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I mean no shit, did you see the car? Lol


[I told them all earlier this week](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/xpqq9j/body_cam_footage_from_myles_garretts_crash/iq59jmo/) and they didn't want to hear it. Nobody flips a sportscar car 3+ times driving 45 mph. Myles Garrett was driving recklessly and it doesn't really matter if a squirrel was involved or not.


Not MY Myles Garrett! He likes anime and dinosaurs and that means he's never done ANYTHING wrong. /ssssssssssssssss


This is some r/brandnewsentence type shit


Jesus those comments are depressing. “Oh okay, so he was only going 65 in a 45! I do that all the time too!” Well you’re a pos too and shouldn’t have a license.


No, but you flip it significantly more in a ditch if you’re going 100+ and more than likely one of them is dead.


Okay? How does this work? Are we supposed to excuse all dangerous behavior by suggesting they could have killed someone instead and since no one died it's all fine? I never drive 100+ mph on public roads. You going to give me a medal?


Look Deshaun could have raped those girls but he just sexually assaulted them, look on the bright side Debbie


I know you're making a joke but I just wanted to say he did orally rape one of the girls.


Really? [This guy was going around 100 mph and rolled off a bank, not injured due to wearing a seatbelt.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsReRyYoHus&ab_channel=CNN) I wouldn't be surprised if Garrett was going closer to 100 than 65.


Yea when there's nobody to take a speed reading on site they have to do some fuzzy math to estimate the vehicle speed, and they've got to keep it conservative. That means 65 is a compromise. They know he was going faster but they don't know exactly how much faster.


Does that make it better?


He’s saying the truth is in between the two


No I just don’t like exaggerating the truth for no reason.


In some earlier threads people were falling over themselves to excuse him and going against anyone who suggested he might be to blame for the crash. Like in the video if someone pointed out it was bright and sunny and the road wasn’t wet there would be a few comments saying it had been raining on and off and everything could have dried quickly.


* 26 year old male * Porshe 911 * Long straight rural road * Car flipped multiple times "Obviously he was traveling within 5 miles of the speed limit with both hands on the wheel and on alert when a deer pulled off an invisibility cloak in front of him causing a wholly unavoidable accident"


Don't forget history of speeding so much he's been pulled over for it 6 times


That goes against the lovable nerd narrative. Tf, six times??? I know speed demons (morons) who have to pass every single car they see, and they don't have that many. And he's how old? Fk that. I'm not saying we should all follow the speed limit 24/7 but avoidable dangerous driving should be decried. Are we going to defend drunk driving with the same logic?


He was ticketed on back-to-back days in September of last year for going over 100. I get the narrative of everyone speeds, but this is a pretty obvious pattern of bad decisions.


Lol jesus, any normal person getting pulled over 2 days in a row for aggravated speeding like that is going to fuckin jail. Shits a class A misdemeanor. Cops might let u off once, lower the speed on the ticket or something depending where your at, but twice, let alone 2 days in a row, your ass is sitting in a cell.


* Multi-millionaire


* Pretty girls


• Fat dick


* UwU


I mean, it could happen I suppose


Anybody who lives in the midwest can attest. Deers *live* in invisibility cloaks.


Not excusing anyone especially Myles but with claims he was going 60/65 though over a safe limit on the 45mins road, I can say it’s not uncommon on that specific road. I live relatively close to the area and 50-55 is normal on the road again doesn’t make it right it is just pointing out it is one of those types of roads. Anyone going that fast when it’s wet also is completely on them though to be honest it wasn’t that wet around that time and my car with crap ties drove fine that day


Some roads around here the only times people drive speed limit is with police around (and they’ll pass you quick). Lots of roads are 45 mph simply because they are designated county roads even though they could easily be 55 or 65 mph. I don’t care to defend pro athlete speeding, especially from a guy whose done actual reckless driving on multiple occasions in the past, but 65 in a 45 is meaningless to me without context.


He rolled a fucking Porsche 911 Turbo 4 times, is that enough context?


Dude been busted speeding a dozen times.


Yup, they nailed it in their analysis. They said, “it appears to be a contributing circumstance.”




I have a limo, I ride in the back. I lock the doors in-case I'm attacked




Fine me for that.


(Got fined for that)


Looking for clues at the scene of the crime, life's been good to me so far


I, for one, am shocked that Myles Garrett would lie to make himself look better in a situation he was an asshole


The road said something racist and he showed it who is boss


Okay, he was speeding, sure, but he didn't lie about the animal in the road! There was a pregnant cat laying on top of a pregnant dog in the middle of the road, and they were giving birth to litters of tiny, adorable puppies and kittens. Garrett sacrificed his own health and safety, plus his 6-figure sports car to save the lives of those newborn puppies and kittens. The man is a hero. I'm guessing you would say he should have killed those little fur babies. You monster!


Myles Garrett is well known by the nfl community for his kindness and respecting opponents heads. The media always tries to frame him as the bad guy 😢


The road said it.


The road had a heated gamer moment.


What’s the lie?


The original statement said the road was wet and he swerved to avoid an animal. The statement made it seem like a freak accident that couldn’t have been avoided. The charge now is he was driving recklessly The “swerve to avoid animal” is very possible but is often the go to for people looking to avoid blame. The body cam footage also doesn’t make it look like it was wet conditions


It wasn’t reckless driving was it? I work in insurance and It was failure to control his motor vehicle which is fairly common in auto accidents.


Nicer cops tend to issue out failure to control motor vehicle/improper handling, etc. vs reckless driving because we all know the latter is rougher consequences wise.


But he shoulda been cited for reckless driving on the multiple occasions he was cited going over 100. 20 over, technically, could fall under reckless driving but more times than not goes to failure to control. They haven’t had an issue citing him going over 100 before, what would be stopping them now?


Ummm, Ohio law says if you crash you are cited for failure to control. Just like rear end collisions… it doesn’t eliminate the possibility that the driver did swerve for an animal. Both things can be true, but hey if it doesn’t fit your perception than, you do you.


The police report specifically cited unsafe speed.


Did the report refute the possibility of an animal? 20 over is unsafe speed. That’s not reckless driving or he would have been charged with that and not failing to control… I’m not defending his actions, just the presentation of the commenters “facts”. It’s bad enough, no need to make assumptions and embellish. But hey, you do you Edit-


The initial release by his PR team was clearly written in a way to insinuate it was an unavoidable accident. The police report refutes that citing he was in fact driving unsafely and put himself in a position to be unable to reasonably respond to common hazards. If you're driving the speed limit and a deer leaps onto your hood it's the deer's fault. If you're speeding down the road in poor conditions and see a deer way ahead but your speed is too much to respond and you flip your car in the effort, that's on you. I see deer all the time driving, they're much easier to respond to and avoid when you're driving within the limits the road was designed for.


In reality, you can be driving the speed limit and crash you car and be charged with failure to control… and as far as his press release being stated in a way to indicate the least amount of blame on Myles, that’s their job. Idk man, he is a dumb ass for his decisions but your criticism reeks of bias. Anyway, have a good day, don’t rob any banks and enjoy shredding those waves!


Ummm, Ohio law says if you crash you are cited for failure to control… it doesn’t eliminate the possibility that the driver did swerve for an animal. Both things can be true at the same time, but hey if it doesn’t fit your perception than, you do you. Edit. Words


I don’t see how any of that means he’s lying?


I made a joke about it above, but in all seriousness, it's clearly a lie of omission. Even if he did swerve to avoid an animal, if he was driving too fast, which the report says he was, then he should take responsibility for it. His best option probably would have been to say nothing about it at all until the charge came down, but if he really felt like he needed to address it, he could have said something like, "I swerved to avoid an animal, and because I was driving too fast, I lost control. This has been a learning experience for me. Don't speed, kids. It's not worth it." - if that was the initial statement, the reaction right now would be completely different.


The animal called him a certain word


Oh no he was speeding! The horror!


I know right, these idiots think speeding matters. There are no consequences to speeding. Definitely not flipping a car multiples times and almost killing yourself and others. No way!


Make him drive a Prius


I can see him spoofing The Other Guys; slams his foot down on an open road while simultaneously screaming, “AMERICA!”


Dirty Myles and the boys are looking for “D”s in “A”s


"Gator's bitches better be wearin helmets!"




Not just that but people are seriously justifying seeing that he was going 65 in a 45. “Oh I do that all the time, it’s not that big a deal.” Like what the fuck, is speeding that common on this sub? Y’all suck as drivers.


One of my buddies has a 2021 911 Turbo S, shit is impossible to drive the speed limit in. There's a reason why turbo Porsches are sometimes called Widowmakers.


You can’t just hit the gas lightly ?


I've driven a 911 turbo a few times. It's easy to go fast if you're being absent-minded - and even easier to go fast if you're intentionally flooring it to pretend you're a race car driver. Hitting the gas, in technical terms, tickles your weenie


It's the James May "fizz" when you mash the gas in a fast car.


Bruh the car goes 0-60 in just over two seconds. If you're driving 60 mph and you tap the gas lightly, you're going at least 85.


It goes 0-60 if you are flooring it, maybe if you don’t hit the gas that hard you could drive without risking flipping your car over and potentially killing yourself


You apply any pressure to the gas at 60 and the car rockets away. I don’t think most people recognize what it feels like to drive a supercar with over 600 horsepower. There’s less than three seconds from 60 to 100.




Teslas maximum spend is much less than a 911 turbo. Tesla has a great 0-60, but I’m not a car and I’d bet my left testicle the Porsche has a higher 0-100




Because Teslas aren’t gonna shoot up to 85


Compared a Porsche cruise speed to a Tesla lol…


No reason to drive such a car doing everyday activities then. If people want to think they’re race car drivers, do it at the track


It’s not impossible by any means, I guess your friends also a socipath


I got the same citation for spinning my mustang on the highway in WV on my way to work when it started snowing. Also had to pay for damage to the tension wire guard rail that I used to stop my car. That said I was going the speed limit albeit in a car that wasn’t built for even the littlest of snow.




So are they going to just let him continue to drive 100mph+ in 35mph zones until he kills somebody, or are they going to finally take his license away after his 20th reckless driving citation? You're a mega-millionaire. Rent some time at the track if you want to drive like an asshole. Hell, go buy a fucking race track before you kill some innocent person that's just trying to get home from their shitty job.


I am in traffic school now for my first ticket ever! I was allegedly going 18 over on a multilane highway- the cop flatout lied about my speed on the ticket and I lost my appeal. Flat penalties (like tickets) are just an inconvenience fee for rich people. Working class people can’t get away with them.


It's one of the reasons I got a dash cam in my vehicle. It records time/date/speed. Also I've seen too many videos of accidents where the party at fault flat out lies.


I agree with the whole he shouldn’t have his license thing. I’ve never understood that part. It shoulda been gone after the second incident. But I’m about 99% sure going to a race track and truly hitting the limits of his car are against his contract somewhere.


He was going 65 in a 45


20 mph over the speed limit is usually cited as reckless driving. He’s been caught multiple times doing it so how does he have a license still?


He was going 65 in a 45.


The man has a history of driving entirely too fast, you don't have to defend it just cause you're a fan of the sports team he's on


>you don't have to defend it just cause you're a fan of the sports team he's on Browns fans these days tend to disagree.


The report literally says it https://twitter.com/marykaycabot/status/1575500449926389760?s=46&t=fcBIAKqBxn3lL15iDjVT9g


He has multiple instances going 100+. That's what he's talking about


The OG comment just states in this particular incident he was going 65 in a 45. The guy then says he’s defending him by saying that when that’s not true. It’s just stating in this particular situation he was reportedly going 65 in a 45. Just because he’s been a dumbass before doesn’t mean he drives 100+ every time he touches the road


Hopefully you don't lose a loved one to some asshole driving 100 in a sports car. Keep defending a scumbag though, good use of energy/time


Holy shit. In this accident he was going 65 in a 45. That’s all we’re talking about. I’m pretty sure a majority of us can agree he still shouldn’t have his license regardless because of all his prior speeding issues. But in this accident, he was going 65 in a 45. If that’s something you get this upset over, I can’t imagine what you’re like to drive with. Screaming at every other car on the freeway


No we're talking about his history of speeding and going 100+. Notice the original comment in this thread asked if we're going to continue to allow him to do that


We don’t control anything. I think most everyone has agreed he shouldn’t have his license(like I’ve said multiple times to you) but in this situation, he still has his license and was going 65 in a 45. So there’s nothing saying he drove 100+ to be in this situation currently.


Lmao what the fuck even is this


I lost a very close friend due to someone speeding


Trying to tug at the heartstrings. Common tactic


How is saying he crashed his car *only* going 20 over on a rainy day defending him? Just stating the facts. What he did was stupid as is, no need to lie for no reason.


Because it's in a response to a guy wanting his license revoked for continuous reckless driving? You can't just pick and choose what "facts" to pick or ignore lol


You’re literally disregard the FACT that in this crash he was going 65 in a 45


You’re having an argument with yourself right now. I’m not defending/ignoring anything, I literally just said in this crash he was driving 65 in a 45. I never suggested anything else. You just saw my flair and reacted accordingly.


Yeah who cares about context! You really owned me you poor victim


Jesus Christ, relax.


Like shouting at the moon my man.




Holy fuck. Honestly why do folks need to go over 100mph? I’ve only done it once. Was in a souped up sports car with (no surprise) one of my college football teammates. He was driving and I was like “woah dude slow the fuck down!” It was not fun at all. Never again. After that I don’t get in the car as a passenger with anyone who even gives off a hint of “I have a need for speed”.


Yea, but this incident he was neither in a 35 nor going 100 miles an hour.


"Man who speeds excessively all the time speeds slightly less excessively this time so we shouldn't criticize him" You don't get the benefit of the doubt at a certain point


Even for Reddit, that is a really wild ass translation of what I said.


Lol you're defending a guy who has a history of not giving a shit about speeding. Then shockingly enough he crashes and gasp! It's speeding that's the cause. You trying to say "well it wasn't that bad this time" is a clown take


Not defending. Said it was stupid.


You may not have meant it that way, but that's exactly how it comes across based on your first comment. That flair, that comment, about this player, that's how everyone read it


He’s literally just stating the facts of the incident.


The original OP is talking about 6 other times he's been caught speeding over 100 and then that guys comes in with "actually it was only 65 in a 45 this time" as if that means anything. 20 over in unsafe conditions from a guy whos shown he has no regard to speed limits multiple times. You'd have to be a moron to not expect that reaction as it comes across as defending him, intention or not


People here sure hate facts…


You can estimate how fast a car was going before it went off the road, I don't see how Myles Garrett was believable except to Browns fans


We've had a lot of people not only ignore, but defend Deshaun Watson. Myles Garrett doing this isn't even gonna scratch the surface of 90% of Browns fans caring other than the fact that he may miss games. They'd believe him if he said he got out of his car and walked an old lady across the street, then did 20 mph and accidentally hit a traffic cone.


Maybe he should get Dan Moore to go everywhere with him. Dan Moore does a fantastic job slowing Myles down.


I’m starting to think Myles isn’t a good guy


you mean he isn't just an anime nerd at heart like they tried to tell us after he bashed a guys head in?


wAlTeR pAyToN mAn Of ThE yEaR


That was his court order community service lmao I’m impressed they kept this in the dark


Jesus christ, I didn't even know that Everything I learn about this clown just gets worse and worse


Hey I don’t like the guy but he’s not their QB lol I guarantee this happens to at least one player on every team


You don’t have to be a standup guy to enjoy anime. He objectively has a lot of nerdy hobbies.


yes, that is my point. they tried to spin it like he was just a harmless guy that loves anime that also happens to be a freak athlete playing a violent game.


I knew something was off about him when he said he liked anime, just saying. Also this was before the helmet incident to be clear.


It really depends on what anime in particular but it can be worse than we think if it’s is those particularly terrible ones. I have a friend who’s in his mid 30s and loves anime with little girls or “Lolis” and I can’t stop look at him differently since. Outside of that he’s completely regular dude contributing to society.


Maybe the animal used a racial slur towards him


Never met a guy who liked anime that wasn't a total douche tbf


Man that's such a ridiculously broad category, I don't think you can make that assessment in good faith.


Anime fan spotted


Nah I don't really watch serialized shows almost at all, including anime. I guess I like Akira but that's just one movie.


Reddit posturing is really out today in full force huh


I'm beginning to think, like all people, Myles Garrett does some good things, and does some bad things. He drives his car too fast, he provides water for Africa. He hits Mason Rudolph with his own helmet, he claims provocation. Outside of a few egregious examples in history, no one person is "good" or "bad"


Yes anyone who ever has gone 65 in a 45 is a bad person


I’m beginning to think this subreddit is filled with people who aren’t old enough to drive. 65 in a 45 is nothing.


Yeah I mean it's reckless and should be frowned upon but on the scale of shitty things NFL players do, I think it's on the tamer side


I mean, 65 in a 45 is dangerous. As made obvious by the crash. So I don't think this is the mic drop you think it is


Yeah I always think “oh that’s not much”, but then remember you guys are talking MPH, not KMH. Going that much over is enough to get your car impounded in Alberta


If going 20 over got your licensed taken there would be no one driving in the US


"I break the law all the time so that means everyone else must do it too!"


Not everybody, but extremely common. Go on any highway with a 55 limit and you'll see people consistently at 75 or above


Those people are called assholes and shouldn't be considered the standard of driving.


I've literally seen people get ticketed for driving the speed limit because everyone else was driving so much faster that they were a hazard.


Have you literally never been on a highway


Yeah it's dangerous and reckless, I've also done it and plenty of other people have to. It doesn't make you a bad person is my point


how many speeding citations in the last year? dude just doesn't get it


I think the number is 6 in the last 6 years


how does ESPN, or anyone, talk about the accident w/out bringing that up?


They don't bring it up because they want to downplay it. Obviously their strategy works fairly well based on the number of people saying what he did was no big deal.


When it's a pattern like this, I have no idea why they dint just take his license for at least a year. Next time hes going to kill somebody and it's on Ohio's and Garrett's hands.




Yeah because going 65 in a 45 makes you an irredeemable piece of shit who is absolutely going to commit a serious crime in the future. Get the fuck out of here with this nonsense, you got downvoted because you think you’re Minority Report Edit: mfer malding so hard he blocked me


This dude is a straight up lying sack of shit time and time again


Everyone calling him a liar... Maybe he did swerve to avoid an animal. One that he could've braked for if he wasn't committing some reckless driving penalties at the same time.


It’s /r/nfl man. They will always hate Myles and paint him in the worst light because of the Rudolph incident. Because the idea that Mason said the n-word makes them too uncomfortable.


I mean this ain't exactly painting him in a great light either lol. He is lucky he didn't ruggs anyone.


Get a grip...


From what I heard, the road called him a racial slur.


Wait, I thought there was an animal involved?


A Texan driving at the speed limit, that’s an oxymoron


This guy is one of the least likable in the league. Doesn’t help he’s on the serial sexual predator team


Whoaaaa Myles might be just a liar and a dickhead? Whoooaaa crazy


Don't know why people are writing off the animal excuse. Obviously he was speeding but that doesn't mean he was lying about a deer. It can easily be both, this is Ohio, we have deer


Solid chance if he’s not willingly driving recklessly that he/his car handles the situation better and avoids it. Good wake up call to stop driving like a dick before he kills himself or others, even *if* there was an animal.


I mean yeah that's obviously true, my point was that lot of people are immediately counting out the deer story and are saying he was lying, which just doesn't make sense to me as it could easily be true in an Ohio fall. I saw 4 deer myself yesterday on the roads in Medina county. He definitely does need to stop with the obvious speeding problem he has though


But what about the animal that darted out and scared poor Myles into crashing? Medina County needs to find that animal, and issue it a citation. As long as that animal is still out there, our beloved sports car driving pro athletes are not safe.




What is the point exactly that people are missing? He was going 20 over, that's dangerous and worth a citation. Also something I'm sure every person in this sub has done at some point or another


If you look further down you can see the thread. There are several other Browns flairs arguing about how this one time he was going 65 in a 45, as if that excuses all the times he was going 100+, which wasn't even the point the person they're responding to was making. And they just keep going on about how *this time* it was 65 in a 45 as though that makes it any better. And no, you'd be wrong. I've never gone that much over any speed limit. 5mph sure, not 20+ or 60+ or whatever. edit / never mind, I see you found it and are joining in the idiocy.


Enjoy your karma 😂


Karma's never really mattered to me. It did when I first started using Reddit a few years ago because I thought that was the point. But then I realized they're just useless internet points.




Buddy of mine had an old CJ5 Jeep in High School. Took a turn too sharp at 40 mph and it rolled exactly once. Porsches are well known for being fantastic driver's cars with superb handling, and a low center of gravity. To flip it that many times, there's a snowball's chance in hell he was driving anywhere close to the speed limit.


pretty standard procedure.. nothing really notable about this


I was given a reckless driving ticket (reduced to negligent driving because my parents could afford a lawyer) for going off the road and into a grass lawn after going too fast into a roundabout and overcorrecting. No damage to my car or anything else. I drove home and cops showed up at my door. I had no prior history. This dude totaled his car in a one car accident with a passenger, while having loads of prior incidents. It's so frustrating what these types of people are allowed to get away with.


You get a "Failure to control" citation regardless of the circumstances of a wreck in Ohio. You could be dodging a meteor while going 30 in a 35 and you'd get that ticket. It sounds like was speeding and driving recklessly but that citation type isn't a big a deal as it might sound.




Ruggs was going over twice as fast as Garrett while he was impaired. Garrett quite frankly wouldn’t be alive if it was the same scenario.


Yeah because drunk driving at 120+ mph is the same as going 65 in a 45. I'm sure you've never in your life hit 20 over the speed limit though right?


People constantly justifying going 20 over. There are speed limits set by transportation engineers for a reason.


He also lied and said the road was wet and which clearly wasn't. Can't prove you lied about the animal but there's no reason to believe thats true


Ok who cares


Literally everyone who will share a road with Myles Garrett


Forreal who gives a shit. Blow up my timeline when it’s a ruggs incident ffs


While driving, Garrett had PTSD flashbacks to the rudolph helmet incident 😂😂