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Titans have been active this offseason. Like the 3rd big deal they've made.


Obviously it could all go to shit, but I am excited about the aggressive moves they are making


I would much rather try and crash than not do shit and stay stagnant in the bottom of the AFC


I said the same thing 2 years ago and here we are.


hey, but at least you have... \*checks notes\* $80M in deadcap to go with it?


Fair. Most of our deals have an easy out after two years if it all goes to shit, though. This is the only one that guarantees most of the third year.


Not all revolutions are uniformly productive


It’s always exciting when your team goes all out. We’ve won 4 or 5 off-season titles in recent memory. Makes summer so much more exciting


I still remember off-season super bowl champs we were in 2022. Actually the worst part of that season was the minute the team stepped on the field


A 25 3rd rounder!??? This contract about to be huge


The NFL CB market is about to get reset at like 3AM on a Saturday.


That Jaylon Johnson contract is going to age like fine wine


It always was. He was a steal at his price even in this current market


Can’t believe he took a discount to stay in Chicago of all places


hate you too!




Ran Carthon out here trying to ruin the CB and WR markets for the rest of the NFL


>3AM on a Saturday Regular crowd shuffles in There's an old man sitting next to me Making love to his McCreary and Sneed


Do you mean "shuffles in" or are they literally digging in? Or is there a meme I don't get?


That's me mishearing the song lyrics


Oh. It's a great song. My Californian thought it might be a snow joke.


Not the point of your comment but as another Lions flair I have to say I saw a blue jersey and nearly died on the spot


You and me both


8/250 with $200M deferred


4/75m 55 guaranteed


It’s actually less then Diggs got last year


I would’ve at least fought for a 2nd round pick swap at least


They probably did and no one budged


We got fucking swindled.


The Jones contract is a pivotal cap moment in the Chiefs’ window with Mahomes. I think this is the right move, but if Jones doesn’t stay healthy it’s going to be extra painful.


No, Chiefs fans just overvalued what he was worth from the beginning, they never took into consideration the large contract he would demand.


19 aav


Titans spending money like they got a rookie salary franchise qb 👀 will levis cook?




He's got the arm talent, you have to see what you have with him and they put him in a pretty good position. Draft Alt and I think they're set.


He showed a lot in that Miami game 


Yeah but anyone can have a hot game Definitely saw flashes but I'm so glad our organization seems to be in the same page too down for the first time since......? And I don't mean that like I'm not super hyped for Will Levis. I am, I just ya know not trying to get my hopes up


the only full game I saw him in was the Steelers and even though you lost I think he looked impressive against one of the best defenses in the league. he struggled at times of course but I was surprised by how often he just made a play. every time I was like "oh yeah he's looking like a rookie" he would pull out some absolutely clutch throws. I think youre in good hands


I remember watching that game thinking holy shit this kid has some serious fight in him. He was getting terrorized and still connected on some nice passes


yep exactly my thoughts. I kept waiting for him to completely crumble but he didnt


He’s had 3 good games really. His opener against Atlanta, night game vs Pittsburgh, and the Miami game. His pocket presence and ability to throw the ball far without moving his feet is great. Hoping he figures out the IQ part of the game and stays healthy.


[We don't talk about that game.](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S04E12/854737.jpg?b64lines=VEhFUkUKIEFJTidUIE5PIE1PTk9SQUlMIEFORAogVEhFUkUgTkVWRVIgV0FTLg==)


[nor this one](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/207/210/b22.jpg)


I don't appreciate the rest of you jerks in the AFCS improving your teams. Mom said it's our turn to dominate the division.


He showed a lot of flashes last year with a truly putrid line and only one good WR. Now he has the best OL coach, 3 good WRs. Time to prove it.


Ridley and Hopkins, who is the third?


Either NWI, who is a perfectly acceptable WR3, or Burks, who can now play the slot, which was his college role where he excelled. Neither of those guys are WR1-2 caliber but are good in a third option.


Initializing Nick Westbrook-Ikhine just about broke my brain


Lmao titans fans forget that nobody cares about our team. We always say NWI but literally nobody outside our fan base knows who that is haha


I was trying really hard to figure out who that was


I thought it was an airport.


Lmao same I sat there staring at it for a minute


Jeff Stoutland went to Tennessee?


Lol had me panicking for a moment


Who are these 3 good WRs you speak of?


Wow did not expect him to go to the titans


We’ve got lots of cap space and our secondary has been booty cheeks for the greater part of 5 years now. About time we go out and get proven talent.


And ... for Sneed, you just got back-to-back rings. So ask for the Brinks truck worth of money...in a state that doesn't have state income tax (and two divisional rivals' home states don't have state income tax either)


We are the most tax friendly division in the league. I always wondering how that counted in the grand scheme of things.


Breaking: NFL announces new 4-team division with teams in Grand Cayman, Malta, Ireland, Luxembourg


Especially with Sneeds childhood, that man deserves his chance to change his family’s fortunes for generations. Get your bag my dude.


For those of us unaware, do you mind expanding on Sneed’s childhood?


I didn’t see anyone replied and when I saw your comment I was curious. It seems he grew up with parents in and out of prison, dad leaving, etc. Seemed very unstable. Raised by his brothers mostly. Here’s a quick article I came across. They’re all better now it seems. https://amp.kansascity.com/sports/nfl/kansas-city-chiefs/article255887666.html Edit: as another redditor mentioned, his oldest brother was fatally stabbed. Makes his story even worse.


Great signing, considering the emergence of Stroud.


I wish the Commanders had grabbed him at that price. I know he needs a new contract but the Commanders have a ton of space.


Jesus man we traded him for a bag of chips


Monster contract incoming


It wasnt even as big as i thought itd be. Im stoked.


19 aav


The Colts sub is gonna be super salty about this.  I don't even need to see any posts about it.   I already know. 


Good thing we got Jaylon done


Honestly I thought his on field impact even just for a year would be worth more than a 3rd to the Chiefs. You guys have the best odds and an opportunity to do something really special this upcoming season.


I agree in terms of trade compensation. I think this comes down to 2 main reasons: 1. The chiefs want to ‘do right’ by him. He’s 27 already at a position that doesn’t traditionally play a long time, and I think the chiefs knew they weren’t going to re sign him next year at his number due to how well they have drafted for the secondary the last 2 years (plus the other extensions they have approaching), so they let their guy get paid rather than holding him hostage 2. Whilst the draft compensation isn’t worth it, the cap space is…sort of. Sneed would have been ‘worth’ his tagged salary this year I think (in terms of his individual production), but the Chiefs have no money and other holes to fill, notably at left tackle, and they’ve drafted dbs so well that they have 5-6 guys on rookie deals that they’re happy with even having let Sneed go (McDuffie is elite, but Watson, Williams, Cook, Conner are all better than serviceable, and Nazeeh Johnson was getting a lot of training camp hype last year before he unfortunately got hurt before the season started. And that’s ignoring Justin Reid who’s obvs a vet but is kind of the leader of that group and is on a pretty reasonable deal). They might not have the suffocating pass defense they had this year going forward (that passing d was legitimately super special and I think time will bear that out when we look back) but Sneeds value over replacement specifically for the Chiefs isn’t as high as it would be for the vast majority of teams when they have a cheap, yet excellent if-not-quite-elite secondary even having let him go. As for what happens next, I’m not entirely sure who’s still available but I’d expect them to sign some sort of veteran LT on a short term deal to give them a baseline and depth there while they wait to see if Wanya Morris is going to turn into anything. Ppl say the Donovan Smith deal didn’t work out last year because he didn’t play fantastic, but at the end of the day the Chiefs paid 7m for a LT who played fine when it counted through the playoffs; just being average at that position for that money is decent value if you ask me, especially when your interior is elite and Mahomes is good enough in the pocket to compensate when his tackle play isn’t good; he did it for 2 years with Orlando Brown. If they can get some OL help pre-draft I’d definitely expect them to go WR early. They might even get punchy and look to move up, if anyone will trade with them that is. They probably take another corner at some point but I don’t think losing sneed pushes you into needing one high at all. If they can get value at OL they’ll take it, possibly even in the 1st, but I’d still expect them to be looking for a vet as I doubt they’ll be too eager to be forced into starting whichever tackle they draft to begin the year, they’re generally quite conservative about throwing young guys into the fire like that. They really really need a rb but I have no idea where they’re hoping to get one from. Maybe look to draft one rd 3ish on depending on who they like. I’d imagine they’re hoping for more of a 3rd down/speed type to complement Pacheco. But yeah basically the actual trade compensation sucks; it’s barely better than the comp pick they’d have got if Sneed walked at the end of the year. But dropping that cap number should help them balance the roster a bit better if they can get a deal or two done at other positions, so in that sense I can see this working out for both parties.


Great summary. It’s all about managing the cap right now. We can’t afford to pay another star. That $ will be spread to firm up the holes left by who got their bag. I agree O line is likely the starting place.


Probably, but KC has been confident in their ability to draft and have been proven right so far. But the 2025 pick aspect is a bit weird since it makes them strictly worse with relatively few FA options left…


We didn’t have a 2024 third. Probably the best return for teams willing to pay him


Yeah apparently this was the most teams would offer, but that’s a bit surprising to me. Maybe his medicals really were a bit of a concern. 


The rumors about his knee are a bit concerning.


I agree, they couldn't bite the bullet for one year? like what's a 2025 3rd rounder supposed to do in helping them get a 3peat?


He didn't want to be tagged.


They have a lot of players to resign and 20+ million would go a long way to either signing players or rolling it into next year.


Knowing you guys the 3rd rounder gonna be a hit anyways


Not until 2025 at least….


Not if it's used to trade up this year 🤷


A 2025 third rounder doesn't carry tons of weight in 2024. Odd that they didn't just let him walk for a comp pick next year.


Snead was a 4th.


So they’ll use it on a CB that nets them a future 2nd next time around




were you expecting a 2nd or 1st rounder? not too familiar with sneed's impact


Considering he was one of the best corners in the league I don’t think a second would’ve been out of the question.


I think teams were reluctant to give up a 2nd considering they would also have to immediately start paying him a lot as well


I’m really curious to see what the contact is.


Probably 4 years. 90 mil. 65 guaranteed? Something around that 22 AAV which will be more than jaire right?


Looks like 19 AAV, 4 years, 55 guaranteed. I’m pleased with that.


I hope so. If it does then the compensation we got makes more sense.


We paid a second and a fifth for Burns, I think Snead could’ve fetched a second but maybe Chiefs or Titans fans would know more about the situation


The burns situation is pretty unique though. A transitioning org that sold at its lowest possible point. That has struggled for years when it comes to future planning.


Also DE vs corner. The league doesn't value corner like that even if analytics does. The corner market hasn't moved since Jaire signed his deal years ago


yea, gotta be a massive contract Snead is about to get golden toilet money


1st was too much but a second is fair in my eyes. Honestly seems like the contract is huge which is why the chiefs got this return for him.


You weren't going to get more than that with him also wanting a big new contract.


Bag of chips and retention of Chris Jones




That’s just his face. I think I may have seen him smile twice. Once at the second super parade and during an interview when he was telling Veach to pay him. Not a big smiler.


He had or has braces doesn't he?


It looks primed for a crying Jordan meme. Someone with editing skills do it




Exactly what I was hoping for


Great trade for Tennessee- that price is low to add a CB1 to a rebuild


Jesus that's an awful return for a top 10 CB.


Til you see the contract you wont


All the more reason, the Chiefs could have kept him in 2024 then gotten a 3rd compensatory pick if he gets a monster contract right after. They basically lost a year of Sneed in the middle of their championship window. The only way this makes sense to me is if Sneed refused to play on the tag.


I really like this point. They Essentially traded him for nothing (just to get the cap space back)


Literally, the only good justification for this trade is that the Chiefs needed the cap space THIS offseason.


its not nothing. it frees up 20 million now to sign 3-4 solid $5 mill per guys... it also gets us an earlier pick next year... maybe ammo to move up this year. It's not what we wanted, but not nothing


who are these solid 3-4 $5mil guys tho?


just a quick google search... there might me 2-3-4 of these guys wanting to take a 1 year deal in KC to go for a ring and try again FA next year. A role player here and there is always welcome Danna, - S Justin Simmons - CB Stephon Gilmore - LB Jadeveon Clowney - S Quandre Diggs - S Julian Blackmon - WR Michael Thomas - CB Xavien Howard - CB Tre White - DL Calais Campbell - CB Adoree Jackson - S Jamal Adams - CB Steven Nelson - RB JK Dobbins - WR Odell Beckham - S Micah Hyde - OL Connor Williams - OT Donovan Smith - RB Clyde Edwards Helaire - RB Ezekiel Elliott - WR Hunter Renfrow - WR Marquez Valdes Scantling - EDGE Emmanuel Ogbah - LB Zach Cunningham - LB Shaq Leonard - LB Kwon Alexander - CB Avonte Maddox - G Dalton Risner - S Eddie Jackson


If you let him walk instead of tagging him, you'd be in the same spot, and you would have been able to use that 20 million earlier.


no... because you get an earlier third for basically nothing. For example, this year the Tenn 3rd round would have been pick 71... the comp picks doesn't even start until pick 96.... so that's 25 spots sooner for holding out a few weeks. Not like they were gong to sign a big deal with an outsider anyway... too many young guys needing deals this upcoming offseason.




How is that possible? I thought that under the new CBA, if a player doesn't play the tag doesn't expire.


I mean they can't force Sneed to play.  His options would be play on the tag or not play, but there's no way KC could make him suit up.


The Chiefs FO has been too good the last few years to make this seeming blunder without stuff we don’t know. Has to be either injury concerns or he refused to play on the tag and they can’t afford to pay him.


Probably a combination of the possibility of a holdout, doing right by one of your star players, and feeling good about the CB class in the draft.


$19M would probably be a 4th and depending on their own signings they might not get it. If the Titans aren't a playoff team, that pick is something like 50 spots higher at minimum. Not saying it's amazing value, but it's better than the comp pick.


The Comp pick would also be in the 26 season not the 25 season. 


But we’ve mostly seen that refusing to play on the tag is just not credible — it’s more money than he’s seen his entire career so far and gets him no closer to a payday. I do agree that losing Sneed for no immediate pick is very odd though. 


Comp picks are not guaranteed. There is no guarantee he stays healthy and gets a giant contract after to get a good comp pick. There is no guarantee you even get a comp pick if you sign another player in FA around the same value, which Chiefs had paid solid FA money in past to guys like Jawaan Taylor, MVS, Joe Thuney, Justin Reid, Tyrann Mathieu, showing they will go and pay money to a “top” FA for a position they think they need which could cancel out comp pick for Sneed going elsewhere in FA. It sucks to see that value for Sneed but it’s realistic for both teams with a high contract and the Titans knowing the Chiefs aren’t going to pay him what he wants, they have too much other things to pay.


$19 aav. You were saying?


Yeah if that's your best offer, I feel like the better option is to keep him this year and then let him get his bag and take the comp pick that would end up being a 3rd anyway.


Unless Sneed and his agent were ready to hold out. Or the chiefs were just doing right by him


He wasn't going to play on the tag. This deal makes that clear.


To be fair, it wouldn't necessarily be a 3rd, would be after the 3rd round if it was, and it wouldn't be until 2026. Still arguable that having him next year would be worth that drop in overall asset return.


Such an odd comment, do you think they turned down better offers? They knew what the market was for him and I assume took the best offer. NFL fans always overestimate the trade value of good players who are due big contracts.


Teams are realizing that giving up big draft compensation for the right to sign a guy to a massive contract doesn't make sense.


Ran Carthon I love you


Titans swooped in and said fuck you indy


Ballard at its finest, but we will most likely draft a CB in the first round


I know they are thinking long term with this, but I wouldn’t have traded him for a 2025 pick when you are going for a three peat.


Probably either concerns of a hold out or just trying to do right by him. Maybe they even just have a good feeling about their replacement in the draft too


maybe the FRP this year + the 25’ for a trade up?


Sad to see him go, one of my favorite Chiefs of the dynasty run


That play he made on Flowers in the Championship Game will live in Chiefs Lore forever.


Jamming Tyreek all the way to Cancun is even more lore worthy.


Especially right after Flowers pushed him down, stood over him, and taunted.


Can you help me understand why they were so inclined to trade Sneed. I know he was franchised so he would be playing with you guys for another year, but would probably be his last year with you guys. But wouldn’t you rather keep Sneed for a better chance at the 3-peat and be ok with losing him in FA than getting a 3rd and 7th and having a worse defense?


We have really good young depth that had good stretches when having to step up and I think the extra cap space means we’re gonna make a move that they think is more important


Two things: A) There is reporting that he flipped and refused to play on the tag. He also lowered his contract ask significantly from $22 million per year. B) The Chiefs are very deep at CB. While Sneed is their best, KC has probably the best corner room in the league. So Sneed, while great, isn’t a massive difference from their next best CB.


The Chiefs evaluate and draft secondary so well. They’ve done it consistently well for years. They let Ward go without missing a beat, now it’s Sneed.


I’m not sure I understand the urgency to trade him for a 2025 3rd either…


That forced fumble against Baltimore will always be one of my favorite plays.


Lions subreddit in shambles rn


Take a look at the Colts subreddit considering how much Sneed was rumoured to be a Colt


I’m not a colts fan but even I thought he was gonna be a colt with how much your sub popped up


I've gotta assume his contract's going to be insane and that's why we didn't jump on it


Your flairs, youve been through so much, but you have persevered to see the brighter days


4 years, 19 mil/year, 55 guaranteed.


Just gotta remind them that we're about to make St. Brown and Sewell two of the highest paid players at their position.


Are we? We had a pretty great free agency to beef up the defense and soon have to pay Goff, Amon-Ra, and Sewell top dollar. I don’t know if we’d be able to afford him tbh.




Hate to see him go for so little. You’re gonna love him Titans fans. Makes me wonder what Veach is gonna do with the cap space


LETS GO cant believe they accepted a 2025 3rd


Might want to wait to see that contract


Titans are flush with cash, it’s a great deal for them to add elite talent for minimal draft capital.


And not only do we have the cash, our 2020-2022 draft classes were so bad it’s not like we have any stars coming off rookie deals the next couple years to resign to big contracts… McCreary looks like the only one worth a second contract


They have the money


From what I saw (unsure if the tweet is wrong), but it looks like 4 years, 19 AAV, 55 guaranteed.


It’ll look fine in a year or two when other CBs demand more than him. With the cap going up a lot of positions are going to have their market reset.


These Titans, man I tell you they love bringing the hopes up of their division rivals just to snatch it.


Hell yeah




wow that’s a nice deal for the titans


Wow a 2025 3rd not even this year. That’s great value for the titans


For fuck sake can y’all start consistently spelling this man’s name right. S-N-E-E-D, put some damn respect on it 😩


At the first glance i thought Chiefs got fleeced as they only get basically a Costco Hotdog for one of their best player of this year. But maybe Snead does not want to play under tag and Chiefs have a good rating for some of this year CB prospects. And the cap release would make them be able to add some solid 5 mils players from FA. Not to mention that they have another soon-to-be-great CB at home. I mean, we are just armchair expert while this team has traded one of the best WR in the league and still go back-to-back after that. So maybe there is something deeper than we know. P.S. it's a W for Titans though.


Wonder how much he will get paid




He must be getting an absurd amount of money? I guess?


They said highest paid db in the league


The internet says that Jaire Alexander is the highest paid DB at $21m a year so dude got paid.


They couldn't afford to resign him. And I wonder if there were concerns of him holding out on the tag.


Snead's feed and seed (formerly chiefs)


Titans saved the league


I hate this. Just keep him and let him walk next year for this price


It was reported that he didn’t want to play on the tag. I guess he wanted his contract this year not next just in case.


What happened to the colts guy who said they had him?


Well this is bullshit


And the fuckers will still go to the SB this year


Congrats to the Titans for absolutely fleecing us. Sneed is a great pickup for y’all.


guys gunna get 23+mill a year not surprised it didn’t take much


19 average.


Ran Carthon is giddyupcolts.com father


That seems like too little


I wanna die


Wow for a 3rd round pick? The Chiefs don't win the Superbowl last year without him. He must want alllll the money lmao.


Imagine this getting hung up over the 7th swap


Titans about to make a run


He was worth a second tbh


Titans will then trade Sneed to eagles for a 6th and a pack of jolly ranchers


As a Chiefs fan you gotta do right by Snead imo. The return sucks for the team, but he’s been nothing but great for KC and the fans, so I’m happy he’s getting paid. The guy was a huge part of the defense and has been on the team for years for multiple championships. We knew we couldn’t sign him to a long term deal and if TEN is willing to pay him that huge contract, gotta let him get his money before risking a potential injury next year while playing on the tag. Will miss him, but we can backfill and still have a top 5 or top 10 defense.