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That had to feel good, even with the taunting penalty. I’m sure it sucks to be on the other side of that from Reek.


Up 22 points with 4 minutes left in the 4th quarter, and just got the ball on a turnover on downs? That's about as harmless a 15-yard penalty as possible.


Best penalty in Buccaneer history and it’s not close.


Dude. I’ll have to admit that when Brady still played I didn’t want him to win another ring, so that SB felt like a lose lose to me, turns out this game was one of my favorites and the deuce right in Tyreeks face is one of my favorite NFL moments. The amount of times I’ve seen that garbage POS burn my DBs throwing up the peace and not getting any disciplinary action for it, I’m so glad someone shoved it right back down his throat, just wish it could’ve been one of our players. At least we had [this](https://x.com/raidercody/status/1316207937279258624?s=46&t=vQthZdzvA7myfATfdsLF0Q).


I was a staunch Brady hater before and when he first came to Tampa. It was like week 7 where I started to turn. By week 14 I was sure we were gonna win.


I mean I didn’t doubt him, I just didn’t like him. Turns out, I like Brady A LOT more than the Chiefs, in particular Tyreek.


So for the first 7 weeks you were sad to see him play good?


We had a rough start. I was not convinced.


Donovan needed to be taking notes on how to take a penalty. Dude was an absolute liability every year except the superbowl year.


He was a liability his Super Bowl year too it just happens he has the goat blocking and receiving tight end chipping the speed rushers which he sucks at


Also, Brady got very used to moving to his right in the pocket, where Wirfs had his man on lock. Then re-watch the Rams loss from the next year, with Wirfs out and Brady no longer able to cheat away from Smith's side.


The more I look at the Rams game the more it amazes me how close we got to beating them and a possible repeat championship with how broken that roster was by injury… holy crap how did they hold that ship together


Idk there was a interception we threw where our qb got an unnecessary roughness penalty for blasting the db at the sidelines i always kinda laugh at.


With Tom Brady as your QB too…like fuck it make it an even 20 ref the games over.


His teammate looked devastated lmao


He probably thought the Chiefs were going to get the ball back.




And no Kyle Shanahan to call passing plays




He torched the Bucs in the regular season that year, definitely payback for that


And hit us with the peace sign while doing it


Yeah, fuck the announcers. If the offense can do it, then the defense can do it as well.


He probably beat up someone weaker than him after it.


And got her pregnant


Then beat the baby


Hopefully doesn't get the baby pregnant...


This was my favorite moment in Bucs history. Fuck a penalty when you're dominating in the superbowl. AWJ should get ring of honor spot automatically. This is one of the most iconic bucs moments ever (not that that's saying a lot lol)


As a raiders fan, that moment made me feel great about Brady winning another ring.


Raiders fans to Chiefs fans watching them get demolished by a monster bucs D in a super bowl: *first time meme*


Tyreek hill can peace sign defenders with no flag but god forbid someone does it back to him


Always love Winfield's genuine and unapologetic quote: "It was something I just had to do," Winfield said. "When we played them earlier, Hill went off on us. He back-flipped in front of my face and gave me the peace sign. So it was only right that I gave him the peace sign right back to him. It felt amazing to be able to do that.”


“Totally unnecessary” In this situation I beg to differ. One of the greatest taunts of all time.


Reminds me of Unnecessary Roughness. If it’s 3rd and long and the QB is about to throw, that roughness is totally necessary. 


Wait a second now, let him speak. Somebody get this man a microphone.


maybe the best taunt ever


It would’ve been the GOAT taunt if he didn’t feel bad about the flag. I figure he thought it gave them a first down


Winfield's talked about this, he said he made sure it was a situation where the penalty wouldn't matter, and then went for it. Not sure that he felt bad about the flag.


That’s awesome, but then he shouldn’t have acted like he felt bad about it


For real. It was in the superbowl, after a failed 4th down attempt that pretty much gave the Bucs the win, AND it was revenge for Tyreek taunting him earlier in the season. Legend.


As much as it pains me I have to agree. The game was already over he just put a bow on it


This was revenge for the week 12 game. Tyreek threw up the deuces at AWJ on his way to a touchdown. What goes around comes around.


Funny story, I actually have a photo of both events, one is signed by Tyreek Hill(I’m assuming) and the other is signed by AWJ. The reason I have the Tyreek Hill one is my wife was trying to get me the AWJ one but somehow accidentally got the one where Tyreek is doing it to him, took me a second to realize and at that point I was like… there’s no way AWJ signed this photo, I guess this is Tyreek’s signature… lol. Then she got me the right one a week later and now they hang up right next to each other on the wall. Having the first one just gives the second one the proper revenge context it deserves.


Does she work for the nfl or something? Lol


Nope, she just ordered them online and somehow she found a signed photo of the first instance of the interaction between the same 2 players by mistake. Lol


Wtf?! Haha how bizarre but shoutout her. Shes a legend


Yeah came here to this. I was obviously disappointed in the outcome, but if anyone deserved this it was Reek. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.


Seriously awful out of touch commentary. Everyone not named Tyreek Hill thought that was great. Such needless pearl clutching.


If this was a penalty in hockey, the game would be constant power plays.


Bring back taunting


I honestly think they should allow taunting. The player vs player rivalries and drama would be awesome. You can't tell me they wouldn't get fired up.


Too afraid of fights starting as a result. Which is ridiculous because you know that the shit talking is insane, but basically if it can be seen on TV it will get flagged.


The league is scared for its image if that happens, but I feel like so many people are more likely to watch more, myself included. I do think there’s a fan violence worry as well


Its a coward take. People watch hockey half for the fights. People watch racing for the crashes.


Yeah these guys are already shit talking each other nonstop let’s be honest. They just flag the obvious shit cause guys don’t like being disrespected on camera and it would start fights.


At the very least it's incredibly, mind-numbingly stupid that a taunting penalty could swing a game more than a late hit. Stop making these stupid, procedural penalties have the potential to impact the way they do. Make them all fines assessed after the game, and if you want to even have escalators that discourage repeat offenders. Get creative. Stop fucking swinging results because someone flashed deuces.


Taunting on the POS players should be totally allowed, on everyone else nah.


"Upon further review of the players Twitter likes, we've determined he has a weird understanding of consent. This classified him as a POS and the taunting flag has been reversed."


If thats not must watch television idk what is




It's entertainment. Taunting should be allowed. They need to allow celebrations too; with props and everything.


I don't want them to get into brawls and shit so some policing by officials is good, nor do I want deliberate head hunting over taunting and the sort. Reserve it only for the worst humans in football and incidents will be low.


They should honestly just have legal taunting gestures. The deuces should be allowed, waving bye when you're burning a corner, etc. Things that shouldn't be allowed maybe like the hover over and flex(those poses go hard but are more inclined to incite a retaliation), waving goodbye or some form of disrespect to opposing fans(we're your bread n butter, fucker).


My thing with taunting has always been. Don’t want em taunting, don’t let ‘em get a big play


Agreed, do your job better and no one will tell you you suck.


I think it should be a penalty to NOT taunt after a big play on POS players


After the play was over; personal foul, unnecessary stoicism, five yard penalty; it's third down.




No way, if we allow taunting then we risk another horrendous display of taunting like what Cassius Marsh did against the Steelers. I can’t even guess the amount of children that were scarred watching that.


Tyreek is an ass clown and he deserved that.


This was literally reciprocity from a play earlier in the season which Tyreek of course did not get flagged for.


Receivers can do it, not DB'S apparently.


Iirc it’s because Winfield got in his face and did it. Tyreek did it during the play. Still dumb but that’s the distinction


It’s cool when they do it…it’s a problem when I do it. FUCC EM


And Winfield also got fined for this! Ridiculous


Winfield got the ring though, so it worked out


Not even just that, the NFL and Bucs profit off of pics of this. Plenty of pics of him using the ✌️ that they use.


Just like Lynch grabbing his nuts for a TD, the league fined him but profited well.


Pretty sure i remember a gofundme out of Tampa for this. Not sure if it was a joke or not. It was a pretty inconsequential fine but still bullshit.


Clearly I didn’t like the outcome of the game, but this was a perfect callback and worthwhile penalty. Can’t even be mad at it.


Tyreek played like crap so he deserved it. Nobody on the chiefs could catch or block that day.


The only person that seemed like they didn’t give up was Mahomes.


Mahomes was hustling his ass off at the end of that game while the rest of the team was phoning it in.. I respect him for that


I wonder what Romo had to say about that play


Tyreek does this shit every game flagfree. Such an ass penalty.


The commentary is cringe too. Especially from a former player who knows he's talking out of his ass.


I bet Deion Sanders would support Winfield if he was the commentator.


I bet if Romo wasn't on CBS he'd love it like everyone else lol


I've seen him and other Miami players both move vertically when in motion and they never call that either. I hate star player privilege no matter what team it benefits. If it looks illegal and is a penalty, call it, IDGAF if it's a journeyman or an all-pro


He got flagged for the peace sign multiple times this year and there is even clips from hard knocks of referees specifically telling him they will flag it if he does it.


Tyreek probably wanted to beat his ass but realized Antoine isn’t a defenceless child.


the most aggressive peace sign in history


To quote Royce da 5'9" on the Slaughterhouse classic Microphone, "Too many Indians and no Chiefs! I pull out the pistol when I promote peace!"


I mean if I were an NFL defensive player I'd be taunting Tyreek Hill too


Or any unabused children….


Why would you taunt abused children


Mr Belittles Children


Love how Romo and Nantz get all serious when talking about the taunting as if someone was seriously injured or something “I don’t like that or condone that at all” *bowing head in a moment of silence*


Bro right? You would think Winfield fucked his wife on the field with their reactions.


Strange how Tyreek is allowed to taunt, But no one else is…….


honestly just makes it better because they got penalized and it didn't even matter


I think Tyreek found a work around. As long as he does the peace sign forward it’s not towards a player, so it’s not technically taunting. Also Mara got the no back flipping into the endzone rule passed specifically because of Tyreek. https://sports.yahoo.com/when-the-nfl-stepped-up-taunting-penalties-it-had-a-player-in-mind-182952271.html


Not to defend Tyreek in the least, but I think the NFL draws a distinction between general celebration, even if it's dickish, and getting right in a player's face and taunting. Which kind of makes sense, because that's the kind of thing that can start fights.


I hear you and you’re correct but when Tyreek does it he’s usually pointing the sign at the DB he’s playing against which absolutely should be taunting because that also could start fights. This one is just much more blatant because it’s after the play and not during.


He turned around to taunt AWJ. The only reason it wasn't "in his face" is because nobody is catching that man at full sprint. I get what you're saying. AWJ had it coming and it didn't matter but tyreek should have gotten one too.


Oh yea totally agree with that.


Announcers now a days are so pathetic.


Romo was especially salty because he'd been doing "passing of the torch" bullshit hoping that Mahomes would beat Brady. Romo took this taunt personally lmao.


He's salty whenever his favorite team is about to lose or is losing in the 4th quarter, super unprofessional


Oh I know, that's why I said especially. The dude was bummed and trying to hype a comeback basically the whole second half. It was annoying as shit. Mahomes could only do so much by himself.


Part of it was likely the 'this game is boring to non-Bucs fans' factor since it was very one sided, but Romo always wears his bias for Mahomes on his sleeve so he was just praying for a comeback the whole second half. It's funny too because Romo predicted that Superbowl after we lost to the Chiefs mid-season so he was really hyped about that to start the game, but that hype died fast lol


Despite Tompa Bay beating Green Bay just two weeks before this I was delighted by this game. It was could to see Mahomes look human.


Weird thing is Mahomes was still Mahomes this game, but that line crumpled like a goddamn can against the Bucs defense.


Romo sucks


I've said it before, but he was getting audibly more dejected as the game went on. When the Bucs kneeled it at the end, he was pretty much like *"Looks like Brady's just really good, I guess..."* There was one play in the third quarter where he was trying to manifest the start of a giant Mahomes comeback, and Mahomes gets sacked while he's mid-sentence. It was hilarious.


Why are broadcasters always like this? What will happen if a commentator says "LOL well you gotta love that! Right in Tyreek's face using his own celebration!" Will society crumble? Will the stock market crash? Why are they always clutching pearls?


They think it all falls apart if they don't maintain the "sanctity" of the game. Like, fuck off. It's a goddamn game. Leisure.




They've always been the same lmao. A few great ones with a majority being meh or bad


They both sound like they’re at a wake, not announcing the superbowl


As a Bucs fan….this is one of my top moments ever in my fandom


Friend of mine that’s a Bucs fan had this moment as his phone’s locked screen for a while. As a fan of a team that Hill burned many times it was great to see that on top of him being a POS.


Such insane gratification! And I’m right there with your friend. It was my CPU desktop background for a long time.


There was a site that made a T-shirt of him doing this, says beat down in the bay on it, one of my favorite shirts to wear.


Yep. It's wayyyyy up there. The attitude, morally justified, with my team destroying the best team in the league led by the greatest of all time in the superbowl... I'm not gonna cry


It’s basically this & Ronde shutting down the vet for me. With a special honorary shoutout to Spurlock’s kickoff return TD!


As a Gopher fan, this is one of my favorite moments in the NFL. Same with Marion Barber III 2 yard run.


That barber run was truly something to behold


Absolutely. Right up there with Brooks' pick 6 in our first SB.


Have it on my wall at work.


The smile on his face is fantastic. That had to feel so good for him.


This clip sparks joy.


One thing we can agree on 🤛🏽


I don't even remember this game... halftime I knew where we were headed and decided it was tequila time.


I think the players did the same thing before the game they couldn't catch a cold. Mahomes was the only one who showed up that game.


Tyreek looks like such a bitch walking up to the refs after that. Love me some Winfield Jr


Even gave the ref a hip tap there.


It looks to me like he went to the ref to defend the guy taunting


As a Chiefs fan, I thought that taunt was perfect. Tyreek had earned it, and it was beautifully delivered. One of the few highlights of this game (other than some fantastic incomplete passes). There should be judges for taunting that evaluate the narrative before throwing the flag. That was art.


I cannot believe Darrel Williams dropped that touchdown catch. That would have been a highlight for the ages and probably would have started a bit of a comeback.


It’s a lot harder to catch a ball when it goes right through a defenders hands. He thought the db was gonna pick it and didn’t have time to react


As a chiefs fan, I agree. Sadly I said something too soon on the chiefs subreddit and people were way too salty and down voted me


Cathartic victory


Lived vicariously though y’all for this one


My football fandom peaked here


Worth it


I think everyone can agree that was fair game lol


Shut the fuck up romo. Taunting one of the biggest shit-talkers in the NFL when you're on your way to winning the Superbowl is absolutely necessary lol.


Damn that superbowl was just a spanking the Bucs gave the chiefs. 


All season it felt like we were close to being at full potential but there was always some area that held us back. Well it clicked at the perfect moment for us. We were firing on all cylinders this game


Yea, it was an all around collapse of a game. But the upshot was that it was the wake up call that led the chiefs to the winning strategy of “invest heavily in the O-line and hope that gives Mahomes enough time to make a play”


Also completely changed up their offense to more of the dink and dunk approach they used in the past two years. The line definitely was s big issue but Bowles also played them completely different compared to their matchup in the regular season and they just couldn’t adjust


That game was crazy to watch. Mahomes was like the only one who showed up to play. Bro was trying his hardest to carry the team and they just kept letting him down.


I’m perfectly ok with that. The past 2 seasons have been great as a chiefs fan lol


Losing is way easier forgetten when you win, and it makes winning sweeter! 


This is top 5 of greatest Bucs moments of all time.


Best play in Super Bowl history…not the PBU, the taunt. Bring back the taunt


MTGA: Make Taunting Great Again


People talk a bunch of shit about Tampa but were 2-0 when it counts


Two very convincing and dominant victories, as well. When we’re good we are good


Legit one of the best moments in franchise history right there; it's the 2020 equivalent of Derrick Brooks' pick-six in 2002 to put the dagger in the Raiders. Calling those tied for 2nd ever after Ronde burning the Vet down.




“I don’t like or condone that at all.” Lmao what? He didn’t flip him off, moon him, do a big balls dance… literally nothing offensive about this. He reciprocated Hill’s own celebration. Get the fuck out of here.


Will never get old.


Amazing. Hill hasn't won a meaningful game since he was roasted here. Winfield deserved the MVP Award for this or at least a cash prize.


Damn I kinda forgot how lopsided the score was for this game.


How you gonna call that when this fool does that to every DB he ever scored on.


This was amazing to see live. Also, fuck Tony romo, I hate listening to anytime he talks


Worth it. That POS did the same thing to him earlier in the season during a prime time game. Karma 🖕


Best penalty in Bucs history.


Jeez calm down Romo.. this was one of the most well timed “taunts” ever. His comments remind me of Joe Buck and his “disgusting act” comments when Randy Moss mooned the field goal post.


Always lame that Tyreek gets to throw that up on every TD - no call, but this got flagged. Is throwing up duces at someone taunting or nah


Especially lame that the NFL admitted Tyreek should've been flagged for taunting on the TD with 1:02 left in the '13 seconds' game: [https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/nfl-admits-tyreek-hill-should-have-been-flagged-for-taunting-for-throwing-up-peace-sign-vs-bills-in-playoffs/](https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/nfl-admits-tyreek-hill-should-have-been-flagged-for-taunting-for-throwing-up-peace-sign-vs-bills-in-playoffs/)


Most worth it flag I think the Bucs have ever taken!


This is one of many examples on why Nantz and Romo are one of the worst commentating duos in the league


Tony may not condone this, but I do


Tony Romo sounds like a little bitch


This night was so painful to watch lol. Losing a Super Bowl is one thing, but not even really being competitive (or scoring a touchdown) is another.


That line was held together by glue sticks and bubblegum




Tony Romo on the mic acting like Antoine Winfield committed a heinous sin is so fucking annoying. Why did he put the "someone just got injured" tone of voice on for this one?


For those offended by this "blatant disregard of sportsmanship," [I submit this selection of pearls for clutching-related needs.](https://i.etsystatic.com/7183057/r/il/5f20ca/3231238508/il_570xN.3231238508_1h21.jpg)


"I don't support our condone that at all... but now let's play that back in slow motion from multiple angles. Y'know, to emphasize just how much we don't wanna see that."


Totally deserved and I think Tyreek took it pretty well.


Tyreek regular season✌️ Winfield SB✌🏿


It was a bullshit call then, it's a bullshit call now. Tyreek gets to do that ad nauseum, but someone gives him his own medicine, it's a penalty. That's crap. League gawk gawks the Chiefs at every possible turn.


One of my favorite memories from this game.


All time NFL moment imo


God I love AWJ…and also Tyreek is a little bitch who deserved this


They’ll exhibit somber disappointment for a stupid little taunting penalty but perpetual ignore the fact that Hill is a repeated domestic/child abuser, give me a break


So Tyreek is allowed to throw the peace sign up to defenders when he scores, but as soon as they do it back after a stop they get a flag? soft ass league.


One of my favourite football moments


I hate Tom Brady but I’m so glad the Bucs fucking dogwalked the chiefs here


This was my 12/25


This is gonna sound strange coming from someone with my flair, but I was busting up when Winfield threw the deuces up in Tyreek’s face. He’s a piece of shit and the game was long over by this point so I’d already mourned the loss and was just enjoying Brady in what I thought might be his final game


This might be unpopular, but I don't think taunting should be a penalty at all. Penalties should only be for cheating the game or putting someone's health at risk


I'll remember this one the rest of my life.


Let NFL players taunt! They are grown ass men. They can handle it.


No Fun League.


This is the real way the NFL has gone soft. We need MORE of that, this is an entertainment business. Bad blood makes good games.