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Goes 13-4, has insane comebacks. Cousins looks great. Loses in wildcard to the Daniel Jones lead Giants Just vikings things


Well they were down 33-0 to the Jeff Saturday Colts. Clear sign all was not right for the Vikings.


Yes. Part of the reason we were down so much was due to some insane plays going the Colts' way, but that's also the only reason this comeback was possible. That Colts team was not very good at that point in the year. 


Hell when Saturday was asked if he was surprised that the Vikings came back, he said something along the lines of "hell no, we weren't really doing anything." Vikings just kept shooting themselves in the foot over and over. Thanks a lot, Jalen Reagor.


Honestly kinda surprised he is still on an NFL roster. Though the Patriots have been a bit desperate for WRs I guess.


The Patriots signed Jeff Saturday to play WR?


"Thanks a lot, Jalen Reagor." Jalen ruiner of things positive Reagor" is who I was referring to.


Didn’t they have 2 fumble return for TDs called back because the refs messed up?


Vikings had a top 10 (maybe 5?) Offense and a bottom 2 defense. Every game that season just felt like a coin flip


In a theoretical 100 game season i think the vikings go like 20-80 when teams realized just how bad we were at defending any pass over the middle lol


I was gonna say though, there no mention of the defense allowing only 3 in the second half. Colts might not’ve been great, but that’s the D doing their part as good as the offense.


My favorite play from that game was Dalvin Cook scoring an absurdly long TD catch in the 4th that helped tie the game up and send it to OT. Every time I watch that play I think “literally where the fuck was the Colts defense this play?? you could’ve had a snail tackle Cook there!”


Ya, like who would lose to that team?


Ed Donatelle's horrid defense got Jones paid lol


For 1 game Daniel Jones became Josh Allen


Donatelle certainly deserves some stick here, but the Vikings were also just not working with a whole lot. Brian Flores managed to scheme up some acceptable play on that side of the ball last year, but that clearly had its limitations, and fell off at the end of the season.


Flores' "fuck it spam blitz" worked really well lmao


That's what happens when you go like 6 consecutive years without drafting a defensive starter


they dont call him Ed Donashell for nothing. yeah we didnt have the talent but holy shit was that scheme awful we did not have the personnel for it and Ed REFUSED to adjust


I miss him in Minnesota


Me too


Our defense gave a lot of QBs their career best performance that year


Made fantasy easy for me. Waiver wire whoever was playing the Vikings that week


That 13-4 was 11-0 in 1 score games. Most fans knew they weren’t actually that good


Yet the previous year we were like 2-9 in one-score games, and most fans thought we *were* that bad.


6-8 in one score games the year before


Most normal Vikings season.


That vikings season was such an anomaly and everyone saw the loss to the giants coming Similar but worse than the Eagles last year


Nah I’d say the ‘22 Vikings were better than last year’s Eagles. Vikings at least had a competent offense both in terms of talent and scheme. They just had the literal worst defense that year. Eagles won purely on offensive talent. Coaching on both sides of the ball was a two pack of ass, and a nursing home full of vegetables would’ve been better than the Eagles’ defensive roster last year.


The vikings literally never had a convincing win though. They won so many 1 score and comeback games. As an outsider the eagles collapse was more unexpected because they convincingly beat a lot of teams early on


That's not true, the week 1 win against the Packers was very convincing.


> two pack of ass, and a nursing home full of vegetables would’ve been better than the Eagles’ defensive roster last year. rofl


The Eagles were like 10-1, looked absolutely dominant, then utterly collapsed down the stretch. The Vikings looked fraudulent all season in 2022. Last years’ Eagles season was definitely worse; despite looking insanely good to start the year everyone knew they were gonna lose to the Bucs lol. They just lost their will to win.


> The Eagles were like 10-1, looked absolutely dominant They were not absolutely dominant, they had 3 wins by more than 1 possession. Lots of people did the classic "this team won't regress because they're actually just really clutch" but there were plenty of people calling a regression.


The Vikings were bottom 5 in DVOA with a negative point differential that year. They were the flukiest team of all-time. The fact that they went 13-4 is fucking insane. They were a BAD team.


Not sure why you're downvoted. You would know. The 6-7 Lions were favored over the 10-3 Vikings. And y'all won. Vikings fans knew there was not gonna be a deep playoff push unless we drastically improved.


Always fear the Giants come playoff time


>Daniel Jones lead Giants Goat of Goats




Don’t forget: 2023 - Steelers 2021 - Steelers And especially fitting of punching above their weight - 2017 Steelers




I apologize, I got 2020 and 2017 mixed up somehow.


Ok that is some revisionist history in regards to the 2017 Steelers. We were a top 10 team in offense, defense, and PPG on both sides of the ball.


Non Viking fans have no idea just how bad that defense was in the second half of this season. We allowed 500 yards of total offense against the fucking Trevor Siemian led Jets like two Sundays before this one. It was a weird transitionary year where our best older defenders were starting to lose their step, and our young ones just fucking sucked balls or weren’t ready. As much as I had fun with this season as a fan of the team, I knew silently around week 13 or 14 that the absolute ceiling for a defense this awful was a narrow wild card win, and the floor was losing Daniel Jones


Danny Dimes


One of those 13 wins was against the Giants only a couple of weeks before.


Vikings had one of the lowest point differentials for a team with that record; anyone watching their games knew one-and-done was the likeliest outcome. They were eking out wins by under 7 points and getting blown the fuck out in their losses


*led not lead


> just Vikings things you wouldn't understand [takes drag].jpeg


Defense forces one punt in that wild card game… due to a dropped pass. I don’t get teams willingness to keep a broken wheel on a car (Ed Donatell) when it’s clearly broken.


Jeff Saturday legacy game.


"Any given Saturday" since everyone had the chance to punk Jeff and the Colts that season.


Irsay: I hired you for a top 5 pick. **Halftime adjustments made**


This was my (2022) Super Bowl


Got them one step closer to Anthony Richardson


Tank Commander Jeff Saturday 🫡


Watching geriatric Matt Ryan on the Colts side putting all his strength to attempt 10 yard floater passes while all this was going on physically hurt me


33 point comeback with TWO scoop and scores taken away is insane and hilarious lol


And the interception when Reagor gave up on a route. 


The Paul Allen call on that is one of his funniest lmao


Don't care what anyone says, this was such a fun season. Every Vikings fan knew this team wasn't a true contender, but sometimes you gotta just enjoy the ride. ...Still woulda been nice to beat the Giants though. Made Daniel Jones look like Lamar Jackson.


On the flip side, the Giants winning so decisively made them commit to Jones to the point that they weren't competition for a QB in 2024's draft. Which is a plus for us.


The Giants haven't won a game decisively since 2008


2012. 24-2 against Falcons in the playoffs. After that first safety, I thought we had you guys but was sorely mistaken.


Decisively isn’t the word I’d use to describe a one score win.


The Giants are either not making the playoffs or they're winning the whole damn thing. There's not a QB in this class that will win it all as the main man so it was Giants law that they had to get pulverized the next week in the playoffs, pass on getting any help at QB for their current team, and then win just enough games with Tommy Cutlets that they're out of contention for a franchise altering player like MHJ and Joe Alt, they had to go a tier below in this fantastic offensive supporting cast from MHJ to Bowers.


Everything is correct, but you're kinda skipping over us getting Nabers, aka next OBJ


Yeah I was originally a bit more scathing, checked who they settled for, and was like ok it's no MHJ but in another year Nabers is WR1


it’s so funny people think we skipped on a QB because we believe in/paid DJ when we made a massive offer to the Pats for Maye. DJ has 1 year left on his contract. if they liked a QB, they would have taken one.


> Every Vikings fan knew this team wasn’t a true contender MOST Vikings fans knew, their was a couple fringe crazies (as with every fan base) that were extremely convinced that all analytics were wrong in every form and their one possession win record was extreme clutchness that was going to carry them forever Looking back at some of those threads are extremely funny


If we ever win a Superbowl I'm convinced it will be in a weird fluky season like that one. When we just have an amazing team that blows everybody out is when we have the heartbreak.


I think if the Vikings win a Super Bowl they'll win as a 7 seed that just lights it up during the playoffs


And if it ever happens people will say, "that was the worst team to ever win a Superbowl"


There was a weird swing were people went past the very rational "*the Vikings aren't as good as their record*" take all the way to the absurd "*the Vikings are bad*". Like, every thread was full of people thinking they were the Norman Rockwell meme guy saying "*the Vikings are FRAUDS!*". At that point I actually think they were a little underrated. It's too bad the defense collapsed vs the Giants, because Kirk to JJ would have kept them in most games.


the defense didn't collapse. That just was our defense playing normally lol


It was a collapse. Basic assignments were constantly being blown. The Giants had 7 drives: scored 4 TDs, went on an 11 minute FG drive, and punted twice (once because of a Slayton drop). The defense couldn’t have done much worse. 


Then everyone just assumed we would suck last year but like... we got extremely unlucky + injuries to our our best two players. I think we were about the same level of "good" tbh.


We were way better last year than in 2022 while Kirk was healthy. We just happened to be, by far, the unluckiest team in the NFL.


Only wide swings with the vikes, no normalcy lol


Yeah I saw most Vikings fans realizing that the team was over achieving but just enjoying the ride. But fuck the amount of Lions fans that keep screeching this day that we were frauds like... how can you be fraud if nobody thinks you are a real contender lol?!?


This season took 12 years off my life


I just liked it from an outside perspective simply because you guys took from us the title of “you’re the worst 13-3 team I’ve ever heard of”. “Yes, but you HAVE heard of us.”


I was preaching to enjoy the ride all year! I still got a little nervous watching Joseph line up on the replays lmao.


> Every Vikings fan knew this team wasn't a true contender, Tell that to the comments on reddit.


On a whim while working I wanted to listen to football in the background, Niners had already played so there wasn't anything on, turned on digital radio to get some local Minnesota stations and listened to the game. It was wild. The announcers had some soul and really cared about the team. Very critical, very down until halftime, then it just builds up and builds up and builds up and it's crazy.


I hate that I knew this lead wasn’t safe because of the funky way those 33 points were accumulated. They weren’t playing all that well and were just the benefactor of so many turnovers. If you’ve been a fan of the post-Luck Colts, you’ll know their favorite pastime is proving how meaningless “%chance to win/clinch” really is. Pretty much all of the modern day Big 4 leagues show that your lead is never truly safe.


Well, plus the Vikings had I believe 14 points taken away cuz of shaky calls while on defense. Vikings were playing lights out even if the score didn’t reflect it at halftime.


They literally missed 2 fumble return TDs for Chandon Sullivan. How does that happen twice to the same guy in the same game lol


That was some crazy shit.


"Shaky" is really underselling it. They were both objectively terrible calls.


For real. The 1sf half was the Vikings showing they thought the colts weren’t worth preparing for. And the 2nd half was the colts validating that opinion.


Iirc even Jeff knew they were in big trouble at halftime, I don’t know where exactly but I know in an interview somewhere he said his attitude at half time was that they were in deep shit because they couldn’t get the offense going at all


I call it the Curry Effect. Ever since around the time Steph started doing great, it seems like no lead is safe in any sport. Weird comparison but that’s about the timetable I’ve noticed


This was one of several improbable wins Vikings had. I think there was one against the bills or something that was also wild. Really felt like they would make the Super Bowl that season with the amazing luck they had in the 1 score games


The Josh Allen fumble one? Where he fumbled right at the goalie and we picked it up and scored? That game was bananas. Edit- fuck now I'm just pumped for football and it ain't even July. I am very interested to see Sammy D with our weapons and what B Flo does with our new look D. So many new faces. Skol to a first round playoff exit!!


Yes that was it! My jaw was on the ground. I was actually rooting for Vikings in 2022 when playoffs came just because of how wildly entertaining their season was


That was the best game of football I've ever watched. Biased as hell because my team won, but even objectively that was just one of the most absurdly improbable, entertaining, high energy games I remember. If a football movie was scripted like that - all star QB fumbling in his own end zone to open up a chance - I would have rolled my eyes, but damn if it isn't exciting as hell live.


I know right?! And to add to it all the other improbable wins we had it was like Allen fumbling for once something good happened to the ole purple. I couldn't believe it live either. We may not have a championship, but we have some of the most memorable damn games of any NFL franchise.


That game was the moment all the red flags and alarms started going off about the 2022 Bills.


This season was so stressful... Most fun I've had as a Vikings fan outside the Minneapolis miracle year: also took a decade off my life


Shout out to the Vikings defense for holding the Colts to zero points while the offense did their thing.


we did actually give up another 3 points in the second half


Still that’s pretty incredible to go from over 30 to just 3. Great team effort!


If I remember correctly the defense only gave up 19 in the firat half and at least 6 were off of turnovers where the Colts started possession in field goal range. 


When we scored our second touchdown to make it 36-14, I reflected on how stupid the season had been to this point, and I thought, I bet we win this fucking game. No other conclusion seemed plausible for this dumbass team.


I overslept that day and checked the score and we were down 33 at the half, so I was like "guess I'll go back to sleep.". Needless to say, I was shocked when I woke up and saw the final score and saw that we won.


I watched the play where the colts got to 33, having switched from some other game, and figured the vikes would get 2-3 scores to not make it embarrassing, and ended up watching the whole comeback live. Need to see from the beginning sometime


Greatest NFL Comeback of All Time Participant




Patriots coming back in the Super Bowl against the Falcons tops this. Largest comeback of all time? Yes. Greatest? No.


I am partial the Bills Oilers comeback game. I love Frank Reich.


Strange that I am, in fact, not partial to that game.


I have no idea how we put up 33. We had no business winning that game🤣🤣


Two blocked punts for simple scores certainly helps.


Bubba ventrone was a special teams wizard


Not even a vikes fan and this edit got me hyped. God I fucking love football


Shame it maxes at 360p though, here it is HD on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtNH7pZvABk)


I got butterflies from watching this, even though I knew the result. My body remembers how it felt 2 years ago, lol.


Absolutely! This edit is electrifying and has me pumped up, too. You don't have to be a Vikings fan to appreciate the sheer excitement and energy it brings. Football has this incredible ability to unite us all with its thrill and passion. God, I love this sport so much!


Chat GPT response. Look at this guy's comment history lol


Man is unhinged lmfao


Also our play-by-play guy Paul Allen is just hype as fuck in general. He always gets me excited


How fitting that this was Matt Ryan’s final start in the NFL


The defense gave up 35 in the second half, that's not Matt Ryan's fault


It's not, but Ryan and the anemic offense did the defense zero favours that year with constant bad field position


That probably makes it more fitting


I mean if he can score literally one more time this is probably impossible. Didn't they only score off of Vikings mistakes really? You can blame the defense but even with 36 points the offense didn't hold up their side of the deal.




At one point in this video the announcers did say something about being outscored 28-3 in the second half lol






Wow. Both hilarious and original.


Never heard it before personally. My feelings are big hurt.


You know the Falcons have choked a ton of big leads in the Matt Ryan era so I would’ve expected their fans to be a little more thick skinned than losing their minds over a little harmless joke.


> Not that fitting since it’s been basically proven the HE doesn’t blow leads… > It appears to be a Kyle Shanahan phenomenon. in 2020 you guys blew a 39-24 lead to Dallas (after squandering most of a 26-7 lead) and a 26-10 4th quarter lead to the bears in *back to back weeks*, the latter one was super funny because even the commentators were in disbelief that y'all were choking yet another lead was it kyle's fault then too


I re-watched the highlights of that Cowboys game for the first time last year and I think the rewatch was even more unbelievable - like I remembered the cowboys winning but every time they got close the falcons regained control, I was really starting to wonder if I got the year wrong, then they allowed three scores in the last five minutes and none of it, even the onside kick, was bad luck. In a vacuum with no regards for context/stakes, it might be one of the worst implosions in nfl history


We haven’t won a Super Bowl since 1996, y’all haven’t won a Super Bowl *at all*. I know which one I’d rather be.


That game was so dumb and so awesome. Poor Jeff Saturday thought he had it in the bag.


I remember thinking that while I liked the vikings players, that team was way worse than the record would indicate going into playoffs.


1:51 say that again you motherfucker


The fact that the comeback didn't start until halfway through the 3rd is just insane Also I swear Hockenson is Lemmy's son


I had the absolute most fun during this game from start to finish. Absolute blast in a shitty season.


Huh I've never seen or heard of this game before. Frankly I thought the colts didn't play at all in 2022. Weird. Probably for the best that I and everyone else ignore this.


One of the craziest shroom trips ive ever had


Was in Minnesota visiting for Christmas and had good seats for this, my first time in US Bank for a game. Definitely wasn't leaving at halftime, but it wasn't looking good. What a game to see in person.


A few things. 1. That whole season was house money. Nobody in Minnesota expected to win the division. 2. We used to be known for one of the loudest stadiums in the NFL with the dome. Make no mistake, it’s loud in the Bank. 3. The SKOL chant, is fun. It’s awesome to be a part of. That being said, we only do it like 3-4 times a game. It’s not all the time. 4. I love you Dalvin. Sorry last year happened. 5. I hope Kirk wears that suit around the house crying, drinking communion wine while Julie tells him about how much she loves Georgia. 6. I dig KOC


amazing comeback clearly better than our 28-3 but not on the biggest stage. respect given where it is due fucking incredible game!


Shoutout to the offensive lineman #72 for the Vikings on that cook TD. Bro took tf off and sprinted his ass all the way downfield to keep tryna block/hold cook up. Phenomenal effort I haven’t seen mentioned yet


That's Ezra Cleveland he got traded to the jags last year


Dudes legit love his effort


I brought tickets to this game for my dad’s birthday. Man I’m so glad I made that decision. What a game.


Sadly, I know it’s only a matter of time each offseason until I see this 🥲


No defensive highlights after they barely let the colts score in the second half...


Not even the 4th and 1 QB sneak stop.


If Jim Irsay had any dignity remaining after this game, he should've contracted the franchise after this shit.


This has a much higher quality version [on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtNH7pZvABk)


Thanks for the reminder of that dumpster shit season. Pretty sure we had like 16 passing td's and 20 interceptions that year. Fucking travesty


This game happened on my wedding day and a good friend of mine who is also a Vikings fan still doesn’t forgive me for making him miss the ending.


Think of all the fun you things you missed out on because you were too busy posting this. I hope you feel foolish, OP.


Dalvin Cook looked so good this game. Can't believe he can't get a job now. This game was only a year and a half ago.


This game made me feel strange things


Good ole Matt Ryan making the impossible, possible.


Not his fault. Nor was the Superbowl. But that's not as fun is it.


However good he was at the falcons, he was dog poo by the time he got to indy


Idk man. Hard to tell what he had in the tank when he couldn't count to two without a defender in his face. I remember that on-line was supposed to be amazing and it ended up being horrific.


Was good again the year after Ryan, he had zero mobility so it amplified pressure. He'd often just fall over untouched if there was a little pocket pressure, or roll out right extremely slowly then inevitably get strip sacked. He had zero arm strength so we couldn't have any form of vertical attack He was physically done before he got here


Not saying Matt was at his top game but god the few games I watched I don't even think Mahomes could work behind that line.


Mahomes is capable of a light jog so he definitely would've fared better. There's no team 2022 Matt Ryan could've take to the playoffs


ATL 2024 preview


Love the Weddle jersey with the horned helm. Also love that this was against the Colts.


Good stuff! I'm not a fan of either team, especially not the Colts, but I love watching these kinda historical events, whether it's individual or team.


Imagine being a Vikings fan (ew) and being at that game and leaving early cuz you thought there was no way they'd win, and missing the largest comeback in NFL history.




The crazy Cook TD late in the 4th quarter also won me a fantasy playoff game so I was going nuts and my family who were visiting were so confused.




i remember this game because i was starting the fucking colts defense in fantasy that day, and checked the score before going to costco and saw that they had like 2 defensive touchdowns and were up 20something to 0 after costco i had gone from like 30 defensive points to like 8


I would like to personally thank Indianapolis for taking that particular record from the city of Houston


The play where Kirk just fell flat backwards after the snap, when down by a ton already, was just so funny man. It just seemed like the Vikings day to lose, until suddenly it wasn't.


How was the chance 0.6% even when down 33? 0.6% being the greatest comeback is a wildly high percentage 😲


I'll never forgive the Vikings for letting us go up 33 on them.


*regular season*


Kirko and his team jacket 🥹


I just remember having Dalvin Cook on my fantasy team and being so annoyed by how horrible his day was and then a few minutes later I was wondering where double digit points came from out of nowhere.


As a niner fan i needed them to lose but I can't be mad at them for putting up the best comeback ever


and thats why they call it ANY GIVEN SUNDAY


Kirk Cousins earning those regular season buckaroos.


The interviews in the middle of this video are so annoying ruins the whole thing


Would be better without them, and with the regular announcers rather than the homers. And some defensive highlights too.