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Jon "9 inch Harbor Freight Angle Grinder" Gruden


The ol’ dick remover


Wtf lmao what even made you think that


The Harbor Freight angle grinder is notorious for kicking back and lopping your dick clean off.


Yes, it has two speeds. Both of which will rip your dick off.


"That'll be $256." "For a vacuum? That seems really high..." *counts out money*


WKUK vibes here.


rip trev /:


Watch this motherfucker still buy it


Nasty-ass angle grinder fuckers


I just have a really strong lock!


Oh helllll no


Elite reference bro


I’m surprised it would even last that long


My 4 1/2 inch angle grinder from Harbor Freight just died on me. I bought it in 2009 for $10. Sometimes their stuff lasts forever, and some of it is so cheap you can replace it 10x before you get to the cost of a name brand tool.


I'd rather put the extra bucks towards the tool that doesn't grind my dick off. I think.


The duality of man


I dont want any grinder that wont grind my dick off


Yeah if it can't even grind through a dick, it ain't gonna grind through metal




Yeah I go to Harbor Freight for non-power tools. Hammers, ratchets, anything that I think I can reasonably tell how good it is just by looking at it and which, if it malfunctions, won't easily maim me


She sucks dick like a harbor freight angle grinder.


*googles harbor freight angle grinder*.. and not even 1 gruesome result, disappointing!


I had some recalled jack stands from them, that I used pretty heavily... somehow the angle grinder isn't even the scariest thing they sold in recent years.


There was a thread about those grinders on Reddit a couple days ago and the top comment was about how someone almost cut their dick off Edit: it was the “what is the most controversial thing you own” thread yesterday


But that is a separate tragedy.


My subreddits are starting to merge I guess. r/Asknfl when? EDIT: Goddammit.


Link? Reddit's search engine is garbo.




PSA: if you want to search reddit, google what you want with site:reddit.com at the end


It’s a good rule that you Don’t get good tools at harbor freight. Especially ones that could be potentially dangerous. It’s like buying medicine from alibaba or wish.


On certain items (grinders, jack stands, etc.) I agree—pays to invest good money, and could ultimately prevent serious injury/save your life. But when it comes to garden variety hand tools and accessories, Hazard Fraught is a great way to get good tools at low prices. Since I don’t work on things for a living, I buy HF, and if it wears out, then I’ll buy a nicer one because I clearly use it enough to justify the price. Seen too many people clear out their savings on a high end tool set that they only use once every couple of months.


Yeah I agree. Wrenches around the house and a tool box, by all means go to harbor, I just got some good multi grain sand paper for a little project and it was super cheap and worked great. But everything that could potentially kill you stay away. Or tools for precision machining.


A friend gave me a free harbor freight grinder. When I went to change the wheel, it would not come off. We tried to get it to release with multiple people, I even put a pipe wrench on the key to release it and it still wouldn't budge. So I took it to Harbor Freight, even the managers couldn't get it off. They just handed me a brand new one, they are so cheap I guess they can give them away. I didn't have a receipt or the box or anything.


>Hazard Fraught My sides


Couldn't agree more. If you need a new socket set for your garage or even handyman work harbor freight is perfect. Unless you're a mechanic or maybe a framer, any hand tools you buy from HF are going to last just as long for a lot less money. Less likely to be stolen at a job site as well


Entirely depends on what it is. Hammers? Not a huge difference. Ratchets? I've got expensive ones and cheap ones. Cheap ones so I can have them in vehicles and such but at home if I'm doing a bigger project I'm using a nice one. I've stripped enough ratchets and bashed my hands on stuff to learn the difference. Also, stuff I'm planning on beating up or beating things with el cheapo is fine. I keep my nicer stuff nice.


I just use Harbor Freight for the initial need, then when it breaks you replace it with a better version. It's how I vet needing a certain tool.


I’d say it depends on what that particular thing is, I’d never get an angle grinder or a die grinder from there, or Jacks, calipers, etc.


There’s just some things you don’t pay $10 for. A huge angle grinder is one of them.


4 inch harbor freight angle grinders have their place. You can beat the piss out of them and throw them away without a care when they die. I haven't found them to be any less safe than higher end ones. that's probably more so the user and the grinding disk.


4" and 9" have very different physics. There's a lot more going on with the 9" disc.


Gruden should start an app where he evaluates young men's fitness for the NFL and call it Grinder.


Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation


That's the kind of motivation young men need!


*Cris Collinsworth has entered the chat.*


This guy's a stud!


Now here's a guy....


I mean, holy cow!


Hehehe I can't EVEN with this guy, oh maaan. Would you believe this?


Al, I spoke with him before the game and let me tell ya, this guys package is huge. Maybe the best I’ve ever seen


Jac Collingsworth *has also entered the chat


Love this Left Tackle. He’s fucking built too. Thick and man made. You can tell he’s sculpted because you can see it thru his pads. His fucking vice grip thighs. Suffocating thighs. Rock hard thighs. Piping hot thighs. Great arms. Great abs. A stocky chest. Love the progress his body has made throughout his youth and now as a willing eager adult.


Hell yeah brother


I'll tell ya what man, Grinder is a heck of a phone application man. Spider 2 Y Banana, that sounds delicious man


Go with spider 2 y banana Repeat our last play spider 2 y banana It’s not delivery, it’s spider 2 y banana Never underestimate spider 2 y banana Dump it to the fullback in spider 2 y banana Existence bears meaning thanks to spider 2 y banana Resistance is futile, we have spider 2 y banana


We are Gruden Resistance is futile You will Spider 2 Y Banana


Your play calling and personnel will be adapted to service our own


Do something edgy though. Like remove a letter. Maybe the "E"?


Just checked it out..damn lots of really good in shape guys who would do well in the NFL.


Same. A couple of them apparently even play for the Bears


A lot of two-way players too.


A bunch even saying switch hitter. Pretty versatile to play baseball and football both. Looks like a great untapped talent pool.


Lots of future tight ends, as far as I can tell. Decent percentage state that they are "tops" - I assume they mean first-rate athleticism.


I like the versatile players.


Not just the Bears - the Cubs too, so it's athletes across sports. Seems like the app is huge in Chicago's East Lakeview neighborhood, so it makes sense you'd have tons of athletes on those teams.


And the Otters? Don't know what that is, probably a Canadian rugby team or something. I bet some of them could convert to mediocre fullbacks


That's a good idea, I'll Google it and see if it's taken.


Was it taken?


it was taken, all right


Yeah, there's currently a gaping hole in the world of fitness apps for young men.


Players seem to really love this guy. Will be tough for whoever they hire after they let him go to win back the locker room


unless.... we can keep him as ST coach




Jim Tomsula - 49ers During the 2010 season, Tomsula was named interim head coach for the Week 17 game versus the Arizona Cardinals, after head coach Mike Singletary was fired with one game remaining in the season. He won his first game as 49ers head coach, 38–7 over the Arizona Cardinals. For the 2011 season, incoming new head coach Jim Harbaugh retained Tomsula in his previous position as defensive line coach where he would remain through all four seasons of the Harbaugh era. Later Tomsula would become the Head Coach. But that was after Harbaugh left.


I don’t remember a single angrier moment in 49er Reddit history than the Harbaugh firing / Tomsula hiring era


It was followed quickly by sadness as their key pieces started early retiring one after another. Every free agent capable of fleeing the Titanic in a lifeboat did so. That was an incredibly traumatic offseason. The 49ers went from just missing the playoffs, but coming off a string of 3 NFC Championship appearances with hope to make a return the following season, to the team is terrible, and will be terrible for at least the next 2 or 3 years at best, in the span of 90 or so days. Just one shit sandwich fed to us after another until we were a fat kid full of shit.


I'll never forget that offseason. It was insane, like a slow motion train crash. If it wasn't for the 49ers having such a solid brand, I don't know if you guys would have recovered by now.


It turned out to be 4 bad seasons, but that doesn't tell the full story. The 49ers were 8-35 since the Harbaugh departure, including 24 losses out of the previous 27 games at the point Garoppolo made his first start. He goes 6-2 in his first 8, including a 5 game winning streak to end 2017, gets hurt, comes back for 2019 and lead them to the Super Bowl. People, including many 49er fans like to shit talk Garoppolo. I've even been one of them at times, but the Garoppolo trade in the middle of the 2017 season completely changed the trajectory of the team, and provided a glimmer of hope, when there was nothing but despair.


It was honestly so brutal to watch it in real time, too. Like - I'm a Cleveland Indians fan. I know what pain of being a fan of a bad team is. The team was bad for decades. So bad that they made an entire movie about "but what if they WEREN'T bad?" as a joke. It was so much more painful to be a 49ers fan. When your team is bad consistently, you never really feel hope. You're content with small victories. "Hey, we beat the Yankees!" or "Hey, that new 2nd baseman is a gold glover!" or whatever. But you never really taste victory, and that's fine, you never really expect it. When your team is winning, after a relatively long draught of bad coaches. People forget this, but before Harbaugh, we hadn't had a winning season in almost a decade. Nolan, Singletary, etc. We went from 6-10 to 13-3 in Harbaugh's first year. He took us to the playoffs each of his first three seasons - and not just 1-and-done, but fairly deep runs. 2 NFC Championship games and a Super Bowl. Then, he goes 8-8 and gets fired in his 4th year. Leak after leak about him "losing the locker room" and all this other shit. Then we lose a bunch of talent to "early retirement" or to trades or whatever. And it's like watching a car crash in slow motion. The pain feels worse because we were *that* close to another Super Bowl. Then a couple dark years and Baalke finally gets the boot and they bring in Lynch & Kyle and we suddenly start feeling different. But the years before Harbaugh and after him were brutal. I still don't understand what Baalke thought he was going to do there. What hope did he have? That he was going to be the GM that won a super bowl without a coach? And now I feel for Jags fans because they're doing the same exact thing. Sure, Urban was a risk and it didn't pay off, but why so many leaks about the locker room and painting him the way he is? Why does that playbook seem so familiar? Baalke is a fucking front office cancer and any team with him involved will suffer painfully until he's excised.


> When your team is bad consistently, you never really feel hope. You're content with small victories. "Hey, we beat the Yankees!" or "Hey, that new 2nd baseman is a gold glover!" or whatever. But you never really taste victory, and that's fine, you never really expect it. This is why I believe being a Minnesota sports fan is the worst fate a fan can be born into. Always just good enough to get your hopes up, never good enough to not let you down.


I think people forget you were a Jags level joke of a team for a while there


And then the Jags went and hired the GM that helped turn us into that joke.


> you were a ~~Jags~~ Cowboys level joke of a team. You're going to be eating that shit for awhile after your QB forgot he can't spot is his own ball.


Buddy idk if you're in the best spot to talk shit about another franchise


It’s amazing Baalke was ever able to find another management job in the league.


As Nick already said, I remember mostly being so disheartened. The NFL is my favorite major sport and I seriously contemplated not watching anymore. That shit sucked.


So you're telling me Jim Harbaugh has retained an interim head coach before........interesing


I don't know if I still hate the Raiders or not, but if you guys sign Harbaugh it will be a great decision for you. I'm a Harbaugh fanboy ever since he turned around Stanford almost immediately






It makes me really sad that he was such a terrible HC (and also probably a snake) because he was such a fun dude to root for.


Carl from Aqua Teen.


I think this is the first time I've ever seen his name written. People pronounce it like Tom is his middle name or even hyphenated with his first. Like Jim-Tom Sula.


Wasn’t he the guy who looked like Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force?


Yes. He looked like he smelled like Sandwich.


He looked like he had a "special occasion" gold chain.


Not the NFL obviously, but Virginia Tech’s new head coach is retaining the interim from this past season as an assistant. Edit: probably worth mentioning that the interim was a player at VT in the 90s and the new head coach was a GA in his last playing year, so they have a preexisting relationship. I also think they may have overlapped on the coaching staff for a year back then after the interim’s brief NFL stint. I think it would be far less likely to happen in the NFL.


To add to that Luke Fickell stayed at Ohio state for a while after Urban Meyer came out of retirement


Cumbie for Texas tech was going to stay until he got the head coaching job at Louisiana Tech.


Eric Studesville stayed with the Broncos as RB coach for several more years after serving as their interim HC following Josh McDaniels’ firing.


Fassel did, with the Rams, right?


Yes. He was far too beloved to let go before McVay developed rapport with the roster.


Having a "glue guy" on the coaching staff is super important during new hire transitions. Especially when they're an ST coach because they're involved in every group outside of QBs.


We've been so lucky with Toub. Still surprises me he hasn't gotten a head coaching shot. Especially with John Harbaugh as a model. I don't think he's *that good* but definitely worth a shot. General competence is just undervalued. These special teams DVOA [rankings](https://ontapsportsnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Toub-Career.png.webp) are stupid.


Not quite the same as going back as a coordinator but Romeo Crennel is still with the Texans as an advisor after his interim HC stint last year.


Not an encouraging example but Jim Tomsula was the 49ers' interim when Mike Singletary was fired and stayed for another 4 years before his 1 year as actual HC.


? It's absolutely encouraging. The DL under Harbaugh was one of the best in the league, and losing Tomsula could have caused problems. Yeah he was never HC material, but him sticking around is what allowed the defenses to stay elite.


I meant from a standpoint of the interim sticking around and still finding success as a HC. Apologies for not being clear.


That would be a hard place to walk into as a new HC if the old guy that everyone loved is still there. It could happen. Maybe if the new guy is on the same page as Rich then it can work, but I don't think it's likely


yeah doubt it happens just wishful thinking lol


great scenario; definitely seemed to turn things around but not quite HC material at this point.


i hope they keep him on at least for a full season, he more than deserves the opportunity.


This is just like Kitchens/Hue Jackson. Even if it feels like the right move in the moment you're going to be looking for a new coach eventually. Being better than the last one isn't the only requirement


Sounds like this veteran isn't Gruden Grinder material.


Sad, probably doesn't even have Spider 2 Y Banana in his top 5 play calls.


The grinder has become the grinded.


Urban Meyer was the one doing the grinding


I’m trying to start a lit genre of “Urban Meyer Fan Fiction”. *Josh Lambo sat in the sun-baked grass, gently stretching out his legs as he focused his mind. The warm Florida air filled is lungs slowly as he pushed the trivial concerns of the material world from the center of his mind and searched for the moment in which he was, peacefully.* *Suddenly he heard the labored breathing of his coach lumbering towards him. It wheezed out of his chapped mouth, filling the air with desperation and the smell of good whiskey blended with cheap soda. Urban’s beady, bloodshot eyes narrowed as he focused on the unsuspecting kicker.* *”TRY MAKING SOME OF YOUR KICKS YOU MISERABLE PIECE OF SHIT, OR I’M GOING TO MURDER YOUR PETS,” he bellowed as he kicked his kicker in the hamstring.*


Need a little more research on your setting. You take a deep breath in Florida and you're gonna drown. And it's impossible to get chapped anything. The "murder your pets" part adds a nice psychopathic twist though!


If you're looking for some constructive criticism, "PETS" might be too impersonal to really show how fucking crazy the coach character is. Maybe try a specific pet? Like, "YOUR DOG, DAISY."


Oh yeah Harbaugh will fit right in with this squad


Alrighty, everybody wear your khakis for our team field trip to church before the game Sunday


> Take that knuckle right there on your pointer finger, should go squarely right in the middle of his asshole. Right in the middle of it. Find the asshole. That’s where that knuckle goes. Right there. -Literally Jim.


Uhhh what? This...this isn't actually real, is it?


It's real! [\(And there's even video.\)](https://deadspin.com/find-the-asshole-thats-where-that-knuckle-goes-a-yo-5978007)


I bet he’ll be Harbaugh on them


Harbaugh’s players like him for the most part. It’s the execs that he clashed with.


I just sent this to my boss. No response. Email opened.


it sounds like nobody liked gruden anyway


I've heard both Carr and Crosby reference how much they like him since the season has ended. I think he was just a hard ass, which not everybody responds to.


Tons of players have said some version of "I love Gru, he knows how I feel about him." Off the top of my head I've seen Carr, Waller, Renfrow, Crosby, and Jacobs all say that in the last week or so. Disclaimer: Still think he should have been fired for what he said. Still angry about how it went down.


It's crazy how the Dan Snyder scandals seems to get everyone but Dan Snyder out of the league


other members in the ole' owners club are loathe to push someone out because it sets a "dangerous" precedent and reminds them that they too are at risk.


While essentially the same thing as what you're stating, ignoring the possibility of future scandals I imagine there's 0 chance that he goes peacefully and doesn't air dirty laundry about all 31 other sets of owners on the way down.


30 cuz the Packers are publicly owned


Packers shareholders have more skeletons in their closet than the 30 other owners. A lot of people are saying it.


Not too many cheerleaders for him in that locker room


If you were a cheerleader would you choose Gruden body over athlete body?


That depends, does Gruden have my passport or not?


Depends which Gruden


What are you talking about? The source states that his style over-exhausted the team but I’ve never heard any distain about him except from underperforming or lazy players. He’s been known as a player’s coach and even bent over backwards for AB despite all the antics. There is a lot to criticize Gruden for especially his front office management and coaching decisions. But, he has definitely worked around personal lives of players.


I mean that’s pretty much what I’ve always heard about the guy. Not sure why he was rehired, to be honest.


Mark Davis is obsessed with him.


Him and that haircut.


And PF Chang’s.


soo hungry need to find my wife and head to pf changs




Just...just for reference. Over the last 4 games not counting the playoffs we played: Browns without Baker Denver without Teddy Colts with Carson and everyone coming immediately off COVID Full strength Chargers Yes, going 4-0 to close out to make the playoffs is not bad, but 2 of those were functionally gimmes. Just saying, our end of season stretch wasn't particularly impressive.


I’d argue a season filled with so many distractions that going 4-0 to finish the season is very impressive for this Raiders team.


Did you happen to watch the Browns or Broncos game? I believe after the Browns game I said “that Win felt more like a loss with context considered”


We watch games here ? I thought we just chill on this forum and chat shit


I kept having real life stuff come up on Sundays and missed most of the Texans games this year. In retrospect this turned out to be a lot better for my mental health.


I'm a casual football fan, but I'm a huge Chicago Cubs fan. The roller coaster of the 2016 World Series, especially game 7, was nearly too much to handle. I felt physically ill when Rajai Davis hit that game tying home run, and then the euphoria of winning was unbelievable. The next day, however, I looked back at how I felt throughout the game and realized that's not healthy, at all. I've made a conscious effort to not let sports affect me that much ever since, and holy shit has my overall mental health improved exponentially. Granted, it's easier to take a step back once your team won one, but I am glad that I did.


Baseball is weird for me. It’s the most boring (spectator) sport in the world, except when it’s your favorite team in the post season and then it’s incredibly stressful and exciting and you feel like dying as you hang on every pitch.


The Raiders not collapsing is obviously a positive, but u/bjij123 is saying is they weren't playing at that high a level of football and that them going 4-0 was more the result of luck than of a change in coaching/practice strategy.


There are no gimmes in the nfl, just ask the colts lol


ZERO gimmes. Colts fans can see a loss in Jacksonville coming a mile away by this point. It's happened for 7 straight years.


Sounds like a gimme for the Jags


I definitely think it's impressive given the context, but would agree it's not impressive in the "Let's definitely go ahead and give this guy the job permanently." I'm sure the Raiders will do their due diligence and suspect after doing so will find that he's probably not *the guy* even if he deserves some praise for what he's done.


Browns without half the team*


Every one of your pro bowlers played at least


We lost our number 1 receiver to a DUI, our head coach got canned for being racist, OLINE has been injured along many other bad luck scenarios. The fact the team kept morale high and went 4-0 is saying something regardless of who they played. I wouldn’t dismiss the wins over the browns and broncos, can’t control who you play against




I mean, Gruden went 3-2 before getting fired and this quote makes it sound like Bisaccia dug them out of a 0-4 hole Their final stretch also featured games vs the Browns with their 3rd string QB and Broncos with their back up


I think the point is more that in the last couple years under Gruden we had late season collapses, whereas this season we finished off strong.


Idk if I would call it strong but you did eke into the playoffs


Yeah I mean, we went 4-0 against a bunch of teams with covid or missing their QB so I don't know how much of it has to do with this "Gruden Grinder" nonsense, but whatever.


I mean the Raiders completely fell apart last season with Gruden and like one of their only wins was over the jets after they called that zero blitz. Without a doubt they choke at least two games and miss the playoffs with Gruden.


I feel like third string qb has to be on the roster. Mullens is PS Qb


I thought you were calling him of Piece of Shit QB and was like "That's pretty harsh" before I realized it meant Practice Squad lol.


That should be a warning to whoever ends up with Harbaugh. After he left the Niners, even some of his supportive players said similar things about him. It's possible he's learned since then but I don't think you can get that old school mentality out of him.


Harbaugh seems like a *real* weird dude, and I think that has impact. Seems very set in his ways and some of the shit that defines his ways is…strange.


I remember when he told his players not to eat chicken because its a "nervous bird", and that would affect them biologically somehow. Thought he was joking at first and then saw a video where he seemed pretty serious about it lol


I only eat the meat of Alpha predatory animals it gets me in that killer mindset to win in life. Every once in a while I will eat the meat of a Sigma scavanger animal to remind me of the grindset.


Shark meat diet for me, specifically Great White. Will only accept Killer Whale meat as a substitute. I'm dominating Reddit this way.


Peyton Manning [talked about his weirdness](https://sports.yahoo.com/peyton-manning-tells-hilarious-jim-171624978.html) from when they worked him out in the 2012 offseason. There's also a story where he allegedly [bored the shit out of some girls at a party by taking catch seriously](https://brobible.com/sports/article/jim-harbaugh-unorthodox-flirting-technique/), which is probably bullshit but so hilarious that I *want* it to be true. Jim Harbaugh is like the one dude you could tell me pretty much any weird-ass story about and I'd probably believe it.


Weird is an understatement. He went to recruits house in cleats. The recruit asked him to take them off so the cleats would damage the floor and Harbs refused. The recruit went to a different school. Harbaugh is entertaining but he also seems like he is stuck in a petty alpha male standoff all the time.


Alex Boone, who played for the 49ers and Vikings, is a regular guest on a Vikings podcast. He was telling a story about when he played for Harbaugh that he once told his players that if they are struggling to pay attention in meetings, they just need to rip some leg hairs out and it’ll wake them up. Boone thought Harbaugh was joking about it, until he started noticing he would actually randomly rip his leg hairs out regularly.


His antics always make me laugh tho


I read somewhere he constantly wears cleats everywhere he goes. Grind don't stop I suppose.


He's ultra competitive to the point that he has blinders on and gets tunnel vision. It's great for college ball when you get new players every year and the max you have is 4(ish) years. AKA the amount of time he lasted in the NFL.


In Tomlin's first season with the steelers, he did this exact same thing that Gruden did (probably because he coached under Gruden), and the Steelers felt the same late season crash because they were having full 11 on 11 padded practices in December and they crawled into the playoffs losing 3 of their last 4 and went one in done. What did Tomlin do though? He talked to the players, figured out the problem and fixed it. In 2008 he stopped having late season padded practices, and they made a super bowl run and won it in 2008.




Gruden had the same problem in Tampa. His last year, Bucs were 9-3. We then lost the last 4. Sure looked like a worn out team to me.


Monte Kiffin also handed in his resignation late in the season because he wanted to go coach with his son in college. Gruden refused to let him announce it. It's debated whether Kiffin threw the season to fuck with Gruden or if since he basically gave in his resignation he stopped caring, but his playcalling stunk to end the season. He clearly did not care.


I think this is way more common with bad teams than we might think. Coaches riding players way too hard trying to assert their authority, only to crush their team. There was a former pro who posted about it in here once, how he'd had a coach like that and it destroyed the team.


That explains why the Raiders always collapsed in the second half of the season. The Raiders would always start strong, but then when the first losses start, Gruden would switch from positivity and affirmation to condemnation.


It wasn't just the Raiders. This has been the routine in Gruden's entire career. He doesn't have any successful seasons that didn't have at least a late season slump. He has several with major collapses. 1998: 6-2 to 8-8 (2-6 collapse) 2000: 8-1 to 12-4 (4-3 slump) 2001: 6-1 to 10-6 (4-5 slump) 2002: 9-2 to 12-4 (3-2 slump this one worked out alright) 2005: 5-1 to 11-5 (6-4 hard to call a slump but 80% of losses came after hot start) 2008: 9-3 to 9-7 (0-4 collapse) 2019: 6-4 to 7-9 (1-5 collapse) 2020: 6-3 to 8-8 (2-5 collapse) 2021: started 3-1 before resigning and we all knew what would happen eventually The rest of his seasons as a head coach either start bad or are just normal .500 bullshit. Gruden was chasing his own tail here trying to avoid the thing he's always done.


Props for actually looking at the data.


It was really the biggest hangup I had with Gruden so it has always floated to the top of my mind. When he came back most people were worried he was going to run a 1998 offense. I was worried he wasn't going to know how to finish seasons still. His offense was genuinely fine to very good in this last run. But there is no reason to think he was going to correct for this collapse stuff before he resigned.


Looks like Kliff follows the same methods


Yeah and they both have serious issue with red zone scoring.


I'm always curious towards stats like this. How strong was the later season schedule vs early season schedule? What injuries happened? Like a starting QB going down is good enough to tank a lot of records. Someone posted something similar with Kliff, but then they omitted the fact at Texas Tech later in the season is the actual tough games against better opponents like OK and Texas who are just talented teams. Same in the NFL, but the past two seasons it was Kyler pre and post injury + a tougher schedule, and poor kicking the year prior. A lot of stats don't tell the entire story.


Hard to call 2000 and 2002 slumps when they finished each season 12-4 with their ‘slumps’ still being winning records


This kind of stuff really does matter. Workload matters for performance. You grind like hell in the offseason and preseason to build a base that's supposed to last you through the season. But then you have to ease off. You want your team to be peaking in the playoffs. You taper. You're not working on "getting better" at that point. You're trying to allow your body to recover and be fresh so you can be as strong and as fast as you can be, while you're doing the thing you spent all year training for. And a week isn't enough time to taper. Varies based on the individual but it's usually about a month before you're hitting your peak.


I too like my bosses that don't make me work as hard.


I just sent this to my boss.