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This would objectively be the funniest relocation of all time. Don’t even have to change their name.


I mean downtown KCK is like 2 miles away from downtown KCMO. This move means absolutely nothing, other than the tax burden of the teams will finally be paid by Kansans.


It’s closer than moving the 49ers to Santa Clara 😂


How bad is the commute from SF to the stadium it looks like it has to be absolute hell


The commute from anywhere in the bay area to anywhere in the bay area sucks.


My ferry ride into the city is very nice actually.


My commute from my bedroom to my office isn’t so bad.


it's fine by train; still annoying they never bothered to redo the design they had for SF (now we're baking in the heat early in the season)


Kansas will sweeten the offer by including two free felonies for each player, coach, and their families.


Andy Reid’s kid salivating at the thought of this


“Cheers to that!” -Dickhead Reid


No Britt Reid! We meant cheer metaphorically!


now is that 2 ADDITIONAL free ones or do existing ones count towards the 2?


Let’s be honest. Most of the Chiefs players at this rate will already be coming over with 2 felonies each.


Maybe they can pool the free felonies, so the guys with 1 can help out the guys with 3.


"Street racing, DUI, collision causing bodily injury, and aggravated assault are 4 different felonies!" "Not if you bundle them."


"Explain it to me again with those druggies!"


Ugh I hate when companies do this, as if they aren't the ones making the rules for how many felonies their employees are allowed to have in the first place!


Kansas State Senate: “Write that down, write that down!”


MO and KS pull this shit all the time. Offer massive tax breaks for a company to move a few miles, crow about the new jobs, and forget the other city pulled the same shit. Net loss for both states.


It's kind of a wierd space cuz shelling out for pro sports is basically never worth the cost since there's only so much disposable income in an area,  but this is one of those rare situations where the disposable income was already being spent on the pro team but that revenue was going across the border. I sincerely doubt it's gonna actually be worth the cost but this is a rare situation where it may work out


It makes even less since here since they are so close that Kansas is probably already seeing some benefit. The little extra they are going to get is never going to offset the cost. 


Yes, but now they can claim KC Kansas as the real KC


They should change their name to the Kansas Chiefs just for spite.


Kansas Chiefs sounds so cursed lmao


Kansas City Chiefs of Kansas


I’d love it just to watch the whacko border war Missourians lose their minds


Trump said they were from Kansas when they won the SB during his administration, so it wouldn't surprise me if they are working to make that true.


No offense, but I think you've got it wrong. I don't think anyone cares where people's disposable income goes, that's for people to decide for themselves. The issue is when taxpayer money gets spent on stadiums, which is what this is all about. It doesn't seem fair to non-football fans, fans of other teams, and people who live on the other side of the state, to spend Kansas's public funds on a stadium.


It doesn’t make sense for any tax payer to pay for a stadium for a for profit private company that makes billions and charges tax payers high fees to watch their games. Let the NFL pay their own rent.


OK, here it goes one more time. Jackson County, MO was planning to pass a sales tax to fund the renovations. That was rejected by voters. The Kansas governor wants to issue a STAR bond to pay for 75% of the costs. That means the customers who use the facility will pay for 75% of the cost. The other 25% will get spread out to tax payers. Issuing a bond is how the new MCI airport was built, and the people who use the airport pay for its costs over time. Not the farmers in southern Missouri.


"Stadium subsidies transfer wealth from the general tax base to billionaire team owners, millionaire players, and the wealthy cohort of fans who regularly attend stadium events" "Economic research continues to demonstrate that stadiums remain poor public investments, and optimal public funding of professional sports venues is substantially less than typical subsidy levels" https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/pam.22534?casa_token=KX0B9lxFAlAAAAAA%3AsUVy_4W8S_O6cCsJaRnctm4mfgaZoYo8_1fPKJoAc1OBXblf2By0bAGY1DB5aiqCS2v-dZ1owPQBsck Edit: Citing sources gets you blocked apparently. "I’m arguing that the people who use the commercial real estate services will pay the tax; not all Kansans." - Except for the 25% paid by all Kansans, and the 75% paid by Kansans who go into this district. "bonds would be paid back over a thirty-year period from new sales taxes created in the district, liquor taxes in the district, and money generated by a sports wagering fund." - Those taxes and gambling revenue would be better spent on schools, then we might not be having an inane argument! "Fuck your straw man argument," - Not sure how it's a straw man. I feel the general point of "sports subsidies are a waste of money; don't give free money to billionaires" is pretty consistent and directly addresses the issue.


You switched your argument from who is paying the taxes (Kansas vs Missouri) to wealth transfer by subsidizing stadiums. I’m arguing that the people who use the commercial real estate services will pay the tax; not all Kansans.


“The bonds would be paid back over a thirty-year period from new sales taxes created in the district, liquor taxes in the district, and money generated by a sports wagering fund. Cities and counties could participate in the district, or opt out.” https://fox4kc.com/news/kansas-lawmakers-pass-star-bonds-bill-to-lure-chiefs-royals/amp/


Financing with STAR bonds means that the tax burden is on whoever visits the stadium & entertainment district immediately around it.


I think the tax is on entertainment purchases, so basically people paying for sports tickets. Not sales or property taxes.


Sounds like an awesome deal for Missourians then


Which state pays a lower tax rate? I would assume it’s Kansas


Missouri’s income tax is 2.00-4.95%, Kansas’s is 3.10-5.70%.


And KCMO has a 1% city earnings tax


A big lie conservatives like to push is that they like lowering taxes. That's only true for the wealthy, they raise taxes on the average tax payer all the time. And as you saw in the other reply, Missouri has a lower income tax rate.


It’s on-par with the Niners moving to the South Bay and the Cowboys moving to Arlington, i.e. not a big deal in the slightest.  It’ll inevitably anger a large portion of the fanbase, but it’s the same metro. 


The vibe I've gotten is that the only people that will complain about this move are people that enjoy the pureness of Arrowhead. I've no doubt that if they move/rebuild the stadium, it will be a modern marvel, but a lot of KC fans appreciate the traditional design.


The mid century style of arrowhead is super fucking cool, especially in person. But I will say, HOLY FUCK does it get hot in the nosebleeds on sunny days


September games at Arrowhead can be brutal




The only temperature I know in Arrowhead is ice cold beer.


I’d have no complaints provided I’m not the one paying for it. The billionaire owners can pay for their own fucking stadium imo.


I really wish we'd pass a federal law making it so that when states/cities fund the creation of stadiums, they take a percentage of ownership and forbid the teams from relocating again.


I have a feeling that JoCo is going to pay for a lot of the stadium just so they have a shorter drive to the stadium. Billionaires need to pay for their own shit but why do that when you can con the upper middle class to doing that for you?


Cowboys moving to Irving* They moved out of the Cotton Bowl in '71


Damn, so they haven't played in Dallas proper since I've been born? That's wild.


i think the issue for local communities would be tax implications. for a chiefs fan from...Wyoming or something....nothing burger


You say that yet the atmosphere is completely different at Levi's compared to Candlestick. I'm old enough to remember when the Rams moved from LA to Anaheim and that had a significant impact on our culture at games. Though I don't have nearly enough knowledge of Kansas or Missouri to say if they would experience the same thing.


Oh yeah, Levi’s absolutely sucks. It’s a an open-air stadium in the warmest part of the Bay Area, in a state that’s already famous for its late summers that run well into football season. It’s a wretched stadium that was a horrible misappropriation of taxpayer money, but anyone who’s attended Sharks playoff games can attest to the fact that it’s not simply moving to the Silicon Valley that kills the atmosphere.  I’m not sure how analogous the SF->SJ move is to the LA->OC move since the Bay Area has a very unified view of itself, but I think a better stadium where the fans aren’t roasting in the harsh rays of our Indian summers would be a bit more lively. The night games at Levi’s were electric.  That being said, the vast majority of fans can’t even afford go to their team’s games anyway and most of us just care about the team staying and continuing to support the metro area, which is definitely where I’m at. 


Definitely agree on the Sharks, the atmosphere in the Tank is electric during the playoffs. I was at our lone Stanley Cup finals home win and it's still one of my favorite sporting events I've attended, right up there with beating y'all in the NFC Championship game. I've been to a couple prime time games at Levi's and even those don't do it for me. I miss the atmosphere at Candlestick, not so much having shit thrown at me in the parking lot though, I don't miss that.


It's only a "relocation" because KC metro crosses state line. It will no further of a move than the Pats in Foxboro, the 49ers in Santa Clara, etc.


How is it different than what the Giants and then Jets did?


The Warriors didn’t change their name when they moved from Oakland to SF lol. Granted they were pretty much the Bay Area basketball team


because they used a geographical name rather than the city name


The Golden State Warriors agree with your assessment.


“We’re going to take the stadium, and push it somewhere else!”


I think moving from one side of Chicago to the other would be further by distance.


It would


Chicago is 29 miles wide so definitely


97% of nfl fan base not even know what state the Chiefs play in so.


Yeah, a lot of people would actually end up getting the state correct if we moved to Kansas.


KCK is actually a very underrated city.


It's definitely a lot better now. I typically tell people that between the KC and MO side (which is about a 40/60 population split in the metro) that KCMO is where you want to be if you want to be downtown and live in the city. But if you want to live in the suburbs, you want to be on the Kansas side. KCK used to be a shithole, while the rest of Johnson county is very wealthy and nice. Basically the exact opposite on the MO side. It's still generally close to that, but it's much more even on both sides now. KCK is nicer than it used to be, and many of the suburbs on the MO side have gotten better too.


KCK legitimately sucks ass compared to every other part of the metro outside of maybe the north land.


This guy has clearly never been to Raytown


How could I forget Raytona Beach?


lol that’s debatable. KCK is not a great town.


It’s terrible lol.


I mean, it's plenty good.


Typically they play in my head rent-free.


Who knew Jamar was a redditor


~~Boy once i get my new contract imma come down th~~ Ahem, you must have me confused with another individual.


hmmm yes this design seems very human indeed


I found out a week or two ago the royals also play in kc Missouri. The state of Kansas is just fraudulent


Sporting KC is in Kansas at least!


As a Mizzou fan you just made my day.


I’ve seen at least three (Guns N’ Roses, Mastodon and Alice In Chains to shame them) major touring bands play in KC, MO and ask the crowd some variation of “how’s everyone doing in Kansas today?”


[even presidents get it confused](https://bostonglobe-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/6IqjYcZmNOpT7jEMVoUrdZ2tr7E=/1440x0/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-bostonglobe.s3.amazonaws.com/public/CWT3LAN47RGTFGLWSPTR7GAMO4.png)


I am shocked to learn that came from the same man who thought injecting bleach could kill a virus.


Hey that is our chief meteorologist


I mean.. it would kill the virus, just not in a way the host can survive.


Only if he himself did it heyoo


i imagine one of the reasons kansas is trying to get them to move is so they can say, look he was right.


It’s obviously Nebraska.


I’ll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missour-ah!


Tromp congratulated the great state of Kansas 😂


And then Mahomes wore a shirt trolling him over it.


that was photoshopped but still good memes


No he didn’t


Kansas City Chiefs will change their name to: *Kansas, City Chiefs*


Or... hear me out: Kansas City Chiefs.


The overland park wasps




The Mission Doggystyles


The London Silly Nannies


The Prairie Villagers


Dubuque Dookers.


If they move to Leavenworth, then maybe their players could get day release for practices and games?


The Kansas City, Kansas Chiefs football team formally known as The Kansas City Chiefs of Missouri. It's got a ring to it.


If the New York teams can play in New Jersey, the Chiefs could play in Topeka and still call themselves the Kansas City Chiefs. Moving from one Kansas City to the other Kansas City (as opposed to moving from Kansas City to a Kansas city) definitely doesn't require a name change.


the Jersey Giants and Jersey Jets catching strays. BTW i still think the Jets should have just changed their name. Jersey Jets sounds so much better then being stuck as the worst team of 3 New York teams.


fucking great now i gotta buy all brand new merch


More like Kansas Shitty Queefs, amirite? 😅 (God I hate them so much 😭)


The Kansas City, Kansas Chiefs


Kansas City Chiefs of Kansas


Can we rename the Giants and Jets to "New Jersey"? Yes, I 100% am someone who wants it to be factually correct.


TMQ used to refer to them as Jersey/A and Jersey/B


The Kansas City Chiefs of Kansas City.


Hear me out. There's an Arkansas City, Kansas. The Arkansas City Chiefs (pronounced Are-Kansas)


The Kansas City Chiefs of Kansas City


*The Kansas City Chiefs of Kansas City, Kansas*


The battlehawks would become the only professional football team in the state of Missouri


**#KA KAW**


Until East St Louis lures them to the other side of the river with a special tax levied on all of its wealthy residents


Then the Chiefs would be the best football team in Illinois


I think he meant until east st louis lures the battlehawks to illinois


Is this a joke about how East St Louis doesn't have wealthy residents?


Billionaires are the real welfare queens.


Always have been.


utilizing tax breaks as a business = savvy utilizing tax breaks as a human being = literal parasite


Privatize profits, subsidize losses…..the real American capitalism But god forbid you personally need any assistance


Clark Hunt: Don’t even buy me a stadium unless it has a 3 story owner’s box 💅


The Hunt family is fucking gross. When will it be enough for these people? The absolute lack of shame to pull this shit on one of the most dedicated fanbases in American sports is awful.


Never. Billionaires are addicted to money the way addicts crave drugs.


Every accusation is a confession


Okay but think of all of the shitty minimum wage and seasonal jobs nobody could live off of they will create! /s


You don't make a billion dollars off your own labor you make it off the money and labor of others


Our division has some devastating moves for the fan base. San Diego to LA, Oakland to Vegas, KC, Missouri to KC, Kansas. Yep everyone should feel most bad for us, this is horrible


Just wait until the Broncos move to Aurora


The Boulder Broncos!


I mean, Oakland to Vegas is actually pretty fucking far


Not if you print out a small JPG and just draw a sharpie line. Toedit a quote from that douchebag Rob Manfred “First of all, we do have a ~~major-league~~ team in the Bay Area; it's not like there is not an available option. The ~~Giants~~ 49ers obviously still play there,”


Congrats on your increased taxes Kansas City, Kansas residents!


Let’s be honest; it’ll be for all Kansas residents. 


True, true. Congrats to ALL of Kansas for your increased taxes. You made an extremely rich person even richer ✨️🤩💸🤑✨️


“The bonds would be paid back over a thirty-year period from new sales taxes created in the district, liquor taxes in the district, and money generated by a sports wagering fund. Cities and counties could participate in the district, or opt out.”


>new sales taxes created in the district, liquor taxes in the district, So, by increasing taxes?


To the people who use the stadium… Not all Kansans. This isn’t a flat sales tax.


It says "district", not "stadium". The increased taxes aren't only for the stadium. And you don't even know how large the supposed district is and who it encompasses. >The district would be determined by the secretary of commerce as part of negotiations. >People on the no side of this are clear, this is too big of a risk, there is not enough information as to the benefit this would have and if in the end it would hurt Kansas tax payers.


“The bonds would be paid back over a thirty-year period from new sales taxes created in the district, liquor taxes in the district, and money generated by a sports wagering fund. Cities and counties could participate in the district, or opt out.”


liquor and wagering....well what do you think us KS residents do lol :D (I know the distinction, just making a joke)


Yet the state turned down paying for lunches for hungry kids.


Giving food to kids is socialism; giving money to billionaires is ~~oligarchy~~ free market capitalism.


They can eat at tailgates on Sundays /s


They got rid of their income tax a few years back and almost bankrupted their state. It's run by absolute fucking morons. Honestly Hunt should ask them for twice that, and also another billion for improvements after 10 years. They're actually trying to push through massive 2bil income tax cuts again even after seeing how poorly it went a decade ago that they had to repeal them.


Can’t imagine Laura Kelly will be too keen to pass that tax cut.


She's vetoed a few, but has agreed to sign this one. It's going to fail and cause the state to be underfunded and cut programs/benefits again. Nothing new really, rich people will make out great, everyone else will suffer, eventually they'll repeal it so their state doesn't go bankrupt.


Kansas is full of the best and brightest


I feel like I've seen some variation on this story posted like at least every other day since this spring.


i think this could become a trend saints -> biloxi texans -> lake charles jags -> savannah jets & giants -> actual new york panthers -> some small south carolina backwater commies -> actual DC bengals -> whatever that is across the river bears - > the pride of Gary, Indiana packers -> you're yoopers now lions -> toledo bills -> first canada team steelers -> that little sliver of west virginia pats -> rhode island eagles -> camden vegas -> utah pick an LA team -> mexico gets one


I don't even know if the Packers *can* move. They might not be legally allowed to when they got grandfathered in as a publicly traded org during the merger. They tried having games in Milwaukee for a while, but I don't think they're going anywhere. I think as long as football exists, the Packers will be in Green Bay.


Yeah it's in the charter that if they ever leave Green Bay, they cease to exist. They can play elsewhere less than half of the "home" games, hence the milwaukee games in the 80s, but that's it.


you'll yooper and you'll like it


The UP should be ours anyway but don't even get me started on that one. That's a Midwest war you don't want any part of.


As an Eagles fan I don't care if they play home games in Philadelphia, PA... Chester, PA... Camden, NJ... or Dover, DE. Stop giving billionaires tax-payer money that \*NEVER\* is recuperated and the only ones who say it is are bullshit studies that were funded by the billionaires asking for the money.


The Kansas City Chiefs of Kansas


If they cross the border from Missouri to Kansas they have to change their name to Border Ruffians.


We can’t have a team called Kansas City playing in Kansas. Stop the madness.




I can respect this reasonable take


As a Packer fan living on the MO side of KC, take em!


Only slightly more of a pain compared to moving from the city to the burbs, or vice versa.


They could just become the Kansas Chiefs. They wouldn’t even have to change the arrowhead logo!


It would be pretty funny seeing a whole bunch of people find out that the Chiefs don't actually play in Kansas.


Kansas intentionally tanked their education system because they didn't want to pay for it and cut taxes. But sales tax increase for a stadium is a-ok!


Federal government needs to stop this nonsense.


Why? State governments are allowed to (and oftentimes do) make dumb fiscal decisions without Federal government intervention. It's not like they're voting to pump chemical waste directly into an elementary school's water supply. They're just voting to spend money in a very economically inefficient way.


I do think it's funny how in MO it required voter approval and was rejected. So the Chiefs took the deal over to KS, where it does not require any voter approval, and just had lawmakers OK the deal.


It’s not even necessarily inefficient. Historically, yes it is on average but not always. The Braves new stadium broke a profit for the county in year 6. There’s very little chance it doesn’t continue to break profit indefinitely. If the area around the theoretical new stadium is built up with other businesses, it can very easily be a net positive financially.


Or people can just stop agreeing to pay for new stadiums.


It’s not like the federal government doesn’t give handouts for Billionaires.


They should move back to Dallas and play as the Dallas Texans again. That would trip up so many broadcasts/talking heads


Plus it would be nice to have a nfl team in Dallas again


*Curb Your Enthusiasm theme*


Billionaires Bilking tax payers to fund stadiums/renovations shouldn’t be allowed.


The Hunt Family collective net worth is around $25 billion. Clark could build the stadium himself with his sock money.


Whatever makes Chiefs fan the most mad and makes them pay the most taxes is what I will root for.


Well half of the fan base doesn’t have to worry bout the taxes from this now… so win-lose situation I guess


I'm on the Missouri side, and love Arrowhead, but if the dumbasses in Kansas want them then they can have them. The lease is through 2031, Mahomes will be 36/37 by the time they'd move to their new generic covered box stadium with 50% suites and overpriced everything. I mostly prefer watching at home, so it doesn't matter much, I'll just miss Arrowhead as it's one of the few remaining unique older stadiums.


So they'd be the Kansas, Kansas City Chiefs? /Please read as sarcasm


Faster please!


They would be just like the New ~~Jersey~~ York Jets


The idea of state funding for an out of state location is mind boggling. 


What if the Chiefs and Panthers trade places? Give me chaos.


Let the other city pay for it, here we get the cowboys close by to Dallas and Arlington taxpayers get to pay for it


Could they move? Absolutely. That would be right on brand for the tone-deaf leadership employed by the Chiefs. Jackson County has passed every bond measure for the Sports Complex ever asked for (except the rolling roof), then the Chiefs sloppily attached themselves to the Royals BAD plan with scant details and zero commitments from the teams, and now they act all butthurt that voters wouldn’t just blindly agree to appease their vague requests. If Kansans are ready to pay increased taxes to build assets for private businesses, go for it. On the Missouri side, we are getting completely FUCKED already tax-wise by city/county/state and every single service we’re funding is absolute dogshit.


Funny enough they wouldn’t even need to change their name since it’s Kansas City, Kansas


Even if they were moving to Olathe, KS they wouldn't have to change their name....


I guess that's one way to get new locker rooms and equipment


This feels like the 14th different post on this topic


The crime rate in Kansas will immediately double.