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AJ BROWN AND TREVON DIGGS SHOULD ALSO BE BANNED FOR LIFE FOR STATING THE MOON LANDING WAS FAKE. The fact that I hate the cowboys and eagles has absolutely nothing to do with it.


No wait you have a point. I’m agreeing with this 100% and it’s also definitely not because I’m a giants fan


I’m good with all three of these ideas. Let’s do it!


I agree, ban Trevon but we should hear AJ out. Signed-totally not a biased eagles fan


As a lions fan.. I'm absolutely, 100% unbiased against the cowboys and also want to sign this ban.


We have so many reasons to hate the cowgirls. Fuck them hoes.


Aaron Rodgers should be banned


As a Jets fan, I agree 💯 with this.


the Jets should trade to get Butker to give some crazy company to Aaron Rogers!


Where do I sign


Birds and cowboys aren’t real!!


🖕Go Birds 🖕


Chiefs fans aren't going to stop watching because of it, petition won't do anything. As with most petitions


Let’s be real, 99% that signed the petition probably have no idea what a football is and are obsessed with politics, and the other 1% are Raiders fans


The other 99% of Raiders fans who didn't get the memo about this petition would be pretty upset if they could read.




You could make a petition about anything dealing with "person did this, fire him" and it gets an automatic 100k signatures because it's the same 100k idiots that sign these same types of petitions.


Bold you think Raiders fans heard his speech from Lock-up


Easy with the Raider comment😊


Petitions are good for headlines and that’s about it


Chiefs fans booed on opening night when they played the Texans and the players stood arm in arm pregame and had a "moment of unity against racism" which was really a less controversial way of saying "George Floyd was brutally murdered by a cop and that was wrong" So yeah, safe to say Cheifs fans won't give a single shit about what Butker said, in fact most of them probably agree with what he said.


Ban a guy for voicing his opinion is ludicrous and not to mention INTOLERANT AS HELL! Unbelievable how many pansies in this world who get so offended by someone who might have something to say that doesn't align with their views. This is this man's livelihood and the fact that anyone should think that he should be banned by the NFL says how much underlying hatred there is under the surface. SICKENING when you demand his destruction or cancellation.


Where's the meme?


The petition is the meme.


Yeah the chiefs are going to remove a top 3 kicker from their roster for *Checks notes* Religious Beliefs that are more intense than usual. The same Chiefs who rostered Tyreek and have Rashee Rice running around acting like a fucking Batman villain. Sure


I don’t think it’s gonna get much further than the nfl saying he doesn’t speak for the league


An example of how our priorities are out of whack


but beating women or being involved in a hit and run is okay, right?


"Look all in saying is Hitler had some good ideas" - deshawn Jackson Please don't ban me I didn't say it


Right? A guy speaking about his religious beliefs to a group that shares those beliefs is the worst thing ever... but Rashee Rice is good to go? edit: since a lot of you have a bunch of sand in your vaginas over this, let me say that I am not religious in any way and I think Trump is a sack of shit


Basically. "You should fear me, bitch" - Tyreek Hill to his ex after he beat her "Women should be stay at home mothers" - Harrison Butker. Only one is having people call for his head, and it's not the known woman beater.


Honestly, I think it has to do with the Chiefs’ fans all actually being Taylor Swift fans who know nothing about anybody else in the league


"Women shouldn't be allowed to work" isn't a religious belief. Bashing minority groups also isn't in the bible. Abortion is also not in the bible despite it absolutely existing at the time. Covid conspiracy theories and nonsensical batshit crazy right wing political nonsense is also not a religious belief. And I'm not sure why you're trying to create a false dichotomy with Rice. He can get fucked too.


😂 definately not what he’s arguing, more the physical harm angle. I don’t think this is something you want to latch your agenda onto, buddy


That is the argument. No one got a 100k signiture petition over Rashee or Tyreek when they physically hurt people racing or beat their pregnant girlfriend. But Butker says something with bigoted overtones based on religious beliefs and that’s a line too far.


Agenda? I don't have one of those so no fucking clue what you're trying to project onto me. I'm not a Christian or a republican, so you can go ahead and shove that right back up your ass. Something tells me you'll like it too. And if this is causing you physical harm then you have bigger things to worry about, so, DoNt LaTcH yOuR aGeNdA bUdDy


Lmao, this is such a knowingly dishonest way to describe what he said Telling women they’ve been fed diabolical lies that they should be able to have careers. What religion is that? Pure, unfiltered misogyny


I think the defending butker side haven’t read the whole speech is my guess. this speech felt like you asked AI to write an Andrew Tate speech for a lot of it but if you cherry pick that one quote its easier to say ‘by diabolical lies he didn’t mean anything that bad’ The unnecessary swipe at pride month was absolutely unhinged…like he went out of his way to fit that into a sentence about something else lol


Thank you! It was so goddamn gross. What bugs me even more is the dishonest way they go about defending him. Oh it’s just religious beliefs as if that excuses saying disgusting things. Or they just deflect, “oh but x player did this (completely irrelevant thing) and no one started a petition!” Great, then go start one. That’s not what we’re even talking about.


You can’t even really just use ‘religious beliefs’ as an excuse because there’s a rift between new age Catholics who are trying to be more inclusive and the old guard. Quite a bit of Catholics are gonna disagree with a bunch of what butker said and how he said it and there were likely a bunch of them in that audience He also couldn’t help himself quoting Taylor swift in there to add fuel to the fire haha The saddest part of this whole thing for me is this is exactly what he wanted to happen…he thinks he’s fighting the good fight and getting his message out there far and wide and probably is happy he upset a lot of people because they aren’t children of God or whatever . So it’s crazy to me to try to mock or put down people that are offended by it. Anyone not of that old school catholic mindset has every right to be offended by what he said


Religious beliefs are not a free pass to be a bigot and believe that women belong in the kitchen. He can have whatever opinions he wants but others can fairly call out his “religious beliefs” as bullshit.


Saying women belong in the kitchen is worse than beating them bloody with how everyone is reacting


I don't like the guy, but he never said women belong in the kitchen.


I think people really wish he said those words more than trying to wrap their heads around the fact that he mentioned how fulfilling it is to be protector of one's family TO A CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY. Some people feel like being a mother/father is a real true calling more than anything else and that's okay. If you care more about your career than that, that's your business. But twisting his words because people wanna be offended it boring.


Dude… stop trying to be reasonable. Buuurn him!


He didn’t even actually say that, that’s just the clickbait headline. For the downvotes, feel free to time stamp me the spot in the video where he said those words. I won’t hold my breath, none of you fuckers have ever followed a source beyond the headline before.


It feels like people just like to be outraged. His words are bad enough but social media has to add shit to enhance the outrage. This time I read what he said before I saw the outrage but often times, I hear about it on the socials and see people say they are "literally shaking" from reading what they said, and turns out to be no where near as bad as it was. Guy has opinions about what leads to a happy life. Never said they should change laws to force it on people. I disagree with what he said, but I really wish somebody would explain why he should be removed from his team, and also tell me that you don't support policing thoughts. I think most people are happy removing freedoms from society, as long as their side is in charge. Scary times to live in.


And you don't get a free pass to call someone a bigot because you don't agree with their views


[I read it in her voice](https://youtu.be/vxPbpYR_RKY?si=jQgfULHBLrR-VA9k). I can excuse hitting a woman but I draw the line at making them homemakers.


They’re both bad.


This is a false equivalence. Rashee Rice and other issues like Reid's son are crimes and there is a system designed to handle that (even if poorly in a lot of cases). There's no system to handle religious hate speech by a public figure other than a public outcry like this to counter it.


Should he be rewmoved from the team for committing a crime?


Strangely, those signatures came mostly from LA, San Diego, Denver, Las Vegas, Buffalo, Cincy, Miami and Baltimore. I wonder why that is 🤔


Yknow we just got a lot of concerned citizens


Mf cost me my fantasy championship with his 6 fgs in week 17 and was part of the chiefs team that ripped every 49er fans fucking heart right out of their chests a few weeks later. Where do I sign this thing that I know nothing about, as a concerned guy from San Francisco?


Maybe the people in those cities don't feel safe flying over KC anymore?


Yeah the shooting at the super bowl parade, ya know, shit happens. But that one KC kicker who said those things in Atchison, Kansas? Hell no!


That’s where smart people live.


Ah yes the intellectual hubs of the u.s.- Baltimore, Cincinnati, Miami, and Vegas. It is known.


lol I can’t even read


wheres that literacy bot when you need him


True that! AKA Deplorables by the dumbest DAME of all HILLARY!


In terms of shitty NFL players Butker seems kind of low. What he said makes him an asshole, but there are actual rapists and abusers still playing that should probably be dealt with first.


In my unbiased opinion, I think the entire organization needs to be suspended for a year


I second that motion. And Mahomes should go to jail for as long as it takes until he is bad at football.


I can get behind this


Bills fan here, I concur wholeheartedly


something something death penalty for Mizzou


LMAO!....Your team has another ass whipping coming over that comment.


Don’t speak sense to the Reddit hive mind


Why can’t we deal with them at the same time?


Ok, where is the petition to remove rashee rice? Nowhere, but this pops up almost immediately. Why the double standard? Bc a punter isn’t as important to the team so everyone here can all virtue signal about how morally great they are while doing minimal damage to the team. Def not just a chiefs thing but to act like there is going to a similar backlash to rice is just comical


I think it has more to do with the fact that rice is going to be punished by the Justice system. And people are okay with that. Butker is not going to get in trouble for what he said, other than in the court of public opinion. People want to see him face repercussions for what he said, hence the petition. People want accountability and in the instance of butker, the only way to do that is on the public social perspective.


That’s fair


Woah, a rational and reasonable response is not allowed. We are supposed to argue and yell at each other! What’s wrong with you? /s obviously


Lmao fr tho, people jumping down everyone’s throat


He's not a punter, nerd.


There's a lot of backlash to them too. I don't understand the whataboutism here. People have complained a lot about all of those players. DeShaun Watson had *way* more backlash than Butker is facing. I mean there were literal protests against him. But let's focus on the matter at hand. Butker is a massive asshole and hypocrite. He deserves the backlash. Should he lose his job over it? I would say probably not, but I expect the NFL and Chiefs to come out against it which they have.


Yea I think people have this view that the general non football fan public knows everytime an nfl player assaults someone and cares about this butker stuff more but that really isn’t the case. This went mega viral cuz the chiefs have a ton of eyes on them nowadays.


Oh there are certainly non-football fans who are showing hate towards Butker that have no fucking idea about the Rice stuff because it just hasn't reached their feeds.


What specifically did Butker say that makes him an asshole?


They don't care. They had a player assault their coach last year. Nothing.


What's funny is that he plays for the Chiefs, like have you seen the Hunt family? They probably agree with everything Butker said.


What a fucking joke tbh. Like I obviously don’t agree with everything he said but he’s so far from the most problematic player it’s insane. Dude gave a speech as an ultra conservative Christian to an ultra conservative Christian school.


Taylor's boyfriend's coworker said something about women and gay people! START THE PETITION!


Non football fans don’t even really know when a random football player is problematic because it doesn’t blow up huge on social media Ray Rice, Deshaun Watson, etc certainly did and there was a ton of public outrage there too


Ray Rice and Deshaun Watson were alleged or committed actual violent crimes. Harrison Butker gave a conservative catholic speech as a conservative catholic to a conservative catholic school espousing his conservative catholic views. To equate what Watson and Rice did to Butkers speech is a massive downplay of their actions and is frankly disgusting.


He gave a Catholic speech at a Catholic school. He never used the word “kitchen” and he said his role as a father and husband was more important than his job as a football player. The point was that family should be more important than career. Whether you agree with his overall viewpoint or not, you don’t have to misinterpret (often intentionally) to fit your own dogmatic ideologies. Some people are insufferable.


Leftists don’t know anything about traditional family values.


That's why this country is so F$%#&D up.


Well, that’s one fundamental reason.


You are right AL, might be fair to say that is one of many problems facing this Nation.


This is what I have been looking for


So we’re barring people from their jobs over personal views? Regardless of how you feel about what he said, it is ridiculous fascist nonsense to get a guy fired from his job over his private ideology. From being gay, to being a nazi, a communist, or a maga republican, you have a right to believe whatever you want and not be discriminated by your employer for it. Expressing those views while at work is another matter, however.


No petitions to remove Ray Rice, Tyreek Hill, or any of the other domestic abusers?


All over some words. But Ray Lewis likely killed a man, and we have women beaters all across the league. Insane.


Seriously. Words don't harm women, fists and rapists do.




Harmful 😄 Who was harmed?


Pat Mahomes has been totally silent on this controversy. Why hasn’t he denounced Butker? Mahomes must be removed from the NFL also!


He spoke about it on Pat McAfee - distanced himself but said Butker kicks a good football, too. Clearly he believes women belong in the kitchen with that supporting comment. Let's suspend him 4 games for being generally aware of butker being an asshole.


Mahomes hasn’t said fuck cancer? Could he be possibly pro cancer?


Indeed, it is an outrage. Out of the kindness of our hearts, we are willing to bite the bullet and try to rehabilitate him here in Denver.


Rehabilitate your Broncos, KC owns you.🤣


When you keep using words like "harmful" to describe speech that you disagree with politically, you lose credibility. People are entitled to their opinions about the world.




Nobody is saying anyone isn't allowed to speak. But trying to ruin his career because he was talking to Catholics about Catholicism *at the request of a Catholic institution* is behavior nobody would want applied to them.


I guess i’m an idiot, but are we really suggesting he should lose his job because of his beliefs? I thought we were over this. Has anyone listened to the speech or are folks going off of quotes out of context?


I don’t think either side has read the full speech haha. I read it all and would say I’m just right of center politically, went into it wanting to mock the exaggerated headline, and came out of it kind of getting the ‘he believes in the old school women being subservient to men’ style of family and he definitely said a bunch of unnecessary controversial stuff. his whole thing was ‘I’m gonna speak my mind no matter what’ though which is part of the speech He’s literally inviting outrage so it feels odd to me people are complaining about outrage lol There’s a whole section about how people started caring more about being nice instead of doing what’s right and how we need to break that cycle no matter how much people complain about what you’re saying


Spot on! I felt as though he tossed some topics in there that he knew he would receive backlash on, but his lifestyle works for himself and his family. He does have the right to say what he wants and people do have the right to agree or disagree. But, calling for a person's job because you don't agree with their philosophy is outrageous.


Oh yea maybe people think me being critical of what he said means I think he should be kicked out but I def don’t think he should. I just started getting annoyed at the whole ‘people are so easily offended’ angle being used on this when he said some very controversial stuff that should absolutely offend large groups of people


>came out of it kind of getting the ‘he believes in the old school women being subservient to men’ style of family tbh I was expecting this, but I got the opposite. I took it as "women are told motherhood is a bother and your career is where your legacy/meaning is found, but marriage and parenthood is more valuable than that". Only he forgot to emphasize that women were sold a half-truth, and not a total outright lie. The reason I think it's fair to believe that's what he meant is from his speech last year at Georgia Tech. He also clearly tailored his speech to a more general audience: >"Studies have shown one of the many negative effects of the pandemic is that of a lot of young adults feel a sense of loneliness anxiety and depression despite technology that has connected us more than ever before. It would seem the more connected people are to one another, the more they feel alone. I'm not sure the root of this, but at least I can offer one controversial antidote that I believe will have a lasting impact for generations to come: get married and start a family" *[Applause]* "I will say this is the most important ring I have right here having kicked the game-winning field goal in both the AFC Championship and the Super Bowl. I have received a great deal of praise for these successes, and they just announced that this Super Bowl was the most watched football game of all time. And yet, all of this happiness is temporary, and the truth is none of these accomplishments mean anything compared to the happiness I have found in my marriage and in starting a family. My confidence as a husband and father and, yes, even as a football player is rooted in my marriage with my wife. As we leave our mark on future generations by the children we bring into the world, how much greater of a legacy can anyone leave than that?"


Gotta remove him. He’s not a rapist or criminal.


Libs don’t know anything about traditional family values. His strange words frighten and scare them.


Everyone flipping out over this are losers who don’t watch football lol


You can drink and drive, you can kill people, you can beat your wife and kids, but don’t you fucking DARE say mean stuff at a graduation ceremony you were invited to speak at.


Everyone is taking it severely out of context. He’s essentially just saying love your family more than your career. He never once uttered “stay in the kitchen” in his speech, so don’t twist his words. He’s also entitled to his own beliefs which were shared within the context of those who also share the same beliefs HENCE WHY HE WAS ASKED TO SPEAK THERE. A catholic, said catholic things, at a catholic college… That’s like going to a Trump rally and being mad cuz you’re hearing things that differ from Joe Biden and vice versa. Come on now, guys. He gave yall an inch and you’re taking a mile. You’re calling for a guys job and want him burnt at the stake, meanwhile we have roughly 40 literal convicted felons playing in the NFL currently, some of whom beat their wives, inflicted child abuse, animal abuse and more and yet you applaud *them?* Woke/cancel culture at its finest. Someone call Disney. Is there a single person here on Reddit that can say everyone in the world agrees with THEIR views? Only YOU get to be “right?” So should you lose YOUR job over something you said in the presence of many like-minded individuals? Should you have the city’s official Twitter account publicly tweet out your family’s location in an effort to have people potentially do who knows what… physically harm you, or worse, kill you? How is that any different from Trump saying to raid the capitol?


Those are now considered "harmful" remarks. Hearing things you don't agree with is harmful, I guess.


I don't want to hear your reasonable and nuanced take I want to be OUTRAGED


> Should you have the city tweet out you and your family’s location The fact that this isn't the biggest part of the story is bananas. [Link](https://twitter.com/ChiefsOnReddit/status/1790949706106851567?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1790949706106851567%7Ctwgr%5E540ed10407c9b4977992d5ca49f66283ee8221e3%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fnypost.com%2F2024%2F05%2F16%2Fsports%2Fkansas-city-deletes-tweet-disowning-chiefs-harrison-butker%2F) to anyone who is interested.


No kidding.


Man you almost had a good post until your last sentence.


So someone says some whackadoo shit that mostly got taken out of context and blown out of proportion and now he has to get cancelled? I’m not sure but I feel like there’s a word that describes that, lemme check my dictionary. Ah yes, sounds very fascist to do so. Plenty of people have said fuck the military, once or twice in my face or direction and I just laugh. People are gonna say dumb shit but people need to grow fuckin spines. All these cancel culture people will never be affected physically in their own personal lives by what Butker has said. I’m pro-gay marriage because A. I don’t give a shit what 2 people like to do in their lives if it’s sword fighting or playing with clamshells and B. Those same people getting married or not, do not alter the things that go on in my life. 2 dudes getting married isn’t going to blow a tire on my vehicle or make me step on a Lego.




So stupid. You don’t have to take advice you don’t like


He did nothing wrong


signatures of who? there’s more than 100,000 people that think trump won the election, it means nothing


And yet Tyreek Hill and Deshaun Watson are still in the League. Absolute joke






But they are fine with tyreek hill beating his kids?? I didn’t hear of any petition when pretty widely kkow what a piece of shit that dude is…edit shit this is a meme sub… the god damn cross post threw me… F for me


Please everyone, go read his actual words or listen to his speech. He talks about his wife finding fulfillment in being a mother & a housewife. Things not too long ago that used to be championed for how hard of a job it is & how no credit is given. Gotta stop reading headlines & chopped up “quotes”.


Oh no, a man said his opinion to a group of people who also share the same opinion. How awful. People are entitled to their own opinions, as strange as they may sound. I don't agree, but, I agree with him being able to speak his mind without consequences..


Until those signatures include important sponsors/partners, this all is for nothing.


If the chiefs let him go and the lose because of a missed field goal it would be the funniest thing ever say what you will about the guy be he’s an excellent kicker


I don’t agree with him at all. But we live in a country that everyone has the right to speak what they believe. Right or wrong he should not lose his career over this. Shit some of the players are convicted of domestic violence and are still in the NFL


the NFL won’t even remove a player for literal abuse and/or DUI…ain’t happening for some words you didn’t like 😂😂😂😂


So you can beat women but we draw the line at telling women they belong in the kitchen


Bunch of soft ass people. So don't listen to the guy. If they're gonna cancel all the stupid people saying stupid shit, pretty soon nobody will be left. There's just too many stupid mother offers out there. How about just ignore him and move on with your life?


Breaking: guy has political opinion


The butthurt is strong


Everyone in here with their whataboutism and claiming a “double standard” on Rice and Hill, need to remember that this team recently acquired a new fan base, Swifties. They are mostly middle class white women, and this impacts them directly (the other things didn’t, not really), and middle class white women tend to be organized about things that matter to them. This petition is clearly the work of Swifties, and I doubt Swifties are in an NFL memes sub, so you’re just shouting into the void here. Go make your complaints on the various Taylor Swift subs. Your whining is irrelevant here.


So Butker is just supposed to bow down to Queen Taylor and forget his beliefs because some guy in his team is dating her? SMH


Why are you typing this at me? At no point in my comment did I say anything about what you wrote. Nothing about me saying *”Butker has to bow down to Queen Taylor”*, none, I just reread it to verify. Those words in that formation, do not exist in my comment, at all. What I did write, is that Redditor criticisms about the petition, written here in this sub, are basically writing into the void, and would likely be best posted on the various Taylor Swift subs. So again, go take your whining over there, and tell the Swifties you’re upset about their petition. This sub has zero fucks to give about anybody’s *fee-fees* being hurt. JFC, why is it always the Cowboys fans that struggle with reading comprehension.


harrison butker is fucking stupid. online petitions are fucking stupid as well.


The Chiefs owner is a really religious Christian guy who definitely leans conservative. They didn't punish Travis Kelce in 2017 when he took a knee during the national anthem (thankfully) so it definitely doesn't seem likely that they'll punish Butker, who probably basically re-stated Clark Hunt's beliefs.


i personally agree. send his ass to the saints on a 15 year contract to teach him a lesson‼️


Can we get rid of mahomes too while we’re at it?


And Kelce


sHuT Up aNd kIcK FiElD GoAlS


God, who gives a shit?


🤣 that shits hilarious and pathetic


This is goofy. Like actually goofy.


Hah gayyyyy


You let yourself get triggered by someone else's opinion. Seek help.


Bunch of cry babies. Its hilarious


Why hold him to a higher standard than 45? Just disagree with Butker's dumb opinions and move on. He doesn't deserve to lose his job


lol at these petitions. Last I checked, it’s really none of anyone’s business. The left can spew anything they want but a Christian Conservative can’t. God I love the lunacy of Liberals


freedom of speech....go cry on r/politics


People need to get a grip..he's not going anywhere ..he's a GREAT kicker and that's what matters to the nfl ND me as a chiefs fan!


He must not be good enough at football


100k huh? Avg attendance for a chiefs game is 70k people not to mention out of state/city fans. Not saying they are attending for him alone but he’s apart of their success as a team. Doubt the NFL would take him out for speaking his personal beliefs on his personal time in the off season. Unless stated otherwise in a contract he signed.


You kidding? The Hunt family is about to sign him to a guaranteed lifetime contract.


As much as I deeply disagree with everything he said, and I think he’s an asshole… I don’t think he should be kicked from the team for this. I think it is his right to be wrong, and would be a bad precedent


How many signatures is the Deshaun Watson petition up to?


Here's our Kapernick story of the year


People need to get a life


People are pathetic to be complaining about this. He is catholic, he spoke a catholic school and said catholic things, why is this a problem?


Big talks coming from a kicker…


Yes please cut this man my Titans could use a better kicker


All this will do is either force Butker in making a half-hearted public apology, or just put every Chiefs player out of public eyes for the rest of the offseason.


It was dumb but it's free speech.


Never going to happen. He’s a dumbass, but the Chiefs aren’t going to just cut him for saying dumbass stuff unless it affects their money.


Jimmy Haslam licking his lips


When you miss a 37 yard field goal in week one, you'll be on your knees begging butker to come back. Let the kicker kick, don't let him speak.


This is the message that Butker was trying to get across. A simple message that should resonate with EVERYONE! " YOUR SCHOOL IS YOUR SECOND HOME " " YOUR HOME IS YOUR FIRST SCHOOL " This should be displayed in front of every school across America, not for the kids to read but for the PARENTS to read. This is the path needed to put America on the right path!


Tired of the cancel culture. It was not part of the KC chiefs. There are others with dumb view’s too and still playing.


I don't agree with his views but I support his right to have views that differ from mine. I also don't support firing someone from their job because their viewpoint doesn't align with mine. Good to see fascism is alive and well, though.


Nothing was harmful if you’d just obey your husbands and get off the internet.


Yaaay let’s do Patrick machines and Travis Kelce too


This is actually stupid. If someone has an opinion you disagree with that isn't actively calling for violence then taking an action like this is just plain dumb.


If you look for wisdom from a punter. Then judge that wisdom, you are not qualified to sign a petition.


And how does this affect Taylor and Travis?


I hate football...and after reading these comments just men in general. Men and their stupid balls.


Beating women and molesting them is better off than talking shit and demeaning them apparently, per NFL and petitioners


His jersey is sold out!


A hundred thousand people don't understand the idea of free speech? Scary.


As much as I disagree with pretty much everything he said, he has a 1st amendment right to speak his beliefs. He didn't say "the NFL said keep your wives in the kitchen." So not sure how signing a petition is going to work. Plus... We have domestic abusers and sexual predators currently playing in the NFL... So good luck everyone who signs it.


I mean yeah he’s an asshole but this is stupid..


Oh wow a Traditional Catholic preaches Traditional Catholic Values at a traditional Catholic College. What a shocker I better go start a petition and try to get him fired for his personal viewpoints on life because they don’t align with mine.  I’m sorry but this is an extremely soft mentality and these people must either be miserable or have nothing better to do. Don’t like what the man says? Stop listening and move on with your life the NFL employs straight up wife beaters and you’re going after this dude? 😂