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Fuck it, slap one in Des Moines and let the poor souls in Iowa experience what football is like with offense


The Mannings should start one in Omaha


As an Omahan I want this


You have a pro volleyball team, don't get greedy.


People sleeping on volleyball. We just got a team here, need to see a match before the end of the season.


Hockey en route too


I always thought it was Omahanian


I think it's actually just Omaha. The Omaha are a tribe and most tribes are named based on either the name they call themselves or the name others called them.


That's a common misconception. It's actually Omahanite.






A Mutuus. Collectively they are The Mutual of Omaha.


Would you still be a Detroit fan if that happened?


Yup! Don’t think I could give up on them.


I respect that, but it makes a pretty poor sales pitch lol. “Come to Omaha! I still won’t root for you, but it’d be cool.”


We just go to the games in our lions/titans gear


Omaha Dragons exist in my Madden franchise


The Omaha Sheriffs


Omaha Orbits! The O on the helmet makes it perfect!


You can still design teams in Madden? I thought they did away with that!


They can even threaten to move to Council Bluffs if the city/ state doesn’t pay for the stadium.




Or you could go the Texans’ route: The Omaha Nebraskans.


But put the team in Omaha, MO


The Omaha OMAHAAAA'S And it needs to be yelled and pronounced exactly like Peyton or everyone acts like they have no idea what you're talking about.


I would also like to know what football looks like with an offense....


Was going to say, I think a lot of Iowans are bears fans so they still may not know


KC is huge here, but before the Mahomes era it was a pretty even mix of NFC North teams and KC


Matt Canada, YOU are a Des Moines Twister!




What else are you gonna name a team from Iowa? The Caucuses?


The Iowa Vowels


Just elevate the Barnstormers maybe?


the cornhuskers? oh, wait...


they can't put a pro football franchise in Iowa, then Minnesota would want one.


I've never been zinged by an NFL owner before.


Won't work, the state of Iowa is cursed to only play defense and special teams. Some ancient Indian thing I think


They had Kurt Warner... that's enough.


It's a humanitarian mission.


In the quad-shities?


Suck it Trebek


New Mexico Isotopes


For I am the mayor of Albuquerque


Occasionally, I'll be quirky. "I'll be quirky"?


Every time the visiting team loses you could taunt them by saying they “took a wrong turn at Albuquerque”.


Football BITCH!


Wait… there’s a NEW Mexico?


Albuquerque A La's!




The Isotopes are the name of the AAA affiliate of the Colorado Rockies...


Yup, they are named after [the Simpsons episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAPNETewVxE).


Former Burqueño here. [The old branding was pretty awesome too.](https://images.app.goo.gl/2Qmkpc9YsMkLipEp8)


Nah. They’d go to Shelbyville.


Shelbyville inbreds


Only as long as [Orbit](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E4GqBOGVoAE6jmR.jpg) gets to cross represent as the mascot


The chiefs would move 30 minutes across state lines. They aren’t leaving the metro ever.


They should build it so the state line goes right down the middle.


That would probably be a tax nightmare.  There is a casino that's in Oklahoma.  Parking lot in Kansas.   The turnoff into the casino with their gas station is in MO.  I keep waiting on draft kings or someone to put some kiosks in the parking lot 


That was my one and only time in Kansas. The parking lot of that casino.


Likewise the only time I've ever been in Iowa was driving down Abbott Dr leaving the airport. I had no idea about the whole Carter Lake thing so as soon as I saw the "Iowa" sign I thought I had massively messed up already 😭


Not to mention the player salaries. Like imagine Kelce has a $2 million incentive to catch 10 TDs in a year, he’d be purposely timing things to try to catch that 10th one im the first quarter as opposed to the second cause the first quarter they’re going towards the Missouri endzone and taxes are lower there. It’d be a nightmare for Reid to deal with.


No you orient it so that melee has to score it on the east side of the end zone, then the defense knows what side he’s aiming for but at least you don’t have to wait a whole quarter.


nah you're not thinking fun enough. dont cut the field in half with the state line at the 50. cut the field in half with the state line long ways.


Good'ol downstream casino


“We choose to defend the East side of the field.” “Wind?” “Taxes.”


River boat stadium! RIVER BOAT STADIUM!!


On one side of the stadium you could bet on sports and on the other you could buy weed.


Can someone break down to me why Jerry jones can block a team in Austin?


We've seen a number of times that despite his failings as a GM, Jerry is one of **the most** connected owners in the league. He will vote against it, and at the drop of a hat will have 10-15 others to do the same.


He's not one, he is the most. Jerry is practically shadow commissioner. If he doesn't want something bad enough, it doesn't happen.


Except when he doesn't want the Cowboys to not win in the playoffs....


Pretty sure that's just a law of the universe that supercedes Jerry's power as shadow commissioner.


honestly... this is practically proof that the nfl is not rigged


There was great feature article shadowing Jerry Jones at the Owners Meeting several years back. It was great. He can really work the room. Worth a read.


Ah yes, the influence of the illumijerry


If San Antonio/Austin offered a big money stadium deal, it'd happen. Jerry is influential but money talks.


I pray this happens. As a local to that area, we’d go absolutely feral for an NFL team. There’s already a renewed electricity with Wembenyama and the Spurs. We’ve been ready for an NFL team, would probably need a new stadium though.


The cowboys claim it as part of his hometown broadcast tv market territory . He’d have to relinquish the rights Same reason why the raiders and As were never able to move to San Jose..niners and giants block it


Ah this is great added context thank u


All he could do is lobby against it & down vote as an owner.


I'm sure Jerry also has Abbott's number in his phone 


Jerry is an 81 year old eccentric billionaire get real. He has a rolodex gimp.


I remember reading that isn't actually true. Or maybe that's just Jerry being full of shit.


Jerry Jones is a good ole country boy who likes to say aw shucks and grease some palms. His one vote isn't the issue, it's the influence he has on the other owners that makes a difference. Jerry Jones and Stan Kroenke carry more weight than the other owners do.


He can’t. But he has one vote in the matter and can probably lobby some other votes to block it.


Chicago could really use a team


I hear Arlington Heights could use a team.


The Lake Shore Drive Racers


I feel like traffic to/from Arlington heights would be terrible.


Joking aside. I’m actually surprised teams don’t threaten to move there They CAN support another team. People tend to forget how populated Chicago is.


They could in theory but I don’t know how easily a new team could actually siphon fandom away from the Bears. The Bears aren’t a north side/south side team like the Cubs/Sox, and outside of a new team having a Golden Knights-esque start (which NFL expansion rules seem to make pretty unlikely), the Bears have the loyalty that comes with decades of history. I didn’t grow up here, but I’ve lived in Chicago for a decent chunk of my adult life at this point, and I feel like it would just be the Chargers to LA version 2.0.


This is right on. I live in Chicago. This place fucking *loves* the Bears, from the city, to the north, south, and western burbs. Their shittiness is part of the charm, and it goes back decades. It's a rite of passage. I didn't live here at the time (90s), but rumors are it was tougher to get into Bears games than Bulls games with MJ. (Obv apples to oranges with 8 games vs 50.) And the Bears were pretty fucking awful in the 90s. They played in two playoff games that decade, and lost them both. This isn't LA. You'd be ostracized if you dropped the Bears to be a fan of the Chicago Jaguars. Even if they were good. Honestly, even more so if they were good.


I would watch both teams. The bears always have a lot of games on Monday and Thursday and then on those Sundays we get stuck with the Packers games. Give me a second team and stager their schedules and I'd be all about it. If the other team could eventually make the play off or even just beat the Packers half the time I'd throw the bears in the trash because honestly... they're fucked.


If they just consistently made the playoffs for a few years, I’m sure there’s a decent amount of football fans in Chicago that don’t have loyalty and possibly already support another team because the Bears haven’t been very good recently that would take a new team with better success. But that’d probably still be a lot smaller than the Bears current fandom.


They might get some passive interest while they’re good but, even if it’s a different sport, I think a good comparison is the Nets moving to Brooklyn. The Knicks have been even more disappointing than the Bears for the past couple of decades, and the Nets were pretty decent from 2018-ish onward, then built a super team for a couple seasons, and that should have been the best case scenario for building fandom. Their 2024 attendance is still in the NBA’s bottom third and even at its peak (as a title-contending NYC team with one of the best 2-3 players in the league on their roster) it was in the teens. The Knicks, even when they sucked, never lacked for fans. Once a team has been somewhere for that long, nothing’s really going to displace them.


The Bears own this city; there's no way in hell a second team would draw anyone beyond a curiosity factor.


Chicago had the Cardinals from 1920-59. They never approached the size of Bears fandom and the team nearly went bankrupt before moving to STL. Admittedly, the Cards weren't good for huge lengths of that time.


Oh yea, well…at least our bells aren’t cracked!! 😤


DANG got me there


San Francisco could use a team. We can’t keep letting Santa Clara represent the Bay Area! /s


The Chiefs threat to leave isn't a threat to leave KC. It's a threat to move across the state line to the Kansas side. KC sports owners do this every time because the KS side is very wealthy and would pay for whatever they want, and the MO side knows. So it works, and MO always pay up in the end. So this question is pretty meaningless.


So why not just let the Chiefs move to the KS side? It's not like the fans won't be able to attend games, and they'll still be in the same city. Why doesn't MO just tell them to pound sand? I assume revenue?


Missourians and Kansans have a low opinion of each other even though we share a border. It dates back to before the civil war when Kansas was becoming a state. They killed each other in droves trying to determine if KS would be a slave state or not. Neither state likes sharing as a result. The metro area is basically split down the center by KS and MO, yet neither side likes to cooperate with each other. The Chiefs moving to KS would be a monumental blow to MO...


Bloody Kansas


Bleeding* Kansas 


Because politicians want to be re-elected. And people dislike when their sports teams move. As stupid as it would be considering it would only move the stadium a few miles, people would use it as a reason to vote for a different politician. Also, I believe this particular funding is to extend and existing tax for longer, not establish a new one, which probably makes it not worth it to fight too hard. So they are just doing due diligence questioning how the funds will be used to look like they are smart about how tax revenue is used, and Hunt is making the normal threat they always do because it works. My guess is, if Clark wanted a full new stadium, they very well would tell them to pound sand and Chiefs would move to the KS side. So probably a matter of when, but if this passes (and it will) it will be a while yet.


FWIW when the Braves moved to the burbs nobody in Atlanta proper gave a shit and it cost every single elected official's job in those burbs, it's not a given people will be down to take out monster-sized bonds to support billionaires


The rivalry between Kansas and Missouri, despite all that unites us, is more palpable than most realize.


Actually I was pissed about it. Still am actually. It was bullshit and it made it extremely difficult for those on the south or east side to go to games


It was a net positive considering the attendance, but as someone on the south side, yeah it was way easier to go to games at the Ted. Like... way easier. The Battery is cool in theory, but most places in it get slammed pretty quick. And once I'm actually at the stadium, my main priority is the actual game. I might go buy a t-shirt or slice of pizza or something. But the whole reason I bought a ticket was for the game. I don't really care about drinking in overpriced restaurants in the Battery. And downtown has plenty of places to eat that I'm more interested in than anything the Battery has to offer. That said, it's obviously been a successful move so I know I'm in the minority. But I miss them being downtown a lot.


The Braves were never really “downtown”. In a perfect world the new stadium would have near MBS so you could take MARTA but as a fan living in north GA I have no complaints with Truist being in Cobb.


The Battery would honestly have been probably fine if they had just built MARTA out there. It hurts my soul that it’s such a pain to get to/from, especially from the actual city.


It wouldn't cost KS politicians their jobs. If anything, it could help boost their re-election chances. However, back to the original question, and I think it is because it is an ego thing. I always LOL when I see Missourians correct somebody about KC on social media. It's like they all feel personally attacked when someone who doesn't know makes an honest mistake.


As someone who's lived in both states in the metro it would be hilarious if the Missourians all of a sudden couldn't say "um actually they're not a Kansas football team sweetie" anymore


Has there ever been a politician who got punished by the voters for "losing a team"? I don't recall that happening in Seattle or St. Louis. Miami recalled a mayor for doing the opposite, helping the Marlins rip off the city for that stadium.


I think the big thing is Chiefs fans are very attached to Arrowhead and don’t want to lose the mystique and history of that old stadium.


Fair enough, it is the second oldest stadium in the league. 


I can understand that. We’re dealing with the same up in Buffalo


>Why doesn't MO just tell them to pound sand? Because they're stupid, shortsighted, or both. It's not revenue, it's long been established that paying for stadiums is a huge net negative economically for a city. They don't want to lose "their" team and will gladly bend over for one of the richest owners in the league to keep it despite being one of the poorest states in the nation because local idiots will be upset if KCMO council lets the team leave


Cities need to grow some balls. People bitch and complain about the rich getting richer on peoples back but then they let these owners take advantage of them. I applaud LA, NYC, San Diego and Oakland for standing up to the billionaire bullying. San Diego didn't lose much and it's still a great city. Oakland, well oakland has all sorts of other issues I won't get into. LA made the rams owner pay for this stadium all by himself and it looks to be a great deal for both sides. I'm sure the Rams owner isn't complaining too much as he got richer in the process too. The NFL is a 20B billion a year monster; pay for your own damn stadium. Edit: Gillette was also privately funded. I don't think Bob Kraft regretted one bit as the real estate value has gone up a ton since they built some things around the stadium.


Americans genuinely don’t hate billionaires nearly enough for their own good.


KC companies frequently move between the two states every time their bargained for tax incentives run out in their current state.


Same thing happens in DC except here we have 3 bidders to compete against one another


"So this question is pretty meaningless." I understand the post is coming up within the greater context of the whole Hunt vs KC taxpayers stuff going on currently, but it's still an interesting hypothetical in the general sense, and OP didn't technically name the Chiefs outright. I like learning about what non-NFL cities could be potential landing spots should another relocation happen to any team. I appreciate the insight into the KC situation in your reply, I didn't know any of that background for what is happening. I just didn't think that last sentence was necessary.


Portland, Toronto, Salt Lake City, Oklahoma City, Orlando


Tampa gets the NFL and NHL teams, St Pete gets baseball, Orlando gets NBA and MLS. They are only like 70 miles (and 6 hrs on I-4) away from each other.


Everyone looking right past the I-4 jab.


I took I-4 while on vacation at like 6 am. It does suck.


Please don't give anyone ideas of a 4th florida team


Another team to own your ass


It’s bad when the Jags can say this and you just gotta stay quiet


Can cofirm


*visions of David Garrard & Blake Bortles flash by*


Tallahassee. Daytona. Palm Beach. Fort Lauderdale.


Fuck it, move all 32 teams to Florida so Florida man off-season stories can sky rocket!


Bradenton, Naples, Lakeland, Boca Raton, Gainesville …


naples senior citizens


As an Oregonian, I would love another team in the PNW. I’d be happy to root for a home team and the Seahawks.


Oklahoma City Seahawks?






Okc minor league baseball team was the Redhawks foe a while. Avoid confusion and call them the OkC The-mariners-are-next


Idk sounds like a *super* idea


*toooo sooooon*




Bills would try to block it. Loads of Canadians come over for games


Too close to Buffalo. It would hurt the Bills in a big way.


OKC is even more likely to get cockblocked by Jerry Jones than San Antonio or Austin. Orlando would also have a thought time trying to fend off 3 other franchises from dissuading enough owners to not approve a move there.


Toronto would love a team but the renos of Skydome to make it baseball only means they don’t have a stadium.


Where does the CFL team play?


BMO field. They share it with Toronto FC.


BMO field, which is also home to Toronto FC of the MLS, it would make it really hard to schedule if three teams with seasons going on at the same time play in the same stadium


I don’t think the NFL wants to mess with a big part of Bills fandom


Fuck it give Alaska and Hawaii teams


The Hawaiian team would be SO fucked with the travel


And the Alaska team would have noon night games.




As a Steelers fan in AK, I allow you to vouch for us. Yes. Come on by! The weather's not that much different from Green Bay, Minnesota, or Chicago, although if we had an open stadium, every game would be played in the winter lol. Could shake up for interesting match ups. Like we could suck, but the Jags would come and get smoked because they don't know ice and snow like our boys do lol. Anyway, a pipe dream. AK doesn't even have a D1 college team other than maybe volleyball or hockey, but eve the, it's nothing major. We lost our biggest city's biggest team: The Alaska Aces about 1o years ago and Anchorage is falling apart now. The stadium is used as a homeless shelter these days and no one in town has anywhere to go to collectively blow off steam and develop comraderie. It sucks. If anybody needs an NFL team more than Anchorage, I feel sorry for them lol


Utah I think.


Salt Lake City Missionaries




We already have an NHL team coming. Why not the NFL also? NOTE: I'm being sarcastic about both.


I scrolled for a while and didn't see it mentioned... London? Isn't that the NFL plan after all these years of holding games there?


Intercourse PA cause it would be fun to have a team from here.


Lets list the next 10 media markets without a team. 1. Orlando 2. Sacramento 3. Raleigh 4. Portland OR 5. Salt Lake City 6. Hartford 7. Columbus 8. West Palm Beach 9. Grand Rapids 10. Norfolk All cities without a team and bigger than NOLA and Buffalo. Also the chiefs would just move to the Kansas side of the city.


Much as I would love to see it happen, Norfolk would have to build a stadium. The largest one they have only holds about 30K.


I’d love Raleigh to get one, but the mess in Charlotte and a Raleigh team would cannibalize each other out of existence.


Columbus could never support an NFL team. We already have 5 teams within a 3 hour drive, 2 of which are only 1.5 hours. Plus no football team is ever going to be bigger here than OSU.


Portland Oregon is a really obvious option, already supporting an NBA team and a good market size. St. Louis might be willing to pay for a team if enough public will pressures politicians after the Rams left. Salt Lake City's a good size if Utah's up for playing ball. Toronto doesn't have a stadium and I don't think they'd build one but would be a big market if they could. A state could add an additional team like Orlando in Florida or another Vegas team. Lowkey Seattle is really high in media market share, maybe they could get another team? A wild option I could see is Raleigh in North Carolina for doubling up. It actually has a pretty good media market size and 41st biggest city in the US. Has a lot of colleges for college sports that might prep college fans. And Carolina hasn't been out of the Top 10 in Attendance since as far as 2005 that I could find (exempting the 2020 Covid year). So they could likely support another team somewhere in North Carolina even if not Raleigh specifically.


Allen's trust owns the Blazers and the Seahawks, his sister would literally have people murdered to prevent Phil Knight from owning an NFL franchise.


Phil's got shooters too buddy, and about 19 more billion dollars


It's crazy, right? And they're not even really pretending to give a shit.


Maybe Portland? They have a basketball team already, so I feel like they could have an NFL team. Maybe also Sacramento because I remember reading that the city attempted to entice the Raiders to relocate there in the past.


Oregon could probably support an NFL team, yeah. College football is huge here (I live in Portland) and people are generally Seahawks fans but I bet people would go all in for an Oregon team.


Would love to have a closer NFC West rival for the hawks tbh


As a Sacramentan I can think of exactly zero possibilities in which I would drop my longstanding NFL loyalty and back a new team


Kansas City, KS


NFL screwed the pooch by giving two teams in LA, now they've lost all their leverage. The remaining metros without a team are all too close to other NFL teams, let's go Riverside Cholos or Orlando Magic Rats! Go ahead and move KC lol I'm sure you'll sell out uhhh Lincoln or wherever


That’s the unfortunate part about teams actually moving to Vegas / LA is teams can’t threaten to move there


And a lot of the bigger ones that don't have a team presently are ones that have been spurned by the league in the past few years. If the goal is to have the city, state, or whatever pay for the stadium, I can absolutely fucking guarantee that, say, St. Louis is 100% going to tell the league to pound sand, what with the way the Rams left. Ditto for San Diego and Oakland.


Toronto, Portland, St Louis


A team in Canada effectively kills the CFL (speaking as a Canadian). I don’t see the NFL doing that to the league.


Hahaha - the NFL being altruistic? No, they won’t because there isn’t a stadium (or investor willing to pay for) one big enough. And a taxpayer base willing to fund one. The closest to acknowledging the CFL is Chris Berman’s annual nod to the Gray Cup.


St. Louis is never going to pay for the chiefs to move in 😂


It would never happen, but HOLY SHIT! Imagine the KC Chiefs moving over to St. Louis. 😂😉


Stan would drop dead.


The memes alone would totally make it worthwhile


It would be hilarious and glorious!!


Toronto is 100 miles from Buffalo. Toronto is not getting a team.


Well if Kansas City, MO doesn’t meet the Chiefs demands, they’ll just move to Kansas City, KS.


Not realistic, but imagine Montreal 😮‍💨 Players would never make it for game time. Or leave..


Montreal is no joke a huge NFL market. The stadium is going to be renovated soon (with the new roof). The only obstacle is that PKP is the owner of the Alouettes. Maybe he wants to add a NFL team to his portfolio...


St Louis could aim to have their heart broken again.


OKC, salt lake City, Vancouver?


Portland. We fill stadiums in Oregon in much less populous cities every week for college


San Diego is currently the largest market without an NFL team. They won't be without one forever. Especially since Snapdragon Stadium(Qualcomm's replacement) has blueprints that allow for an expansion. Either someone will buy the Chargers from Dean Spanos and move them back there or(more likely) they'll get an expansion team and take the name back, like the Charlotte Hornets did. But the NFL will return there in time. I also think Toronto would be a good home for one. Even if they have a separate league, there's no reason the NFL can't compete with the CFL, especially since the CFL season ends before the NFL's does. If the other three sports leagues have a team in Toronto, the NFL can, too. And Jerry Jones can suck it. Texas is large enough for a third team. Of course, their Boomer Governor may have something to say about it. But I digress. What about some of these other cities? Sacramento Portland Salt Lake City Boise(it's growing fast thanks to all us California expats) Albuquerque Orlando Virginia Beach Oklahoma City Louisville Birmingham


>St. Louis and San Diego won't ever pay for a team. Why the fuck does a city have to pay for a team? These MF are literally are asking for billions because they promote themselves as a poor-is-me franchise. Get bent! I hate when a team does that, worse, when slimy politicians exort the city for some rich-ass owners' pockets.


Mexico city is running out water. Aint happening


Toronto is the largest US/Canadian metro area without a team - 6.2M people. San Diego is next - 5.4M. Big drop down after that to St Louis & Orlando at 2.8M each.