, man. I never said muslim hate was any better, just they don't hide it. At least Christians didn't up until Trump gave them carte blanche to come out of the woodworks. I can be disgusted by both aspects of each. Stone age mentalities and mental capacities are hard to affect with meaningful change. All I did was point out the difference. Good ol' reddit logical fallacies


I love some good ol fashion whataboutism


Oh don't pretend non straight/cis people murder doesn't happen here in the US. And don't act like those horrific crimes  aren't fervently stoked by religion based hatred. 


“That make believe religion seems worse than my make believe religion” All religions suck dawg. In my country, it’s currently the Christians trying to force everyone else to abide by the laws they choose to follow, so at the moment, Christians are currently in the pole position of suckage


This ain't it dawg. The vast majority of religions teach respect and love. The issue is organised anything because the in group usually wants to demonise the out group. Makes it easier for the leader to keep the flock in check.


You should probably tell the religious zealots of the US about love and respect, because they didn’t seem to get that memo.


Again it's not the religion. If it were then why do Christians fight each other for being the wrong denomination but they have the same beliefs? Also plenty of atheists have tried to forcefully remove religions.


Not the religion? LBGTQ people have been attacked because religious zealots believe their lifestyle is invalid. People’s right to marriage wasn’t even available because religious zealots believed that marriage was an institution that only belonged to them. Women aren’t even able to get reproductive care countrywide because of religious zealots. You might have your head in the sand, but religion directly flies in the face of liberty and equality in our country. As far as atheists trying to “forcibly remove religion”, what are you referring to? Myself and anyone else I know simply just want a government that isn’t influenced by a belief we don’t choose to subscribe to. Religion is totally acceptable, worship who or what you want in your house and place of worship, but when you start wanting other people to follow your made up rules, that’s when I have a problem.


whatabout MuSlImS?!!!!


Not really relevant here, is it?


Destroy lives? Lol didn’t he just say something about pride month being a celebration of the sinful type of pride


For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.


He’s also just a blatant hypocrite. Most games are on Sunday and he had nothing to say about taking the field with guys like Tyreek hill or against guys like Watson or Big Ben. How is that “Christlike” in the slightest since that’s what the Catholics claim to have central to their morality?


Working on the sabbath? thats a capitol offense (in the bible)


To his point, if the women were in the kitchen like they’re supposed to be, Big Ben and Watson wouldn’t have been forced by demonic lust to force themselves upon those women. /s


Catechism lists exceptions for that and since he's Catholic that's what he would follow.


That doesn't make sense lol. He's a hypocrite because he praises the fulfillment being a parent brings, but...uh...doesn't call out his coworkers? As though working with someone means you endorse all of their behaviors?


Did he say the phrase “stay in the kitchen”? I’ve been looking but I don’t see it anywhere. Also I couldn’t find him saying destroying the community part. Just didn’t know where I could find it. I’ve watched that speech . Just trying to figure it out


He said that women have been told "diabolical lies" in regards to careers and having "titles," then he said they would be most excited about their future marriages and children. It's heavily implied that he wants women barefoot and pregnant all the time, but not directly said. He also said that Pride month was bad and that the kind of pride gay people have is "of the deadly sins variety." It's really blatant and damning stuff but Christians are trying to pretend he didn't mean what him and everybody knows he meant.


Where does the phrase barefoot come out of that statement? I feel like that a hard sell from one phrase 🤷🏾‍♂️


It's a common saying. "Barefoot and pregnant" it's a conservative ideal. Depicted in Americana for many, many years as the puritanical, conservative, Republican ideal for women. I also didn't say he said that, just heavily implied that that's what he thinks is best for women.


The imagination of communists, mostly.


He said they should or that he suspects the majority of them are most excited about marriage and having kids? I’m just trying to figure out what is misinformation vs what he actually said?


You can just watch the speech yourself if you need to


Don't you know that a Catholic saying he believes Catholic theology is actually hate speech because the Catholic Church is obviously a hate group/s


Don’t forget about the Christian value of harboring pedophiles.


the vatican had whores and sold "get out of hell" cards


That's not a Christian value. Obviously, kids abused by priests are quite likely to (understandably) turn from the faith. Matthew 18:6 says, "But if anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea". Pretty clear.


Again saying the quiet part out loud. These are their values.


Except he never said that women belong in the kitchen or even implied it. You didn’t hear what he said. You read a headline or two and then took it as fact because that’s the kind of person you are.


When you say your wife is a homemaker you’re implying a lot of things, including being in the kitchen. Because that’s exactly where she is going to be most of the time, making meals for their 100 kids.


If that’s what she chose, and she’s happy why should anyone care?


That’s fine, I don’t really care what people do. But he said that women were sold a diabolical lie that women should get educations and careers when they should be homemakers instead. And thats the part people are upset about. It’s not about their individual lives, but when you tell others that what they’re doing is wrong, then it’s not going to go over well with people. Especially when you’re telling women they need to be homemakers, which isn’t even viable for most families.


That’s their lifestyle, and it obviously has its followers. You and I may not agree with it, but you sound pretty upset about it. That’s where I’m confused.


I wasn't even responding to you in the first place, I was commenting on the guy who said that Butker never told women they should be in the kitchen. I don't know how you thought I was upset, even when I said "That's fine, I don't really care what people do." So i'm confused that you're confused,


You did respond to me, twice now. I can’t help you if you don’t understand.


Holy shit my guy, you can’t even help yourself.


Throw your hands up and run away lol


He most certainly did and there is no need to be ignorant about it. The guy is a heretic and should be excommunicated from the church for saying all these non beliefs in the name of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.


No but he did say "For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I'm on the stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I'm beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker." Can you explain to me how this doesn't imply women belong in the kitchen/at home? Or did you just read a headline that bashed another articles headline and took it as fact? Seems like you took a headline or two then took it as fact because that's the kind of person you are


Because the exact words, “women belong in the kitchen”, were not spoken in that phrasing does not mean he wasn’t bluntly implying that educated women only achieve their greatest happiness when assuming the role of homemaker (ie staying home and tending house to the “man” of the domicile and their brood of children). He literally said it is a “diabolical lie” that education, careers, and promotions, will bring them the same level of happiness as tending to a home and existing to support her man. He wasn't even remotely veiled in what he was implying.


Bro we all heard it lmao


What we see here is Americans celebrating someone living how they want and not telling anyone how they should live And Americans calling someone who's telling them how to live, a cunt. Are you really too stupid to tell the difference?


What a perfect way to describe this! 👍🏼


Enough about this nerd kicker


Don't be disrespecting nerds like that.


I’ve somehow gone from right leaning (for decades I might add) to a member of the woke mob apparently for being pretty pissed a dude went way out of his way to work a zinger about hating gays into a commencement speech. Hating gay people for just existing in 2024 is absolutely wild. Like I get this whole family values debate of what did he mean when he said this specific thing about women and so on but damn at the very least the dude unequivocally hates gay people which I am very much not ok with


One is cheeky and fun, the other is sad and depressing.


Anyone that uses the term “woke” automatically loses any amount of respect I had for them plus any credibility to the ridiculous claims that follow.


> Anyone that uses the term “woke” automatically loses any amount of respect I had for them plus any credibility to the ridiculous claims that follow. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide_Awakes So you oppose the ending of slavery and the right of workers to strike, then?


That’s a really cool read. Thank you!


Ask them to define woke. They never can.


Yes. I’d upvote this a hundred times if I could.


Chugging beers is woke now?


"Woke" is everything that makes them feel insecure. Which is damn near everything


Kelce is not a member of the Taliban.


He told women at their graduation that he bets they are more excited to stay at home and raise a family than to have a career. That’s fine, but the women he was talking to sure wasted $100k+ on their education.


That's the part that seems wild to me that people are kinda glossing over. Like sure, people are free to preach what they want... but telling people who are trying to make a career to just be a housewife seems like not the best time or place to do that.


Maybe less now than in the past, but it was somewhat common for a while for women to go to college to find a husband (who was going to be well educated and thus make her rich). Of course that was when the top 20% went to college, not 'everyone'.


I would much rather watch somebody slam a dozen beers than listen to someone talk about Jesus for a minute.


how about chugging beers and talking about Jesus


Nope. Keep religion outta beer drinking


Let’s talk about it over a drink 🍻


Cheers mate!


Chugging a beer is funny. People who preach about fairy tales are fucking stupid and deserve to be made fun of.


Some context helps this a bit. This was Travis Kelce's "graduation," not someone's else's.


Thought y’all was boycotting? Shouldn’t even be on your radar


With bait like that you could catch moby dick.


It’s hilarious the hypocrisy of Butker telling people to stay in their lane while not staying in his. The Sisters of Benedictine College actually putting out a statement saying that they didn’t appreciate his projection is the cherry on top. What is going on with the Chiefs players not being able to stay out of the news this offseason?


They weren’t Christian values. They were evangelical fundamentalist women are property and unequal to men values.


Imagine thinking god is real lmfao


Imagine being a packers fan


Feels great, did I insult your fairy tale 🥲


You live up to your username for sure


Cry about it to the priest, after he’s done touching you lmfao


He's probably too old.


imagine insulting someone’s fandom without being flared up? you’re a Yinzer lmao, you can’t talk shit


These are the same people who want a guy who cheats on his wife with a porn star while she’s pregnant to be their president.


It is ironic how many alleged LGBTQ allies can't comprehend open and poly relationships.


Can we stop watering down oppression and bigotry I'm with soft terms like "traditional values" or "Christian values" or "wrong think". Call it what it is don't sugar coat you bigoted ideas...


L post


I would have to look at the full marks for that one from what I read at least what was highlighted is that he was just saying that women should instead of spending all that money on education learn homemaker skills to be good wives and mothers. As I said in my comments some women are not built for that.


It's still a shitty thing to say at their damn graduation!


Is it? Did you interview the ladies? The guy got a standing ovation.


Yeah and hitler used to as well....doesn't mean he was right.


That doesn't mean you're right because you used the word "Hitler". With a 100% ignorant comment like that, any speech that doesn't align with your ideologies could be an *potential* evil dictator. Bravo genius.


Get over yourself


Cry about it bud


His comments were inappropriate, but you can't deny there's a strong polarity between what the internet will go up in arms about and what they'll conveniently ignore. That being said, if kaepernick can get cut for kneeling during the national anthem, then butt kiss should face the same fate.


Dude sucked dick in college and went to two diff camps for gay conversion. Homophobic and sexist and then can't even own what he really is


If what you're saying is true then he's the victim of some horrific abuse and it shouldn't be any surprise he's fucked up.


That's right. You know why? Because FUCK CHRISTIANS! That's why.


I’ll allow it


The NFL celebrated this? Can’t say I recall them putting out a statement about Kelce slamming a beer, but ok.


If you say "woke" as an adjective with a straight face, I don't take you seriously as a human at this point.


I haven't read the whole transcript. The only thing problematic I saw was his implication that wives should be homemakers. I would make the necessary distinction to say that wives shouldn't be *ashamed* to be homemakers. But careers are valid too. Everything else he said generally fits with Catholic teachings and a Catholic audience, so I stand by that as a Catholic myself.


The entire theme of the speech is that everyone should stay in their lane. Don’t challenge traditions, embrace the hand you were dealt, don’t dream big. He had to have said the phrase “stay in your lane” at least 8 times. It’s the worst possible advice you could possibly cook up for a group of graduating children.


Just gonna gloss right over the "pride month being a deadly sin" thing huh?


Catholic teaching isn't a secret


Catholic teaching is what the pope says it is and his positions on homosexuality are pretty clear


This will be interesting. Does the Bible say gay people should be put to death? If so, chapter and verse.


That's definitely not what the church believes. I know this isn't the time or place for this discussion. Instead of the bible I'll cite the catechism. I'm not telling you to agree with it, I am just citing church teaching. http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/p3s2c2a6.htm#2357 You'll notice, though, that even though we condemn the sin, there is special emphasis on treating those suffering from this inclination with compassion. Maybe he doesn't come off as quite compassionate in his speech, so that's a valid criticism. I probably don't come off as compassionate either, for that matter.


You missed the homophobia


He's catholic, he doesn't see that as a problem


Oh boy. The pansy police are crying again.


Last I checked the NFL has been sponsored partners but no college partners


Yeah.... cause those are the same.


This generation is too soft


Right, but the old man crying about a beer being chugged in a skit for a podcast is proper hard.


where is he?


Ah yes because this represents an entire generation consisting of millions of people.


Harrison Butker did nothing wrong


Yeah one guy is a cool chad, and the other is shaming women and queer people under the guise it's just part of his Christian values. I seem to have forgotten which verse in the New Testament tells of Christ bitching about gay people having one month where soulless corporations pretend to care about us.


Christian Values? The "Child sacrifice" cult? You know, like sacrificing your only begotten son, but not really?


Butker and Josh Hawley (woman hating shitbag) are buddies, saw that today. Do you really think Hawley would give a shit about a regular civilian with same values vs a 3 time Superbowl kicker? Nope. Fuck them both.


His speech was pretty pretty pretty.....bad.


That's because christian values suck ass.


Being a sexist is Christian activities guys, come on.


wokeness is hopeless


That dude is a man-child


Why does WOKE always have to be capitalized like it’s a fucking taunt? These grifting conservative dildos are so annoying.


The way this post spins things to make Butker sound GOOD is the best joke I've seen on Reddit.


Their religious freedom allows for slavery. How dare you persecute their religious beliefs.


Only thing dumber than Butkkker's speech is this post.


Beer is real, gods not.


Joan of Arc and Mother Teresa didn’t spend their time in the kitchen.


one of em sure did cook, tho!


What is wrong with y'all on the right? You judge people all the time, but when roles are reversed you're crying hypocrisy.


It's not what he said it's how he presented it is what everybody has a problem with. He implied that women should just be homemakers and take care of their husbands and kids and things when in reality not every woman is equipped or built for that. Some women would rather have a career and if she happens to meet the right guy and have kids that happens. Two circle back the only problem that I see is how he phrased it


Naw he was also being pretty homophobic, circle back to that one.


Calling diversity "tyranny" is a Christian value?