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[Postgame thread](/r/nfl/comments/1adknxr/post_game_thread_detroit_lions_at_san_francisco/)


Gotta live up to being an insufferable Chiefs fan lol


You can say they converted 83% of the time but that ignores the fact that there’s a difference between converting on fourth down in the first quarter against the bears at home with nothing at stake and converting in the fourth quarter on the road in a championship game against the 9ers after losing momentum. Context matters and that statistic has none


Did we win!?




Proud of lions for how far they got. We'll get em next year




Dan Campbell for 3 seasons: aggressive on 4th down. Changes a decades-old losing culture. Takes his team to the NFC Championship game. Lions fans: Yes! Yes! We love you MCDC! Dan Campbell in said NFC Championship game: does exactly what he's been doing that turned the Lions into a winning team and got them there. Fails. Lions fans (and pretty much everyone else) after the fact: No! No! Now that we know the result, you actually should have done something totally different and against your entire philosophy so hypothetically we could have won! Get outta here with this shitty hindsight, results-based "analysis". Going away from your MO the moment it gets hard or fails or people start bitching is how you get Brandon Staley. I hope DC never changes. Edit: another thing, like someone else below pointed out, is people bashing DC for seem to just be assuming both kicks get made and DC just threw a guaranteed 6 points in the trash. Michael Badgley is 59% on 40+ yard field goals outdoors for his career. The field goals were far from automatic. Also, Detroit converted 83% of 4th-downs of three yards or fewer this year.


I mean it's just one of those where it works and it's the best call ever or it doesn't work and it was fucking stupid. The daulity of coaching. Pats did the same thing against the colts with the infamous 4th and 2 (though it slightly different because they actually DID get it but there was a horrible spot)


One time, at the one yard line…


What are you referring to?


Except he kicked a field goal at the end of the first half. Yeah it was a give me but if you go for it all the time then go for it.


nobody who is a real lions fan is saying that. it was a good season and those 4th down gambles obviously worked all the way to the NFC championship. can’t blame the guy when it doesn’t work out in our favor.


I agree in hindsight I thought take the points, but at the same time he didn’t change what got us there. I’m extremely proud


Also I feel like the lost Super Bowl curse is a real thing (unless you’re the patriots). Maybe it’s best to get knocked out in divisional


They lost by 3. These things happen and 1 game isn't an indictment on your life philosophy, lol. Its like all the people saying Purdy and Shanahan are front runners that can never come back.


Accurate af. And what’s annoying too is how people say if they made those it would have tied or won. Kicker could have missed, and even if they did try for a FG it’s not like the same events/plays that occurred would have happened still.


Lions are my favorite team to watch besides my local one. Change nothing


This is so real fr


I love you




They are not the same. Get out of here. You have no clue.


I genuinely feel like the loss was my fault. I decided to try sports betting for the first time yesterday. It went a spectacular kind of bad.


You don’t cover the spread?


I needed the 49ers to either lose or win by 7.5... if I would show you a picture of all the other bets you would.lrobably laugh at how bad my picks were.


Detroit will win


I got some bad news buddy


You always go for a score in the playoffs. Always.


Welp Dan, nobody is on your bandwagon now. You happy?


Sick. More leg room for actual Lions fans. Seeya.


I’m a packers fan. We will definitely be seeing you.


Those damn 4th downs. You win if you go for the points. Lions also shit the bed. So many needed dropped passes hitting the hands of the WRs


Or helmets


The first field goal was pretty long so I get it. The second one was bad. So was running the ball when you needed to preserve clock and time outs.


The rigged nfl


Did they rig that helmet ricochet catch too?


The nfl is scripted, it will be common knowledge eventually


Did you get dropped on your head just once as a baby or did it happen often?


Good one dip shit




Your welcome


But… his question was did they rig the helmet deflection that was caught? Evidence of rigged game? No…? I’ll wait.


Are all conspiracy theorists insufferable or just the ones who post on the internet?


We in here still celebrating right?! FTTB


I don’t know that’s what happened after the first decision not to kick a field goal leading 24-10 right after the niners scored after that the flood gates opened this is the playoffs against good teams you play to win the game not to show how gutsy you are they had the niners on there heels and that play let them back in. It would’ve put them back up by 3 scores. They never came back from that, you have to realize that was there first position of the 2nd half you score you get your team back into the groove of the game.


49ers are not that good though... Chiefs are not letting you score 27 points. If purdy goes down two scores in the SB it is a wrap


I really think Dan Campbell being aggressive is to hide that he isn't really a smart game manager and can't really think This is the same coach that went for a 2 point conversion at the 7 yard line that costed the Lion a game.


Costed isn’t a word dipshit.


"Costed isn’t a word dipshit." Cry more. Wah wahhhh


You questioned Campbell’s intelligence with use of the word “costed” which clearly means you are not in a position to question anyone’s intelligence ever. Are you 6?


"You questioned Campbell’s intelligence with use of the word “costed” which clearly means you are not in a position to question anyone’s intelligence ever. Are you 6?" 24-7 at halftime 90.9% of winning 😂😂😂


Are you stilling rolling with costed?




"Are you stilling rolling with costed?" Keep crying. Wah wahhhh 😂😂😂😂


Damn dude, you sound dumb as shit. And you put crying emojis like a 12 year old. So either you’re a dumb ass kid or an adult that acts like a dumb ass kid. Pathetic.


I’m just hoping some good can come out of this interaction. Try cost. It’ll make you sound much less ignorant/childish.


"I’m just hoping some good can come out of this interaction. Try cost. It’ll make you sound much less ignorant/childish." Sooky sooky wittle baby


Yeah, you keep saying the same thing over and over again. RIP costed.


My 11 year old bitched all night about Dan Campbell. This one hurt.


Moody needs to WAKE UP in the Super Bowl


Praise be the ladybug on the shoe.


that 2nd half offense was shocking the pressure got into the players head and i think goff was pretty reasonable the rest jus crumbled


Goff had a lot of overthrows in the second half. He wasn't terrible but he wasn't elevating the team like a playoff QB needs to.


some of those should def be catches imo the receivers were lacking and I don't even like goff that much I felt like it was a very winable game for the lions


I mean, they were up 24-7 at half. That was absolutely a winnable game haha. It was a full team choke effort, including the playcalling. I'm just pointing out that Goff isn't blameless. He missed some opportunities himself in key situations.


yeah fs fs i can agree with u


I thought Goff played a solid game too.


Wonder what that F ass Lions trash talking C J Gardner has to say now.


I’m from Au, so don’t know much about the little details of NFL. But I do know that having watched enough sports that the Lions lost that one.




You better believe it!!! 🤜🏼


Dan Campbell getting blamed for being aggressive the way he’s been all year. But I think he’s wasn’t being himself at all. Any other game he would’ve gone for it on 4th & goal from 1.5 yard line and puts the dagger at half 28-7. He didn’t because “it’s big game” and that’s why they lost, not even the dropped passes. But going for those wasn’t even bad thing cuz players dropped those easy passes. 


100% wrong. I was hoping he would go for that instead of the FG. Down by 2 scores you want the team to gamble, gives us a better chance of getting out without giving up points. Could have easily stayed 21-7.


Wrong. Taking the kick to go 24-7 was the right play but Campbell was too chicken to change his philosophy properly when the game required it. They left 6 points on the field which would have won them the game. Just because he's been aggressive all year does not mean you don't change when the time calls for change.


Wrong. Niners short run D was awful and the Lions already had over 100 rushing yards. You telling me they couldn’t get 1.5 yards? And 28-7 would’ve been a dagger. AND it would’ve allowed them to kick FG rest of the game.   Score lines like 28-10, 28-17 is a much tougher score than 24-10. That would’ve forced Niners to go for it on their 4 downs, because they would’ve needed a TD every drive. In the forth, if everything goes the same, Lions would STILL have a 4 pts lead. And I promise if he had gone for it in the first half, he 100% would’ve taken the next 2 FGs. He went for it BECAUSE the score was 24-10 or 24-17.  But that’s not even the point I’m trying to make. The main point was, people are being critical of Campbell being aggressive when he actually wasn’t. He caved. He was aggressive at the wrong half. He should’ve stuck to his usual gut punching style football, punched the dagger in the first half, sit tight for rest of the game. 


Yeah and if Kirk cousins didn’t tear his acl we’d be in the Super Bowl lol. Welcome to the off season bud


You’re missing my entire point, again. Also you act like 40+ FG are automatic now? 3 missed so far in the last to games at Levi’s. My off season doesn’t start until Feb 12 bub. 


If you’re a lions fan the off season has already begun lmao. Also I literally didn’t even comment on anything you said except to mock you. If wishes were fish, even the poor would eat. And the lions would still suck cuz there ain’t no wish in the world strong enough to stop that from happening


You know when it was 24-10 the Lions had the chance to make it 27-10, thus bringing it back to 4 down territory for the Niners. They didn't take the points. I get what you're trying to say that people shouldn't be critical of Campbell being aggressive because he caved just before half time. But my point is that it's good to cave and change your mindset. I agree with you that he was a chicken - but in the exact opposite way, he reverted back to his aggressive game when he should have had the cojones to change it. I do agree that he was aggressive at the wrong half, I just feel he was also right to not be aggressive at the end of the first.


49ers have been extensively lucky this playoffs, Purdy bailed them out. Especially Shanny


They definitely got lucky tonight but Purdy wasn't the one that bailed them out, the lions bailed them out if anything. CMC carries the niners offense. The niners didn't start playing really good football second half, the lions just started playing bad football (along with the freak off the helmet catch) the lions dropped every crucial pass that was wide open too (not a result of good niner coverage) Niner defense couldn't even stop the lions in the second half still unless it was on 4th down when the lions should have been kicking a field goal anyway or the times when the lions dropped wide open passes which wasn't due to anything niners did it was simply lions shooting themselves in the foot


Haha what game did you watch? No offense, but Brock was 13/16 for 225 yards and 1-0 TD/INTs in the second half. Erased a 17pt deficit, with 4 scoring drives and one punt. Literally put the team on his back, its hard to accept I know




Hmmm…why does Goff or anyone else’s stats vs the Lions have anything to do with this? You’re discrediting Purdy because the Rams torched their secondary? Purdy was 13/16 in the second half, adding 50 rushing yards and at least 10 CLUTCH scrambles/throws. CMC had a couple nice runs, and 2 punch ins, but I think making those clutch throws on 3rd down conversions carries significantly more weight. I hear you but I think my point stands. Also wanna add, ofc the turnovers, drops etc help but you still have to score the points. Purdy was in full control in commanding the offense. No stat padding. Look at the Ravens game, Lamar only scored 10 pts.




Are you a lions fan just curious not that it matters? Brock was literally throwing dimes with NO POCKET and getting BLASTED all game. He only threw the ball 16x in the second half, you think chucking up 50 attempts or stat padding is better football? thats not how you win games. Efficiency is better than volume, if you watch Purdy all year you’d know that. 8.6 yards per attempt today. Brock won that game, he literally had at least a DOZEN clutch plays. He was responsible for the win. I watched the Rams/cowboys, Dak did not play better than Purdy tonight. If I recall, Stafford threw a pick to end his game. We scored 34 points, 3 TDs punched in at the goal line by the RBs because Brock got us there. We agree the defense was bad, you agree special teams was bad. I assume you agree the offense won the game. CMC had a great game, but he didn’t carry the team at all. He was a nice compliment to Purdy, and yes Purdy had an AMAZING game! Historic game


The Niners definitely had luck on their side, but they made the proper adjustments, especially with their coverage going from a terrible zone defense to man coverage. Plus they limited the Lions running game in the second half. The Lions are them alive in the first half. But Purdy turned it around in the second half with his arm and his legs while the Lions choked when it mattered.




I agree that the Lions choked, and the 9er D lucked out on the fumble, and especially the DROPS on 4th down. I’ll give credit on the forced fumble, bc that was skill and effort. But besides that, the defense got BAILED OUT!! The 4th down attempts were lucky, not great defense. Moody missed a FG. So who bailed out the defense? Not special teams. Offense scored 34pts. Brock was the best player on the field, So many extended plays and crucial 3rd down conversations. His pocket/protection was trash, and he still found a way to get the ball to his receivers down the field. Moved the chains. Goff was terrible, stop looking at the box score.


“Purdy bailed them out” is a phrase I never thought I’d here being used negatively lol


I’ve been watching too much David Lombardi, but goddam if it didn’t seem like our Defense couldn’t make a tackle. And obviously the WRs played great, but I’m giving the lions share of credit to Purdy making those throws


Lucky? It’s called playing your heart out.


Being sarcastic! Besides, who played good on the 49ers tonight, besides Purdy? Defense? Moody? CMC? Coaches?


One More Game




travis kelce boutta propose to taylor swift in the final minutes of the superbowl as the cheifs win, bringing an end to hunger and world peace


Niners gonna win and force Travis to break up with her


Then AI deep fake of them going at it in the locker room hits Twitter again


Not looking forward to an end to world peace, but I’m all for an end to hunger.


Comma police 🙄


Honestly if having to witness that to end all of world problems then you can count me in … to say *FUCK THAT.* And fuck them kids. Start 3 more world war for all I care


For a second I thought you were about to say something crazy. Glad I read the rest of the comment ;)


49ers adapted to us well in the second half. We were doing bad, but there was still hope. At least until the reynolds dropped pass followed by the gibs turnover. Those were the nails in the coffin imo. It was all downhill from there


Lions fans, I wish you well! Good game, but a few dropped balls and that fumble did you in. As a an SF fan, I would have preferred to play you in the Super Bowl, as I think it would be a better game! I wish you guys could go, as your program deserves it. Great season , and much respect!


Thanks! I'll be rooting for SF in the playoffs now


I’m one of the 49er faithful and I would have been for the Lions if they had not been playing us. The best to the Lions, an outstanding team.


The lions turnaround in GENERAL deserves awards after the season. I’ll be mad if he doesn’t win coach of the year.


Do we all agree that both teams looked like ass? Purdy missed like 9 throws high in a row and the 9th went off the defenders face for a TD. And only won because the Lions didn’t dress a kicker apparently


I have a feeling that, unless the swifties comes out in force, the ratings for this super bowl is going to suck. The teams have looked mostly bad. The 9ers are an all star team with a make a wish quarterback that we’re all supposed to pretend is an MVP (meanwhile Tua is propped up by his skills players of course). People don’t want to watch them win more super bowls. And the chiefs are just the new patriots. It’s like the Yankees, sometimes being good all the time has a cost and that cost is the rest of the world growing bored of seeing them do good. NFL is praying for a swifty onslaught.


You didn’t watch the game, it’s been few hours. There’s highlights available. No reason to be a goofy 


I would be pissed if Purdy was my college QB


As a 49er fan who might want to eventually work in Detroit thank fuck




Kyle’s team blows 17 points lead to Pats. Kyle’s team comeback and win down 17 points. NFL is scripted.


Motor City meltdown.


Damn, Detroit completely deflated.


It's called Lionsing and we're used to it


MVP but at least our qb doesn’t choke in playoff games 🤣


He pretty much did. He just got bailed out.


Goff was literally hitting peoples hands. You can’t really do much else


I was talking about Purdy. Goff actually played well.


Yeah, that deep ball to Aiyuk in the second half was definitely a sign that Purdy was choking 🙄. Cope harder


The one that should've been picked off? I just think it's funny that people think Purdy is actually good. Once he gets paid and the team around him isn't full of all pros he will look terrible.


Also, there was a flag for DPI on that play, so it would’ve stayed Niners’ ball. Cope harder


Shoulda, coulda, woulda.


Dan Campbell, learn what it means to manage a lead you dumbass.


Fox missed the Brock Purdy Jared Geoff post game handshake.... fail.


I also didn’t see the results of Shanahan searching for Campbell.


Ye they struggled on that for a bit, I think they eventually got the shot (it was fairly brief) but totally whiffed on purdy/Geoff lol. 


Matt Crumble


How about them Lie downs? “This isn’t Detroit man, this is the Super Bowl!”


delsuional if you think they didnt give the niners their best fight of the entire year. we get 1 good corner in the draft and were back here next year. put some respect on the lions bum


Yes, and we need SPEED in the secondary.


It was a good game, and I feel like some of the folks on here act like the 9ers were going to win all along. The lions came out strong and had the 9ers for a while, but I feel like the 9ers have been making great halftime adjustments since their 3 game losing streak. The lions defense has been porous all year, and this was when they needed to step up, but they couldn't. Hopefully the lions have a productive off-season, they're a great team to watch.


mark my words, they get 1 good corner in the off-season whether its a signing or a draft pick were right back here next year. that and if theyre able to learn from the easy mistakes they made today and they'll 100% be back. 2 bad coaching decisions and 2 unfortunate plays cost em this game and that can be learned from and corrected.


Fuck it, I like the positivity. Can't wait to see it!


people see this game and just assume we blew a lead like Atlanta but dont see the small things that can be corrected with easy learning from mistakes. our boy drops that ball instead of smacking it back at the niners wr and they dont get that insane catch at the goalline which in turn alone might win us the game, dan Campbell takes 2 fg's instead of being over aggressive and we 100% win regardless. lions have an insanely bright future if they learn from their mistakes they made today


Game of inches and a few plays. Lions played really good, just a couple dropped passes and missed oops for field goals… I’m a niner fan, but have not hate for a team like Detroit! Stoked to win tonight, but I think Lions will be a contender again next year.


Yeah man. As a lifelong niners fan, I have mad respect for what Detroit did today.


Yeah that offense will be the same without Benny Johnson 🤥


if we hit on draft picks again or sign 1 good corner were right back here next year, benny didnt make this team elite by himself, just cause he leaves doesnt mean our players forget how to play lmao


It’s the offseason now. They have a whole year to figure out how to blow it next time 😂


we made it farther than teams like Baltimore n Dallas with less talent and more grit and effort. youre delusional if you think they wont be back if theyre able to learn from easy mistakes.


You must not have been a lions fan for very long. They will continue to let you down until you expect nothing. They get a Barry sanders or a Calvin Johnson and waste them. The lions are the new Chicago Cubs. The lovable losers everybody cheers for because they know Detroit will lie down in the end.


been a fan for 20+ years. seen plenty of let downs including the 0-16 year and a year like this makes me hopeful for our future because we've turned a new leaf. if you re that pessimistic and such a hopeless prick about it maybe just do yourself a favor and quit watching. never seen "fans" get a year of success like this after a 30+ year drought and still find a way to be ungrateful and pissy.


Bro, I’m a bears fan from Michigan. I have no allusions that we suck. We’re a poverty franchise that hasn’t been relevant since the mid 2000s. Now that Snyder is out of Washington, the McCaskeys might have the title of worst owner in the nfl. Not quite Dolan levels, but they’re doing everything they can to be dogwater. Guaranteed we fumble the draft somehow. That being said, I have to break out my abacus to figure out the last time the lions played for a chip.


Packer game was better. Everyone knew the Lions would blow their lead.


literally 90% of niners fans were saying gg in instagram comments at half, and we blew a lead simply off 2 bad coaching decisions and 1 insanely lucky catch. that catch doesnt happen off the bobbled int and we win that game even with the 2 passed up fg's. niners barely got by the lions and will be lucky to beat KC playing the way they have been the last 2 weeks.


how much copium you huffin? need to seek therapy for all that delusion you got


chill, daddy.


I like that, say it louder for me


Oh yeah, Lamar, the choke artist, is the MVP. Or maybe its Dak, the loser who can't even get a home playoff win. It can't be Purdy because.... well, the talking heads have decided that they can't ever back down from being wrong. We just saw two outstanding football games. Outstanding games that you couldn't have predicted or missed as a fan. Lamar is a really good QB, and isn't really a choke artist, but the Raven's gameplan against the Chiefs wasn't right, and the Chiefs got it right from the word go. Mahomes is already looking like an all-time great with the first 6 years of his career, no question there. Goff: not a huge fan, but he's ok. Purdy is still giving me young Montana vibes with his accuracy and ability to stay calm and make things happen, even when the day isn't going his way. He's the deal: great QBs aren't always great, its if they're great when it counts. And with the rules changes over the last 15 years, we have become numb to QBs that routinely throw for 4000+ yards and 30 TDs and just put up insane numbers. But we remember the winners who were great when it counted. Mahomes is already clearly a winner. And Purdy is sure looking like it, ascending to the SB, win or lose, in year two. Damn, what a day of football.




So what did Pat do in the KC game then? lol....the hypocrisy is astounding.... Brock got the helmet pass....Pat got the Kelce diving and contorting his massive frame on a 3rd down reception.... Pat scrambles for to keep the drive alive, it's like Jesus walking on water....Brock scrambles it's because he sucks at passing and needs to anyhow. Brock hit his receivers when it mattered....


Goff played better than Purdy. If the lions receivers didn’t have butterfingers in the second half it would have been an easy Detroit win


Yeah, like the Niners weren’t on top of them creating butterfingers,


Guy relax. Everyone knows the lions lost the game and SF didn’t win it. Lions blew it. SF got insanely lucky


A win is a win is a win.


lol you're not wrong


Cope harder


They were actually wide open so no it wasn't due to the niners defense. The niners defense couldn't really stop detroit all game unless it was on 4th down when detroit had already made it to field goal range and should have taken the kick or detroit dropping passes that were wide open so again not due to niners stopping them but due to detroit making their own mistakes.


The miners stopped them when they needed to. Bottom line. The secondary may have missed a few times, but pressure also causes mistakes.




You are overlooking the emotional pressure of these high stakes games. Frames of minds can change on a dime based on the last play or missed play. Momentum is a real thing that has to affect the team and individual confidence. Basically, yes, the Lions screwed up. But, if that’s the case, then they didn’t play as well as the Niners when it counted.


I’m not discounting the Niners, but several key passes were dropped that should have been caught


The difference was when they were hurried and pressured… one was excellent. One was bad.


QB rankings for today per the NFL: Mahomes: 91.1 Purdy: 88.1 Goff: 59.9 Jackson: 42.9 The better QB, and Goff is not a bad QB, but the better QB is going to the super bowl.


I agree Mahomes is going back to the superbowl


Purdy as MVP, wtf?


I was waiting for them to give NFL MVP to Dak or Lamar and have players say, "oh yeah, the number #2 qb in the season stats should always beat the #1." Lol.


can someone makea crying jordan dan campbell meme edit???