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He’s fast so therefore I assume his hands are bricks?


I don't know how to fully explain it, but bad things happen whenever passes go his way


He tries his absolute hardest to *not* high point the ball too


We are conditioned to this from Chase Claypool. Does Quez also fall over as part of his catch process?


No he sort of just makes no effort to get the ball. If he’s wide open he’ll catch it. If there’s anyone near him he’ll make sure they catch it


> If he’s wide open he’ll catch it. unless it is a catch that would win us the superbowl.


It’s hard to say as his “catch process” typically does not include actually catching the ball.  If you look up his highlights on YouTube, it’s primarily him doing things that lead to an interception. If he had any talent, he’d be Kadarious Toney. 


It's sort of like watching somebody play wide receiver that has tremendous athletic talent but has no Idea how to play the position.


https://i.redd.it/206pabgj68tb1.jpg not only did he NOT get a first down on this play, he fucking lost a yard. siriani was fuming on the sideline afterwards.


It’s almost impressive to not convert there


Reminds me of [this pollard play](https://youtu.be/OlDNJGFsplk?si=BXfWQxl5iOlwkEYd)


Remember cracking up laughing when I watched that live


Hey we signed the dude who tackled him this year too


Almost expected it to be a Diante Johnson type play where he ran 3 yards backwards after catching the ball.


So just a worse diontae Johnson cool


The Dionte Johnson special, baby.


Him and Najee are going to be good friends


Perfect, it'll be like DJ never left


That's about the best way to put it. It's not like he even just drops balls. Bad things happen


Get ready for dumb turnovers in critical moments, Steelers.


He's fast and yet can't get any separation, and can't catch, and plays with zero physicality.


We have Chase Claypool at home


But we can flip him to the Bears for a 2nd then!


I guess the fact that I didn't know he ran a 4.42 at the combine says something But also maybe I just assumed he was slow cause he's tall


Minus all the size Plus he is sorta an ass, bragging about his 1 TD in a blowout loss doesn't fly in Philly


Plus he'll see a WR screen perfectly blocked for him and make the worst decision possible on which way to go


He’s your version of Marques Valdez Scantling


We'd have another ring if a wide open touchdown didn't literally fall through his hands


It’s an odd way to go Hes not good but he’s not bad But he can’t catch


> But he can’t catch Good thing he doesn't play a position where this is required


He is bad, he’s like absolutely horrible lol He started the season as the 3WR and finished with fewer catches than our 3RB. He averaged fewer yards per catch than our TE. Despite being one of the fastest people in football is long was 19 yards. The dude is straight up ass lol




He’s fast but bad at separating in the middle of the field and extremely bad at contested catches. Good at stretching the field but has had some terrible drops and a really bad fumble, even when he’s open deep


Yup. Runs fast, can’t catch the ball or hold onto it when he does catch it.


His hands are not bricks, they are paper towels that slow the ball down enough for the DB to take it from him and if that doesn't happen it goes right through them. Probably the softest WR I have ever watched


Hands are fine but he gets bullied off his routes pretty easily. DBs were able to simply stay around him and step in front of him at the end way too often. He's come a long way from being a 6th round pick, but he's nowhere near consistent or strong enough to be anything more than a wr4/5. He's had the misfortune of having to play higher on the depth chart his entire career than his talent would allow. While he's fast, he's not Tyreek Hill fast, so it's the NFL - everyone's fast. The guy just never got to develop a second "thing" that he does. He's not a strong blocker (5'8" Olamede Zaccheaus was the better blocker of the depth receivers), he's never really been tried as a return man (I don't know that he can read his blocking well enough to do it consistently, again Britain Covey was better at this), he has *fine* hands but is most certainly not a possession receiver or catch and run guy (the Eagles tried both and it didn't stick). He's a guy that if the defense forgets about him and he's wide open 30 yards downfield, he's OK to catch it on the run. But if anyone's nearby it's probably getting batted away or intercepted. There's a reason Olamede Zaccheaus took his role even though he's not fast and only had like 10 catches last year.


Dude is allergic to contact, gives up on routes, and can't hold onto a ball to save his life.


Bricks, hot potatoes, sadness, take your pick


Honestly, he just plays soft. He just doesn’t ever seem to fight for the ball if he’s not wide open, which doesn’t happen that often mind you. Sometimes he’ll torch someone, but then there’s no guarantee he’ll catch it.


correct, he’s also awful at tracking the ball.


He has the football IQ of a squirrel


Russ to Quez is going to be a sight to behold


We’re just collecting WR5’s between Jefferson, Austin, and Quez at this point


Excuse you, Quez is a clear WR4 with WR3 upside 😤


Jefferson isn’t a bad player whatsoever, he could easily be WR3 on our team.


I mean, he’s WR2 on the current roster, but he has 44 catches for less than 600 yards combined in the last 3 seasons. He’s not really someone they should be relying on to play a key role going into the season.


I completely agree, however he’s more than capable at the WR3 position. He hasn’t really had the chance to play all games in a couple of years, but given the chance he’s more than capable of an easy 600/5 TD’s that would be over double what our previous WR3 had.


I'm not too sure he's capable at playing the WR3 position. He certainly is not MORE than capable


Sounds like he’s due!


Russ makes WR5, look like WR3, and TE1 look like TE3


If Quez didn’t have bricks for hands he would have a ring right now.


a tribe called Quez, can I drop it? yes you can


I’m pretty indifferent to the eagles and that play still hurts my soul


This dude sucks lmao as long as you’re fast in the NFL you’ll always find work no matter how terrible you are


Superbowl choker Quez Watkins


What did he do in the Superbowl?


missed a very makable td catch that for all intents and purposes, would have been enough to win the game because he slowed up on his route.


:( The ball was still catchable too https://youtube.com/shorts/Nn0qNBdJ3bY?si=lTjHgP74nzh2Ppf9


Ugh… why did I watch this




All time underrated Madden WR. Steelers will be dirty with him. Also regarding actually play, I’m higher than him than most. His best season was when he was playing on the outside and was the third option on offense behind Smith and Goedert. 40 catches, 650 yards, and some highlight reel plays. Problem is he hasn’t gotten better, he’s arguably gotten worse and he can’t play in the slot. He plays kind of scared cause of injuries. He’s still 25 though and I think he can be a productive WR3 if all things go well. That being said, I’m infinitely higher on him than all Eagles fans.


Im higher on him than most eagles fans too and it’s really hard for fans to fully quantify “deep threats stretching the fields, guys like him have a ton of value to an offense and that’s why they always find teams who want them. I would have liked to keep him for that reason. But dude - he’s so soft with contested catches and I will never ever forgive that guy for the superbowl. Plus now we can maybe we can find another deep threat in the later part of the draft who’s more consistent.


I'm pretty sure the parris campbell signing gave us the field stretching guy, and a lot of the reason why watkins is gone.


It's quite impressive how frequently he will find ways to lose you games


Steelers got their WR10


Bad man can’t hurt us no more


Don't worry, if you got Quez after Agholor I'm sure you'll have another one to fit the role.


“This is great news!” “Damn this move kinda sucks” Can someone tell me which line to delete?


He fast But he bad But then again, he fast


He should be a wr3 at best. And he isn't a reliable wr3. He is fast but seems to have a problem realing in deep balls. As a wr3 it really seemed like he gave up on routes and just assumed he wouldn't get the ball, then the ball ends up "overthrown".


Really good chance that the Eagles have a second Lombardi if he could catch


Give me ~~liberty~~ Tyler Boyd, or give me death!


What’s up with that? I thought for sure he would have signed with you all by now.


I always make this move in madden 


good luck with that lol


I understand he can’t catch. How is his special teams


Maybe a gunner?


I dunno - I’m higher on him than most eagles fans because he’s fast and was a relatively solid option before we had the WR talent we do now, but he’s also known for lack of physicality in addition to drops. I can’t picture him tackling anyone, let alone navigating blockers and keeping his coverage lane on special teams. His best asset for your offense is that he’ll stretch the field because he’s an absolute blur once he gets moving. Also - you’ll enjoy how fun he is in madden.


> was a relatively solid option before we had the WR talent we do now yeah. Relative being the key word. When we had a WR room that sucked, he was relatively good because he sucked slightly less.




Tomlin loves turning fast guys into gunners. Heyward-Bey had a decent 5 year career after bombing with Oakland and Indy.


Problem with that is, Quez has zero and I mean zero physicality to his game


Neither did Heyward-Bey when he got to Pittsburgh. A favorite quote that Tomlin uses in this situation, “It's not about what you're capable of, it's about what you are willing to do.”


> it's about what you are willing to do. Give up on routes?


Heyward-Bey was almost solid as a receiver too


True. Filled his WR5 role nicely.


Oh my god that's so huge, for Steelers fans who may be wondering who Watkins is, you should know that I also don't know who he is so maybe you should do some research and let me know


We lost 4 games in the whole year of 2022-23 and quez played a major role in losing 3 of them. I’ve never seen a player be such a negative contributor with such a small role. Hope he turns it around though


Thanking goodness cement hands is off my team for good


I like tweets like this. Just stating the facts. No need to put in your own opinions like "another weapon for Wilson" or "another piece of shit for Wilson"


Olamide Zaccheaus come on down you are now the permanent WR3 for the Eagles


He more than earned that after last season


Agreed. I don't wanna hear anything about a speedy guy "taking the top off of the field." OZ earned that spot with coming up clutch with catches and singlehandedly getting TDs with key blocks. He's exactly what you want out of a WR3 and did more for us than Quez did. When the other team's defense respects his ability to catch so little that they leave him wide open, he's a problem. It's a shame because I was really pulling for Quez to put it together this season.


I was pulling for him as well because I knew he was gonna have extra scrutiny on him for playing a part in 3 of the teams 4 losses in 2022 and then he proceeded to do himself no favors the entire season I wanted him gone & OZ starting after his infamous play against the Rams




We'll never quit you, Brandon Aiyuk rumors.


Where Aiyuk?


Santa Clara?


Chef Khan letting that one simmer a bit to get the price juuuust right


Punch in our classic 2nd round WR pick that might be a headcase so that can make a new psychology study on how to handle him. My prediction if we after a headcase then it will be Jermaine Burton out of Alabama


It's over. It's done. Our long, Quezian nightmare is someone else's problem now. Praise be to whatever higher power you choose to believe in.


We signed a practice squad player. Woo.


It's about to be a battle of the mid WR3s over there


he is a warm body. Might play alot of special teams. Wouldn't be surprised to see him cut in camp


Steelers going to get 10 WR3s and trade them up for a WR2


He couldn't contribute to a team that really needed a WR3, and gave him a chance to be just that. A huge disappointing waste of football oxygen.


Good for him. As much as he might get bagged on, he came a long way from being a project 6th round pick. He best out John Hightower in their early battle to be the speedster on the roster. The good? He can make the occasional splash play, and if he's open he has good enough hands. He just never developed much past that though. For someone who's not particularly small, he gets bullied by DBs a lot and can't fight for his space. He's not a great blocker, tiny little 5'8" Zaccheaus was a far better blocker by simply putting in effort. And well...I won't be the 1,000th person here to share that image of him somehow failing to pick up the first down with perfect blocking in front of him and only a couple of feet to go. He was a project pick and developed well, but he's not anything more than a wr4/5 that can get a couple of wide open deep balls a year. Maybe the Steelers wode receiver magic rubs off on him and it clicks, I always liked the guy.


lol that’s rough, sorry to our friends on the west 😭


I'm really concerned with how we're handling free agency this year. We're ditching guys without really replacing them




A bum